Лингвистический образ мира в медиапространстве | in Library

Лингвистический образ мира в медиапространстве

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Тешабаева, Д., & Бегматова, С. (2024). Лингвистический образ мира в медиапространстве. in Library, 20(2), 268–270. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/28403
Дилфуза Тешабаева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Сохиба Бегматова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Старший преподаватель


Information, that is, the different cultural traditions of each country, lifestyle and national mentality play a role. It is no coincidence that more and more attention has recently been paid to the problem of national mentality, and a lot of scientific research is being conducted in this direction. The text displayed in modern media culture helps to better understand the dynamic processes taking place in modern journalism as a special element of progress. The purpose of communication reflects not only technological goals, but also communication and cultural needs. It is in the media that they present themselves in the most striking way.

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SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241|





ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | April 2020

- Peer Reviewed Journal





: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016

| www.eprajournals.com

|268 |


Teshabayeva Dilfuza Muminovna


Begmatova Sokhiba Mustfoevna

Senior Teacher


Information, that is, the different cultural traditions of each country, lifestyle and national mentality play a role.
It is no coincidence that more and more attention has recently been paid to the problem of national mentality, and
a lot of scientific research is being conducted in this direction. The text displayed in modern media culture helps to
better understand the dynamic processes taking place in modern journalism as a special element of progress. The
purpose of communication reflects not only technological goals, but also communication and cultural needs. It is
in the media that they present themselves in the most striking way.



linguistic world view, mentality, language, media, communication, linguistics, information,



It is well known that language is an important
means of communication and expression of ideas and
regularly and actively serves as a tool for

understanding and understanding the world. As a
result, it becomes possible to see the world through

information and language.
Methods and forms of materialization are important
in how information is expressed through language.

Wilhelm von Humboldt calls the “linguistic picture
of the world” a dynamic, continuous process of

assimilation of the world through a specific language.

According to the German scientist, the “linguistic”
conditions in a person’s life should lead to the

solution of tasks related to the cultural and historical
obligations imposed on a person.

According to Humboldt, the ultimate goal of
interpersonal communication is the free development
of internal forces within people. Such people can

expand their living space without restrictions.

The concept of the national landscape is based

on the reflection of each nation in the mirror and the
attitude of the world to the mirror. Each nation has its
own myths, heroes, national and cultural values and,

in short, its own mentality, and this unique existence
creates a national landscape for the peace of every

nation. The picture of the universe is the basic
concept of human thinking. When a person is

considered as a subject, his interactions and relations
with the world are the object of the object. These two

come together and form the integrity of the
landscape. Just as a person interacts with the world,
the image of the world affects the spiritual activity of

a person. Perception, imagination and thinking: these
processes are the main process of human activity.

The social nature of the language community lies in
the fact that, on the one hand, it creates the conditions
for a coordinated language dialogue, which involves

each participant in a common and unified process of
language learning, and on the other hand, it is
mandatory for each member of the community.
requires the communication pr

ocess to be “subject to

the rules of the game”.

“This is not because people pass on to each

other their subject symbols and even contribute to a

clear and complete reproduction of such a concept,
but because they interact with each other from one of
the earliest forms of the ring and the inner concept in

the emotional chain. for they appear in their minds
according to their meaning, but not in the same

meaning. "

These words of Wilhelm von Humboldt reflect

the main considerations that reveal the essence of

modern linguistic communication. It is important that
coordination is a prerequisite for the communication

background image

SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241|





ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | April 2020

- Peer Reviewed Journal





: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016

| www.eprajournals.com

|269 |

process, which is closely related to the individual

freedom of each participant.

Linguistic communication, that is, the

exchange of information, always requires the creation
of specific language forms based on specific models
(texts). They, in turn, are reflected in the minds of the






communication occurs between two poles: 1) a norm

that allows "a similar understanding" of the created
language units; (2) The need for freedom of choice in
such a creative process. "A person who is aware of

his limitations is forced to admit that the truth is
always beyond his control ... one of the most

powerful means of regularity with others." V. These
ideas, which Humboldt spoke about half a century
ago, are still relevant and relevant. Communication is

a really necessary factor to know that communication
cannot be separated from cognitive initiation.

Media is a virtual laboratory for the

synthesis and dissemination of media values,





representation. In recent years, the media has become
a structure that contributes to a continuous increase in

verbal and non-verbal information, which has a direct
impact on human thinking. This, in turn, will lead to
a change in the way we understand the world through

the formation of new complex heterogeneous
cognitive structures. These cognitive structures are

necessary for the rapid expansion of the information
space, which leads to the mediation of the human
mind. Mediation refers to the effect of the polysemic,

multimodal product produced by the media on their
thinking. This effect is expressed in the development

of special multimedia structures that a person is
aware and imagines. The methods of disseminating
and assimilating values include various genres of

journalism, professional styles, images, data
processing and interpretation, text messages and

technologies for influencing the audience.
The collective basic knowledge that complements
and organizes the media is based on mental
representations, and the psychological principles of
information processing that are characteristic of the
local producer and recipient of mass communication

begin with the semantics of folk spirituality.
In the media, the language realizes its potential of

functional integrity as much as possible. This has
several features. Firstly, this integrity is especially
evident in the media media, which are usually

regarded as multicode texts: the language is one of
the representatives of various semiotic systems.

