Methodology of compiling the national corpus of the uzbek language and its problems

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Тоирова, Г., & Наврозова, А. (2023). Methodology of compiling the national corpus of the uzbek language and its problems. in Library, 3(3), 55–60. извлечено от
Гули Тоирова, Бухарский Государственный Университет
Профессор лингвистики и журналистики, доктор филологических наук
Азиза Наврозова, Бухарский Государственный Университет


The article discusses the types of interfaces and the importance of the search window of the corpus in the creation of the national corpus of the Uzbek language. The interface of the national corpus consists of various designs and structures, the author is responsible for their completeness, the interface should be attractive and effective. The creation of the interface is based on national or modern features, and the interface should focus on the national color. Linguistic corpora are a very fast-growing branch of the world of computational linguistics that has achieved great success. An interface is a communication system between a technology and a user. Interface types such as visual, gestural and linguistic were analyzed.

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Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development

Volume 19, September, 2023

ISSN (E): 2751-1731




Toirova Guli Ibragimovna-

BukhSU Usbekische Linguistik und Journalismus

Professor der Abteilung, Doktor der Philologischen Wissenschaften

Aziza Navro'zova Aslonovna

Staatliche Universität Buchara

Doktorand der 1. Stufe


The article discusses the types of interfaces and the importance of the search window of the
corpus in the creation of the national corpus of the Uzbek language. The interface of the
national corpus consists of various designs and structures, the author is responsible for their
completeness, the interface should be attractive and effective. The creation of the interface
is based on national or modern features, and the interface should focus on the national color.
Linguistic corpora are a very fast-growing branch of the world of computational linguistics
that has achieved great success. An interface is a communication system between a
technology and a user. Interface types such as visual, gestural and linguistic were analyzed.


: interface, author's corpus, mathematical modeling, morphological and semantic

annotation, information, linguistic basis, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics,
corpus linguistics, language corpus, specialized software, electronic library, lexicon,
morphological, grammatical, semantic signs and problems with linguistic signs.


Corpus linguistics is the most developed field of world science, including linguistics, and
the corpus is a necessary working tool for linguists, a source of information on oral and
written monuments and national cultural heritage. It is a collection of searchable texts, a
well-structured corpus that serves as a stable linguistic basis to ensure the effectiveness of
linguistic research[1,2,4,5]. Artificial intelligence products include electronic dictionaries,
translation portals, terminological databases, virtual (electronic) libraries, electronic text
corpora, electronic administration, electronic publications, electronic textbooks and

Linguistic electronic resources, which are products of artificial intelligence, are considered
raw materials for the creation of a specific language corpus We provide a visual interface
(interface) for creating the national corpus of the Uzbek language This type of interface
(interface) does not cause difficulties in creating the first case [20]. This is because it is a
standard computer interface that transmits information using visual images displayed on a

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monitor. In the future, it will be possible to offer a language version that takes blind people
into account


One of the latest trends in this area is the touch interface


The principle of operation is based

on the physical interaction between the user and the machine, which takes place via certain
objects[34]. We can say that this is an attempt to provide the user with the information that
he previously received graphically through the monitor


Figure 1

The interface of the corpus has a different design and structure and its perfection is the
responsibility of the author who creates the corpus


Because the surface is the first

impression of the case, the attractive overview


When designing an interface (interface), it

is necessary to take into account decorations that reflect the national color and signs that
reflect classicism or modernity


This is called the search window of the div, i.e. the interface. "Search from the corpus" –
at this point it is possible to search for a word or phrase


The result will look like this



following features of the word can be found using the "Lexico-grammatical search" button
of the corpus: word meaning, grammatical status, synonymy, homonymy, paronymy,
antonymy, variant of the word, period of use of the word, method of use of the word, etc[25,

Figure 2

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For example, if the word "ingichka" ("thin") is written, we get the following information:

• the meaning of the word: 1. The cross-section is smaller than the norm; 2 Chiyildoq, sharp
(over clay);
• Grammar status: [adjective];

• Synonym: soft;

• Homonym: no;

• Paronym: no;

• Antonym: thick;

• Option: no;
• Method of application: neutral;
Using the "Syntactic Search" button, we distinguish between simple and compound,
organized sentences according to the purpose of the sentence: declarative, interrogative,
command type and according to the structure of the sentence.

Figure 3

Figure 4

In the "Word formation" button, about 200 word formations are analyzed.

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Figure 5

When extracting the database, Excel spreadsheets are used, in which the first column
contains the file name (exact path), and the other columns contain metatext attributes and
technological information


This action allows you to effectively use the built-in tools of the

Excel program and provides greater convenience in the search engine for example, search,
filtering, analysis and data processing (action list, autocomplete, statistics)


In this case, the

tables must be saved in text format, and this format must be understood by Excel


As a result

of this process, the file saved in tabular form can be taken over not only by Excel, but also
by other spreadsheet programs, providing an opportunity to increase the efficiency of the
work situation


In conclusion, it is worth noting that when compiling the online version of the national
corpus of the Uzbek language, the words contained in the "Annotated Dictionary of the
Uzbek Language" are analyzed. The interface should meet the requirements of modern
software design, be understandable for the user and be comfortable to use


An interface is a

communication system between a technology and a user. The user interface is visual,
gestural and audible. A national corpus should consist of a system and an application
programming interface.



