All articles - Social Work

Number of articles: 34
  • The article proposes to make additional amendments to some legislative acts in order to further improve the organization and conduct of mass events, strengthen measures to ensure the safety of citizens and public order during their conduct, ensure the legality of the actions of internal affairs bodies and the National Guard during their conduct on the basis of laws and other established normative legal acts. The general concept of a mass event is defined by the author as socio-political conferences, congresses, cultural and entertainment programs of musical, literary and other festivals, concert, theater, sports, advertising events, folk festivals, circus, national performances and games with the participation of 100 or more people, as well as the participation of citizens organized at the venue of a mass event in order to hold national, religious, professional holidays.
    Abdurashid Khudoyberdiev
    52   8
  • Versatile mechanical technology is a developing pattern lately as portable robots are being utilized in help just as modern areas. This paper presents a clever plan of a versatile robot stage for use in obliged working environments. The obliged conditions are only clogged spots, for instance clinics, product houses, workplaces, shop floors where different types of gear and apparatuses are to be organized in little regions. For robots portability in such places, different techniques are being utilized, for example, differential drive framework, Omnidirectional versatility and so on.
    Pankaj Tiwari
    20   2
  • This article provides information and recommendations on the role of crime prevention in the fight against and prevention of crime and the importance of public control in this area.
    Sirojiddin Eshkobilov
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  • The article deals with the development of the institution of expertise, improving the activities of experts. And also the issues of improving the criminal procedural legislation related to the institution of expertise are being considered.

    Istam Astanov, Shuxrat Astanov
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  • The article analyzes the methods and bases of formation of non-profit organizations, types, procedure and conditions of state registration of non-profit organizations. The article also outlines the requirements that government agencies must follow when registering a nonprofit organization
    Anvar Akhrorqulov
    16   5
  • The article analyzes the content of contracts for the implementation of entrepreneurial activities of public higher education institutions and the problems of their implementation
    E Khomidov
    13   6
  • In the process of forming the foundations of a socially oriented market economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan, increasing the welfare of the population by ensuring sustainable economic growth requires the solution of a number of more complex economic problems. Among them, ensuring macroeconomic stability and improving the
    investment climate are of particular importance.

    Shavkat Turaev
    10   4
  • This article is devoted to the application of new teaching methods in medical universities in the context of distance learning. The events of 2019 - 2020 related to the COVID-19 pandemic turned out to be not only a test for the economy of our country and its healthcare system, but also a kind of stress test for the education system. The system of higher medical education is no exception, which, in comparison with universities in other areas, faced additional difficulties. The quarantine conditions necessary to preserve the health and life of the population touched and could not but affect the medical education system. Spring semester of 2020 from March 18, in connection with measures to prevent the import and spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), training at universities in Uzbekistan was transferred to a distance format. During this period, a voluntary anonymous survey of 170 students was conducted. The distance form of the educational process is based on the principle of independent learning, in which students are distant from the teacher both in space and in time. At the same time, students have a constant opportunity to maintain constant information contact with teachers using modern Internet technologies. New forms of education are in demand at this time, as they form an extraordinary and effective approach to teaching in the subject of pharmacology. From the results of the survey it follows that the attitude to the possible use of elements of the distance learning system increases the independent training of students in pharmacology by 60 -70%. Distance learning in medical universities can be used as an alternative to traditional education in a pandemic.

    Shaxida Ziyayeva, Kamola Mirzaahmedova, Abdushukur Yunusov, Gulchehra Karimova, Rustam Karimov
    7   3
  • Maqolada yoshlarni global Internet tarmog‘iga bog‘lanib qolishi, Internet va uning yoshlar tarbiyasidagi ahamiyati o‘rganilgan.

