Мотивационная поддержка изучения английского языка студентами-медиками

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Буранова, Д. (2023). Мотивационная поддержка изучения английского языка студентами-медиками. in Library, 21(3), 170–177. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/21010


В данном исследовании акцентируется внимание на сущности создания мотивационной среды при обучении английскому языку студентов-медиков, а также совершенствовании современных методов и навыков и их эффективном использовании. Кроме того, анализируется влияние мотивации на успешное овладение английским языком, влияние наиболее частых мотивационных моментов на студентов-медиков. Предлагаются некоторые действенные методы для создания благоприятных условий для изучения студентами языка, достижения эффективных результатов и самоуправления в связи с этим. Разработка мотивационных форм, направленных на совершенствование знаний и навыков английского языка при подготовке кадров для медицинской сферы, максимально интерпретируется в организации учебных стратегий и эффективных учебных планов.

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Motivational support for the study of English
language by medical students





Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, 223, Bogishamol Str., 100140, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The given study focuses attention on the essence of creating a

motivational environment while the teaching of English language for
medical students as well as the improvement of modern methods and skills
and their effective use. Besides, the influence of motivation on the
successful acquisition of English, the impact of the most frequent
motivational moments on medical students are analyzed. Some effective
methods are proposed to create favorable conditions for students to learn
the language, achieve effective results, and self-government in this regard.
The development of motivational forms aimed at improving knowledge
and skills of English in the training of personnel for the medical field is
interpreted as much as possible in the organization of study strategies and
effective curricula.

1 Introduction

The process of teaching English requires a special attitude and requirements for specialists
of medical field. It is natural that different situations and some problematic situations arise,
such as the capabilities and requirements of the audience. Each learner relies on his own
potential and knowledge, and the ability to learn foreign languages is diverse for any
person. In mastering the English language for the medical students, the teacher formulates
his attitude towards the learners, taking into account their psychological and mental
condition, focusing on such situations, as ability of learners to understand, motivation and
adaptively ability, vital experience and knowledge. Reforms in the field of higher education
in the country pose new challenges, in particular, the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan: “On Measures to Further Improve Foreign Language Learning
System” № 1875 (December 10, 2012); Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the
Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Further Improve the System of Retraining and
Advanced Training of Teaching Staff of Higher Educational Institutions” № 278
(September 26, 2012) and “On the Approval of the State Educational Standard for Foreign
Languages of the System of Continuing Education” № 124 (May 8, 2013) especially apply
to the demand for personnel who have mastered foreign languages and are able to use new
skills and mobility. This puts up with urgent tasks for higher education, such as good
knowledge of English by specialists of the medical field. For this purpose, it is necessary to


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achieve a strong desire to the development of the process of training qualified and
competitive specialists.

According to some studies, there are certain differences when learning English by non-

native speakers. The question arises whether there are differences in motivation between
English and the native language in learning, consequently, what differences happen, which
variables also affect self-regulation in the native and English languages [1]. E. W. Brewer
found that a teacher’s personal qualities were more important in motivating students to
continue attending class than were teaching methods and classroom management practices
[2]. R. L. Oxford believes, that with the correct use of language learning strategies, there is
an improvement in the overall level of foreign language proficiency, with the theoretical
basis being built first, and then preparatory work which is carried out as a start for
conducting English classes [3]. T. L. Seifert describes several theories of motivation, in
which he considers that emotions and beliefs cause various behaviors, such as striving for
mastery, avoiding failure, acquired helplessness, and passive aggression. The author comes
to conclusions that are aimed at creating conditions in the classroom that promote the
development of a sense of autonomy, competence and meaning as catalysts for the
development of adaptive and constructive learning [4]. The process of language learning is
compulsory in order for the students not only to have personal needs, but also to be formed
due to socio-economic and political needs of the country, to ensure the full harmony of the
interests in it. Teaching of English as an integral component of educational policy and an
essential element of the potential of human resources in the society. Today's process of
globalization has its impact on any activity. In our country, as it stands, great changes take
place day by day, and our own laws are being integrated into our lives at mobile speed. The
style of international cooperation and negotiations has changed. And the inability to
negotiate in foreign languages leads to significant limitations and loss of opportunities.
Doctors, scientists and the other specialists in the field of medicine today are expected to be
directly aware of the world's reality, as well as the ability to receive information from the
first hand. A specialist who has not sufficiently mastered foreign languages, who can not
speak English al least within the framework of the specialty, feels uncomfortable during the
negotiation process. On the basis of the progress and achievements of global science and
technology, the studying of the advanced experience of world’s education system and
implementation of advanced experience with the attention to national and universal values
is an important factor in the training of competitive personnel. Some studies confirm the
direct link between language policy and education, as well as the specific role of languages
in the curriculum, and the essential ability of languages in promoting a particular area of
society's development [5]. The importance of language education in the period of
globalization contributes to the development of many areas of socio-economic
development, so the relevance of language learning is recognized as an important stage in
the formation of the society [6].

