Жаҳон сиёсатидаги баъзи бошқарув тушунчалари ҳақида

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Jumaev, R. (2019). Жаҳон сиёсатидаги баъзи бошқарув тушунчалари ҳақида. Sharq mash’ali, 3(3), 118–123. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/eastern-torch/article/view/12745
Rustam Jumaev, Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti

siyosat fanlari doktori, professor



Мақолада ХХI аср сиёсий тизимларнинг ва жараёнларнинг ўзгаришида замонавий сиёсий  стратегияларни  белгиловчи  ва  доктринал  хусусиятга  эга  "бошқариладиган  хаос"  назариясининг  ўрни  ва  аҳамияти  таҳлил  этилади.  Биринчи  навбатда  қатор  муаллифлар  стратегик режалаштириш ва бошқарув амалиёти жорий халқаро жараёнларнинг ночизиқлилиги ва нобарқарорлигини  ҳисобга  олган  ҳолда  ихтисослашган  мониторингини  киритишни  таклиф  қиладилар.  Бу каби  мониторингни  универсал  халқаро  ташкилотлар  (БМТ),  минтақавий  иттифоқлар  (ЕИ), халқаро  иқтисодий  молия  институтлари  (ХВФ),  мақсадларига  нисбатан  қўллаш  мумкин.  Бундай жараёнларнинг  хусусиятларини  ҳисобга  олиш  халқаро  ўзаро  ҳамкорликнинг  кўрсатилган  нормаларидан  келиб  чиққан  холда  танқидий  амалга  оширилиши  лозим.  Масалан,  жаҳон  бозорлари  ўзўзини аниқ "мўлжал" билан ташкиллаштириши ёки халқаро куч ишлатиш билан боғлиқ жазоларни (интервенцияларни)  пухта  ўйлаб  қўллаш.  Ҳозирча  яқин  келажакда  халқаро  бошқарувнинг  тўлиқ марказлаштирилган  ва  самарали  тизими  яратилиши  эҳтимоли    ҳақиқатдан    анча  йироқ.  Бундан ташқари, глобаллашув синергетика адабиётларида мураккаб динамик тизимлар ичида энг қудратлиси  сифатида  намоён  бўлади.  Юзага  келган  "кўп  векторли  тенгсизлик"  "совуқ  уруш"  давридаги тенглик динамикаси ўрнини эгаллади. Ягона асосий конфликт (Шарқ-Ғарб, Шимол-Жануб) ўрнини кўплаб маҳаллий можаролар, улар глобал фалокатга олиб келишлари мумкин (масалан, Яқин Шарқ, Сурия,  Ливия,  Украина). Дахшат  мувозанат  ўрнини  мувозанатсизлик  дахшати  эгаллайди.  Қатор муаллифлар фикрига кўра, глобаллашув шароитларида бирор-бир алоҳида "бутун жаҳонни бошқарувчи  давлат"  мавқеига  интилиш  ўта  ҳавфли:  биронта  ҳам  давла  тпланетар  глобаллашув  каби мураккаб динамик тизимда мувофиқлаштириш функцияларини якка ўзи бошқара олмайди. Ниҳоят, баъзи муаллифлар замонавий оламнинг глобал нобарқарорлигини АҚШнинг етакчилигидаги  кучлар  маркази  феномени  билан  боғлайдилар.  Тадқиқотчилар  "хаос  кучлари",  "бошқарилагидан кризислар" стратегияси ва “бошқарувчилик хаоси” тўғрисида ёзадилар. Балки ночизиқлилик динамикаси ва хаос назариясининг концепцияларини "буюртмачининг бошқариладиган хаос"га бўлган буюртмаси манфаатларида ишлатиш, яъни ягона ўта қудратли давлатнинг устувор ҳолатини кучайтириш мумкин бўлар. Глобаллашувнинг энг жиддий хавф-хатарларидан бири – молия бозорларининг ўз-ўзини ташкиллаштириш жараёнидаги беқарорлиги. Глобал молиявий кризис минтақалар  бозорида  кетмакет  синишлар,  хонавайрон  бўлишларни  келтириб  чиқариши  мумкин.  Шу сабабли  иқтисодиёт  соҳасидаги  "бошқариладиган  кризислар"  стратегияси  (масалан,  АҚШ  ёки Россия каби қудратли давлатлар учун) бутун жаҳон иқтисодиёти учун хавф туғдирмаган ҳолда энг хавфли потенциал рақобатчиларни кучсизлантиришдан иборат.

