International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192
Abstract--The article analyses special features of using innovative technologies in teaching process. At present,
advanced innovative technologies are one of the main essential components of the educational activity of any
educational institution. Innovation is a new one, designed to ensure gradual development, improvement of the system, its
transition to a qualitatively new level of development.
At present, it is usual to divide innovative technologies into technological and methodological parts this
classification is based on the specificity and place of application of innovations. Technological innovations in the field
of education (training) are the use of modern information environment, software and computer technologies that affect
the learning process, allowing you to build new schemes of interactive modes and individual approaches in the "teacher-
student" relationship. Methodological innovations are innovations in the field of methods of training and education,
teaching and learning, and the organization of the educational process. In modern times, this is the most common type
of innovation, covering almost the entire education system.
Key words--Innovative technologies, learning process, type of innovation, interactive methods, approach, and
Innovation contributes to a progressive movement in the development of an educational institution in
comparison with established traditions and mass practice. The purpose of innovative learning is to achieve a high level
of intellectual, professional, personal and moral development of a student (Azizkhodzhaeva N.N., 2002).
The main criterion for innovation is the novelty in the implementation of the pedagogical process. However, for
each teacher who involved in the innovation process, it is important to determine whether the novelty is true. Indeed, an
innovative technique for one teacher can be really new, while for another it is not. One of the most important criteria for
the effectiveness of innovation in the pedagogical process is optimality (Farberman B.L. 2002). Achieving high results
with the least physical, mental and time costs is the criterion for the optimality of pedagogical innovation. The result of
pedagogical activity at higher education is the student’s strong and deep knowledge, the student’s ability to use and
acquire them in the process of their professional activity.
The introduction of any innovation in the pedagogical process has both objective and subjective limitations
(Lavrentiev G.V. 1994). Objective limitations are most often associated with material costs and material resources.
Associate professor of the Uzbek language department Bukhara State University Uzbekistan,
Teacher of Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
Teacher of Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
Teacher at Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
Teacher of Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
Application of Innovative Technologies in
Teaching Process
Guli I. Toirova,
Abulova A. Zilola,
Norova F. Malika,
Zhurayeva O. Nafisa
DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24SP1/PR201169
Received: 16 Jan 2020 | Revised: 06 Feb 2020 | Accepted: 25 Feb 2020
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192
Subjective barriers are closely connected with the personality of the teacher and student, with their desire for accepting
news, with their intellectual potential.
The main indicator of innovation is the progressive beginning in the development of the university in
comparison with the established traditions and mass practice. Therefore, innovations in the education system are
associated with changes in the goals, content, methods and technologies, forms of organization and management system;
in the styles of pedagogical activity and the organization of the educational process; into the system of control and
assessment of the level of education; in educational and methodological support; in the curriculum and programs; into
the financing system. The sources of ideas for updating a university can be the needs of a country, region, city, district as
a social order; achievements of a complex of human sciences; advanced pedagogical experience; intuition and creativity
of leaders and teachers; experimental work; foreign experience(Selevko G.K. 1998).
What are the modern innovations in higher education? On the path to reforming higher education today there
are a number of trends.
The first
is related to the development of a multi-level training system of specialists in many universities. This
system provides wide mobility in the pace of training and in the choice of future profession. It forms the ability of
graduates to master new specialties on the basis of their education.
The second trend is a powerful enrichment of universities with modern information technologies (Internet
system, telecommunication forms of training).
The third trend is the universalization of higher education and the process of integration of higher education
institutions with leading universities in the country and in the world, which leads to the emergence of university
The fourth trend is the transfer of higher education to self-financing, the inclusion of higher education
institutions of the republic in updating higher professional education, taking into account the requirements of world
General professional education is being replaced by a holistic, comprehensive, personality-oriented education
(Tolipov U., Usmanbayeva M., 2006). The basis for this is the development trend of modern education:
1. Each level of education is recognized as an integral part of the continuing education system.
2. Information technologies are widely introduced into education, which changes traditional oriented learning; the
technological development of education significantly expands the intellectual activity of students.
