Лингвопрагматический аспект текста в СМИ

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Тешабаева, Д. (2024). Лингвопрагматический аспект текста в СМИ. in Library, 21(4), 55–58. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/28368
Дилфуза Тешабаева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
доктор филологических наук, профессор


In the era of universal informatization of society, the role of journalism is becoming an important factor in the system of mass communication. Journalism, on the one hand, is a concept created through mass culture, and on the other hand, it serves the formation of mass culture as a social space. As a mediator of social and cultural ideas about the new world, he "introduces" new  concepts, new pragmatic norms into the language and shows us a creatively understood picture of the world. All new concepts are interpreted in the same way. Recognition of the conventional nature of journalism - through a general cultural (historical, national, ethnic, ideological) community - made it possible to create a socio cultural classification of journalism. The subject of scientific research in this direction, undoubtedly, is the publicistic text. On the other hand, journalism is the medium in which this text is formed, created and used.

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SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241|

Journal DOI



ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | December 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016

| www.eprajournals.com


55 |


Teshabaeva Dilfuza Muminovna

Professor, USUWL


In the era of universal informatization of society, the role of journalism is becoming an important factor in the
system of mass communication. Journalism, on the one hand, is a concept created through mass culture, and on
the other hand, it serves the formation of mass culture as a social space. As a mediator of social and cultural ideas
about the new world, he "introduces" new concepts, new pragmatic norms into the language and shows us a
creatively understood picture of the world. All new concepts are interpreted in the same way. Recognition of the
conventional nature of journalism - through a general cultural (historical, national, ethnic, ideological)
community - made it possible to create a socio-cultural classification of journalism. The subject of scientific
research in this direction, undoubtedly, is the publicistic text. On the other hand, journalism is the medium in
which this text is formed, created and used.


media, linguistics, pragmatics, text, manipulation, ideology, expressiveness, trend.

The creation of texts in the media space is

described as a journalistic discourse and is created in
accordance with communicative, methodological and
linguistic norms. The function of sensitivity is the
most important task of the newspaper journalistic
style. Therefore, the correct solution to the problem
of the character, means of expression and sources of
journalism is of great not only theoretical, but also of
great practical importance.

Journalism is an emotional, affective,

expressive area. However, the character of this
impression differs from the artistic one, since it is not
figurative. Journalistic discourse can also be
interpreted as a linguistic emphasis on concepts that
are already firmly entrenched in it. They are also
called ideologists [1].

Ideologies in a journalistic text are a part, an

element of a journalistic worldview [2]. A concept is
a recognized cultural phenomenon, an element of the
simplest ideas about the world, a form of social
consciousness known to all. On the other hand,
ideology is a new concept that is just being formed,
and over time it becomes a form of consciousness,
that is, a future-oriented concept [2]. It is imprinted
in the public consciousness as a verbal-mental
stereotype using certain linguistic units. Thus, social
and personal ideologies differ. According to M.M.
Bakhtin, "a text is an expression of the consciousness
of the one who reflects something" [3]. Based on this,
we can say that the national landscape of the world is
vividly reflected in the texts of the media. It is well

known that fact processing is mainly done with the
help of cognitive resources.

It is important to have three features in the

formation of the text: constructive, semantic,
communicative and pragmatic. The main design
features of the text are based on the principles of
integrity, coherence, as well as syntagmatic and
paradigmatic. The semantic features of the text are
built on the basis of denotative and conceptual
content. The communicative-pragmatic level of the
text is formed on the basis of the speaker, listening
and building the internal and external boundaries of
the text, as well as deictic, press-positive units in the
text. The phenomenon of pragmatic pressulosis plays
a key role in the effectiveness of speech movement,
knowledge of the participants in the dialogue and
information about it, as well as the cognitive
perception of the internal and external conditions of
communicative activity [4].

A pragmatic feature of journalism as a

special artistic (creative) type is the need for a clear
focus on the material facing the author. Pragmatics is
interpreted as a real communication situation
involving the selective use of language tools for
solving communication problems.

Pragmatics involves the study of all the

conditions for the use of linguistic signs by mankind.
A condition is the use of conditions, situations, the
use of the corresponding linguistic means, means and






interlocutor [5].

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SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241|

Journal DOI



ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | December 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016

| www.eprajournals.com


56 |

When defining the main aspects of

pragmatics, the concepts of addressee and addressee,
who choose linguistic means, their social status,
conditions in the communicative act, the influence of
the written language of partners on each other, come
to the fore. In this context, pragmatic analysis
identifies factors such as discourse, the intended
purpose of the addressee from speech, its influence
on the addressee, and interactions between them.