Похожие статьи

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doctor of political science, professor, TSIOS


master's student, TSIOS

Abstract. The article examines the main features of political transformation in political institutes and

processes in the light of new paradigm of "New world order" management; reveals a doctrinal role of so
called. "The theory of chaos control" in the formation and realization of modern political strategies in XXI
century. First of all, a number of authors propose specialized monitoring of strategic planning and current
governance practices, taking into account the inadequacies and uncertainties of current international
processes. Such monitoring is based on the goals of universal international organizations (UN), regional
alliances (EI), international economic and financial institutions (IMF) can be compared. The recording of
such processes requires the adjustment of the relevant legal framework regulating the areas of
international cooperation. For example, global markets may be self-organized or "thoroughly penalized"
with international penalties. So far, the possibility of a fully centralized and effective international
management system is far from likely. In addition, globalization seems to be the most powerful in
sophisticated dynamic systems in the synergetic literature. The "multiple vector inequalities" have been
replaced by the equality dynamics during the Cold War era. Instead of a single major conflict (East-West,
North-South), local conflicts can be brought to the global catastrophe (ex. Middle East, Syria, Ukraine).
The balance of deviance equates to the imbalance of instability. According to some authors, the aspiration
for the position of a "world governor" in globalizing conditions is extremely dangerous: no state can
manage the coordinating functions in complex dynamic systems, such as planetary globalization.

Finally, some authors link the global instability of the modern world with the phenomenon of the US-

led Center for Forces. Researchers write about "chaos forces", "crisis management crises" strategies and
"executive chaos." Perhaps it is possible to use the concept of non-tolerance and the concept of chaos in the
interests of the customer's controlled chaos, i.e., to strengthen the dominant position of a single powerful
state. One of the most serious threats of globalization is the instability of the financial markets in the self-
regulating process. The global financial crisis can lead to a series of breaks in the regional market. That's
why the strategy of the "managed crisis" in the economy (for example, powerful states like the US or
Russia) is to weaken the most dangerous potential competitors without endangering the global economy.

Keywords and expressions: Political transformation, order and chaos, system and systematization,

political administration, new world order.

Аннотация. Мақолада ХХI аср сиёсий тизимларнинг ва жараёнларнинг ўзгаришида замонавий

сиёсий стратегияларни белгиловчи ва доктринал хусусиятга эга "бошқариладиган хаос" наза-
риясининг ўрни ва аҳамияти таҳлил этилади. Биринчи навбатда қатор муаллифлар стратегик
режалаштириш ва бошқарув амалиёти жорий халқаро жараёнларнинг ночизиқлилиги ва нобарқа-
рорлигини ҳисобга олган ҳолда ихтисослашган мониторингини киритишни таклиф қиладилар. Бу
каби мониторингни универсал халқаро ташкилотлар (БМТ), минтақавий иттифоқлар (ЕИ),
халқаро иқтисодий молия институтлари (ХВФ), мақсадларига нисбатан қўллаш мумкин. Бундай
жараёнларнинг хусусиятларини ҳисобга олиш халқаро ўзаро ҳамкорликнинг кўрсатилган норма-
ларидан келиб чиққан холда танқидий амалга оширилиши лозим. Масалан, жаҳон бозорлари ўз-
ўзини аниқ "мўлжал" билан ташкиллаштириши ёки халқаро куч ишлатиш билан боғлиқ жазоларни

