All articles - Nutrition and Dietetics

Number of articles: 46
  • Deterioration of the quality and quantity of food leads to a certain extent to the occurrence of dental pathologies and the spread of chronic non-communicable diseases such as dental caries, stomatitis, obesity, diabetes and others. Due to the socio-economic crisis, the negative state of health in Uzbekistan is called "social tension". The development and use of functional nutrition products is a substitute for valuable vitamin supplement
    I Shovaliev
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  • Abstract: The article presents the results of experiments on vegetable crops as tomato, cucumber and cabbage plants. It provided information about the main types and harm of aphid. The biological efficacy of chemicals of the pyrethroid group used for the fight against aphids is presented.
    B Umarov, F To'raxanova
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  • Metabolic syndrome is a polyctiologic pathological state, promoting the development of many diseases that arc the major causes of morbidity and mortality of the population today. Problems of pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of metabolic syndrome are actively discussed. The annual increase in the incidence requires improved approaches to prevention, diagnosis, and drug-free treatment of this pathological condition. According to epidemiological studies, about 300 million people in the world have a metabolic syndrome and according to WHO experts, an increase in the number of patients by 50% is expected in the next 20 years.
    G Rajabova, K Djumayev
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  • Introduction in clinical practice of various kinds dental implants as basic elements of basic designs allows to reduce application of demountable prostheses or considerably to improve their bracing in an oral cavity, and also to provide preventive maintenance of deformations of dentoalveolar system. But despite certain achievements in implantology , now there is high a frequency of complications which are bound to an initial condition of basic tissues including paradonts more often.
    M Safarov
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  • Tea is a unique concentrate of the most valuable taste, dietary and medicinal substances. Not a single drink has such a rich complex of biologically valuable, healing qualities. The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of tea makes it one of the important means of modern medicine. Along with alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine and theophylline), which give the drink a stimulating effect, tea leaves contain biologically valuable substances: tannin, various vitamins, trace elements, essential oils, soluble nitrogenous compounds and all essential amino acids. It contains many different phenolic compounds that give the drink unique healing properties and the current level of knowledge about the composition of tea helps to find objective criteria for determining its quality and move from the categories of subjective organoleptic and aesthetic assessments to a short and dispassionate language of numbers.

    H.M Mirkhoshimova, Sh.T. Ziyayeva
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  • Digestion as an external link of the functional nutrition system that links the external environment with the internal environment of the body and corrects homeostasis of biologically active substances, mineral composi­tion, therefore, our work reflects nutrition aspects based on literary analysis.

    F.A. Babadzhanova, S.B. Pazilova
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  • Preparation for the reception of food and, especially, feeding have a starting effect on the entire digestive system. This is manifested by an increase in the secretion of digestive juices, as well as a short-term relaxation of the stomach and a decrease in motility of the proximal small intestine.

    Feruza Babadzhanova, Hilola Komilovа, Sevinch Erkayeva, Sevaraoy Ravshanova
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  • In recent years, due to the expansion of ideas about the physiology of the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients, the introduction of modern morphological, allergo-immunological, biochemical and genetic tests, knowledge of the pathological nature of diseases has significantly deepened.

    Feruza Babadzhanova, Zarnigor Xamidova, Albina Muminova, Nilufar Zhabborova
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  • Parenteral nutrition (PN) is the most complex and technological variant of clinical nutrition, carried out by intravenous administration of nutrients into the body. It is intended for patients in whom it is impossible or insufficient to use other methods of nutrition and occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of clinical nutrition options, since it is considered the most difficult both in terms of technique and in terms of the variety of decision-making when prescribing it in clinical practice in the most difficult contingent of patients. . One of the main causes of death in patients with multiple organ failure is the development of an immune and inflammatory response. A number of studies have shown a decrease in the severity and incidence of septic complications in patients on enteral nutrition, after severe mechanical and thermal injuries, after major surgical interventions, it also allows you to maintain and maintain the barrier function of the intestine, which prevents the translocation of microflora. Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that enteral nutrition will have a positive effect on the course of multiple organ failure.

    G.Z. Ashurova, Elmira Satvaldieva, Ikhtiyor Mamatkulov, M.U. Shakarova
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  • Newborns are at high risk of developing a generalized infection. Mortality from sepsis among newborns reaches 20-50%. Glutamine deficiency in premature newborns leads to functional failure of the immune system, predisposes to the development of necrotizing interocolitis. The introduction of exogenous glutamine in a critical condition leads to a significant reduction in the risk of generalized infection and death.

