Социальная значимость аллергии у детей, рожденных от матерей-аллергиков

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Деворова, М. (2019). Социальная значимость аллергии у детей, рожденных от матерей-аллергиков. in Library, 21(1), 7–8. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/19327


В статье приведены данные литературного анализа по аспектам социальной значимости аллергии у детей, рожденных от матерей с аллергическими заболеваниями, которые важны для врачей, особенно педиатров.

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Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal}#2(42), 2019


Devorova M.B.

Ph.D. assistant professor

Department of Ambulatory Medicine and Physical Education

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Tashkent.




The article includes data from literary analysis on aspects of the social significance of allergies in children

bom to mothers with allergic diseases, which are important for physicians, especially pediatricians.

Keywords: allergies, pregnancy, aspects, complications, children

Allergic diseases belong to the most common in

children, and in recent years there lias been a significant
increase in the frequency and more severe course of allergic
diseases, in connection with which they are considered in
modern society as a major medical and social problem. The
frequency of allergic diseases, according to different
authors, varies widely, depending on the diagnostic criteria
used and methods of epidemiological research. Statistics
showed that the prevalence of bronchial astluna according
to domestic and foreign authors ranges from 0.2 to 8.1%.
At the same time, according to the generalized data of the
ISAAC study (International Study of Astluna and Allergies
in Childhood - International Study of Astluna and Allergies
in Children), the frequency of astluna symptoms ranges
from 1.0 to 30.8%. Allergic rhinitis and pollinosis in differ-
ent regions make up 0.2-20%, atopic dermatitis and eczema

The authors of foreign and domestic literature noted

that one of the reasons for the variation in the prevalence
rates of allergic diseases in children is the lack of a standard
epidemiological survey methodology and uniform
diagnostic criteria, representativeness of groups for a
reliable comparison of the results obtained. At the same
time, essential hypodiagnosis of allergic diseases is also

Epidemiologically defined prevalence rates of allergic

diseases often exceed the official statistics twice, therefore,
data based on referral to doctors do not reflect the true
spread of this pathology and confirm the need for
epidemiological studies. The social significance of the
problem and the economic burden of allergic diseases also
dictate the need for such research.

As is known from the literature, the development of

allergic diseases depends on the interaction of genetic
susceptibility on the one hand and the influence of
environmental allergens, as well as non-specific factors
(smoking, air pollution and infection) on the other, ft should
be noted that the last three or four decades The incidence of
astluna and other allergopathologies throughout the world
lias increased markedly, being too short a period of time for
the emergence of new genetic changes. Therefore, basically
all studies are focused on the study of various
environmental factors that, to one degree or another, may
be involved in high rates of allergy growth.

Domestic authors have stated that the question of

heredity in allergy showed that it was burdened in 49.4% in
the group with established allergic diseases, whereas in
non-allergic children only, and 18% of cases. Established
cases of similar diseases of relatives in children with
allergies in 58% of cases were recorded by the mother, in 3

7% - in relatives on the maternal line, in 11.6% - from the
father, in 11.6% - in relatives on the paternal side . In 16%
of children, hereditary burden was on two lines of
relationship, children without allergies, but with identified
hereditary burden, the structure was about the same, but
there were no cases of burden and on two lines.

To date, data on the prevalence of allergic diseases,

mainly determined by the results of statistical reports
compiled by medical institutions for accessibility.
However, this information does not give a true picture.

The epidemic increase in the number of allergic

diseases over the past 30-40 years is obvious. In childhood,
the most common are three clinical forms of atopic
dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and bronchial astluna. ft is
generally recognized that official statistics, based on
indicators of patient attendance at medical institutions, do
not correspond to the true prevalence of diseases.

Clinical studies on standardized international pro-

grams show that the frequency of allergic diseases lias
increased over the last decade by 2 times and reached 30%
among the child population. Allergic diseases are one of the
main items of expenditure from treatment, hospitalization
and causes of deterioration in the quality of life of children
and their parents. In this connection, adequate prevention
of allergy in children, its timely detection and proper
treatment is of great importance.

Allergic diseases are complex and multifactorial in

nature. Some of the factors are generally recognized and
well-studied, for example, genetic predisposition, others
have been actively studied in recent years. Particular
attention is attracted by the role of infectious agents that can
change the nature and fork of the div's immune response.