Secondly, the media are multimodal: verbal and non-
verbal influences on the recipient are manifested in
various forms, as close as possible to the real

environment in which the language works. Thirdly,
communication between language and cognitive

processes in the field of communication, polymodal

speech and thinking is maximally complete and

As a result of the globalization of the

information space, openness and strengthening of
mass communication, information quickly penetrates
the human mind. In the information age, the number







communication occupies an important place in

journalism. It is the media that can generalize such

concepts as “publisher”, “journalist”, “text”,

Lexical innovations are mainly characteristic of
news and information-analytical media, and their

features in linguistic representations reflect
ideological differences in the formation of content. In
particular, even superficial comparisons of news and

analytical texts from various media sources show that
each text has its own tone and its tone is based on

various factors, including ideological foundations.
These differences make it possible to single out a
category of ideological modality built on the

opposition of the neutral and political-ideological
components of the text. The breadth of

opportunities for mass communication requires a
deep study of their activities and development, their
impact on the audience. Media science is a new

interdisciplinary course based on traditional methods.
The media provide a wide range of information -

periodicals, radio, television, etc. This is a common
The following media functions play an important role

in this task:
- targeting a mass audience;

- designed for everyone;
- efficiency.
Of course, literary language is important for

conveying the information you need. If we consider
the language system as an opportunity that

corresponds to certain language models, then these
carriers use it. Jekhan Panov says that in our time the
norm is not study, but the choice of language tools
for expression. One of the most important features of
the norm is its conscious control and polishing.
Norma helps to choose the most appropriate language

words for the context.
Language, first of all, serves as the basis for a

person to explore, know and collect information
about the environment, and, on the other hand, a
certain ethnocultural society also reflects the

characteristics of the world. Through language, all
concepts formed in thought are verbalized, that is,

they communicate with the human language or write
down their concepts on paper.
Through their language, the media create a

worldview. It is important to identify features that
differ, for example, from scientific, artistic or

religious landscapes. After all, the socialist landscape
of the world, created by the specific linguistic and

background image

SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241|





ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | April 2020

- Peer Reviewed Journal





: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016

| www.eprajournals.com

|270 |

meaningless nature of the media, has a stronger

influence than any other model of the world. It is
well known that language is not only a reflection of

thought, but also a means of influencing it.



Humboldt V. background. Poor works on
linguistics. - M., 1984. - P.27.


Humboldt V.V. Uber die Verschiedenheit des
menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihrem EinfluB





Menschengeschlechts // Gesammelte Schriften,
hrsg. Albert Leitzmann. Bd. VII. Berlin, Leipzig.
1907.-S. 114-115.


Humboldt V. background. Poor works on
linguistics. - M., 1984. - p. 27.


Dobrosklonskaya T.G. Media Release: Opening
a media rule. - M.: MAX Press, 2000. –S. 85-
86. Explanatory





language. Volume III Tashkent: National





B.123.Summer media loves the object of
meadisciplinary research. Part 2.M., 2004 .--


Panov M. V. Proceedings of the common
language and the Russian language. T. 1. - M.:
Languages of Slavic culture, 2004. - P.58.


Begmatov E., Mamatov A. Theory of literary
norm. - Tashkent: Navruz, 2000.-B.13.







intercultural communication. - M., 2000 .-- S. 14.

Библиографические ссылки

Humboldt V. background. Poor works on linguistics. - M., 1984. - P.27.

Humboldt V.V. Uber die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihrem EinfluB auf die geistige Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts // Gesammelte Schriften, hrsg. Albert Leitzmann. Bd. VII. Berlin, Leipzig. 1907.-S. 114-115.

Humboldt V. background. Poor works on linguistics. - M., 1984. - p. 27.

Dobrosklonskaya T.G. Media Release: Opening a media rule. - M.: MAX Press, 2000. –S. 85-86. Explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language. Volume III Tashkent: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, 2007. - B.123.Summer media loves the object of meadisciplinary research. Part 2.M., 2004 .-- P.24.

Panov M. V. Proceedings of the common language and the Russian language. T. 1. - M.: Languages of Slavic culture, 2004. - P.58.

Begmatov E., Mamatov A. Theory of literary norm. - Tashkent: Navruz, 2000.-B.13.

Ter-Minasova S. G. Communication and intercultural communication. - M., 2000 .-- S. 14.

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