The Fingerprint-Based Attendance System has emerged as a robust and secure method for accurately recording attendance in various organizations and educational institutions. This research paper explores the development,
implementation, and evaluation of such a system, highlighting its advantages, challenges, and potential future enhancements. Through a combination of literature review and practical experimentation, this paper aims to provide insights into the effectiveness and reliability of fingerprint-based attendance systems.
The rapid evolution of cyber threats demands innovative approaches to network security. This article delves into the realm of AI-driven network security, exploring how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing threat detection, response, and prevention in modern network infrastructures. We discuss the key techniques, benefits, and challenges associated with AI in network security.
Sign language recognition has gained significant attention due to its potential to bridge communication gaps between the deaf and hearing communities. This article presents a comprehensive review of machine learning methods employed for the recognition of Uzbek Sign Language (UzSL). The unique visual and spatial nature of sign languages poses challenges that necessitate specialized techniques for accurate recognition. This review surveys various approaches, ranging from traditional techniques to modern deep learning methods, used to recognize UzSL gestures. The article begins by introducing the significance of UzSL recognition and its impact on facilitating effective communication for the Uzbek deaf community. It outlines the complexities involved in sign language recognition, including variations in hand shapes, movements, and facial expressions. The challenges of limited training data, real-time recognition, and capturing dynamic features are discussed in depth. A survey of traditional machine learning methods such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) is presented, along with their applications and limitations in UzSL recognition. The evolution of these methods into more sophisticated approaches like Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) is also explored.
Kibertahdidlar murakkabligi va hajmi ortib borayotgani sababli Sun’iy intellekt kiberxavfsizlik uchun juda muhimdir. Sun'iy intellektga asoslangan tizimlar real vaqtda katta hajmdagi ma'lumotlarni tahlil qilishi va tahdidlarni aniqlashi mumkin. Bu kiberhujumlarga tezroq va samaraliroq javob berish, maʼlumotlar buzilishi va boshqa xavfsizlik hodisalari xavfini kamaytirish imkonini beradi.
В статье рассматривается стандартного описание рабочих мест для решения проблем алгоритмизации управления сложными системами. Предлагается описание процесса решения задачи управления объектом на основе алгоритмического подхода. Разработаны методы композиции ТФ для алгоритмического синтеза комплексов рабочих мест, управляющих мониторов.
Ushbu maqolada mualliflar fan, texnika va texnologiya taraqqiyotini rivojlantirishda pochta aloqasini avtomatlashtirish, texnologik jarayonlarni kompleks mexanizatsiyalashtirish va raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanishning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlarini ilmiy asoslagan.
Ushbu maqolada kiyim loyihalashning avtomatlashtirilgan sistemalari, uch o‘lchamli modellashtirish, andozalarni konstruksiyalash va virtual kiydirish, virtual modellar to‘plami hamda harakati to’g’risida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Мазкур мақолада рақамли иқтисодиёт тушунчаси, рақамли иқтисодиётга хос бўлган технологик ўзгаришлар, хизмат кўрсатиш соҳасини ривожлантириш бўйича олиб рақамлаштириш соҳасидаги ўзгаришлар
масалалари ёритиб берилган, олиб борилган тадқиқот натижасида муаллифлар томонидан амалий тавсиялар илгари сурилган.
Мамлакатимизда олиб борилаётган ислоҳотлар натижаси ўлароқ сўнгги йилларда таълим тизимининг барча босқичларини замонавий талаблар асосида ташкил этиш бўйича амалий ишлар ҳал қилувчи босқичга кирди.
Ushbu maqolada virtual voqelik tushunchasi, uning turlari, yoʻnalishlari va qoʻllanilish sohalari hamda uning ta’limdagi oʻrni haqida qisqacha tavsif berilgan.