The authors found that, due to the complexity of the

pathogenesis of allergic diseases, literature data on the
effects of viral and bacterial pathogens on them are often
contradictory and cause more confusion than evidence. On
the other hand, in 70% of children, the first attack of astluna
occurs against the background of acute respiratory
infections; among them there is a high proportion of
infected with mycoplasmas, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus.

The ability of some viruses to bacteria to initiate the

production of specific immunoglobulins of class E has been
proven. Thus, to study the role of individual

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Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal}#2(42), 2019


_8 factors in the development of allergy, long-term studies
are needed, starting with the birth of a child.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to an in-

crease in the population of the number of children with
clinical manifestations of immunopathological syndromes:
the syndrome of viral infection, protective allergic,
autoimmune, immuno-proliferative. The first 2 of them are
the most common and often combined with each other. It is
of interest to study their mutual influence, the
characteristics of formation and manifestation, and the
diagnosis of therapy.

Recent studies have shown significant immune

disorders in children with allergic diseases. However,
methods of laboratory diagnosis of allergies are very
limited. A search for new methods of diagnosing allergies
is required. In addition, the role of cytokines in the
pathogenesis of immune disorders at the present stage is not
defined, which may be particularly relevant given the
combined forms of allergic and infectious syndromes.



phagocytic activity,

assessment of the contribution of the absorption activity of
different types of phagocytic cells (including eosinophils
and monocytes) requires clarification.

Digs the prevalence of allergic diseases, its frequent

combination with other immune disorders are the cause of
the constant search for safe n effective prevention methods
and treatment. The presence of concomitant infectious
disorders requires reasonable use in the complex therapy of
ethnological and immunomodulating agents, determination
of indications, development of methods and methods for
monitoring the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.

An analysis of the literature has shown that the

problem of studying the true prevalence of allergic diseases
in children with the study of the results of evidence-based
epidemiological research is becoming increasingly
relevant. Estimation of the true prevalence of allergic
diseases is extremely relevant, as it allows to determine the
most significant risk factors and outline ways to effectively
prevent allergic diseases (A3) in children. Most researchers
predict a further increase in allergies, which dictates the
search for new ways to solve the problem, in particular, the
introduction of modern methods of prevention. The most
effective is the primary prevention, designed to prevent the
development of allergies, while the secondary or tertiary
prevention are aimed at alleviating the severity of the

course or reducing the risk of complications of existing
allergic diseases. Since the immune system begins to form
in utero, sensitization is possible even during pregnancy
and preventive measures should be taken already in tliis
period. Numerous studies show that when allergens act on
the div of a pregnant woman, the fetus activates T-cell
immunity along the Th2 path. Tliis contributes to an earlier
manifestation of the atopic immune response in the
newborn, especially with a genetic predisposition to the
development of atopic diseases.

In conclusion, the literature review can be noted that

the timely diagnosis and control of allergic diseases in
women are necessary to improve the course of pregnancy
and minimize the risk of developing allergic diseases in a



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Библиографические ссылки

l. Abelevich M.M. The use of Advantan in the complex treatment of children with atopic dermatitis / MM Abelevich // Questions of modern pediatrics. 2002. - V. 1, NY 1. - p. 66 - 68.

Abueva P.M. Prevalence of asthma in adolescent girls in Makhachkala and the state of endocrine ovarian function R.M.Abueva, T.A. Gadzhieva // Pulmonology. 2006. - NY 2. - p. 83 - 87.

Aitbaeva Z.A. Undesirable effects of antibiotics: according to the results of monitoring of side effects of peparatov / Z.A.Aytbaeva, R.S. Kuz-denbayeva, Sh.A. Baidullaeva // Allergology and Immunology. - 2007. V. 8, No. 3.- S. 336.

Short N.G. Atopic dermatitis - treatment recommendations / N.G. Short // Vestn. dermatol. and venerol, 2006,- 3, - p. 58 - 59,

Korsunskaya I.M. Erius efficacy in various skin diseases / I.M. Korsunskaya, T.V. Shashkova // Allergology. - 2003. 3. - p. 46-47.

Cameron L. Regulation of allegic airways inflammation by cytokines and glucocorticoids / L. Cameron, Q.Hamid // Curr. Allergy Asthma Rep. 2001 vol. I.-P. 153 - 163.

De Week AL. Allergy and clinical immunology in the 21st century. Potential IAACI and WAO / AL. De Week // Allergology and Immunology. 2000. - T I M 3. - p. 5 - 12

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