Development of written speech through modern assignments

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Masharipova, N. . (2024). Development of written speech through modern assignments. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 1–3. Retrieved from


In this article, tasks aimed at developing written speech skills have been developed. In addition, mistakes that can be made in the examination of written work and ways to eliminate them are given. Pedagogical experiments show that high results are achieved in the development of students' written speech competence, not only using dictation, narrative, and essay types, but also using modern and new approaches to check students' written speech.

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Development of written speech through modern assignments

Nodira Masharipova


Tashkent University of Applied Sciences
Teacher of the Department of Pedagogy



Key words:

written speech, types of written work, stages of writing, inner speech, dictation, essay, essay, written assignments.


In this article, tasks aimed at developing written speech skills have been developed. In addition, mistakes that can be

made in the examination of written work and ways to eliminate them are given. Pedagogical experiments show that high results
are achieved in the development of students' written speech competence, not only using dictation, narrative, and essay types, but
also using modern and new approaches to check students' written speech.

Currently, the global trend of world development
is the widespread use of pedagogical innovations in the
educational process. There are many shortcomings in
the systematic introduction of new technologies into
the field of education, the development of new content
and form of teaching through pedagogical research, its
methodical tools, and the implementation of the
perfect systematic educational process. It is known
that the level of preparation of students in mother
tongue education shows the characteristics of
competence through the competency approach. To
increase the independent and creative thinking of
students, to express the product of thinking in oral and
written forms correctly and fluently in accordance
with the conditions of speech, to correctly understand
the opinions of others, to form the skills and
qualifications of the mother tongue is defined as the
main goal of his. The set goal serves to develop
communicative (communication) competence.
In the process of setting educational goals for each
lesson, the teacher should try to work on the student's
oral and written speech as much as possible. It is
appropriate to accept the subject of the native language
as an educational subject that forms speech culture, not
linguistics. The main attention in the textbooks should
be focused on providing theoretical information about
the errors that the student encounters in his daily life
and frequently encountered in written speech.
The scope of written speech is also wider. The ideas
that are said and expressed are reinforced in writing.
Research shows that recorded information is better
Writing practice is manifested in several situations:
- many types of written work performed during the
course of the lesson;
- official correspondence, studies;
– letters, all exchange documents;
writing skills come into play. "The topics of training
chosen for the development of written speech should
be relevant for the time being taught and interesting
for the student. A topic should be chosen that the child
has a strong desire to express his opinion about, or a
popular TV series. Interest in these issues can be
effectively used to ensure the child's cognitive

development" [1]. In the mother tongue classes, there
are also tasks to develop writing skills, which also
record good results. "A teacher's eye can be critical
and students feel uncomfortable with formal
assessment of written products" [2]. David Noonan in
his book "Language teaching methodology" also says
that writing is a complex process and can be a skillful
turn. He points out that a little freedom is not harmful
for both the student and the teacher. Lists three stages
in the writing process and shows how important
teacher intervention is at these stages. In fact, it is a
mistake to divide the writing process into stages, not
to be satisfied with a lot of criticism of students, on the
contrary, to enter the process together with them, to
help them understand the situation, is one of the main
tasks of the teacher. There are many shortcomings in
the development of writing skills. Emphasis is placed
on the number of mistakes, the writing without color,
the writing of letters, but the independent opinion is
left aside. It is very important what the student says
and how he approaches the topic. Because the words
being written now constitute his whole life. He writes
based on his imagination and lives based on it. This
issue cannot be ignored. In the world experience, there
are currently a lot of tests related to the educational
system, specifically language skills. However, not all
of them are brought to class at the same time. It will be
possible to mix it into the process only by thoroughly
studying it. In any case, the work of the student should
not be forgotten. The reason is that when a person
writes, he relies on his inner speech, says what he
wants to say directly, and puts it on paper. There is
nothing better than writing to get that inner dialogue
out. If speaking in public causes some discomfort, only
the author can hear himself when writing. Writes his
speech without excessive excitement. In this, the
student writes based on his inner speech. It is true that
a good result can be obtained with the necessary
linguistic knowledge, but the work written with
internal speech can be more perfect. Almost internal
speech is the basis of written speech. In the process of
writing, the student's speech organs begin to copy
words into letters while unknowingly pronouncing
them. Even in exercises that require the correct