In a pragmatic linguistic context, the speaker

is 1) a material being; 2) the content of the message;
3) communicative elements, such as tone of voice
(confidence, decisiveness, courage, fear, insecurity,
suspicion, suspicion, joy, joy, etc.), the use of lexical
units, the use of non-verbal means when expressing
an attitude towards the addressee (listener) in the
communicative act of the speaker and the listener is
important and provides additional information about
communicators. The pragmatic function of linguistic
units arises in connection with the context, speech
situation, language skills of speakers and their
general knowledge of the object of speech. Factors
such as speech, speech content, situation, spiritual
closeness of the speaker and listener also participate
in clarifying the pragmatic content of oral
communication [6].

The general boundaries of the concept of

linguistic pragmatics can be defined as the role of
linguistic signs in the speech process, as well as the
interaction of ideas expressed in speech activity, the
relationship between the speaker and the listener, the
communicative situation in speech acts [7].

a) not only the pragmatic features of the use

of words and techniques associated with the
emergence of speech, but also the pragmatic features
of auxiliary words and morphemes, phrases,
sentences of different levels;

b) pragmatic functional laws of language

and speech;

c) typical forms of a nolinguistic situation;
g) social goals, objectives;
d) studies the goals and objectives of the

subject, addressee, social and mental type and only
on this basis, in accordance with a specific non-
linguistic situation, the facial expression of the
interlocutors [8].

E.S. Aznaurova theoretically substantiated






situation and included the following:

- the situation and place where the

communicative act takes place;

- Topic and purpose of the conversation;
- Ethical, individual characteristics of the

participants in the dialogue;

- Interaction of the participants in the

dialogue [9].

In particular, the essence of the text is






complete sentence, the connection of the language
with the help of lexical and grammatical means.
Closer to the truth is that a text is a unit of speech
than a unit of language [10].

There are several types of speech, and T.

Biryukova classifies it as "speech expression",
"description", "narration", "reflection" and a small
part of the text, that is, microtext [11].








pragmalinguistics is directly related to the process of
communication, in which the use of language by
communicators covers their target, emotional and
similar ways of expression [12].

In pragmatic analysis, the content of the

text depends on how the information is conveyed by
the author, as well as on the method of the writer.
This information is also reflected in the expression of
the temporary location of the situation and events in
the transmitter's memory. The formal form of
information in the text is reflected in the functional-
semantic category [13].

The pragmatic effect that is planned and

predicted by any text is the impact effect. As
american culturologist A. Mole points out, the media
controls almost all of our culture, filtering it through
its own filter, separating individual elements from the
general mass of cultural events, giving them special
salvation, increasing the value of one idea, destroying
the value of another. Thus, it polarizes the entire field
of culture. Aspects that do not fall into the channels
of mass communication and are not included in the
"technology of popularization" have practically no
potential to influence society. The conclusion of the
researcher: "At present, knowledge is formed not by
the educational system, but by the means of mass
communication." Thus, the whole society and the
individual cannot escape the influence of the media.

Judging by the manipulative nature of

modern media, the function of influence suggests that
today it supplants other functions as well. A number
of researchers believe that manipulative influence is
one of the most important functions of modern
media. Linguistic manipulation is a latent linguistic
influence on the addressee, the purpose of which is to
deliberately mislead the addressee about the intention
or content of speech.

There are many linguistic mechanisms and

tools used to perform linguistic manipulations (and
described): the inclusion of evaluative information in
factual information - for the recipient as a "true
message", which is false or not factual and consists
only of the evaluation (i.e., neither true, not false).)
Deliberate transmission of the message "(for
example, the introduction of a subjective assessment
of novelty, specific to the author, which researchers
initially considered an "objective" genre [14]).

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SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241|

Journal DOI



ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | December 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016

| www.eprajournals.com


57 |

We regard the text as a high-level language

unit. Knowledge of the language system is separated
from many texts by linguistics. A set of linguistic
criteria helps to determine the nature of a particular
journalistic text and reflects a generalized linguistic-
cultural model of a journalistic text, which is a set of
elements of this system. Natural language combines
conceptual intellectual images into clear verbal and
written harmony, allowing to convey subtext
subjective information present in a specific
journalistic text.

Textual criticism, which deals with the

creation of a text, modeling its structure and studying
the process of its activity, is of interest to journalists
today as a linguistic discipline. This is due to the fact
that linguists describe the current state of the Russian
language on the basis of various factors, relying on a
wide range of linguistic and verbal traditions.

