University English Curriculum Design in the New Situation

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Li, D. (2020). University English Curriculum Design in the New Situation. Oriental Studies, 1(1), 128–139. Retrieved from


At  present,  Uzbekistan  is  at  a  initial  stage  of  development  and  reform,  and universities  are  more  concerned  about  university  English  education  due  to  its  talent development  strategy  and  social  needs.  The  university  English  curriculum  has  made periodical achievements in the past 10 years of reforms, but there are also some problems, such  as  curriculum  content  is  monotony,  curriculum  classifications  are  similar,  teaching objectives are  not  clear,  and the form of  courses  evaluation  is  single,  teaching  method is outdated.  To  solve  these  problems,  the  researcher  puts  forward  the  following  suggestions according  to  needs  analysis  theory,  and  make  a  research  to  non-English  majors,  the curriculum  of  university  English  must  be  based  on  the  development  of  students'  English proficiency, the teaching content should reflect the characteristics of majors, teachers need to update their teaching concepts, innovate teaching methods, combine classroom teaching with the second class learning. establish a scientific curriculum evaluation system and strengthen the promotion role of formative evaluation. Therefore, learners’ needs should be integrated to make a purposeful adjustments to the university English curriculum.

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Юқорида номлари зикр этилган олимларнинг илмий хулосаларидан шу

нарса маълум бўлдики, Қуръон ва ҳадис араб ҳуқуқий терминологиясининг
шаклланишида асосий омил бўлиб хизмат қилган илк ва муҳим манбалардир.

Уларда биринчи маротаба қўлланилган ҳуқуқий терминлар, хусусан, жиноят
ҳуқуқи терминлари бугунги кунда қатор араб давлатларининг ҳуқуқий лексик
бойлиги ҳисобланади ҳамда ҳуқуқшуносликда фаол қўлланилади.


Tashkent State University of the Uzbek language

University English Curriculum Design in the New Situation

Abstract: At present, Uzbekistan is at a initial stage of development and reform, and

universities are more concerned about university English education due to its talent
development strategy and social needs. The university English curriculum has made
periodical achievements in the past 10 years of reforms, but there are also some problems,
such as curriculum content is monotony, curriculum classifications are similar, teaching
objectives are not clear, and the form of courses evaluation is single, teaching method is
outdated. To solve these problems, the researcher puts forward the following suggestions
according to needs analysis theory, and make a research to non-English majors, the
curriculum of university English must be based on the development of students' English
proficiency, the teaching content should reflect the characteristics of majors, teachers need to
update their teaching concepts, innovate teaching methods, combine classroom teaching with
the second class learning. establish a scientific curriculum evaluation system and strengthen
the promotion role of formative evaluation. Therefore, learners’ needs should be integrated to
make a purposeful adjustments to the university English curriculum.

Keywords and expressions: university English education; English curriculum; non-

English majors; needs analysis

Аннотация. Хозирги кунда Ўзбекистон олий ўқув юртлари ривожланиш ва таълим

ислоҳотларининг дастлабки босқичида турибди ва ижтимоий эҳтиёжларни ривож-
лантириш стратегиясига мувофиқ университетларда инглиз тилини ўқитишга кўпроқ
эътибор қаратилмоқда. Сўнгги 10 йил давомида амалга оширилган ислоҳотлар нати-
жасида олий ўқув юртлари инглиз тилини ўқитишда бир қатор даврий ютуқларга
эришди, аммо ўқув дастурларининг мазмуни бир хиллиги, ўқув дастурларининг такрор-
ланиши, ўқитишнинг эскирган усули билан боғлиқ муаммолар мавжуд. Ушбу муам-
моларни ҳал қилиш учун тадқиқотчи эҳтиёжларни таҳлил қилиш назариясига мувофиқ
ўзининг таклифларни киритади ва мазкур мавзуларда тадқиқотлар олиб боради.
Жумладан, олий таълимда инглиз тили ўқув дастури талабалар орасида инглиз тилини
билиш даражасини оширишга, ўқитувчилар ўзларининг тушунчаларини янгилашга,
ўқитиш усулларини такомиллаштиришга, синфдаги дарсларни бошқа ўқитиш турлари
билан уйғунлаштиришга асосланиш керак. Шунингдек, тўғри баҳолаш тизимини
яратиш, баҳолашнинг рағбатлантирувчи ролини кучайтириш керак. Шундай қилиб,
олий таълимда инглиз тили ўқув дастурини мақсадга мувофиқ равишда созлаш учун
талабалар эҳтиёжларини бирлаштириш керак.