Charlez, Meyer, (2004). English corpus linguistics: An introduction. Cambridge

University Press, UK, 168 p.


Eshmuminov, A., (2019). Synonymous database of the Uzbek language national
corpus. Dissertation of PhD in Philology, Tashkent.


Fries, Ch.C., (1969). The structure of English. An introduction to the construction of
English sentences, London.


Hamroeva, Sh., (2018). Linguistic bases of creation of the author's corpus of the Uzbek
language: Author’s Abstract of the Dissertation of PhD in Philology, Tashkent.


Zakharov, V.P., (2011). Corpus linguistics: a textbook for students of humanitarian
universities, Irkutsk, 161 p.

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Karimov, R., (2021). Linguistics and programming issues of creating a parallel corpus
of Uzbek and English, Author’s Abstract of dissertation of PhD, Bukhoro, 151 p.


Leech, G., (1991). The State of Art in Corpus Linguistics, English Corpus Linguistics,


Melchuk, I.A., (1985). Word order in the automatic synthesis of the Russian word
(preliminary messages), Scientific and technical information, 12:12-36.


Mengliev, B., (2018). Is the Uzbek language corpus being created? Ma'rifat newspaper.
April 3, 2018, retrieved from:


Mengliev, B., Bobojonov, S., Hamroeva Sh., (2018). Uzbek National Corpus. April 26,
2018, retrieved from:


Pulatov, A. Q., (2011). Computer Linguistics. Tashkent, Akademnashr, 520 p.


Toirova, G., (2019). The Role of Setting in Linguistic Modeling. International
Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 4(9):722-723, available at:


Toirova, G., (2020). About the technological process of creating a national corpus.








Toirova, G., (2020). The importance of the interface in the creation of the corpus.
Internauka, 7, DOI:


Тоирова Г. Корпус лингвистикасининг атамалар луғати. Изоҳли луғат. Германия:
«GlebeEdit» номли халқаро нашриёт. 2020, –68 б.


Toirova G.Uzbek tili milliy corpusini yaratishning nazariy va amaliy masalari. Halkaro
monograph. Germany: "GlebeEdit" by Nomli Halkaro, 2020. – 169 p.


Toirova G.,Yuldasheva M., Elibaeva l. Importance of Interface in Creating Corpus. //
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-
3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S10, September 2019. –P.352-355. (scopus)


Toirova G., Jurayeva O., Abulova Z., Norova M., Norova F. Application of Innovative
Technologies in Teaching Process. // International Journal of Psychosocial
Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2020. ISSN: 1475-7192.–Р.386-390. (scopus)


Toirova G., Hamroyeva N. The importance of linguistic models in the development of
language bases // Sciences of Europe. vol 2, No 59 (2020) ISSN 3162-2364. –P. 57-64


Toirova G. The importance of the interface in the creation of the case. Іntеrnаtіоnаl
Scіеntіfис Jоurnаl «Іntеrnаukа», International Scientific Journal «Internauka». – 2020.
– №7.Online journal. Factor


Mengliev B., Toirova G., Hamroeva Sh. Uzbek tilining milliy va mualliflik korpi.
Guvohnoma No. DGU 05735 Uzbekiston Respublikasining Intellectual Mulk Agency.
– Toshkent, 2018


Toirova G. Importance of interface in creating corpus. // Хоразм Маъмун академияси
ахборотномаси. –Урганч, 2020, – №2/2. –Б. 49-52.

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Тоирова Г. Миллий корпусни яратишда интерфейснинг аҳамияти. //Қарақалпақ
давлат университети хабаршысы. – Нукус, 2019, ISSN 2010-9075–№ 4(45). –


Toirova G. Milliy corpus yaratishning tekhnologik zharayoni hususida //Uzbekistonda
khorizhiy tillar. Electron ilmium-techniques journal. – Toshkent. 2020, –No 2 (31), –
B.57– 64.


Тоирова Г. Ўзбек тили миллий корпусни яратишда интерфейснинг аҳамияти. //
Сўз санъати халқаро журнали, – Тошкент, 2020, № 3, – Б.100-105.


Toirova G. The importance of linguistic module forms in the national corpus/ Current
problems of modern science, education and training (Current Problems of Modern
Science, Education and Training in the Region) (Electronic Scientific Journal), –
Urgnch. 2020, –No. 5 , –B.155–166.


Toirova G. The importance of linguistic models in the development of language bases.
// Бухоро Давлат университети илмий ахбороти. – Бухоро, 2020. –№6. – Б.98-106.