2 Theoretical background

Modern scientific investigations suggest that motivation is often difficult to define. At the
same time, it is supposed that the motivation of students implies both positive and negative
side, depending on the strategy of stimulating motivation [7]. P. R. Pintrich, developing a
motivational scientific perspective on student motivation in educational and pedagogical
contexts, offers the following seven questions: “(1) What do students want? (2) What
motivates students in classrooms (3) How do students get what they want? (4) Do students
know what they want or what motivates them? (5) How does motivation lead to cognition
and cognition to motivation? (6) How does motivation change and develop? and (7) What

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is the role of context and culture?” and at the same time, the scientist considers each of the
issues from the point of view of current knowledge requirements and future research
directions in the field of motivational science [8]. Despite the generally accepted view that
success or failure in learning a language depends more on motivation, and in this context
motivation is analyzed as a driving force in learning a language, some studies suggest that
motivation may not always be strongly associated with learning success [9]. Nevertheless,
when developing and implementing the necessary methods of motivation to learn English
language, it is possible, first of all, to give a set of desires and aspirations associated with
the concept of "achievements". It is advisable to develop methods of motivation based on
the need of a person to feel their position, adequacy, competence, to have feelings of self-
confidence, independence and freedom. The theory of psychological motivation and its role
in learning as a second language is explored by Yameng Zhang, paying attention to the
influence of external influences on the learner. The scientist also explores the inspiration of
the theory of motivation in learning language, so that teachers can get high learning
outcomes [10]. It is also assumed that there is a positive relationship between motivation
and self-esteem of students, and the presence of appropriate motivation is definitely an
important factor in the success of the study [11].

There are different concepts of motivation, someone defines it as “the reasons

underlying behavior” [12], others interpret that it is “enjoyment of school learning
characterized by a mastery orientation; curiosity; persistence; the learning of challenging,
difficult, and novel tasks” [13]. J. Turner defines motivation as “voluntary uses of high-
level self-regulated learning strategies, such as paying attention, connection, planning, and
monitoring” [14]. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "motivation" as the
following: “willingness to do something, or something that causes such willingness;
enthusiasm for doing something” [ 15]. We can assume that motivation is a kind of force
that encourages a certain action and an intended goal. Language acquisition is a specific
process that requires the creation of the necessary motivational environment for the learner.
All this manifests itself in the form of educational motivation, that can be described based
on a number of specific criteria:


specific character and ability of the learnerl;


teacher’s qualifications and potential;


issues of organization of the educational process;


specificity of the foreign language.

As the study of English language becomes a real nowadays demand for today's

specialists of medicine, according to our observations in the process of working with
students, we assumed the motivational reasons, to be important (figure 1).