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Таянч сўз ва иборалар: олий ўқув юртларида инглиз тилини ўқитиш; инглиз

тилини ўқитишга мўлжалланган ўқув режа; инглиз тилига алоқадор бўлмаган
мутахассисликлар; эҳтиёж таҳлили.

Аннотация. В настоящее время Узбекистан находится на начальном этапе

развития и реформирования, и высшие учебные заведения больше всего заботятся
об обучении английскому языку, согласно стратегии развития талантов и социаль-
ных потребностей. За последние 10 лет проводимых реформ университетская
учебная программа по обучению английскому языку достигала периодических
успехов, но все же имеются некоторые проблемы, связанные с однообразностью в
содержании учебной программы, повторяемостью учебных программ, неточнос-
тью преподавания, банальностью оценивания освоения программы, устаревшим
методом обучения. Чтобы решить эти проблемы, исследователь выдвигает сле-
дующие предложения в соответствии с теорией анализа потребностей и
проводит исследование по предметам, не относящимся к английскому языку.
Учебный план английского языка высших учебных заведений должен основываться
на повышение уровня владения английским языком среди студентов, преподава-
тели должны обновлять свои концепции преподавания, совершенствовать методы
преподавания, сочетать преподавание в классе с другими видами обучения. Сле-
дует создать правильную систему оценивания, а ткже усилить стимулирующую
роль оценивания. Таким образом, потребности учащихся должны быть интег-
рированы для целенаправленной корректировки учебной программы английского
языка в высших учебных заведениях.

Опорные слова и выражения: обучение английскому языку в высших учебных

заведениях; учебный план по обучению английскому языку; специальности, не
связвнные с английским языком; анализ потребностей.

In the 21st century, global economic integration is developing day by day. The

links and communication between countries in the world are getting closer and
closer. Uzbek’s international exchanges and economic activities are becoming
more frequent. The country urgently needs a large number of complex and
innovative talents who are both proficient in economics, management, and good at
foreign languages. The new situation requires university graduates not only have
the professional ability to master the knowledge of international economic, trade
and foreign economic activities, but also have English comprehensive ability to
complete the above jobs, especially the ability of listening and speaking, because
English is a tool for people around the world to communicate.

As far as university English teaching is concerned, the problem we are facing

is how to create the courses of high quality that catch students’ interest and
beneficial for them so as to better meet the needs of university students to receive
high quality and diversified English teaching, and better adapt to the requirements
for talent training in economic and social development. Courses are the main
object and basis for teachers to teach and students to learn. In addition, the
curriculum embodies the training objectives of education, reflects the value
orientation of the educators, and the requirements of social development for the

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people. Whether the curriculum is reasonable, the regulations are correct, and the
content is appropriate, which are directly related to the quality of university teaching
and the success or failure of university education. Therefore, the curriculum setting is
the core issue of university education. Solving the curriculum problem is not only the
core of university education, but also the precondition for university to teach. Without
a scientific curriculum and curriculum structure, there will not be scientific teaching,
which will not only directly affect the quality of student learning, but also ultimately
affect the development of the country and modernization.

Ⅰ. The main problems in the current university English curriculum in


The university English curriculum is a systematic project that is undertaken by

English teachers of each university, teaching object is non-English major
undergraduate. It is also a systematic project that integrates English curriculum
objectives, English curriculum content, English curriculum implementation and
English curriculum evaluation, and it involves the national education policies,
guidelines, university education concepts, social needs, classroom practice and
evaluation of teachers and students. In Uzbekistan, university English course is an
important basic course for undergraduates. The English course is based on the theory
of foreign language teaching, and its main content includes English language
knowledge and application skills, learning strategies and intercultural communication,
etc. It is a teaching system integrating various teaching modes and teaching methods.