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spelling of words with certain letters omitted, the
student first pronounces the word in its entirety and
finds the letter that corresponds to the omitted sound.
That is why the student should know the relationship
between sounds and letters very well.
There are also several disadvantages in correcting
errors in written work:
1) that is the teacher has corrected the students'
2) paying more attention to spelling errors, and the
level of thought falls into the background;
3) as a result of paying attention to “husnikhat-
handwriting”, opinions are not taken into account;
4) the evaluation criterion is not correctly established.
In order to correct the above shortcomings, it is
necessary to develop the correct evaluation criteria and
to eliminate the mentioned shortcomings.
1. Underline the student's mistake so that he can
correct it himself, and let the student correct it by
looking for it.
2. Analysis of written assignments in two stages:
1) focus on spelling mistakes in one lesson;
2) to pay attention to the consistency of thoughts in one
lesson and to be able to express them correctly and
3. Elevate the expression of opinion in addition to the
4. Development of the correct assessment criteria.
The role of written works in improving students'
written literacy is considered significant. The variety
of written works in the course of the lessons increases
and develops students' love for writing. The use of
various written works in the development of the child's
world of thought and thinking ability helps to increase
and strengthen the student's knowledge. The study
guide "Types of written work: essay, statement,
dictation" [3] also provides information about the
essay, types of essays, and guidelines and instructions
for writing an essay. This book covers issues such as
types of written work, theoretical information about
the essay, formation and selection of the essay topic,
drawing up an essay plan and formulating it as a thesis,
choosing an epigraph for the essay, collecting material
for it, recommendations for writing an essay, and
organizing the essay writing process. . Although the
important aspects of the essay are explained in the
manual, the issues of dictation, description, and
educational supervision have not been solved in it. In
the manual "Textual errors in essays, methods of their
correction" [4], the textual errors in the creative
writings written by high school students of secondary
schools are identified, classified, explained, and the
content of knowledge that is necessary to know in the
process of writing an essay (creating a text) is
determined and the methodology of the work to be
carried out in this direction is explained. In the manual,
text errors in students' written works are classified as
1) organizational and technical text errors in essays;
2) substantive-logical text errors;
3) text errors related to the lexical-grammatical
connection of sentences (including punctuation);

textual errors related to the compositional structure
specific to its type in parts of the text [5].
These errors are classified separately. This
methodical manual serves as the main resource for
teachers in organizing, conducting and evaluating not
only essays, but also other creative works (creative
text, narrative, essay).
The main types of written work in native
language classes are dictation, statement, and essay. In
the next generation of textbooks, the type of written
work "essay" entered. Presenting an essay in
supervision works is boring for a student today.
Taking this into account, it would be appropriate if in
the control work classes, assignments were given to
develop written speech rather than a mock essay. I
think that the essay can be used only in literature
classes. Taking these into account, I also conducted a
pilot test among schoolchildren, and the result was
very good, that is, tasks for students to be able to use
words and express coherent thoughts was developed.
These assignments will be given during our research.
Through my observations of receiving written
assignments from students, I encountered the
following problems:
- as a result of receiving a large number of essays, the
state of dissatisfaction of students;
- control works remain in the same form;
- these types of control work are not interesting for
As long as creativity is required from the child in the
narrative and essay, it is evaluated only from the point
of view of artistry. Themes are also chosen mainly
according to the artistic style. It is known that artistic
thinking is necessary for an artistic text, the basis of
artistic thinking is the individual life experience of a
person, that is, a certain state of mind is associated
with a certain object or event observed in life.
Naturally, there is a big difference in age and life
experience between a professional writer and a school
student. The sentences and images used by the writer
may not always be understandable for a school
student. This imbalance in language education has a
negative impact on the development of the student's
language skills. As a result, the child does not express
his independent opinion in his own words, but tries to
use ready-made sentences that he usually hears. In
connection with this, the child may lose the motivation
to write or may not appear at all. The topics of training
chosen for the development of written speech should
be relevant for the time being taught and interesting
for the student. Such topic should be chosen so that the
child has a strong desire to express an opinion about it.
Be it a football match that took place yesterday or a
popular TV series. Interest in these issues can be
effectively used to ensure the child's cognitive
development [6].
Based on the above circumstances, we give
recommendations on conducting written work in the
educational process as follows:
1) organizing and conducting written work in the
educational process based on the needs and
requirements of the modern student;
2) preparation of a teaching methodology manual;

