The article explores the concept of discourse and its significance in foreign language learning. Discourse is defined as a coherent sequence of statements within a specific context, encompassing both linguistic and sociocultural aspects. The article emphasizes that studying discourse enhances a deeper understanding of the language, the development of communicative skills, the integration of cultural knowledge, and critical thinking. The authors argue that working with discourse makes the language learning process more practical and closely aligned with real-life situations, thereby contributing to the formation of comprehensive communicative competence.
As learning foreign languages has already started to be enhanced, grammar became an indispensable part of teaching in EFL classes. This article alludes to the way instructors can center the teaching of the remote dialect within the classroom in such a way that they can communicate in a cognizant way, by describing their genuine encounters. The root of the Communicative Approach as a synthesis of several approaches is clearly clarified, as is the function of the teacher and the students in a communicative ESL class, and gives a few illustrations of activities related to communicative approach that can be created in a lesson in terms of the communicative perspective. The communicative method of the teaching of foreign language grammar will be examined in this process. It is planning as an introduction to the communicative approach for teachers and teachers-in-practice who need to supply openings in the classroom for their understudies to lock in the target language in real situations. What the communicative approach is, where it comes from, and how teachers' and students' responsibilities differ from those they play in other teaching methods and how this approach can be useful in grammar lessons are among the issues that need to be addressed. There are descriptions of specific tasks that can be used with a communicative approach, as well as resources for suitable materials.
In this article the most important integrated skills are explained through a Communicative way and Methods of teaching foreign language in EFL classrooms. Learning four skills aids for utilizing authentic materials and challenges make them interact naturally in English language. Finally, the integrated-skill approach can be highly motivating to students of all ages and backgrounds.
This article explores the integration of grammar education aimed at English language students in Uzbekistan with the communicative language teaching (ESL) method. The article highlights the importance of grammar in language learning and its harmonization with communicative ability. The advantages of the ESL methodology are brought, as well as the peculiarities of grammar education. Through this integration, teachers will be able to improve students ' language skills, preparing them for effective communication in real-life situations. The article also recommends various strategies and methods to implement this integration.
В данная статья представляет собой важное направление в современных исследованиях языка и коммуникации. Эта область изучает, как тексты функционируют в контексте обмена информацией и какие коммуникативные стратегии используются для эффективного взаимодействия между говорящим и слушающим. Анализируя тексты с коммуникативной точки зрения, исследователи обращают внимание не только на языковые структуры, но и на контекст, в котором эти тексты используются, а также на социокультурные факторы, влияющие на коммуникацию. Данная тема предоставляет возможность рассмотреть различные аспекты коммуникативного изучения текста, включая его функциональное назначение, структуру, воздействие на аудиторию и взаимосвязь с культурными особенностями общества. В работе с этой темой исследователи могут проводить анализ различных текстовых жанров — от литературных произведений до публичных выступлений — и выявлять особенности их коммуникативного воздействия. В итоге, понимание коммуникативных аспектов текста не только способствует глубокому анализу языковых структур, но и помогает расширить наши знания о том, как тексты служат средством общения и взаимодействия в современном мире.
Метод грамматического перевода уже давно стал основным в преподавании английского языка, характеризуясь упором на перевод, запоминание грамматических правил и дедуктивное обучение. Несмотря на свое историческое значение, этот традиционный подход подвергался критике за ограниченное внимание к коммуникативной компетентности и устному владению. В этой статье рассматривается роль метода грамматического перевода в преподавании английского языка, исследуются его исторические корни, критика и потенциальная адаптация в современных образовательных контекстах. В этой статье рассматривается метод грамматического перевода в преподавании английского языка, прослеживаются его исторические корни, критика и адаптация к современному образовательному контексту. Этот метод, характеризующийся упором на перевод, запоминание грамматики и дедуктивное обучение, уже давно стал основным в обучении языку. Однако критика в отношении ограниченного внимания к коммуникативной компетентности побудила преподавателей изучить альтернативные подходы. Интегрируя коммуникативную деятельность, обучение на основе задач и технологии, преподаватели могут адаптировать метод грамматического перевода для лучшего удовлетворения потребностей современных изучающих язык.
The focus of the article is on how the communicative approach can be used while teaching English to non-native speakers. The communicative approach’s goal is to educate students on how to communicate effectively in a foreign language, taking into account the participants, the situation, and the communication’s goals and objectives. The essay goes through how to design training sessions and how to choose linguistic and grammatical content in line with the demands of the communicative approach.
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been accepted as one of the teaching methods by numerous language teachers due to its major focus on developing learners’ communicative competence. This paper aims to describe communicative language teaching, its practice and the factors leading to teachers. It shows communicative skills, teacher’s role in communicative activities, fluency and accuracy as the main goals and teaching techniques. It then presents three reasons that might lead to teachers’ misinterpretations concerning the practice of CLT.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the communicative approach in the practice of teaching English as a foreign language. The purpose of the communicative approach is to teach how to use the studied foreign language as a means of constructive communication, depending on the goals and objectives of communication, participants and the situation of communication. The article discusses the ways of constructing training sessions, the selection of linguistic and grammatical material in accordance with the requirements of the communicative approach.