First, curriculum content is monotony, curriculum classifications are similar. In

Uzbekistan, non-English majors are basically taking textbooks and reading as the
center during the three-year period of English study. The output skills training is
seriously inadequate, which greatly affects students' practical application of English,
especially affects the improvement and breakthrough of speaking and writing skills.
As today's society demands face-to-face communication, listening and speaking skills
have become the primary standard for measuring a person's English proficiency.
General linguistics tells us that the most important function of language is com-
munication, and that spoken language is first important, and that words are second
important, but the traditional foreign language ignore this function. In addition,
English curriculum setting emphasizes the classroom teaching, ignoring the second
classroom teaching, and many students do not often participate in the second class-
room activities. The second classroom activities refer to the organized extracurricular
activities that are conducive to the overall development of students. Many university
in Uzbekistan pay no attention to the extracurricular activities, and students have no
opportunity to participate in the extracurricular activities. At the same time, the
university English courses do not reflect the characteristics of the universities. Most
of the course types are traditional comprehensive English teaching, and the course
content is very simple. In Uzbekistan, there are universities specialized in economic,
textile industry, law, chemistry, gas and oil ,etc., and these professional universities
have similar English content for students, which do not reflect professional

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characteristics and university characteristics, and what they are learning are not
relevant to their future work.

Second, the teaching objectives of university English curriculum setting and the

curriculum structure are not clear. The goal of university English teaching is to
develop students' comprehensive English application ability, especially the ability of
listening and speaking, so that they can effectively communicate in English in future
study, work and social interaction. The goal of the course the reference coefficient.
Refining these ability goals is only a general explanation. This will inevitably lead to
unclear goals and generalization of course content. Some scholars have criticized
"these goals are more general and ambiguous: what kind of learning students should
learn in the future? What kind of work they will choose? What kind of
communication they will use? and there is no clear definition about these


.The universities lack concrete curriculum goals, which makes teachers

have more chances to teach, however, as a course implementer, they often feel
confused in facing these vague goals. They cannot fully understand the ambiguous
goals, and they also do not fully understand the actual needs of the students.
Therefore, it is only possible to rely on personal experience and judgment to
implement the teaching, which may result in their teaching content is not relevant to
teaching objectives. The management of university English teaching is not
standardized, there is no unified planning and unified requirements, most of the
teachers are independent and individual. Moreover, since most of the teachers who
teach the course are not professional teachers who do not understand the rules of
language learning and English teaching methods, it is difficult for students to develop
English communication skills.

Third, the form of evaluation of university English courses is single, and most

universities only pay attention to summative evaluation. In the actual teaching, the
evaluation of university English courses is too singular. Many universities do not
emphasize process evaluation, and only pay attention to summative evaluation. In
Uzbekistan, university English teaching only requires students to pass the mid-
term and final exams, and there is a tendency to exam-oriented education. In the
usual learning process of the students, the teachers rarely design targeted learning
tasks, most of which are based on textbooks and learning materials, and they do
not apply procedural evaluations to specific teaching.

Fourth, most English teachers who teach English in universities can not update

their educational concepts in a timely manner, and their teaching philosophy is
backward.Universities should make full use of multimedia and network
technologies, adopt new teaching modes, so that English teaching and learning
will not be restricted to time and place to a certain extent.Some universities have
increased their investment and construction of information network platforms and


Cai Jigang, University English Curriculum Setting, 2012, Foreign Language Teaching and

Researching, (4),42-46.

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network laboratories, and opened online English classes for students, in order to
change the original single-teaching mode based on teachers and make full use of
modern information technology. However, the reality is that, due to the large gap
between the new teaching mode and the traditional teaching mode, many teachers
have not changed the teaching concept, such as changing the "teacher-
centeredness” to “learner-centeredness”; from "Skills output "to “skills input”.
Besides, lacking of necessary modern information technology training for tea-
chers, resulting in network teaching is not implemented, and the advantages of
English teaching based on modern information technology are not realized.In the
information age of the 21st century, students are eager to try this modern
technology to bring them convenience, efficiency and autonomy in learning, but if
there are only hardware, no teacher-oriented guidance, no development of
connotative design, students’ learning enthusiasm will be reduced, and they will
always be tired of coping with exams and various checks.

In summary, we can easily see that the university English curriculum is still facing

many difficulties and challenges. The university English curriculum can not meet the
actual needs of students in terms of target orientation, content implementation, and
evaluation methods. University English curriculum has been reformed many times,
whether it is to pay attention to reading and writing or to pay attention to listening and
speaking, students never achieved significant improvement.

