Лингвопрагматические особенности публицистического текста

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Тешабаева, Д., & Исраил, М. (2024). Лингвопрагматические особенности публицистического текста. in Library, 21(1), 63–66. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/28401
Дилфуза Тешабаева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Заведующий кафедрой Узбекского государственного университета мировых языков, доктор филологических наук, профессор
Мукаддас Исраил, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Профессор Узбекского государственного университета мировых языков, доктор философских наук


This article analyzes the linguistic and pragmatic features of a journalistic text. It is known that in the mass process of modern communicative society, publicistic communication takes an increasingly important place. A single center of knowledge and periphery comes to replace a multifaceted world with diverse knowledge and culture. This center has its own industries, which it provides with the necessary knowledge. The characterization of the modern communication society by such a clash will radically change our life. These changes will manifest themselves through the formation of public opinion. Scientific research carried out in the fields of linguistics and journalism in recent years is devoted to the problems of society, culture and other issues. It is generally accepted that factors such as economics, politics, cultural and national customs and traditions have a direct impact on the language. It is impossible to deny the fact that this list of sociocultural criteria needs to be clarified and supplemented. Therefore, the consideration of the specific communicative speech activity of journalism in a pragmatic aspect requires a modern approach.

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scientific journal of the modern education

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The Kingdom of Belgium





This article analyzes the linguistic and pragmatic features of a journalistic text. It is known

that in the mass process of modern communicative society, publicistic communication takes

an increasingly important place. A single center of knowledge and periphery comes to replace

a multifaceted world with diverse knowledge and culture. This center has its own industries,

which it provides with the necessary knowledge. The characterization of the modern com-

munication society by such a clash will radically change our life. These changes will manifest

themselves through the formation of public opinion. Scientific research carried out in the

fields of linguistics and journalism in recent years is devoted to the problems of society, cul-

ture and other issues. It is generally accepted that factors such as economics, politics, cultural

and national customs and traditions have a direct impact on the language. It is impossible

to deny the fact that this list of sociocultural criteria needs to be clarified and supplemented.

Therefore, the consideration of the specific communicative speech activity of journalism in a

pragmatic aspect requires a modern approach.


journalism, journalistic style, mass communication, media, media linguistics,

pragmatics, society, text.

Medialingvistics is a direction that studies modern print, audivizual and Internet language in the me-

dia industry. Medialingvistics involves not only language, but also speech, units of speech in certain areas

of activity, the separation of mediamatns into genres, but also the effective use of resources in the case of

non-speech and media communication in different areas of factors, the study of linguistic sources (lexical,

gramatic) and media Stylistics.

Mediacommunication is the sphere in which human activity carries out its potential in the quality of

language functional integrity to the greatest extent possible. The influence of information on the quality of

goods began to be seen in the independent reflection of the reader. The issues of formation of opinions,

values and ideals of information consumers necessitate the search for ways to regulate the world of infor-

mation in the minds of the reader, the development and formation of a system of new methods and skills

of dealing with information.

V. G. Kostomarov believes that for all mass media texts, the issue of «keeping an audience» is now

very relevant [6, p. 120]. With constant communication with the audience, establishing communicative

cooperation, adding important and interesting information, interacting all the time, not limited to a nar-

row atmosphere of communication, is the simplest way to attract the attention of the audience.

linGuistic and PraGmatic features

journalistic teXt

Dilfuza teshabayeva,

Head of the Department of the Uzbek State University of World Languages,
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Mukaddas israil,

Professor of the Uzbek State University of World Languages, Doctor of Philosophy

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scientific journal of the modern education

& research institute

The Kingdom of Belgium


Through communication, the growing frontal surfacetirib, although in part (usually only from the sur-

face), the media has been using methods (the use of label formulas) designed to reduce the degree of mani-

festation through communication.

The method of publicistic refers to the «numbered» address, even from the point of view of profes-

sional orientation (teachers, businessmen, etc.), even from the point of view of the circle of interests that

do not belong to the profession (for motorists, movie enthusiasts, etc.), taking into account the methods

of speech-etiquette, political interest presupposes that the text will be clear enough, even from the point of

view of age, gender. The author of the publicistic text influences the socio-civil, social, emotional spheres of

the reader [2, p.101].

One of the tasks of the author of the publicistic text is to establish a close relationship with the ad-

dressee and interest him. The basis for journalistic texts is inclined to the adress, with which it remains a

function of the road izlash for the future conversation. To find a solution to this task, the journalist will

be asked to look for a way to «work in cooperation» with the organizers of communicative competence, to

have the knowledge of «self-organization» of colloquial speech and colloquial texts.

The informativeness of the text is an indicator of the quality of the text. The expression of information

within the text has a direct connotation of both the «time» associated with the situation of speech and the

time of the information received. This is how the link provides for the expression of the given data within

the framework of time and aspect [10, p. 8].