It can be seen that within the framework of learning English, students identify certain

motivational reasons that, in their opinion, are important for their professional activities,
foreign cooperation, career growth, travel, strengthening memory, expanding horizons,
obtaining a certificate for promotion in various grants and training programs,
competitiveness and mobility. The present day in the teaching of English is due to the basic
requirements and rules of modern methods, it is worth saying that the communicative and
interactive methods used in it are widely developed and optimized with its convenience and
efficiency. In the course of these lessons, lexical units as well as mathematical
constructions are used by the teacher to restore the communicative situation, the main part
of the lesson is focused on speaking the same students, while the teacher himself is meant
to speak only to ask questions and to direct the learners correctly. K.B. Baranbaeva notes,
that the main goal of teaching English language is a process consisting of a set of efforts
aimed at shaping the communicative competence of a person by bringing it to a certain
level and achieving perfection through the transmission of information from one person to
another, the formation of the ability to choose communicative behavior that is adequate.

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She interprets communicative competence as the ability to master the ability to create texts
in different areas of communication, that is, to have the essence of text competence [16].


Eight motivational reasons for English language learning.

Other experts argue that the process of speaking is based on language as a type of oral
activity, while this language is a facility for providing communication between speakers.
The dialogue, which is one of the forms of oral speech, is interpreted as a simple type of
communication that ensures that various issues are discussed together among the
interlocutors, communicative competence, in turn, should be composed of objects that rely
on speech, language, education, socio-cultural and educational factors [17]. Speaking about
communicative competence, it is desirable to note that during English lessons the use of the
native language is applied as minimum as possible. The first place in the rating of modern
methods is occupied by communicative communication, this method is recognized as an
excellent method of teaching English from day to day. Conversational English is especially
important in the process of learning today. And the advantages of this method, based on the
interaction and communication of the teacher and the student when teaching English, is
really relevant [18]. Also, for students of universities whose specialty is not a foreign
language, the use of such methods as working in groups, discussions, presentations in the
study of the English language are the most acceptable ways in the learning of English [19].
The formation of a motivational environment in accordance with the requirements of the
English language teaching methodology determines the integrity of goals and objectives.

3 Research questions and methods

The current state educational standards, the need to improve the curriculum and science
programs, the issue of improving the quality of the educational process in the field of
learning of foreign languages are the topical issues for the whole higher education. At a
time when the teaching of the English language to students is steadily improving, when we
talk about the importance and relevance of the pedagogical staff to master foreign



reasons to

learn English

Professional skill

career development




get a







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languages, everyone is aware of the importance of the activities carried out in various
universities of our country in this regard. The results of the research about the interest of the
owners of various specialties in the study of English showed that the motivational
environment formed in the high school for the mastering of languages is of particular
importance [20]. The author conducted a survey among students of I, II and III courses of
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute on what motivations they rely on in the study of
English language. Thу survey was conducted over 3 years (2018, 2019, 2020) among the
same students at different stages of study. In total, 200 students participated in the survey
and 12 questions which are based on various motivational reasons were asked. The
students' answers to the same question at all three stages of study were different, and the
following results can be presented (the data is given as a percentage for the I, II and III
courses of study):

Table 1.

Twelve motivational reasons about learning English for medical students.