On the other hand, the university English course does not meet the students'

desire to improve their English, some students think that their English ability has
not been improved compared to high school. Why is this disconnection
happening? On the one hand, because the teaching management departments of
various institutions often stand in the process of participating in, planning, and
setting up university English courses from the top-down perspective, they
neglected the students' actual demands and actual needs when they have
implemented the policy documents designed by the Ministry of Education. On the
other hand, due to the lack of targeted school-based research and scientific basis,
resulting in the monotonous form and low efficiency of university English
courses. So how universities start their school-based researches?

What should be done to meet the learner-centered needs? What kind of needs

do learners have for universities English courses? In view of these, how to
scientifically and reasonably set the universities English course from the
perspective of learners' needs is an urgent problem to be solved.

II. Analyzing the factors affecting university English curriculum setting

In view of the fact that graduates may use English in their future work and

social interactions, the reform of university English teaching is even more urgent.
Therefore, it is necessary to make appropriate settings for the development of
English courses in universities according to the teaching requirements for uni-
versity English course. To optimize the setting of English courses in universities,
we must first consider the "teaching nature and goals" of university English.

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The nature and objectives of teaching. University English teaching is an

integral part of high education, and English is a compulsory basic course for
university students. University English is based on English language knowledge
and application skills, learning strategies and intercultural communication. It is
guided by foreign language teaching theory and integrates various teaching modes
and teaching methods into one. The goal of university English is to develop
students' comprehensive English application skills, especially their listening and
speaking skills, so that they can communicate effectively in verbal and written
information in their future work and social interactions, enhancing their the ability
of autonomic learning, and improving comprehensive cultural literacy to meet the
needs of social development and international exchanges . Undoubtedly, the
above-mentioned the nature and teaching objectives of university English are the
fundamental principles guiding the setting of university English courses.

Teaching requirements. According to the requirements, university English

teaching should be implemented based on the principles of the classification and
teaching students in accordance with their aptitude so as to adapt to the actual needs
of personalized teaching. For example, Samarkand State University is a
multidisciplinary university with focus on economics and management, industrial,
cultural, legal, etc. The English level of students is different when entering the
university. The overall teaching obviously cannot guarantee the actual needs of
students' individualized learning. Therefore, they can only be classified and guided
according to different teaching requirements. Reflected in the university English
curriculum, it is necessary to set the corresponding curriculum for the ability
requirements of different levels of students. According to the requirements, the
English teaching requirements at the university level are divided into three levels,
namely general requirements, high requirements and higher requirements. These
three requirements include English language knowledge, applied skills, learning
strategies and cross-cultural communication, and reflect the objectives of English
teaching in a qualitative and quantitative way. Universities should stipulate that the
students of foreign-related majors must meet the criteria of “higher requirements”
when they graduate. Although the English level of non-foreign-related students is
different when they enter the university, they should meet the "high" standard when
they graduate. Other majors include students who specialize in art, advertising design,
music, industrial design, gardening, sports, etc., and their requirements are
appropriately reduced to meet the "general requirements."

Teaching resources. “Teaching resources” are also an important factor influencing

the curriculum. It is conceivable that if there is no high-quality faculty and
corresponding supporting software and hardware equipment, even the best plan can
only be a blank check that cannot be cashed.The university English course is not only
a basic language course, but also a quality education course that broadens knowledge
and understands world culture. Therefore, when setting up university English courses,
we should fully consider the cultivation of students' cultural quality and the teaching

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of international cultural knowledge. The cultivation of high-quality talents is
inseparable from the high-quality teaching staff.

Teaching mode. All universities should make full use of multimedia and

network technologies, and adopt a new teaching model to improve the single
classroom teaching model that was originally taught by teachers. In the setting of
university English courses, courses on the use of computer teaching should
include counseling courses and students' self-learning courses through computers.
The use of multimedia teaching in university English classrooms has been
implemented in some universities in Uzbekistan. This new teaching mode, which
combines the characteristics of classroom teaching and student machine science,
provides a new curriculum for university English curriculum.

