ISSN (Online): 2455-
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) -
Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 |December 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013
SJIF Impact Factor:
7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188
2020 EPRA IJMR |
| Journal DOI URL:
Dilfuza Muminovna Teshabaeva
Doctor of Philology,
Uzbek State University of World Languages
Nasrulloeva Nasiba Sadullaevna
Researcher at the Uzbek State University of
World Languages
This article reflects the experience of a comprehensive systematic and phenomenological study of computer and Internet
jargon, which is now widely recognized as an important tool and subject. One of the unique features of computer and
Internet terminology is the emergence of computer jargon specific to their users. After all, special vocabulary is only used
in industry and is self-explanatory. The terminological lexical units are also closely connected with general literary
language, which means that it gives the chance of representing and naming newly appeared notions. Practical means of
creating the terms are determined in the process as well. Meanwhile, professional jargons are also enriched by means of
non-professionally-used terminological lexical units in its turn.
computer and Internet jargons, slangs, terms, scientific and technical terminology, approach,
In terminology, the issue of the ratio of the
language of science and technology and the language
of general literature as a special professional
language is of great importance. It is known that the
language of science and technology appeared and
developed on the basis of the national universal
language. This situation is manifested not only by the
structure of the language of science and technology,
its subordination to the language system, but also by
the manifestation in it of the basic types of linguistic
units. Therefore, the relationship between the
language of science and technology and the universal
language is considered by us as a systematic and
systematic, i.e., literary language relationship of
computer and internet jargon.
There are two situations in the professional
communication of computer and Internet users:
common words in literary language (uses a common
layer of general scientific vocabulary); use of non-
literary language (dialect, rude words, slang, jargon,
etc.). As noted above, terminological lexicon is
related to the universal language, which gives it the
means to name new concepts and defines the means
of constructing practical terms. Professional jargon,
like general literary language, is in turn enriched by
the use of terminological vocabulary for non-specific
purposes. Professional goal-oriented vocabulary
plays an important role in the literary language
system. A special language is a language that is
always prone to the principle of traditional
internationalism, which is considered national on this
basis, and E.I. Golovanova interprets the special
language as a functional type of the national
language, noting that "the language of professional
communication, although it is not an artificially
separated system within the natural language, is
The following types of professionalism are
distinguished: 1) original professionalism; 2)
communicative professionalism. The first type
reflects the specific mechanisms of cognition during
the subject-practical activity, the second type is
created for practical purposes (for example, for the
purpose of speech-saving, to give methodical
coloring, etc.). Professional jargon. Modern
terminology distinguishes between professionalism
1 Голованова, Е. И. Категория
профессионального деятеля в динамическом
пространстве языка (лингвокогнитивный
анализ) [Текст] : дис. … докт. фил. наук / Е.
И. Голованова. – Челябинск, 2004. – 367 с.
ISSN (Online): 2455-
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) -
Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 |December 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013
SJIF Impact Factor:
7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188
2020 EPRA IJMR |
| Journal DOI URL:
and professional jargonism. In jargonism, unlike
professionalism, the evaluative component takes
precedence over the informational component.
Nevertheless, the classification criteria of the
mentioned professional units are still controversial.
In this case, the identification of the imagery and
evaluation component is related to the feelings of the
particular subject. In our opinion, research in this
area should be aimed at revealing the essence of
special lexical tools, ie jargon, which are convenient
for computer and Internet users.
From what has been said, it is clear that the
problems of distinguishing terms, professionalism
and jargon are becoming clear in the field of network
technology. In computer language, jargon performs
specific functions
they are associated with
increasing expressiveness, conveying emotions, and
appreciation. Computer and Internet jargon
emphasizes the emotional or axiological aspects of
the content of professional speech, its lexical
structure, thematic structure reflects these aspects of
professional activity. languages are words used
mainly by computer language owners, which, on the
one hand, constitute computer and internet jargon
and, on the other hand, are a source of filling
common jargon for both languages, although they
reflect the realities of the unprofessional field.