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(интервенцияларни) пухта ўйлаб қўллаш. Ҳозирча яқин келажакда халқаро бошқарувнинг тўлиқ
марказлаштирилган ва самарали тизими яратилиши эҳтимоли ҳақиқатдан анча йироқ. Бундан
ташқари, глобаллашув синергетика адабиётларида мураккаб динамик тизимлар ичида энг қудрат-
лиси сифатида намоён бўлади. Юзага келган "кўп векторли тенгсизлик" "совуқ уруш" давридаги
тенглик динамикаси ўрнини эгаллади. Ягона асосий конфликт (Шарқ-Ғарб, Шимол-Жануб) ўрнини
кўплаб маҳаллий можаролар, улар глобал фалокатга олиб келишлари мумкин (масалан, Яқин Шарқ,
Сурия, Ливия, Украина). Дахшат мувозанат ўрнини мувозанатсизлик дахшати эгаллайди. Қатор
муаллифлар фикрига кўра, глобаллашув шароитларида бирор-бир алоҳида "бутун жаҳонни бошқа-
рувчи давлат" мавқеига интилиш ўта ҳавфли: биронта ҳам давла тпланетар глобаллашув каби
мураккаб динамик тизимда мувофиқлаштириш функцияларини якка ўзи бошқара олмайди.

Ниҳоят, баъзи муаллифлар замонавий оламнинг глобал нобарқарорлигини АҚШнинг етакчили-

гидаги кучлар маркази феномени билан боғлайдилар. Тадқиқотчилар "хаос кучлари", "бошқарила-
гидан кризислар" стратегияси ва “бошқарувчилик хаоси” тўғрисида ёзадилар. Балки ночизиқлилик
динамикаси ва хаос назариясининг концепцияларини "буюртмачининг бошқариладиган хаос"га бўл-
ган буюртмаси манфаатларида ишлатиш, яъни ягона ўта қудратли давлатнинг устувор ҳолатини
кучайтириш мумкин бўлар. Глобаллашувнинг энг жиддий хавф-хатарларидан бири – молия бозор-
ларининг ўз-ўзини ташкиллаштириш жараёнидаги беқарорлиги. Глобал молиявий кризис минтақа-
лар бозорида кетма-кет синишлар, хонавайрон бўлишларни келтириб чиқариши мумкин. Шу
сабабли иқтисодиёт соҳасидаги "бошқариладиган кризислар" стратегияси (масалан, АҚШ ёки
Россия каби қудратли давлатлар учун) бутун жаҳон иқтисодиёти учун хавф туғдирмаган ҳолда энг
хавфли потенциал рақобатчиларни кучсизлантиришдан иборат.

Таянч сўз ва иборалар: Сиёсий трансформация, тартиб, хаос,тизим, тизимлилик, дунъёнинг

янги тартиби.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются особенности политической трансформации полити-

ческих институтов и процессов в свете новых парадигм "управления Новым мировым порядком",
расскрывается доктринальная роль т.н. "теории управляемого хаоса" в формировании и реализации
современных политических стратегий ХХI века. В первую очередь, ряд авторов предлагают внедрить в
практику стратегического планирования и текущего управления специализированный мониторинг с
учетом нелинейности и нестабильности международных процессов. Такой мониторинг можно исполь-
зовать в отношении целей универсальных международных организаций (ООН), региональных союзов
(ЕС), международных экономических финансовых институтов (МВФ). Учет особенностей таких
процессов требует адаптации соответствующих правовых баз, регулирующих указанные сферы
международного сотрудничества. Например, мировые рынки должны организовывать себя с опреде-
ленной "целью" или тщательно продумывать наказания (интервенции), связанные с применением
международной силы. Пока что вероятность создания в ближайшем будущем полностью центра-
лизованной и эффективной международной системы управления далека от действительности. Кроме
того, в синергетической литературе глобализация проявляется как самая мощная в сложных дина-
мических системах. Возникшее "многовекторное неравенство" заменило динамику равенства в эпоху
"холодной войны". Вместо единственного крупного конфликта (Восток-Запад, Север-Юг) могут
возникнуть многочисленные локальные конфликты, которые могут привести к глобальной катастрофе
(например, Ближний Восток, Сирия, Украина). Место равновесия ужаса займет ужас нестабиль-
ности. По мнению ряда авторов, в условиях глобализации стремление занять место «правителя мира»
крайне опасно: ни одно государство не сможет самостоятельно управлять координирующими
функциями в такой сложной динамической системе, как планетарная глобализация.