    Jasurbek Salimov
    9   6
  • Бу тунги кунда жаҳон мамлакатларида ижтимоий ҳаёт барқарорлигини таъминланишида геосиёсий, геоиқтисодий ресурслар ўртасида номувофиқликлар юзага келмоқда. Шиддат билан ривожланаётган ахборот технологиялари деб ном олган XXI асрга келиб жаҳон ҳамжамиятида ижтимоий ҳаётнинг барча тармоқларида, хусусан, бошқарув соҳасида ҳам янги сифат ўзгаришларини келтириб чиқарди. Ижтимоий ҳаётнинг тез суръатларда ўсиши, ҳар бир мамлакат миқёсида замонавий бошқарувчилик қобилиятига эга кадрлар масаласини самарали механизмини таъминлайдиган стратегия ишлаб чиқилишини талаб этмоқда. Аввало, давлат ишонган раҳбар кадр ҳозирги даврга мос фаолият юритишни ташкил этиши зарур. Шу маънода раҳбар кадр бошқарувда халқаро замонавий қўлланилаётган стратегияларни таҳлил қила олиши, бошқарувни янада аниқроқ англаши, ўз фаолияти самарадорлиги ошириш юзасидан узоқ муддатли истиқболларни белгилаб олиш тадқиқотнинг илмий ва амалий заруратини белгилайди.

    Khairiddin Berdiev, Tolkin Koyliev
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  • Два процесса современности: глобализация и пандемия - оказывают наиболее серьезное и противоречивое влияние на человечество. Глобализация - это основной геополитический фактор, оказывающий решающее влияние на ход мировых процессов в целом и на изменение политических, экономических и культурных сценариев развития отдельных стран. Это процесс, властно влияющий на характер современных моделей жизни обществ и государств мира.

    A Abasov
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  • В советское время ценностные идеалы, лишенные национально-конфессиональных и личностных коллизий, выражали коллективистский, наднациональный характер, а потому легко воспринимались обыденным сознанием.

    Svetlana Adygezalova
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  • Янги аср ва мингйиллик. бошланиши билан глобал экологик барқарор тараққиётда бир- бири билан узвий боғлиқ икки глобал тенденция устуворлашмоқда.

    Uktamjon Tilavov
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  • Ахборот технологиялари тизими бир томондан шахе, хўжалик юритувчи субъектлар, ташкилотлар, давлатларнинг ахборот маконида ва иқтисодий сохада интеграциялашувида хал килувчи роль ўйнаса, иккинчи томондан улар махсулотнинг ракобатбардошлигини белгилаб берувчи асосий омил сифатида қаралади. Ахборот маконининиг жадал суратларда ўсиши ва унинг иқтисодий қийматининг ортиб бориши, ноанъанавий ахборот тахдидларининг кўпайиши ахборот-психологик хавфсизлик тизимини шаклланишига объектив эхтиёж яратади. Бу тизим XX асрда ахборот таргиботига қарши туриш вазифасини бажарган бўлса, XXI асрнинг дастлабки ўн йиллигида ахборот урушларидан химоя тизимини хам камраб олди. Бугунги кунга кслиб эса ахборот-психологик урушларга қарши турувчи тизим сифатида шаклланди. Шундай бўлишига қарамасдан, шахе ахборот-психологик хавфсизлик тушунчаси ва тизимига нисбатан турли хил ёндашувларнинг мавжудлиги шахе ахборот-психологик хавфсизлик тизимининг концептуал моделини яратишга эхтиёж тугдиради.

    Odil Toraev
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  • Sources and factors of human capital development, family level investments in human capital development were studied in this article. All components of human capital are formed and multiplied by the family’s investment in its child. Development of intellectual and psychophysiological abilities of a person in the family is the foundation of his future maturation and regular improvement of human capital.

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • In modern social research, sociological research and study of human capital is gaining relevance. In this thesis, social development was studied in processes, firstly, to identify the sociological genesis of the concept of human capital, to observe aspects of its innovative development as a social phenomenon, and secondly, to study the problem of human capital as a socio-cultural phenomenon

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
    16   1
  • Kichik maktab yoshidagi hissiy-emotsional irodaviy soha, o‘quvchilarning hissiyotlarini, ularning o‘zlarini tushunish va ifodalash usullarini o‘rganish, o‘zaro munosabatlar qurish va o‘zlarini boshqarish ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirishga bag‘ishlangan. Bu soha, o‘quvchilarning ruhiy, hissiy va ijtimoiy tarbiyasini ta'minlash uchun muhimdir.