Тоирова Г. Лингвистик базани тузишда модуллаштиришнинг аҳамияти //
Наманган давлат университети илмий ахборотномаси. –Наманган, 2021. – №3. -

Библиографические ссылки

Charlez, Meyer, (2004). English corpus linguistics: An introduction. Cambridge University Press, UK, 168 p.

Eshmuminov, A., (2019). Synonymous database of the Uzbek language national corpus. Dissertation of PhD in Philology, Tashkent.

Fries, Ch.C., (1969). The structure of English. An introduction to the construction of English sentences, London.

Hamroeva, Sh., (2018). Linguistic bases of creation of the author's corpus of the Uzbek language: Author’s Abstract of the Dissertation of PhD in Philology, Tashkent.

Zakharov, V.P., (2011). Corpus linguistics: a textbook for students of humanitarian universities, Irkutsk, 161 p.

Karimov, R., (2021). Linguistics and programming issues of creating a parallel corpus of Uzbek and English, Author’s Abstract of dissertation of PhD, Bukhoro, 151 p.

Leech, G., (1991). The State of Art in Corpus Linguistics, English Corpus Linguistics, London.

Melchuk, I.A., (1985). Word order in the automatic synthesis of the Russian word (preliminary messages), Scientific and technical information, 12:12-36.

Mengliev, B., (2018). Is the Uzbek language corpus being created? Ma'rifat newspaper. April 3, 2018, retrieved from:

Mengliev, B., Bobojonov, S., Hamroeva Sh., (2018). Uzbek National Corpus. April 26, 2018, retrieved from:

Pulatov, A. Q., (2011). Computer Linguistics. Tashkent, Akademnashr, 520 p.

Toirova, G., (2019). The Role of Setting in Linguistic Modeling. International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology, 4(9):722-723, available at:

Toirova, G., (2020). About the technological process of creating a national corpus. Foreign languages in Uzbekistan, 2(31):57-64, available at:

Toirova, G., (2020). The importance of the interface in the creation of the corpus. Internauka, 7, DOI:

Тоирова Г. Корпус лингвистикасининг атамалар луғати. Изоҳли луғат. Германия: «GlebeEdit» номли халқаро нашриёт. 2020, –68 б.

Toirova G.Uzbek tili milliy corpusini yaratishning nazariy va amaliy masalari. Halkaro monograph. Germany: "GlebeEdit" by Nomli Halkaro, 2020. – 169 p.

Toirova G.,Yuldasheva M., Elibaeva l. Importance of Interface in Creating Corpus. // International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S10, September 2019. –P.352-355. (scopus)

Toirova G., Jurayeva O., Abulova Z., Norova M., Norova F. Application of Innovative Technologies in Teaching Process. // International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2020. ISSN: 1475-7192.–Р.386-390. (scopus)

Toirova G., Hamroyeva N. The importance of linguistic models in the development of language bases // Sciences of Europe. vol 2, No 59 (2020) ISSN 3162-2364. –P. 57-64

Toirova G. The importance of the interface in the creation of the case. Іntеrnаtіоnаl Scіеntіfис Jоurnаl «Іntеrnаukа», International Scientific Journal «Internauka». – 2020. – №7.Online journal. Factor –8,758)

Mengliev B., Toirova G., Hamroeva Sh. Uzbek tilining milliy va mualliflik korpi. Guvohnoma No. DGU 05735 Uzbekiston Respublikasining Intellectual Mulk Agency. – Toshkent, 2018

Toirova G. Importance of interface in creating corpus. // Хоразм Маъмун академияси ахборотномаси. –Урганч, 2020, – №2/2. –Б. 49-52.

Тоирова Г. Миллий корпусни яратишда интерфейснинг аҳамияти. //Қарақалпақ давлат университети хабаршысы. – Нукус, 2019, ISSN 2010-9075–№ 4(45). –С.195-198.

Toirova G. Milliy corpus yaratishning tekhnologik zharayoni hususida //Uzbekistonda khorizhiy tillar. Electron ilmium-techniques journal. – Toshkent. 2020, –No 2 (31), –B.57– 64.

Тоирова Г. Ўзбек тили миллий корпусни яратишда интерфейснинг аҳамияти. // Сўз санъати халқаро журнали, – Тошкент, 2020, № 3, – Б.100-105.

Toirova G. The importance of linguistic module forms in the national corpus/ Current problems of modern science, education and training (Current Problems of Modern Science, Education and Training in the Region) (Electronic Scientific Journal), – Urgnch. 2020, –No. 5 , –B.155–166.

Toirova G. The importance of linguistic models in the development of language bases. // Бухоро Давлат университети илмий ахбороти. – Бухоро, 2020. –№6. – Б.98-106.

Тоирова Г. Лингвистик базани тузишда модуллаштиришнинг аҳамияти //Наманган давлат университети илмий ахборотномаси. –Наманган, 2021. – №3. -Б.377-386.

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