This article explores the use of augmented reality (AR) in robotics. Explores interactive programming lessons, allowing students to interact with virtual robots in real time, changing code and seeing the results of their actions. Simulation of real scenarios of robot operation in a virtual environment is also discussed, which simplifies the understanding of the principles of operation and programming of robots. These innovations make learning more interactive, enhancing learning and developing robotics programming skills.
Tibbiyot tasvirlarini tahlil qilish usullari va algoritmlari ko’krak bezi saratonini erta bosqichda aniqlash va tashxislashda muhim rol o’ynaydi. Ushbu ilmiy ishda mammografiya tasvirlarida topografik xaritaga asoslangan segmentatsiya masalasi ko’rilgan. Ushbu muammoni hal qilishda tasvirlarga dastlabki ishlov berish va segmentlash algoritmlari takomillashtirilgan
Ushbu maqolada axborot xavfsizligi va uning tizimlarining asosiy komponentlari, axborotlashtirish vositalari va tizimlarining axborotga nisbatan xavfsizlik monitoringini o‘rnatish uchun bir qator parametrlarni aniqlash haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) play a pivotal role in safeguarding networks against cyber threats. To effectively develop and evaluate IDS solutions, access to diverse and comprehensive datasets is crucial. This article explores the importance of datasets for intrusion detection, highlights key requirements for such datasets, and discusses notable datasets and their features commonly used in the field. By understanding the value of high-quality data, researchers and cybersecurity professionals can better address the evolving landscape of network attacks and fortify their defense mechanisms.
Ushbu maqolada bulutli hisoblash texnologiyalarida axborotlarni buzilish holatlari tahlili batafsil keltirilib, ularga qarshi himoya yondashuvlari tavsiya etilgan.
So‘nggi yillarda hujjatlarni raqamlashtirish tendensiyasi paydo bo‘ldi. Dunyoning raqamlashuvi jarayonida qog‘ozga asoslangan hujjatlarni yanada qulayroq, qidirish va saqlash uchun raqamliga aylantirish zarur. Elektron hujjatda (EH) qatorlar matn maydoni to‘plamiga taqsimlanadi. Boshqacha qilib aytganda, satr bir nechta segmentlarga bo‘linib, har bir segment boshqa to‘plam matn maydoniga joylashtirilishi mumkin. Shuning uchun matn satr bilan samarali bog‘langanligi bois to‘plamdagi har bir matn bog‘langan matn maydoni deb ataladi. Shuningdek satrning butun mazmunini o‘z ichiga olgan hamda boshqa matn maydoni bilan bog‘lanmagan matn maydonini himoyalangan matn maydoni deb ham atalishi mumkin.
Machine learning algorithms play a crucial role in extracting valuable insights from data, enabling businesses and researchers to make informed decisions. One such algorithm is the decision tree, which is widely used for classification tasks. Decision tree classification utilizes a tree-like model of decisions and their potential consequences, making it an intuitive and powerful tool for solving complex problems. In this article, a model that determines which drug is suitable for a patient with a certain disease is created using the Decision tree algorithm. This problem is multi-class classification (multiclass classification) help score consolidation. Alternatively, how function, domain, and hyperparameters simplify decision tree models are explored.
Interactive methods, innovative technologies, pedagogical and attention and interest in the use of digital technologies in the educational process every day becomes stronger. This article is modern to enrich the imagination when studying computer science electronic textbooks, animation and video using pedagogical technologies highlights the importance of using tools today.
В статье обоснована необходимость формирования цифровой компетентности у будущих учителей, что влечет за собой необходимость модернизации профессиональных образовательных программ и методики преподавания дисциплин и проведения практик. Уточнено понятие «цифровая компетентность», определены цель и задачи формирования цифровой компетентности у будущих учителей. Цифровая компетентность позволяет сделать будущего учителя более востребованным и конкурентоспособным.
В статье описаны механизмы, методы и инструменты организации и повышения эффективности промышленного производства и управления в условиях модернизации экономики.
В данной статье рассматриваются основные аспекты организации, планирования и управления в строительстве. История, основоположники развития науки и практики организации строительства