I want to become a highly
qualified specialist in the future

I-76 %, II-74%, III-








My interest in English is very

I-9 %, II-10%, III-

I-40 %, II- 50%,

I-45%, II-60%,


I want to continue my studies

I-15%, II-20%, III-

I-35 %, II-50%,

I-50 %, II-50%,


Just because I need it

I-9 %, II-10%, III-

I-10%, II-10.5%,

I-11%, II-12%,


I want to travel a lot around the

I-38%, II-40%, III-

I-40%, II-42%,

I-43%, II-44%,


To have high incomes in the

I-58 %, II-%, 59III-

I-60%, II-61%,

I-61 %, II-62%,


All my friends know English to
keep up with them

I-5 %, II-6%, III-7%

I-6 %, II-7%, III-

I-7 %, II-8%, III-


To participate in international

I-23 %, II-24%, III-

I-24 %, II-25%,

I-25%, II-26%,


To read the world's scientific
literature and news in the

I-20 %, II-21%, III-

I-21 %, II-22%,

I-24%, II-25%,


I wish to be ahead of everyone
in knowledge

I-29 %, II-30%, III-

I-30%, II-31%,

I-31 %, II-32%,


I am trying to get a certificate

I-29%, II-31%, III-

I-31 %, II-32%,

I-33 %, II-34%,


I guess I don't need that

I-3 %, II-4%, III-5%

I-4 %, II-5%, III-

I-5%, II-5%, III-

It should be noted that at different stages of training, students' opinions were changed,
which indicates both positive and negative factors of perception of the English language in
the motivational context. While studying English, it is especially important that the student
perceives this process as "long and boring". Each student must accurately determine his
level, desires, make a target plan, and identify goals. There are also many specialty
subjects, and the lack of time for the “unimportant” subject also plays a significant role.

4 Discussions and results

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According to the author's observations, medical students, due to their professional interests,
often push the discipline on “English” to the last place. The task of an English teacher is not
only the availability of professionalism and pedagogical skills, but also the ability to
interest each student in the “importance” of the subject. This quality, together with
professional competence, determines the effectiveness. In order to overcome the difficulties
arising in this activity, it is important to identify the following effective criteria in teaching
Enflish and apply it effectively to the educational process:


Of great importance is the ability of the teacher to apply successful teaching methods.
It is natural that the teaching of students to English differs from the teaching of
schoolchildren. If pictures, songs, games for children are interesting, it is observed
that the purposeful co-operation based on motivation for adults, arising from personal
interests, will be effective. Students will rely on imagination and thinking in mastering
the vocabulary, and prefer to learn grammar through specialty texts and information.
Therefore, it is important to what extent the teaching method is presented and applied.


The correct determination of the form of training will improve the activity in this
regard to a noticeable extent. There are several forms of teaching English for the
students, who are focused in groups, individually, as well as independently, through
the Internet. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages, for example, the
advantage of working in groups – in the process of learning languages together with
others, remember words and phrases as a result of compiling dialogues. Such a form
gives a result, especially at the first stage of study.


The study of languages in an individual way is significant because the teacher's entire
attention is focused on the learner himself, making it possible to analyze each aspect
in detail. But the learner is accustomed only to the manner of speaking of his teacher,
so when applying this form of learning, it is necessary to perform additional exercises,
listen to audio materials, see video materials in English and expand independent
activities beyond the lesson.


For the study of foreign languages through the Internet, on-line courses, special
computer programs, the level of motivation and self-control should be high. While it
is not possible to raise the level of language learning in such readings high, it is
possible to keep it to a norm. It is important not to lose the proper planning and
regularity of these courses.

5 Conclusion

In conclusion, the quality of the English language teaching process for medical students is
mainly manifested in the following forms: :


The higher the level of language learning environment of students in medical
universities, as well as pedagogical staff of specialists and experts of the field and
scientists, the more the desire of the remaining personnel and students to master the
languages increases.


The correct setting of priorities, the adaptation of professional interest to modern
standards, the convenience of the environment, the high level of language proficiency
of specialists – all this creates favorable conditions for the mastering the language
learning, getting achievement of effective results.


Due to the peculiarities of the field in different universities, the methods and forms of
teaching foreign languages are diverse. In this regard, the professional activity of a
teacher also plays an important role. Due to the requirements of the specialty, the
correct understanding and formation of the methods, the ability to present and apply

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the forms of training to the desired level are important factors for the qualitative
mastering of languages.


It is important that the medical institution of higher education creates the necessary
environment and conditions for English teachers in the adoption of its motivational
strategy for students to master English language, considering the specialities and
peculiarities of the field, taking into account the necessary concessions, all of them are
manifested in the form of a holistic educational process.