Наконец, некоторые авторы связывают глобальную нестабильность современного мира с фе-

номеном центра сил, возглавляемого США. Исследователи пишут о "силах хаоса", стратегии
"управляемых кризисов" и "исполнительном хаосе". Возможно, можно будет использовать дина-

мику нелинейности и концепцию хаоса в интересах "заказчика управляемого хаоса", то есть для

укрепления доминирующего положения единого могущественного государства. Одной из самых

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серьезных угроз глобализации является нестабильность финансовых рынков в процессе саморегули-

рования. Мировой финансовый кризис может привести к последовательным переломам, опустоше-

нию на региональном рынке. Вот почему стратегия «управляемого кризиса» в сфере экономики

(например, для таких могущественных государств, как США или Россия) заключается в ослаблении

наиболее опасных потенциальных конкурентов, не подвергая опасности мировую экономику.

Опорные слова и выражения: Политическая трансформация, порядок хаос, система,

системность, миропорядок.

The 21st century, undoubtedly, is already entering the history of human civilization by

unprecedented acceleration, dynamism and unpredictability of political processes all over the
world. The seemingly settled political relations, values, management systems, traditions, and
simply the categories themselves, if they do not lose their original essence, they are filled with
new, sometimes quite unexpected content. On the other hand, seemingly forgotten, at first glance,
categories are being actualized.

"Everything new is well forgotten old", this truth emerges in the system of international

relations. What is it about? So, almost all, even the lazy, "politicians", "spreading their thoughts
along the tree," talk about the "color resolutions" of the end of the twentieth century – the
beginning of the 21st century as a kind of "new phenomenon"... But if you look at the beginning of
the 20th century, the October revolution in 1917 was a vivid example of this…

Events in Eastern European countries characterized by different shades of "color revolutions",

on the one hand, the processes in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen ("Arab Spring") made
many experts and politicians talk about "global chaos” and very nearly "apocalyptic" occurring in
the first quarter of the XX1 century. Afghanistan stands apart over the problems of which not only
politicians and experts, but also all sensible people have been puzzling for several decades…

Many conspiracy theories have appeared, the "dynamic" paradigms, "Controlled" chaos, "cyber

warfare", "third world information war", "fake attacks", etc.... In addition to disappointing forecasts
about the upcoming new phase of the global economic crisis, aggravation of the geopolitical
confrontation of the world power centers, there is a feeling that not only individuals, but also countries,
continents, and all humanity themselves are pushing for the expected global chaos.

But this is hardly so, as various kinds of apocalyptic "forecasts" -alas, the cultural tradition of

the "intelligentsia" at the break of eras, centuries, fundamental changes!?...

In ancient Greek mythology, chaos acts as the original state of the world, a kind of "opened

abyss", from which the first deities that created the world, in the ancient and medieval historical-
philosophical tradition an invisible and incomprehensible chaos is perceived as all generating and
embracing beginning that has a formative force and means the primary formless state of matter,
the "primary material", the primary devotion of the world


. In the 19-20 century’s scientific

attempts to understand the concepts "order" and "chaos" formed theories of directional disorder,
extensive classifications and typologies of chaos. Gradually, approaches have evolved to
understand "that complex systems are highly dependent on initial conditions, and small changes in
the environment can lead to unpredictable consequences"



Thus, chaos – almost biblical, the most ancient philosophical, mythological category, reflecting

itself in established order of elements, phases, periods of disorder, death of the established, or, as
we now say, destruction of the system


and etc.


Politobrazovaniye/lawinrussia.ru/content.-29 October 2016 y.




Ashby W.R. Principles of the Selforganizing Dynamic System// Journal General Psychology. 1947.

37.P. 125-128.

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In the 19-20 centuries this category was supplemented by a natural scientific understanding of

statistical (thermal) chaos. Particular attention of twentieth-century scientists (first of all,
physicists, mathematicians I. Prigogine, H. Haken, M. Feigenbaum, E. Laszlo, E. Topolsky and
others) was also occupied the problem of dynamic chaos in deterministic systems and cognitive
chaos in complexity theory, the theory of linear equations



The increasingly complex processes of integration and differentiation of sciences have also

affected the field of socio-political disciplines. Thus, the use of "dynamic chaos" paradigm since
the mid-twentieth began to be used in the analysis of transforming societies, rebuilt political
systems and processes. Complex, often paradoxical transformations of political courses, systems,
processes, social development itself have increasingly begun to be interpreted through the prism of
chaos as a systemic structuring of non-linear changes and bifurcations. This has undoubtedly
enriched the methodology for analyzing the entire system of political institutions and processes.