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3) using diversity in the process of each control work;
4) types of written work organized during the






complexity, and summarizing at the end of the quarter;
5) systematic organization of lessons on correcting
errors after receiving a written work by underlining
rather than showing them correctly;
6) development of the "fine art of writing" lesson plan;
7) developing a system for evaluating written works.
Based on the above points, it can be said that
organization and conduct of written work, it is not only
control, but paying more attention to the types of
written work that develops students' written speech,
and by organizing these types of work in a variety of
ways, students create the basis for interesting
organization of lessons that form writing skills. I think
that it is necessary to take into account the demands
and suggestions of today's students, because the types
of control organized, only by the teacher seems boring
and uninteresting to the students. Read the given
information. Write an 80-120 word essay based on the
• Company name - "Apple"
• From January 9, 2007 - "Apple Inc."
• The day of establishment - April 1, 1976
• Founders – Steven Paul Jobs, Steven Gary Wozniak,
Ronald Gerald Wayne
• Income - $300,000 per minute
• Number of employees - more than 80,000
• Product delivery - by air
• Daily iPhone sales – 340,000 units
• Prohibited – smoking near manufactured products
• Employee incentives - free iPhone
• Big crisis in the history of the company - 1997
• Getting out of the crisis - Bill Gates' investment of
150 million dollars
This assignment aroused great interest among
the students in relation to the essay, and some of the
students who were not interested in the lesson were
also interested in the assignment and completed it. In
the evaluation, attention was paid to the consistency of
ideas in this lesson, and not to the lack of spelling, and
it was evaluated according to the expression of ideas.
Now, in another control work, attention was paid to
orthographic rules in the foreground: As a result of
observations, I took control types in cooperation with
students, and it gave a good result. For example, the
students said five words they wanted: joy, child,
neighborhood, classmate, family. Use these words to
create a connected text (determine the number of
words depending on the class). Through this
assignment, the child will think, reflect and write
something with interest. The next material, since this
is the current age of technology, I used popular
statuses on the Internet. "don't care about all kinds of
words! Let those who see you imagine that you are
grass. And you be a flower! Even the nightingales
should be ashamed..." (Jalaluddin Rumi) Organizing
control lessons such as write what the status is about
and what conclusions you have come to from it, and
create your own status as a conclusion will make the
student more interested in the given material. Essay
writing is more interesting than essay writing. For

example, all the students were equally interested in
writing an essay organized on the theme "Lessons
from the days", that is, from which event in your life
have you learned a lesson? the student was able to
create a small story of his own as a result of the
question in its content. It seems that the control work
of the above-mentioned materials causes us to achieve
a more effective result in the lessons. As a result of
diversity, the student will not get bored. We have also
developed an evaluation system for these types of
- the presence of an idea appropriate to the topic in the
text (1 point)
- novelty of the given information (1 point)
- speech correctness (norms) (1 point)
- purity of speech (1 point)
- wealth of speech (1 point)
Today's students prefer to write an essay rather than an
essay. Opinions of students were heard and analyzed.
The advantages of an essay compared to an essay are
that it is not written according to a plan, it is concise,
rich in modern topics and ideas, it can freely react to
life processes, it can generate new ideas in the search
for solutions to problems, it can make suggestions and
find solutions to the problems it faces during its life.
they emphasized that they are the most necessary type
of written work for them to get. Writing an essay
allows students to freely express their opinion, to
consciously receive and understand information
related to the topic, to use evidence related to finding
a solution to the problem, and to express their
conclusion clearly and competently. What is important
is the appropriate use of the given facts and evidence.


[1] Iroda Azimova Global education and national
methodology. From the material of the scientific and
practical conference of the Republic, 2020. - 215 p.
[2] David Noonan "Language teaching methodology",
1991. -262p.
[3] Madayev O. etc. Types of written work: essay,
statement, dictation. -Tashkent: Turon zamin ziya,
2017.− 104 p.
[4] Yoldoshev R.A., Rikhsiyeva M.M. Textual errors
in essays, methods of their correction. - T.: Science
and technology, 2018.− 156 p.
[5] Yoldoshev R.A., Rikhsiyeva M.M. Textual errors
in essays, methods of their correction. - T.: Science
and technology, 2018. -29-30 pp.
[6] Iroda Azimova Global education and national
methodology. From the material of the scientific and
practical conference of the Republic, 2020. - pp. 215-


Iroda Azimova Global education and national methodology. From the material of the scientific and practical conference of the Republic, 2020. - 215 p.

David Noonan "Language teaching methodology", 1991. -262p.

Madayev O. etc. Types of written work: essay, statement, dictation. -Tashkent: Turon zamin ziya, 2017.− 104 p.

Yoldoshev R.A., Rikhsiyeva M.M. Textual errors in essays, methods of their correction. - T.: Science and technology, 2018.− 156 p.

Yoldoshev R.A., Rikhsiyeva M.M. Textual errors in essays, methods of their correction. - T.: Science and technology, 2018. -29-30 pp.

Iroda Azimova Global education and national methodology. From the material of the scientific and practical conference of the Republic, 2020. - pp. 215-224.

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