The raising the level of the knowledge of English language in medical high school and

the further improvement of it is an important factor in achieving high results, especially
according to the modern requirements. Focusing on this process, it is possible to list the
following measures: For the medical sector, the issues of


Introduction of new political technologies of teaching English in medical high school.


Improvement of knowledge and skills of pedagogical personnel at medical high
school, more consistent development of their professional development in this regard,
introduction of modern methods of teaching foreign languages in cooperation with
relevant ministries and departments in this regard.


Development of examinations, competitions, and special awards among medical
specialists in the field of knowledge of the English language. As one of the main
motivational methods, improve financial incentives for the teachers of English with
high student performance indicators.


In this direction, the role of the media in organizing programs such as "round tables"
for medical universities, "English for medical staff", enriching them with interactive

The use of high pedagogical skills in teaching English in medical universities is the

most appropriate way to achieve a fruitful and high result. The harmony and
encouragement of the relationship between the teacher and student ensures the effective
application of motivation strategies, the continuous analysis of the situation and the
perfection of the relationship. One of the criteria for skillful training is the desire to meet
the two-way needs. The proficiency of the teacher, the use of methods that motivate
students to learn, interesting styles, harmony, respect and encouragement of achievements,
reducing negative factors and maximum control of the situation are important and relevant.



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R.L. Oxford, Language Learning Strategies in a Nutshell: Update and ESL

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Chin J Ind Hyg Occup Dis






P.R. Pintrich, Journal of Educational Psychology,


667-686 (2003)


C.B. Binalet, J.M. Guerra, International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English


3 (5),

251-260 (2014)


Y.Zhang, Open Journal of Social Sciences,

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476-483 (2021)


S.C. Broussard, M.E.B. Garrison, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal,


106–120 (2004)


F. Guay, J. Chanal, C.F. Ratelle, et al., British Journal of Educational Psychology,


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K.B. Baranbayeva, Bulletin of Science and Education No 3(27),


66, 2017


J. Li, Research on interaction and communication in English teaching. Hebei, China.

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J. Li, Research on interaction and communication in English teaching. Hebei, China.

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D.D. Buranova,

New methodical approach in the field of teaching English to students

of medical higher education institutions

(Monographs, Tashkent, 100, 2020)

Библиографические ссылки

Y. Liu, L. Su, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 6(1), 25-36 (2016)

E.W. Brewer, D.N. Burgess, Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42(23), 23-47 (2005)

R.L. Oxford, Language Learning Strategies in a Nutshell: Update and ESL Suggestions. In J. C. Richards & W. A. Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 124-132 (2002)

T.L. Seifert, Understanding student motivation. Educational Research, (46)2, 137- 149 (2004)

D. Gorter, J. Cenoz, Language education policy and multilingual assessment. Language and Education, 31 (3), 231-248 (2017)

Language Education Policy Profiles. A transversal analysis: trends and issues. Language Policy Division, 3-5 (2009)

National Research Council. Engaging schools: Fostering high school students' motivation to learn (2004) 8. P.R. Pintrich, Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(4), 667-686 (2003)

C.B. Binalet, J.M. Guerra, International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 3 (5), 251-260 (2014)

Y.Zhang, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9 (2), 476-483 (2021)

S.C. Broussard, M.E.B. Garrison, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33(2), 106–120 (2004)

F. Guay, J. Chanal, C.F. Ratelle, et al., British Journal of Educational Psychology, 80(4), 712 (2010)

K.B. Baranbayeva, Bulletin of Science and Education No 3(27), 2, 66, 2017

J. Li, Research on interaction and communication in English teaching. Hebei, China. Web of Conferences 5, 0100, 1-5 (2016)

J. Li, Research on interaction and communication in English teaching. Hebei, China. Web of Conferences 5, 0100, 1-5 (2016)

D.D. Buranova, New methodical approach in the field of teaching English to students of medical higher education institutions (Monographs, Tashkent, 100, 2020)

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