III. Research on learner’s needs analysis and foreign language curriculum setting

The curriculum is not a simple superposition of course types, but a dynamic

circulation system consisting of course objectives, course content, course
implementation and course evaluation. Nunan divides the process of curriculum
setting into the following stages: analyzing learner needs, determining teaching
objectives, selecting teaching content hierarchically, making appropriate teaching
arrangements, selecting, adapting or writing teaching materials, classifying
students, designing learning tasks and assessment methods. It can be seen that
analyzing the needs of learners is the first step of the curriculum and the starting
point of a series of teaching activities.

One of the classics of applying learner needs analysis to foreign language

curriculum design is the advocacy designed by Hutchinson and Waters in the
1980s, they emphasized the study of students' needs through introspection,
interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Which has become an important part
of designing foreign language curriculum. Hutchinson and Waters define the
concept of “needs”


: necessities, that is, the learner must know in the target

situation to ensure the validity of the language function; lacks, only the
knowledge that the learner must know is not enough, but also know that the
knowledge that learner has already learned, and the lacks refers to the gap
between the knowledge that learner must learn and the knowledge that learner has
learned; wants means the inner needs of learners in language teaching or
curriculum; learning strategies, Hutchinson think that two learning strategies
should be known, one is the language learning strategies used by learners, the
second is the teacher's interpretation of the learning strategy; constraints refer to
the factors related to learning situation needed considering in the decision-making
part of the demand analysis; the language audit is a large-scale questionnaire
survey conducted by the institution, organization or country level, providing
references to language teaching policy.


Hutchinson, T. and Waters, A., English for Special Purpose: A learning-centered approach,

1987,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 48.

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As the demand analysis continued to deepen, demand analysis models continued

to develop and innovate gradually, Western researchers have constructed
corresponding demand analysis models: 1) type1 is Munby's


Target Situation

Analysis model, and it is mainly aimed at the analysis of language requirements of
students in the future target occupation or academic situation. 2) All wright's



Situation Analysis, it refers to the gap of the knowledge that learners have known and
the knowledge that needed in the language environment, and how to conduct targeted
training. 3) the model designed by Hutchinson & Waters, dividing demand into
learning needs and target needs. The former refers to the learners need to do in order
to obtain the language ability and communicative ability under the target situation;
the latter refers to what the learner needs to do under the target situation, including
necessities, lacks and wants. 4) the model designed by DudleyEvans&St JohnModel



is the most comprehensive needs analysis model, including students’ professional
information, learners’ personal information, and so on. Studies have shown that
learners’ needs analysis has become the primary part and the main methodological
basis for curriculum design. It is not difficult to see that the importance of demand
analysis in the field of foreign language teaching is equivalent to the doctor's
diagnosis before the patient prescribes, which can establish a meaningful connection
between learners and curriculum, make curriculum to adapt different countries,
different levels and different target groups. The most important is that needs analysis
can provide an empirical basis for formulating foreign language education policies
and setting up foreign language courses.

It can be seen from the above analysis that combines the foreign language

curriculum design and provides us with reference, but it can not meet the foreign
language needs of the learners under different social learning environments and
different social backgrounds. In the process of the formulation and implement-
tation of the English curriculum reform program, researchers and government
management departments emphasize the work from the school and the teacher
level from a macro perspective, formulate teaching objectives and improve
teaching methods in a top-down manner, and neglect the needs of university
students, and the course effect has not been solved ,which leads to the inefficiency
of university students' English learning.

According to the theory of demand analysis, the author takes the undergraduate

students of the Samarkand State University as the research object, and randomly selects
130 non-English majors from the first grade to third grade to conduct a curriculum
demand questionnaire. These students major in literature, sociology, Law, economics,
etc. The survey content mainly focuses on the following four aspects.

First, courses objectives refer to the expectations of learning outcomes that

should be achieved after the end of a course, it also means students’ learning


Munby,J., Communicative Syllabus Design, 1987, Cambridge: CUP, 106


Dudley, Evans, T. and M, St John, Development in English for Specific Purposes: A Multi-

disciplinary Approach, 1998,Cambridge: CUP, 35-39

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objectives and personal wishes. The research finds that English learning
objectives are various, learning needs are ordered from most to least: in order to
“master a foreign language”

“ daily communication in English ”


Uzbekistan culture ”

“pass IELTS ,TOEFL and other tests”

“find a good job

in the future”, etc,. Among these, the proportion of passing exams is 56℅, while
the proportion of improving the ability of English listening and speaking is 77℅,
which shows that most students hope to enhance their ability of English listening
and speaking through English courses.