This thesis investigates the efficacy of integrating cultural insights into English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction to enhance learners' communicative competence.
Besides, recognizing the inseparable relationship between language and culture, the study explores how incorporating cultural elements into language learning activities can facilitate meaningful communication and promote intercultural understanding.
Эта статья раскрывает использование коммуникативного обучения, на базе лингвистических, социолингвистических, прагматических и стратегических компетенций. Это является основой для развития навыков критического мышления. Цель данной исследовательской статьи - проиллюстрировать эффективность использования коммуникативных компетенций в обучении, а также в развитии способностей обучающегося критического мышления. Коммуникативные компетенции, основанные на использовании инновационных педагогических технологий, играют одну из основных ролей в современном процессе обучения, особенно английского языка. Коммуникативное обучение - это прежде всего, подход к обучению языку, который подчеркивает взаимодействие как средство, и как конечную цель обучения. На сегодняшний день педагогическая наука трансформируется, как вся наша жизнь. Основные традиционные методы обучения не отвечает требованиям современной педагогики. Исследуется подходы и методы всестороннего развития каждого ученика в процессе обучения. В связи с этим, принципы развивающего обучения реализуются посредством использования современных педагогических технологий в системе высшего образования, а именно, которые обеспечивают всестороннее развитие личности и расширение кругозора студентов.
The article is devoted to studying the relationship between the communicative properties of the manager personality and managerial decision-making styles. This problem is
essential and relevant since the communicative properties of the manager's personality are rarely considered. Research has shown that most managers have developed communicative qualities and constructive decision-making styles. As a result of the correlation analysis of the data, significant correlations were revealed between hyperactivity as a decision-making style and indicators of self-control in communication (positive relationship) and indicators of organisational skills (negative relationship). Factor analysis of the data obtained showed that the communicative properties of a person could be combined with hyper-vigilance as a decision-making style, forming the factors "self-control" and "impulsive sociability". The present study extends existing communication technology and organizational literatures by going beyond usage assessments and examining how an employee‘s psychological state influences motivations for non-work-related communication technology use during
company time.
The article is devoted to the topical issues of effective application of neural networks in foreign language teaching; it analyses the pedagogical, methodological and psychological potential of exercises, mini- and macro-texts generated with the help of neural networks and the possibilities of their combined integration into the linguodidactic process of foreign language teaching. For accessible interpretation of the studied object such methods as the analysis of lexical-methodological article to determine the dominant lexemes "electronic library", "neural network", "artificial intelligence"; pedagogical monitoring (experimentation of skills and difficulties in the formation of language and speech experiences of students, ways of their solution); modelling of practical tasks and exercises are applied.
Abbosbek Abdullayev , Boburjon Uktambekov, Bahodirjon Uktambekov
The article deals with essential competences that are required for effective language learning and teaching in contemporary methodologies. It explores the skills essential for achieving effective language acquisition and instruction. The article highlights several key competences, including linguistic, intercultural, and subject didactic and explains how these skills work together to foster a well-rounded learning environment. Through a qualitative analysis of classroom practices, the article demonstrates that developing a balanced set of competences is crucial for both students and teachers to succeed in foreign language acquisition. The findings emphasize the importance of integrating intercultural awareness into language instruction, making the article highly relevant for educators seeking to enhance their teaching methods. This article contributes valuable insights into foreign language pedagogy and is a useful resource for both language teachers and curriculum developers.
В статье раскрывается содержание и сущность понятия коммуникативная компетентность и ее характеристики. Также анализируются взаимосвязи родственных понятий, таких как общение, общение, компетенция, коммуникативная компетентность, которые являются составляющими коммуникативной компетентности. В частности, раскрываются основные черты коммуникативной компетенции при изучении иностранных языков.
Consecutive interpretation is a special form of oral communication between people speaking different languages, representing different cultures, and it is carried out in any situation of intercultural communication in order to exchange thoughts, information, knowledge, labor results, products, emotions, values, relationships in the process of interaction.
A consecutive interpreter is a mediator of intercultural communication, and the development of emotive-empathic interaction skills of an interpreter promotes the successfulncss of such communication.
Interpreters’ communicative skills of emotive-empathic interaction within consecutive interpretation may be defined as a communicative and speech act in a foreign language communication implemented independently and in an optimal way. The act is accomplished at the level of interactionexchange of emotions and relations both in the frames of independent component and in the frames of processing the cognitive and interactive components. This enables to carry out the cmotivc-cmpathic interaction under any conditions and new situations of consecutive interpretation thanks to the full totality of qualities.
The aim of the paper is to consider issues related to emotions, empathy, their role in the process of communication, and their levels of empathy. Skills of emotive-empathic interactions and relevant to national culture, also the issues of the development of communicative skills in the mentioned interaction of the future interpreters, determined the conditions for their formation arc described. In addition the paper presents definition of the communicative ability of the emotive-empathic interaction of future interpreters; considers a set of exercises aimed at the formation of these skills. The results of the scientific research are presented by the set of exercises.