    G.Z. Ashurova, Elmira Satvaldieva, Ikhtiyor Mamatkulov, M.U. Shakarova
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  • Parenteral nutrition (PN) is the most complex and technological variant of clinical nutrition, carried out by intravenous administration of nutrients into the body. It is intended for patients in whom it is impossible or insufficient to use other methods of nutrition and occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of clinical nutrition options, since it is considered the most difficult both in terms of technique and in terms of the variety of decision-making when prescribing it in clinical practice in the most difficult contingent of patients. . One of the main causes of death in patients with multiple organ failure is the development of an immune and inflammatory response. A number of studies have shown a decrease in the severity and incidence of septic complications in patients on enteral nutrition, after severe mechanical and thermal injuries, after major surgical interventions, it also allows you to maintain and maintain the barrier function of the intestine, which prevents the translocation of microflora. Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that enteral nutrition will have a positive effect on the course of multiple organ failure.

    B.R. Rizvonov, Ikhtiyor Mamatkulov, G.Z. Ashurova
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  • According to the researchers, the incidence of sepsis in the pediatric population is 4.2 million children each year, of which 3 million are newborns. Three out of ten deaths due to neonatal sepsis are thought to be due to antimicrobial-resistant pathogens [1,2]. Sepsis can be a clinical manifestation of nosocomial and nosocomial infections. Currently, the etiological structure of nosocomial sepsis pathogens has remained almost the same in most large intensive care units. They are named after the first letters of the type of pathogens: "no ESCAPE" ("no exit", escape - English. escape) Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aures, Klebsiella pneumonia, Acinetobacter baumanni, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter spp. All these bacteria are characterized by increasing resistance to all mentioned antibiotics along with the formation of Pan-resistance phenomenon, which is the leading factor leading to lack of clinical response to treatment and rapid development of sepsis and septic shock [3]. According to the new definition, sepsis is a life-threatening dysfunction of internal organs caused by a violation of the body's response to infection [4].

    G.Z. Ashurova, Elmira Satvaldieva, Ikhtiyor Mamatkulov, Mamur Talipov, S.B. Murtozayev
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  • parenteral feeding in children, who are in critic condition, is one of the morecomplicated problems in intensive ih.tupy. There are no common opinions in the solution of this probl.*, noi only in practice, also and in the world literature. There are no criteria and
    recommendations for using parenteral feeding in children in the intensive therapy unite' The main indication for conduJting of nutritious support in critic conditions is metabolic requirement,
    also loss of proteins and nutrients. Nutritious support is directed to prevent development of severe exhaustion (protein-energetic insufficiencytin the background of hyper catabolism and hypermetabolism, ,lrrrdro-. of'enteral insufficiency at the developing multi-organ dysfunction or its high probability.

    Elmira Satvaldieva, G.Z. Ashurova, O.Ya. Fayziev, Mehri Shakarova
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  • This review presents meta-analyses on nutrition in patients with critical illness using ASPEN/SCCM (2017), SSC (2012, 2021), ESPNIC (2020), and SSC (2020) pediatric sepsis guidelines. The ESPNIC (2020) guideline, based on new evidence, complements most of the existing ASPEN (2017) guidelines for critical pediatrics. Children’s SSC (2020) did not find direct evidence and sufficient data to develop strong nutritional recommendations for children with sepsis/SS. Many issues remain unresolved, requiring systematic analysis. In the literature search, only a few randomized clinical trials have focused on the assessment and correction of protein-energy malnutrition in pediatric intensive care. Over the past decade, small and large pediatric studies have recommended nutritional therapy. However, given the heterogeneity of children admitted to intensive care units in terms of age, pathology, disease severity, presence of comorbidities, and nutritional status, it is unrealistic to expect that one nutrition strategy applies to all patients requiring intensive care. Therefore, most clinicians emphasize the need for an individualized approach to nutrition support in children, taking into account the pathology, severity, initial nutritional status, and risk–benefit ratio of different nutritional therapies. An extensive search of the literature on the problem did not reveal strong nutritional recommendations for children with sepsis/SS, which dictates the need for future research on the topic and correction of protein-energy malnutrition in children with sepsis/SS.