    Abdulla Sharafitdinov, Mohinur Boykulova
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  • Muallif ushbu maqolada bugungi kunda jamiyatda yosh avlodni tarbiyalashda yosh ota-onalarning pedagogik-psixologik bilimlardan xabardor bo’lishining ahamiyati haqida fikr bildirgan.

    Dilshod Tolliboev
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  • Ushbu maqolada hozirgi davrda keng tarqalgan hamda asosiy psixologik muammolardan biri hisoblangan oʻsmirlardagi ruhiy zoʻriqish - stress haqida fikrlar bayon etilgan. Shu bilan bir qatorda stressni kelib chiqish sabablari, vositalari hamda uning oldini olishga qaratilgan tushuncha va tavsiyalar yoritilgan.

    Gayrat Arakulov , Madina Saidazimova
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  • Ushbu maqola zo'ravonlik tarixi bo'lgan oilalar farzandlariga qaratilgan mavjud adabiyotlar va tadqiqotlarni har tomonlama ko'rib chiqishga asoslangan. Tanlangan tadqiqotlar miqdoriy tadqiqotlar, sifatli intervyular va bo'ylama tadqiqotlar kabi bir qator metodologiyalarni qamrab oldi.

    Kamuna Muxammadiyeva
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  • Динамичное развитие информационной сферы и информационных технологий, либерализация средств массовой информации служат важными факторами углубления демократических преобразований в нашей стране.

    A Titeeva, G Khaytmatova
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  • The article scientifically analyzes the ways and forms of overcoming negative phenomena in the understanding of national identity. One of the most urgent tasks is to find out the reasons and mechanisms for preventing the alienation of young people from national identity in the information society in order to strengthen the intellectual potential of the youth of new Uzbekistan. Based on the works of Uzbek and foreign scientists, the article substantiates alienation from national identity and measures to prevent it.

    Nigora Zokirova
    4   2
  • Халқимизнинг эркин ва фаровон, қудратли Янги Ўзбекистонни барпо этиш бўйича хохцш- иродасини рўёбга чиқариш, ҳар бир фуқарога ўз салоҳиятини ривожлантириш учун барча имкониятларни яратиш, соғлом, билимли ва маънавий баркамол авлодни тарбиялаш, глобал ишлаб чиқаришнинг муҳим бўғинига айланган кучли иқтисодиётни шакллантириш, адолат, қонун кафолатли таъминлаш мақсадида 2023 йил 11 сентябрь куни Ўзбекистон Республикаси устуворлиги, хавфсизлик ва барқарорликни Президентнинг ПФ-158 сон Фармони билан Янги Ўзбекистон тараққиёт стратегиясини амалга ошириш жараёнида орттирилган тажриба ва жамоатчилик мухокамаси натижалари асосида ишлаб чиқилган «Ўзбекистон - 2030» стратегияси тасдиқланди.

    A Khudaiberdiev, M Usmonova
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  • This article analyzes the role of automobile infrastructure on city streets, namely public transport roads, commercial transport routes, streets of cities and other settlements in the development of the national transport system.

    M Jolimbetov, G Dosjanova
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  • Irrigation technology is an essential aspect of setting up and maintaining an attractive and healthy landscape alongside motorways the proper use of irrigation technology can ensure that the vegetation along the motorway remains green and lush, even during periods of drought or water restrictions. It can help to reduce erosion along the roadside and prevent soil compaction, which can have a negative impact on plant growth. Moreover, irrigation technology can be used to manage the runoff of rainwater and prevent it from draining directly into the motorway, which can cause flooding and other issues, vegetation, soil, and water supply in the area.

    Abdubosit Abdurakhmanov, Samandar Buranov
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