3. There is a transition from a strictly regulated organization of education to varieties, block-modular learning, which
implies a high level of development of educational independence, self-education.
4. The interaction between the teacher and the student is changing, acquiring the nature of cooperation.
DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24SP1/PR201169
Received: 16 Jan 2020 | Revised: 06 Feb 2020 | Accepted: 25 Feb 2020
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192
These trends characterize the current state of education in developed countries and determine the principles of
its reform at the beginning of the 21st century. A full-fledged systemic education obtained in the learning process creates
the conditions for a person to realize himself as a person, gives him social and professional mobility.
Today in pedagogy 3 paradigms of vocational education are presented: cognitive, activity-oriented and
personality-oriented. In accordance with the cognitive paradigm, education is considered by analogy with cognition, and
its process (goals, content, methods and teaching aids) as a research activity. The purpose of the training reflects a social
order for the quality of knowledge and skills. Educational material as didactically "prepared" scientific knowledge.
Education is understood as the translation of the sociocultural experience of a new generation. The pedagogical concepts
of this paradigm are traditional, academic, and reproductive. From an ideological, managerial point of view, this is the
most effective and preferred approach. The activity-oriented education paradigm is oriented towards fulfilling a social
order. Education is a sociocultural technology for the formation of knowledge and skills that ensure the success of
social, labor and applied arts. And cognitive-activity-oriented education is aimed at achieving the quality of education,
understood as social and professional preparedness.
The central element of personality-oriented education is the continuous development of the personality of
students. This paradigm is adequate to the philosophy of open education, it involves not only education, but also self-
education. Oriented to the individual psychological characteristics of the personality, it should be varied, to provide
students with a free choice of educational routes (Slobadchikov V.I. 2006). The principal provisions of this educational
paradigm include:
1. The priority of personality.
2. The content of professional education is determined by the level of development of modern, social, information
technologies and congruent future professional activities.
3. The leading character is ensured by the formation of social and professional competence and the development of
extra-functional qualities of a specialist in the process of educational and professional activities.
4. Person-oriented vocational education is maximally addressed to the individual experience of the student, his need for
self-development. Personally-oriented education from the state and managerial positions is extremely difficult,
expensive, and from the pedagogical one it is not technologically provided (Slobadchikov V. 2004).
Following results can be obtained while using innovative technologies
The student’s ability to adapt in a constantly changing socio-economic environment, independently acquire and
apply the necessary knowledge
Critical thinking independently, be able to see the problems that have arisen and look for ways to rationally solve
Working properly with information
Be sociable, contact in various social groups, be able to work together in various fields, situations.
Work independently on the development of one’s own morality, intellect, and cultural level.
DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24SP1/PR201169
Received: 16 Jan 2020 | Revised: 06 Feb 2020 | Accepted: 25 Feb 2020
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192
Innovative educational technology
Examples of using
Differentiated learning
Assignments of various difficulty levels
Technologies developing
Lectures, seminars
Technology of project
Information and research projects (Research)
1. The use of educational electronic publications in
English, Internet resources.
2. Development of presentations for lessons, lectures,
3. Implementation of test control of students' knowledge
Reasons for choosing innovative technology:
Educational technologies easily fit into the educational process of the classroom system.
Allow us to achieve the goals set by the curriculum and educational standard for a specific subject.
They ensure the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanization of
education and a fully oriented approach.
They provide intellectual development of students, their independence.
Educational technology provides friendliness towards the teacher and to each other.
They pay special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality.
Educational technology focuses on development;
As a conclusion we can say that, while introducing modern educational technologies, the teacher must be able
apply teaching methods and techniques while using these technologies;
conduct and analyze training sessions built on new technology;
teach students with new methods of teaching;
evaluate the results of introducing new technology into practice using pedagogical diagnostic methods.
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DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24SP1/PR201169
Received: 16 Jan 2020 | Revised: 06 Feb 2020 | Accepted: 25 Feb 2020