L.M. Alekseeva is a staunch supporter of
such views. He believes that it is enough to divide the
vocabulary into terms and terminoids for special
purposes. At the same time, the second group
includes all other units, such as nomenclature,
professionalism, jargon, and, in his opinion, have not
yet reached the threshold of terminology [Alekseeva
L.M., 1998; 15].
Difficulties in distinguishing between terms,
professionalism and jargon are evident in the field of
networking. A separate category is formed by
assimilated units, ie, lexemes formed on the basis of
morphologically assimilated verbs, foreign or
assimilated words. Scale to scale; units such as
«shrink or enlarge», «scale» and «scale»
[Golovanova E.I., 2008; 9] refer to such units. These
units are neither figurative, nor emotionally
expressive, nor evaluative, therefore they should be
considered as terms. However, we call these lexemes
professionalism because their use is limited.
In addition to the lexical-semantic variation,
there is a more functional-stylistic variation, which is
associated with the presence of similar denotative
lexical units, designated in terms of belonging to
different styles. This type of variation is closely
related to the phenomenon of functional and
methodological migration of vocabulary [Erkinov
S.E. , 2020; 105], including the transfer of linguistic
units from one terminological field to another, and
the variants themselves are used in different social
dialects and / or literary languages. A social dialect
(sheva) or sociolect is a set of linguistic features
characteristic of a social group [Belikov V.I., Krysin
L.P., 2001; 30]. This is a group of people interested
in networking. Examples of sociolects are slang,
slang, and slang. Argon, unlike slang, is a somewhat
mysterious language, it was created so that the
speech of this social group would not be understood
by others. Jargon and slang are words that are close
to each other in meaning. The term slang is typical of
Western linguistic traditions. Jargons can be
professional or social, and sometimes reflect both of
these traits together [Belikov V.I., Krysin L.P., 2001;
33]. Functional and stylistic variation «simple speech
- slang», or «general - simple speech - slang»,
«special - slang»; «Special talk» and so on. k. as
shown in the comparisons [Alexandrov O. A.,
Bogoslovskaya, Z. M., Shchitova O. G., etc., 2015;
The vagueness of newly emerging term
systems in language is characterized by the inability
of many people to control the creation of terms. This
is due to the widespread informatization and the
transition of many users from the recipient of
information to the category of the transmitter
[Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu.,
2010; 139]. The jargon of professional language, the
lack of stability in the form and meaning of terms,
and the blurring of boundaries between terms and
professionalism are the result of this process. This
situation is also typical for the Uzbek language.
JARGON (FR. Jargon - a word belonging to
a certain group). Words and phrases characteristic of
any social or professional group, which only they
understand and differ from the literary language
[Chepelyuk V.V., 1992; 74].
T.G. Nikitina defines slang as follows: slang
is «a type of social speech characterized by a special
use of lexical and phraseological means that differ
from the common language (often expressively
rethought)» [Nikitina T. G., 2003; 4].
Yu.M. Skrebnev slang refers to the words of
professional and social groups that are informal in the
neutral sphere of the literary language and exchange
humor of words. In his opinion, the creators of the
jargon call formal and even neutral words excellent
and even sublime. The use of jargon requires some
defiance of linguistic behavior [Skrebnev Yu.M.,
2000; 67].
Jargon is a relatively open social or
professional group speech that differs from the
literary language in the composition of words and
phrases [Skrebnev Yu.M., 2000; 21].
Jargon is a vocabulary related to a
profession or activity. Computer jargon consists of a
programmers and some users) who have become a
profession, a hobby, a way of life (sometimes the
meaning of life) by working with computer
ISSN (Online): 2455-
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) -
Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 |December 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013
SJIF Impact Factor:
7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188
2020 EPRA IJMR |
| Journal DOI URL:
The main function of slang is to express
belonging to a relatively independent social group
using certain words, forms and expressions.