Moreover, the formalized representations began to act as one of the main tools of methodological

support for political formation of the new world order. In closed laboratories and the former "socialist
bloc" and in the walls of the giant factories of thought "Rand-corporation", "Honduel-corporation",
Santa Fe Institute, meetings of the ideologues of Rome and the Bilderberg club was developed not only
new methods of analysis, modeling and forecasting political processes, but also principles, strategies
for the formation of new world order. The developed recommendations were concretized in the
activities of, say, the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, in the process of formation and development of
the EU, the elaboration of global strategies of the World power centers


. What stands out, in our

opinion, is the unhealthy approach to this concept of George Sorros and his web of "Open society
institutions" (remember the recent conflicts of this "Institute" in Hungary in October-December 2018
and the subsequent disorders, meetings of protests in January this year;' not to mention about the
"traces" of Sorros in other regions of the world)…

At the end of the twentieth century, the theory of "chaos management" becomes almost the main

geopolitical doctrine in the implementation of the national interests of the world's leading political actors.

One of the key figures in the development of this doctrine can be called Stephen Mann (born in 1951). In the

expert and military-political community a great resonance was caused by his article in the main professional
journal of the Pentagon "Parameters" under the name "Chaos Theory and Strategic Thought" (1992).

The main refrain of S. Mann's "chaos- new order" is stated in his following judgments: "We

can learn a lot if we consider chaos and regrouping as opportunities, and not rush to stability as an
illusory goal... The international environment is an excellent example of a chaotic system, and
"self-organized criticality..."corresponds to it as an analysis. The world is doomed to be chaotic
because the diverse actors of human politics in a dynamic environment have different goals and


. He believes that "Every actor in politically critical systems produces the energy of

conflict, which provokes a change in the status quo, thus participating in the creation of a critical
state and any course leads to the state of Affairs to the inevitable cataclysmic reorganization"




Jumaev R.Z

. «

Sinergetikada ijtimoiy-siyosiy va tarixiy jarayonlar taxlili



Falsafa xuquq

». 2014. №1. –

161-163 bb.


Jumayev R.Z.


XXI asr siyosiy jarayonlarini tushunishda








XXI asrda jahon siyosati va

Uzabekiston tajribasi: siyosiy, xuquqiy va ijtimoiy jihatlari


/Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallar



.: TDShI, 2017.

135-140 bb.


Mann S.R. Chaos Theory and Strategic Thought//Parameters (US Army War College Quarterly), Vol. XXII, Autumn 1992, 54-68 pp.



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Further, this system, under certain internal and external influences, as opposed to the ideas of

D. Easton, according to Mann, will plunge itself into the abyss of conflicts, chaos, transformation.
Here this approach is considered not only as a tool of positive or negative (it is point of view of
whose national interests to consider!)' but also as an important means of geopolitical manipulation.

This is evident from the following passage: With American advantages in communications and

increasing opportunities for global movement, the virus of "ideological infection" will be self-
replicating and will spread in a chaotic way. Therefore, our security will have the best results. That
is the only way to build a long-term world order. If we fail to achieve such a change worldwide,
we will have sporadic periods of calm between catastrophic readjustments.

It is obvious what "world order" the American researcher means… After all, to create a "world

order" by "creating chaos" it is necessary ,according To Mann, to further promote liberal democracy
and market reforms, economic living standards and resource needs of the population, especially the
elites, the displacement of traditional values and ideology through this. According to apologists of the
theory of "controlled chaos", purposeful development and phased implementation of the "strategy" are
necessary for the dismantling of a political system, system, national traditions, culture" for example,"
the world of protection of the rights and freedoms of man", "pluralism" limitless "expansion of
democracy", the breakdown of traditions and values, like unnecessary ballast ,and freedom of
activities of all organizations, the layers of the " legacy of statehood, opening domestic markets and
resources to foreign investment, and in the end -the destruction of subjectivity development.