Based on the foregoing, the most urgent task

remains the task of spiritual and structural modeling,
which is involved in the formation of the text based
on the pragmatics of the speaker-listener relationship.
The last aspect remains interesting from the point of
view of journalism, since it directly leads to
journalistic practice, and the specific orientation of
any information leads to the improvement of creative
activity, and the journalistic text is maximized in this
situation. According to the observations of scientists,
the phenomenon of verbal communication consists of
the interaction of all factors in the formation of the
text. Such factors, or “multifaceted entities expressed
in the text”, include the characteristics of objective
activity, the nature of intellectual activity, the
systematic interconnection of linguistic units, the
conditions and features of the communicative
process. In the process of speech activity,





interactions, the communicative meaning of a text
arises from linguistic means with a predominance of
syntax. Thus, he distinguishes aspects of linguistic
and sociocultural criteria that indicate the relationship
of a journalistic text with a specific socio-cultural
model in the field of journalism.

The profession of a journalist requires

clarity, stability of opinion, unity of speech and
action. This genre as a journalistic genre has been
developing since ancient times. The authors of
ancient rhetoric have developed a carefully thought
out specific mechanism for the literal translation of
internal speech into external words. This mechanism
is called the rhetorical canon. The rules of the
rhetorical canon are a model of speech actions that
provide an effective solution to the author's tasks,
which are used to determine the topic. This scheme is
based on oral or written text. The old canon shows
five rules of thumb. In ancient times, the terminology
was formed as follows:

1. Inventio - invenire guid dicere - search

argument, verbal organization and forms of

2. Dispositio - inventorya disponere - a form

of location, placement of a word or thought;

3. Elocutio - ornare verbis - ways of forming

or expressing words in color;

4. Memoria - a way of memorizing;
5. Actio hyrcrisis - ageri - the art of forming

oral speech.

The centuries-old rhetorical canon includes a

system of sequential actions for choosing, placing
and thinking over words. Its peculiarity is that genres
that replace each other are combined into a certain
type of text. For a journalist working with ordinary
words, mastering the mechanism of creating a text
based on the classical rhetorical tradition means
mastering constant and new ways of creating a text.

It is necessary to collect enough information

to achieve the impact of journalistic text, such
features increase the quality and efficiency of
information retrieval. As a result, the text has a
practical and organizational impact on the public. It
aims to encourage believable audience behavior or to
adapt to the specific environment in which students'
opinions, feedback, feelings and special journalistic
values are formed. The author without special
education, who was the first to shake the pen, not
knowing the genre nature of the journalistic text, is
not a professional journalist. They build their works
according to the rules of a generalized publicistic
text. He sought to collect various information with
the help of his thinking in order to attract public
attention with it. But it is difficult to call it a full-
fledged journalistic work.

It should be noted that versatility in

journalism is not always the solution to all problems.
If you want to achieve a specific goal, you need to





information, processing sources, comprehending the
essence of the text and weighing it in certain genres
and forms requires versatility, as well as focus on a
specific area.



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энциклопедияси. 2008. –Б. 120.

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SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241|

Journal DOI



ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | December 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016

| www.eprajournals.com


58 |






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вузов/ Под ред. М.Н. Володиной. – М.:
Академический проект : Альма Матер, 2008.
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2008. С. 50.

Библиографические ссылки

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Солганик Г. Я. О структуре и важнейших параметрах публицистической речи (языка СМИ) // Язык современной публицистики. –М., 2000. – С. 45.

Бахтин М.М. Эстетика словесного творчества.– М.: Искусство, 1986. – 357 с.

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Кўчибоев А. Матн прагматикаси. – Самарқанд., 2015, (123 бет).

Киселева Л.А. Вопросы теории речевого воздействия. –Л., 1978. –С. 99.

Азнаурова, Э.С. Прагматика художественного слова. –Ташкент: Фан, 1988. –С. 38. (121 с.).

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Мирсанов Г. Дискурс таркибида аспектуал ва темпораллик мазмун ифодаси. –Тошкент.: “Навруз” нашрёти, 2018. –Б.10.

Мирсанов Г. Дискурс таркибида аспектуал ва темпораллик мазмун ифодаси. –Тошкент.: “Навруз” нашрёти, 2018. –Б. 15.

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Клушина Н.И. Стилистика публицистического текста. –М.: МедиаМир, 2008. С. 50.

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