The demand and condition for information informativeness is in its novelty, relevance, adequacy, the

word, sentence, can be realized in complex syntactic units and within the whole context. Of course, if we

interpret the information given in the text from a linguistic point of view, then the text is an Information

Unit. Therefore, the concept of text is necessary to be accepted in a broad sense. In particular, the concept

of» text « can be used not only in relation to an artistically formed work, but also in relation to its parts [9,

p. 81].

Within the framework of the text, conducted extensive research, the linguist van deck determines the

indicators of the exchange of macros in the text as follows:

1) Change in probability (language indicator-the semantic category of modality);

2) Change in time or period (language indicator-the semantic category of temporality);

3) Spatial indicator i (Language indicator – the semantic category of locativity);

4) Introduction of new participants;

5) Change of point of view or purpose (language indicators-communicative purpose, semantic cat-

egory of person);

6) Composition of predicates of different types. If a sentence does not correspond to this macrocom-

position, a new macrocomposition is created [1, p. 62-67].

Pragmatics is interpreted as a real state of communication, which implies the selective use of linguistic

means for the purpose of solving communicative tasks. Pragmatism keeps in mind all the conditions, cir-

cumstances of the use of linguistic signs by mankind. When it is said the use of circumstances, situations,

the use of linguistic means corresponding to them, adequate means, through which the method and means

of communicative influence on the interlocutor are understood. [3, p. 43].

The scientist L. Vitganshtane, who contributed to the formation of linguistic pragmatics, separately

explained the subjects as one of the important factors in the development. The scientist stressed the need to

take into account not only the internal context of the text in this process, but also the situations outside the

language that arise through the influence of human activity [11, p. 187].

Uzbek linguist scientist M. Khakimov said that the study of the essence of pragmatic phenomena

requires both logical and philosophical deliberations from a linguist. Therefore, linguistic pragmatics stud-

ies not only the linguistic analysis of the phenomenon, but also its logical, philosophical and sociological

properties [4, p. 18].

In the pragmatic linguistic circle, the speaker’s attitude to 1) material existence; 2) the content of the

message; 3) the tone of speech (confidence, perseverance, persistence, fear, distrust, suspicion, hadik,

joy, etc.), the use of lexical units, the application of noverbal means, as long as they express their atti-

tude to the addressee (listener), the speaker and the listener’s participation in the communicative act, is

considered important and the pragmatic function of lan-guage units arises in such a way as to relate to

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scientific journal of the modern education

& research institute

The Kingdom of Belgium


the context, the conversational situation, the language skills of the speakers and the general knowledge

of the object of speech. In colloquial communication, factors such as speech, spoken content, situation,

spiritual, mental proximity of the speaker and the listener are also involved in the enlightenment of prag-

matic content [10, p. 8].

The general boundaries of the concept of linguistic pragmatics can be defined as the introduction of

linguistic signs into function in the process of speech, as well as the interpersonal relations of the expressed

thoughts in the process of speech activity, the relationship of the speaker and the listener, the communica-

tive situation in speech acts [7, p.123].

In particular, the essence of the text is understood as the coherence of the completed sentences, the

connection of the language with each other in terms of meaning, with the help of lexical-grammatical

means. It is closer to the fact that the text is a unit of speech than to say a unit of language [10, p. 7].

Speech consists of several types, T. G. Biryukova classifies it as follows:» speech expression»,» descrip-

tion»,» storytelling»,» reasoning « and a small part of the text, that is, it is a micromath. The field of prag-

malinguistics’s theory of speech ICT is directly related to the process of communication, which includes the

use of language tools by communicators, their purposeful, emotional and similar methods of expression.

In pragmatic analysis, the composition of the text is considered to depend on how the data is transmit-

ted by the author, also on the method of the writer. This information is also reflected in the expression of

the situation in the memory of the transmitter and the temporal location of events. The formative appear-

ance of information in the text is reflected in the functional – semantic category [10, p. 15].

Linguistic isolation is the implicit linguistic influence on an address, the purpose of which is to delib-

erately mislead the adresate about the intention or content of speech. There are many linguistics and tools

that serve to carry out linguistic analysis (and described): the introduction of evaluative information into

the faktological data – to the recipient «consciously convey a message whose falsity as a real message was

previously known or not faktological and consisted only of evaluation (that is, neither true nor untrue)» [8,

p. 165-166] (for example, the introduction of the author-specific sub-evaluation into the newsletter, which

researchers previously considered an «unbiased» genre from the beginning) [5, p. 50].

The text is considered from our side as a high-level language unit. Knowledge of the language system

is distinguished from many texts through linguistics. The collection of linguistic criteria will help to deter-

mine the nature of this or that journalistic text and reflect the generalized linguistic model of the journalis-

tic text, which is the set of elements of this system. Natural language combines concretely thought-provok-

ing images into a clear verbal and written harmony, allowing the transmission of pre-textual information

contained in a particular journalistic text.

