In chronic inflammation, fibroblasts play an important role. They form collagen - an important part
of reparative processes. Immune response. The most characteristic sign of a chronic inflammatory reaction is
the accumulation of B and T lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are most abundant in granulation tissue in chronic
According to the severity of local and general changes, inflammation is divided into normergic,
when the response of the div corresponds to the strength and character of the stimulus; hyperergic, in
which the response of the div to irritation is much more intense than the action of the irritant, and
hypergetic, when the inflammatory changes are mild or not expressed at all. Inflammation may be limited,
but may extend to an entire organ or even a system, such as a connective tissue system.
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© Abdumajidov A.A., Kakhramonova K., 2018
Abrorova S.M.,
Scientific adviser: Devorova M .B. Ph.D. assistant professor
Department of Ambulatory Medicine and Physical Education
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Tashkent
t the present stage of development of medicine, the most informative and accessible way to
assess the health status of children is preventive medical examinations, which result in a
comprehensive assessment of health status, based on certain criteria, followed by division of
the surveyed population into health groups. The use of this technique is expediently indisputable, since it is
unified, informative, the information obtained with its help can be used both at the individual and at the
group and population levels
An additional criterion can be an indicator of the quality of life, by which is meant the subjective
assessment by a person of his physical, psychological and social well-being.
In this case, the method of assessing the quality of life associated with health should include a set of
the following indicators: biological, mental, intellectual; social. These indicators can be considered taking
into account various levels and forms.
Quality of life is an integral characteristic that performs the physical, social, and psychological
functioning of a patient. In accordance with the above definition of health, WHO defines the quality of life as
an individual correlation of his position in the life of society, in the context of his culture and value system
with the goals of the individual, his plans, opportunities and the degree of disorder. As you can see, the
fundamental properties of quality of life are the complexity and subjectivity in the assessment .
The term "quality of life associated with health" ("health - related quality of life") allows you to
highlight the medical aspects of this concept. The World Health Organization (WHO) points out the need to
define it as ―the perception by individuals of their position in life in the context of the culture and value
systems in which they live, and in accordance with their own goals, expectations, standards and concerns‖.
WHO defines health as ―a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence
of diseases and physical defects‖ . The quality of life in pediatrics is an integral characteristic of the
physiological, psychological, emotional, and social functioning of a healthy child or, in certain diseases,
based on the subjective perception of himself or his parents.
However, a number of authors indicate that the criteria on which today's comprehensive health
assessment is based, are focused only on physical health indicators, while not taking into account the social
component of an individual's health. Also, many literary sources point to the need to introduce a health
assessment in terms of the possibilities of social adaptation, the child‘s capacity, and the need to expand the
number of criteria used to assess the health status of children is ripe .
Due to the fact that the assessment of the quality of life is carried out by the patient, the requirements
for the methodology should be stricter than the clinical data. To study the quality of life, it is necessary to use
international tools created according to strict standards and tested psychometric properties in multi-center
studies and be universally recognized . In addition, they must be based on rigorous principles of evidence-
based medicine, which allow to obtain information about the effect of the disease on various components of
a child‘s life and the idea of a child‘s individual reaction to illness .
The medical approach to the phenomenon of "quality of life" means a subjective assessment by a
person of his own well-being, which is determined by a group of internal and external factors, one of which
in the modern world is health. It is not by chance that when assessing the quality of life according to the UN
methodology, the leading indicator determining the social state of a state or region is life expectancy at birth
of children . Socio-economic conditions, technological advances, environmental pollution significantly affect
the state of health and the development of diseases, therefore, efforts aimed at improving health should be
social and medical. The concept of quality of life within the framework of the medical approach allows us to
combine these areas . On the one hand, health has an impact on the quality of life, on the other - the quality
of life itself characterizes the development of medical and social assistance. Quality of life becomes an
integral indicator of health .
Studying the quality of life in medicine helps drastically change the traditional view of the problem
of the disease and the patient . Based on the new approach of clinical medicine, the patient's quality of life
becomes either the main or an additional goal of treatment, and a detailed method allows obtaining reliable
data on the patient's quality of life parameters both in clinical practice and in clinical trials .
According to some authors, the quality of life allows government agencies to assess the effectiveness
of ongoing preventive, curative, educational and rehabilitation programs. The main areas of application of
research on quality of life in pediatrics are currently scientific and clinical studies, population studies of
children's health, the development of programs to improve medical technology in pediatrics .
Some authors indicate that the consistency of the responses of children and parents depends on what
aspects of life activity are being investigated.
Thus, at the end of the analysis, it can be said that in recent years, the number of works on assessing
the regional peculiarities of children's health, including that the health of children, especially of the
prepubertal age, is affected by a complex of adverse socio-economic, psychological and environmental
factors, , violation of the child's adaptation to the forms and methods of training.
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2. Andreeva, G.F. Study of the quality of life in patients with hypertensive disease / GF Andreeva,
R.G. Oganov // Therapeutic Archive. - 2002. - № 1. -С. 8-16.
3. Arzikulov, A.Sh. Clinical and psychological characteristics of the personality of children and
adolescents with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer / A.Sh. Arzikulov, M.A. Shamstudinova // Pediatrics. -
2010. - № 4. - p. 159-160.
4. Arslanova, S.Yu. Clinical, social and economic aspects of therapeutic and preventive care for
children with chronic gastroduodenal pathology: author. dis. ... Cand. medical science - Ufa, 2006. - 23 p.
5. Bayturina, A.T. State of health and quality of life of adolescent children in the Republic of
Bashkortostan: author. dis .... Cand. medical science - M., 2008. - 26 p.
6. Baranov A.A. Actual problems of pediatric gastroenterology / A.A. Baranov, P.L. Shcherbakov //
Questions of modern pediatrics 2002. v.1 №5. C.12-16.
© Abrorova S.M., 2018