Second, does the current course content meet the learning needs of students?

The research found that content needs are complex. Students' demand for English
electronic materials is slightly higher than that of traditional paper media teaching
materials. This shows that the content of English course needs to cater to the
current trend of mass media, broaden student learning approaches, and provide
diverse curriculum content materials. The analysis finds that students have higher
needs on “hoping to set the course of diverse listening practice, oral class,
translation and interpretation”, etc. Students’ needs on English electronic
materials mainly include English broadcast, movies, and English learning website
and so on. These electronic materials can make learning more relaxing, and they
will be more interested in learning English.

Third, curriculum implementation mainly refers to putting the curriculum plan

into practice, which is the basic way to achieve the course objectives. The
research shows that students have different needs on teaching methods, teaching
environment and class types. 63.5

of students need “diversified teaching” com-

pared to traditional teaching methods. Diversified teaching has more autonomy,
flexibility and practicality, and it can stimulate students' interest in English
learning. In the teaching environment, more than 55% of students want to
participate in academic activities related to their majors such as English reports
and English lectures, and they also want to take courses based on their interest and
their majors. In addition, students hope university can set up English optional
courses, English skills courses (68.5

), English literature courses (65.4

) and

English academic courses (56.3


Fourth, course evaluation refers to examine students' knowledge and ability,

and evaluates the rationality and effectiveness of the course, which is mainly
divided into result evaluation (final evaluation) and process evaluation (formative
evaluation). The survey shows that students value the evaluation and their needs
are diversified. 65.8

of students think that the evaluation should pay more

attention on English practical ability, 52.2

of students think that the proportion

of process evaluation should be increased.

III. The principles of setting university English curriculum

Through the review of the university English curriculum and the analysis of

the needs analysis, we conclude that the curriculum is a very complex dynamic

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circulation system, the needs of students’ learning are complex, diverse and
personalized, and these features can be reflected in the curriculum objectives,
course implementation, course content and course evaluation. Students' specific
needs for the courses are concluded as following: they hope that university
English courses that are offered to them can improve their ability to speak and
listen; the auxiliary practice materials of extracurricular English and online media
English should be provided to them; curriculum implementation requires a variety
of teaching activities; curriculum evaluation should be based on process eva-
luation, supplemented by summative evaluation. Based on the reality of university
English teaching and the actual needs of students' English proficiency in the
future, we believe that setting university English curriculum should observe the
following principles.

First, the curriculum of university English must be based on the development

of students' English proficiency. Language is a communication tool. The purpose
of language learning is to cultivate students' ability to use this communication
tool. With the rapid development of Uzbekistan economy in recent years and the
increasing international exchanges, the society have put forward higher
requirements for university English teaching, especially for students' English
comprehensive ability. The focus of university English teaching is to cultivate and
improve students' comprehensive practical ability"


. The teaching goal of college

English should shift to paying attention to the cultivation of students' com-
prehensive English ability, especially the ability of listening and speaking. On the
other hand, putting listening and speaking in an important position in English
teaching does not mean weakening reading teaching. For non-English majors and
graduates, they learn English mainly through reading. Therefore, it is necessary to
study and improve English reading teaching. For example, we should consider
gradually increasing the breadth and depth of English reading. At the same time,
while emphasizing and strengthening students' ability to use English com-
prehensively, teachers should help students to lay a good foundation in language.
Without a solid language foundation, it is impossible to have a real improvement
in the ability of students to use English comprehensively.

Second, the teaching content should reflect the characteristics of majors.

Although the texts of English textbooks contain various styles, they are limited.
On the other hand, once the language is specifically applied in social life, the
situation is very different. The English content and materials should be used in the
actual curriculum. For a comprehensive university, it has many majors such as
finance, economics, engineering, literature, law, and art, etc. After graduation,
most of the students are engaged in corresponding professional work. Therefore,
the English content of international academic exchange, management, finance,
economics, literature, law, journalism and information technology should be
designed in English textbooks and materials.