The destruction of the subjectivity of development and the state itself (Yugoslavia, Iraq,

Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine) under the imposition of an understanding of the need for democratic
reforms, the liberal imperative of "non-interference" of the state in the social construction and the
lives of citizens, should, according to the chaos strategists, first of all, crush this or that economy,
make it even more vulnerable and dependent from outside. Within the framework of civilized
principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, "non-subjectivity" implies, for example,
recommendations for the use of the achievements of a particular "model", the policy of "open
doors" for penetration into the economy of the leading financial and industrial groups, behind
which criminal groups and structures can rarely stand. This should be accompanied by the
engagement of individual leaders of the local government system to govern the country from the
outside. The announcement of the fight against corruption should destroy the old layers and create
new ones in the entire system of governance.

Particular attention in the implementation of the strategy of "Chaos" is paid to the

"humanitarian" component-the transformation of mass consciousness, the introduction of "mass
culture", rethinking their own history, historical memory, the entire system of traditional values
and worldview. The erosion of the ideals of goodness and justice, of tolerance, of the entire
spiritual sphere should be done through scientifically-developed political-technological methods
"soft2 propaganda of the cult of money, power, erosion of the culture of solidarity and social
partnership". The main "acting" directions should be the media, the education system, and the
whole sphere of formation and management of public opinion. The entire Arsenal of information,
socio-cultural and political technologies should be used to most effectively dilute the ability of the
masses to organize themselves and bring them to the stage of elementary self-realization.

The strategy is characterized by two features:
- the form of recommendations and proposals should clearly be undeniably attractive;
- according to the content of the strategy implicitly, latent should be direct to control over the

possibilities of development, neutralization of its purpose, control of communication, blocking

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reflection, control over the freedom of influence on events, interference in internal Affairs,"
diplomatic" war intelligence, etc.

So under control opportunities development and the neutralization of its determination involves

the appeals of the government to modernize and transform the country to an innovative way
without developing systemic strategies of development and formation of entities for their
implementation. At the same time, all possible opposition to the country's import dependence
should be blocked, and its export policy should be controlled from the outside. The "open" market
of the country should not prevent the growing credit dependence on international financial groups
and organizations and look "through the fingers, gritting his teeth "on the export of capital from
countries to regulate its growing foreign debt (Ukraine).The gradual ,unspoken erosion of the
existing and working system of government, the involvement of "Chicago boys" and their
lobbying ,under the flag of modernization of public administration, its further bureaucratization,
support for the "right" elites and the scrapping of the old, the removal of the scientific community
and critical intellectuals from the levers of government, "oligarchization" of state power ,its
segmentation neutralizes purposefulness.

Much more obvious is the "effectiveness" of this strategy in the social sphere, expressed in the

blocking of reflection, the erosion of communication links and the restriction of freedom of
influence on events. The expansion of the boundaries of mass culture, its planting,
commercialization of the media, "show" analysis of significant political technologies in electoral
campaigns, the growth of populists in electoral choice, the formation of the cult of consumerism
and money in all spheres of society – the integral results of the above strategy

In the social, primarily spiritual and moral sphere, the implementation of neoliberalism in the

context of "controlled chaos" turns into more and more tangible individualism, consumerism, the
planting of primitive values, the erosion of traditional community, group, family ties and relations,
the generation gap, and, ultimately, the atomization of society

As a result of the creation of communication barriers, the stratification of society into rich and poor is

increasing, rising inflation and prices are also "managed", which leads to a decrease in the quality of life
of the less affluent part of the population and an increase in discontent. Chaotically managed leadership
begins to look for internal and external enemies that hinder the great transformation, thus creating fertile
ground for socio-cultural, political and economic, ethnic and religious contradictions.

Thus, despite the differences between countries, the common features of non-subject

development are the fruit of the strategies of "controlled chaos" are more or less obvious. In our
view, this is a manifestation of new forms of Post-neocolonialism, manifested in the interception
of governance in a country or region, blocking the potential and real ability of States to genuine
innovative development. Events in Venezuela confirm this idea. Understanding this "soft",
invisible weapon as one of the main challenges and threats of the 21st century.

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