The textology, which deals with the study of the process of the creation, modeling of structure and

functioning of the text, is interesting to journalists today as a linguistic discipline. This is due to the fact that

Linguistics scientists describe the modern state of the Russian language on the basis of various syllables,

proceeding from a wide spectrum of linguistic and colloquial traditions. The main place in the study is

represented primarily by the description of lexical and semantic changes observed in public speech. This is

due to the fact that the word semantics itself as a unit, language or text has become problematic. If earlier

the main unit of grammatical semantic analysis was the word, then to this day the unit that attracted the

attention of scientists remains the literal meaning of the word, which is clearly in relation to other word

combinations of words or other words. This approach allows you to analyze modern trends in language

development, but does not allow you to see a single whole macro – text.

Proceeding from the foregoing, the task, which is extremely urgent, remains the task of spiritual and

structural modeling, participating in the dressing of text, relying on the pragmatics of the attitude of the

speaker and listener. The last men-tioned aspect remains interesting from the point of view of journalism,

since it has a direct path leading to journalistic practice, the concrete orientation of any information leads

to the improvement of creative activity, the journalistic text is the maximum in this situation. According

to the observations of scientists, the phenomenon of speech communication consists in the interaction of

all participles in the formation of the text. Similar pronouns or «multifaceted entities that have their own

expression in the text» include the features of the object’s activity, the character of thought activity, the sys-

tematic attitude of language units, the conditions and characteristics of the communicative process. In the

process of speech activity, morphology, syntax, word formation, lexical interactions, syntax come from the

linguistic means, the communicative meaning of the text comes from the column. Through this, it distin-

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scientific journal of the modern education

& research institute

The Kingdom of Belgium


guishes the sides of linguistic and socio-cultural criteria, which refers to the relationship of the journalistic

text with the concrete socio-cultural model in the field of journalism.

In the journalistic text, it is necessary to collect enough information to achieve the available power of

influence, such characteristics increase the quality and and efficiency of data reception. As a result of this,

the text brings out practical and organizational Mass Effects in the mass audience. It is the motivation of

the audience for persuasive behavior or the adaptation of the audience to a particular environment that

constitutes the value of their opinion, reasoning, feelings and specific journalism. The author, who does not

have a special education, does not know the peculiarity of genres in the journalistic text, for the first time

rocking a pen, is not a professional journalist. They build their works according to the rules of the general-

ized journalistic text. Through his thinking, he sought to collect various information, through which he

attracted public attention. But it is difficult to call it a full-fledged journalistic work.

It is worth noting that journalism does not always become a solution to all issues. It is necessary to rely

on a professional newsletter, if it is necessary to achieve a specific goal. When collecting data, processing

resources, thinking about the essence of the text, as well as weighing it in certain genres and forms, the

journalist is required to be guided by reason of a certain sphere.

Mediatexts is a unique laboratory for the synthesis and distribution of mediamatn values, con-

centrating virtual spiritual being, oriented immanently to axiological reproduction. As a result,

journalism manifests itself as a social and political institution that shapes the consumer’s axiology.

The rapid development of the «fourth power» in this direction has put journalism in line with com-

municative factors such as religion and art.

In the study of the function of the mass as an inheritance of сulture, two de-grees are usually distin-

guished, characteristic of the fulfillment of this task. The first – historical or vertical-implies the transfer of

values from generation to gener-ation. The second – related to the process of circulation of actual or hori-

zontal – cultural information within a specific society. The collective background knowledge that comple-

ment and form the medium is based on mental imagination, the psychological principles of processing

information specific to the local producer and recipient of mass communication begin with the semantics

of folk spirituality.

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Библиографические ссылки

Deyk van A.T. Shame. Cognition. Communications. – M .: Progress, 1989.

Formanovskaya I. I. On the everyday-business sphere of communication. // Cultural-speech situation in modern Russia: Questions of theory and educational technologies. – Yekaterinburg, 2000.

Karimov R. Linguopragmatic aspect of business letters (in English and Uzbek). PhD diss. – T., 2018.

Khakimov M. Fundamentals of Uzbek pragmalinguistics. – Tashkent: Akademnashr, 2013.

Klushina N. I. Stylistics of a journalistic text. –M .: MediaMir, 2008.

Kostomarov V. G. Language taste of the era. From observations of the speech practice of the mass media. – SPb .: Zlatoust, 1999.

Kochiboyev A. Text pragmatics. – Samarkand., 2015.

Leontyev A. A. Psycholinguistic features of the language of the media. // Language of Mass Media: Textbook for Universities. // Ed. M.N. Volodina. – M .: Academic project: Alma Mater, 2008.

Luhmann N. Media communications. – M .: Logos, 2005.

Mirsanov G. Expression of aspectual and temporal content in the structure of discourse. –Tashkent.: Navruz, 2018.

Noyberg A. Pragmatic aspects of translation. // Questions of the theory of translation in foreign linguistics. – M., 1978.

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