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Third, teachers need to update their teaching concepts, innovate teaching

methods, optimize the learning environment, and comprehensively develop
students' comprehensive English skills. The important part of the implementation
of the university English curriculum is the teaching method of teachers, updating
the teaching concept and promoting professional development of teachers. For
teachers, the most successful teaching is to stimulate students’ learning interest,
teach students relevant learning strategies, and develop students' self-learning
ability. Therefore, teachers should arrange flexible and autonomous classroom
activities to improve students’ participation in the classroom. In addition, teachers
should not abandon the traditional teaching method when they use various
teaching methods. Teachers should choose effective teaching methods according
to the curriculum and students' characteristics. Teachers should keep up with the
situation of the times, make use of the advantages of traditional teaching methods,
and use modern information technology to achieve the optimization of teaching.
University English courses encourage and promote “self-learning” and “perso-
nalized learning” through the Internet.At the same time, teachers should also
provide support, counseling and feedback on the necessary hidden courses to
overcome the blindness and repetitiveness of English online learning courses.We
can learn from the current international examples of successful MOOCs.
encourage teachers to carry out micro-teaching and improve the efficiency of
university English learning.

Fourth, combine classroom teaching with the second class learning. An important

part of language learning is the application of language in a real communication
environment. Any organized classroom instruction is difficult to provide adequate
language use for all students


. Foreign language teaching should pay attention to both

classroom teaching and extracurricular learning. Classroom teaching requires teachers
to design the teaching process and adopt various teaching methods to enable students to
actively participate in various language training activities. However, the time for
classroom teaching is limited. For those language projects that require repeated training,
it is necessary to conduct self-study outside the classroom. Therefore, we should
vigorously strengthen the construction of the second classroom, give full play to the
role of various media and student groups such as campus radio, TV station, video
broadcasting, campus network, etc., create a strong atmosphere of foreign language
learning, and strengthen the language practice of students to actually improve their
language application ability.

Fifth, establish a scientific curriculum evaluation system, strengthen the

promotion role of formative evaluation, and play a guiding role in summative
evaluation to improve the efficiency of students' English learning. Scientific
evaluation system is an important guarantee for achieving the objectives of the
curriculum. The evaluation of English courses should be based on the objectives
and requirements of the curriculum standards to implement effective monitoring
of the whole process and results of the teaching, and promote the comprehensive

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development of students' comprehensive language ability. Establish a com-
prehensive evaluation system for university English, realize the diversification of
evaluation subjects and evaluation contents, diversify evaluation methods, and
multiply evaluation functions, and give full play to the role of evaluation in
teaching. We must continue to work according to this direction, and put forward
practical and feasible plans. The course evaluation is an important part of the
university English curriculum. A single evaluation method can no longer meet the
needs of the times. The scientific evaluation method should meet the diversified
requirements. Therefore, we have to deal with the relationship between
summative evaluation and formative evaluation in practice, especially to
strengthen the role of formative evaluation in teaching evaluation. Formative
evaluation is a process and developmental evaluation in the teaching process, and
its role is more obvious for teaching evaluation. At present, the formative
evaluation methods commonly used in university English courses include student
journals, growth portfolios, and group essays, etc. In short, the evaluation of
English courses should pay attention to the development process of students'
comprehensive language ability, as well as the effect of learning, we must pay
attention to both the results and the process, so that the evaluation of the learning
process and the learning outcomes can be harmonious. At the same time, the
evaluation should also enable the school to keep abreast of the implementation of
the curriculum standards, improve teaching management, and promote the
continuous development and improvement of the English curriculum.


In short, the university English course is a public foundation

course that has a great influence on the cultivation of foreign language talents.
The curriculum objectives, content, implementation and evaluation are adjusted
accordingly with the development of society and the requirements for talent
training. Therefore, when setting up a university English course, we can't rule out
all kinds of complicated realistic constraints and realistic factors, and consider the
learners’ main in a purely ideal state to meet all the diverse demands of students.
We should view the relationship between university English curriculum and
learner needs from a historical, scientific and dialectical viewpoint, not only
considering national needs , social needs, but also considering professional needs
and individual needs, which can improve the effectiveness of university English
teaching reform, and we can cultivate international talents with humanistic spirit,
scientific literacy, cross-cultural literacy and strong international competitiveness.

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