Sometimes the slang term is also used to express
distorted, mispronounced speech. It is a conventional
language that can only be understood in a certain
environment, in which there are many artificial and
sometimes conventional words and phrases.
However, now there is a principle of jargon
that goes beyond professional or social groups, on the
one hand, the growing gap between literary and slang
speech, on the other hand, it is to some extent
«vulgarization» of public life.
Jargon (or social dialect, dialect) is «a type
of national language used in oral communication of a
relatively stable social group that unites people in
accordance with their profession, position in society,
interests and age» [Skrebnev Yu.M., 2000; 40].
The linguistic essence of slang is also a
metaphor for the meanings of words in order to
create a play on words or a play on words,
expressive, emotionally colored linguistic means of
S. Ozhegov and A. According to the
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language
Shvedova, this is «group speech, different from the
usual language, including artificial, and sometimes
conventional, with many social or other common
interests with many words and phrases» [Ozhegov S.,
Shvedova N. Yu., 1992; 24].
Jargon is both a language (part of the
national language) and speech. Then we learn jargon
as a kind of national language.
Jargon, slang is the speech of people united
in a social group by common interests, hobbies, and
social status [Ozhegov S., Shvedova N. Yu., 1992;
V.P. Korovushkin clarified the topical issues
of professional jargon, highlighting the following:
historically formed and far from
homogeneity, relatively stable and open, complex,
systemic organization; includes specific lexical and
socially-methodologically defined words within the
national language or its national variant; events can
communication; the presence of differences in
characters and processes, ethical and specific
methodological aspects and other lexical forms, etc.
[Korovushkin V.P., 2007; 116].
Professional jargon is found primarily in the
association of speakers in relation to the structure of
social groups, primarily based on professional
The definition of professional jargon as an
object of linguistics and its systematic study led to
the formation of definitions of the concept of
«jargon», the description of this concept, the
development of solutions to related problems. The
figurative «inner form» of professional jargon is a
mediator between the new meaning and reality,
which contributes to the «fixation» of knowledge
about the world through the use of certain images
[Abdullayeva Sh. N., 2018; 84].
Considering the concept of slang in modern
linguistics, it is worth noting that all definitions assert
that slang manifests itself in the speech of a certain
social group united by common age interests.
Slang is a set of features of colloquial
speech that arise between people who have common
interests and spend time together in the same
professional and home environment; it is a vast area
of language tools that are inflexible, mobile and can
change quickly from other language tools. Jargon is a
source that enriches the vocabulary of the modern
Russian linguist I. Komleva identifies the
following thematic areas in the formation of
computer terminology:
general information about computers
(history of creation, development, models and their
keyboard and mouse for a desktop computer, devices
for laptops and smartphones;
software (operating system with a
standard set of software applications);
programming (extensive information
processing capabilities associated with the creation
and use of various algorithmic programs);
omputer system function (arithmetic
operations and computer exercises);
omputer technologies (information and
technologies, etc.) [Komleva I.L., 2006; 16].
Language belongs to a social phenomenon and
reflects the specific characteristics of the speakers, ie
culture, social status, worldview, ethnic values. In
linguistics, slang is an integral part of language and is
considered one of the most controversial issues in
lexicology. Jargon, slang can be associated with a
particular phenomenon that is constantly evolving
and changing in linguistics. Computer and Internet
vocabulary includes literary vocabulary consisting of
terminology and non-literary vocabulary consisting
of computer professionalism and jargonism, and both
categories of vocabulary perform their functions and
have their own field of application. Only as a result
of the analysis of the nature of the nomination can
professionalism be distinguished from the term:
professionalism usually uses a sign that does not
make sense on the basis of a nomination, while a
term nomination is based on a sign of meaning.
Computer and Internet jargon provide stylistically
low stylistic, expressive features to speech, perform
ISSN (Online): 2455-
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) -
Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 |December 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013
SJIF Impact Factor:
7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188
2020 EPRA IJMR |
| Journal DOI URL:
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