    Elmira Satvaldieva, G.Z. Ashurova
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  • Питание – это потребление необходимых питательных веществ для поддержания хорошего здоровья и функционирования организма. В современном мире люди перешли от традиционных моделей питания к полуфабрикатам, что привело к увеличению распространенности болезней пищевого происхождения. По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), примерно 1 из 10 человек во всем мире ежегодно страдает от болезней пищевого происхождения, и большинство этих случаев можно предотвратить с помощью правил гигиены и безопасного питания (1). Следовательно, современные гигиенические требования являются актуальными и необходимыми для рационального питания.

    Sh Iskandarova, S Gulyamov, D Berdimuratov
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  • Проблема ожирения среди детского населения на сегодняшний день является одной из самых злободневных. Статистика показывает, что рост числа детей, страдающих ожирением растет из года в год. В данной публикации приводятся цифры статистики, а также методы борьбы с данным недугом в разных странах мира.

    M Odilova, D Mirdadaeva, Z Sattarova
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  • Беременность – невероятное время в жизни женщины,но оно также сопряжено с большой ответственностью. Одной из ключевых обязанностей является обеспечение здорового образа жизни как мамы, так и малыша. Поддержание здорового образа жизни во время беременности может предотвратить различные осложнения беременности и улучшить общее состояние здоровья матери и ребенка. Несмотря на широкое распространение информации о важности ведения здорового образа жизни, многие женщины до сих пор не соблюдают стандартные рекомендации по питанию и образу жизни во время беременности.

    N Rasulova, S Gulyamov
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  • Питание человека – одна из наиболее важных задач.Оно имеет принципиальное отличие от всех остальных загадок природы. Питание является важнейшей физиологической потребностью организма. Для построения и непрерывного обновления клеток и тканей, для восполнения энергетических затрат организма необходимо питание. С давних времен люди понимали огромное значение питания, они считали еду источником здоровья и силы, а также бодрости. С учетом условий жизни, труда и быта правильное питание обеспечивает постоянство внутренней среды организма человека, деятельность различных органов и систем и, таким образом, является непременным условием хорошего здоровья, гармоничного развития, высокой работоспособности.

    N Rasulova, С Gulyamov, A Akbarkhodzhaev
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  • Семизлик ва унинг даволаш замонавий тиббиётнинг асосий муаммоларидан биридир. Семириб кетиш энг кенг тарқалган касалликлардан бири ҳисобланади. Ортиқча вазнни йўқотишнинг кўплаб усуллари мавжуд: фитнес, вазн йўқотиш учун чой, жарроҳлик аралашувлар ва анъанавий Хитой тиббиётининг шифокорлари узоқ вақт давомида акупунктурни килограмм йўқотишнинг самарали усули сифатида ишлатишган.

    M Khasanova, M Fayzieva, M Shaykhova
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  • Овқат рационида озуқа моддаларининг танқислиги боланинг жисмоний ва асаб-руҳий ривожланишининг орқада қолишига олиб келади, турли касалликларнинг юзага келиши хавфини оширади. Болаларнинг овқат рационида баъзи нутриентларнинг узоқ вақт бўлмаслиги улар организмида турли ўзгаришларни келтириб чиқариши мумкин. Бу болалик ва ўсмирлик даврида жуда муҳим ҳисобланади, чунки ушбу даврлар ўсиш ва ривожланишнинг жадал кечувчи жараёнлари билан характерланади.

    M Khasanova, M Shaykhova
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  • Республикамизда 10 йилдирки Ўзбекистон Республикаси Соғлиқни Сақлаш тизимида олиб борилаётан ислоҳотлар натижасида қатор ютуқлар кўзатилмоқда, бу айниқса соғлиқни сақлашда бирламчи звено бўлмиш тез тиббий ёрдам ва даволаш ишлари тизимини такомиллаштиришни талаб этади.

    B Eshdavlatov
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  • Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг “Аҳолининг соғлом овқатланишини таьминлаш бўйича қўшимча чора тадбирлар тўғрисида”қарорига асосан Республикамизда соғлиқни сақлаш ҳамда жисмоний тарбия ва спорт соҳаларини ислоҳ қилиш юзасидан қабул қилинган норматив-ҳуқуқий ҳужжатларда ушбу тизимларни такомиллаштириш баробарида аҳоли ўртасида соғлом турмуш тарзини шакллантиришга мазкур соҳада давлат сиёсатининг муҳим йўналишларидан бири сифатида аҳамият қаратилмоқда.

    B Eshdavlatov
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  • All the main recommendations in this handbook have their own gradation, which is measured by the level of evidence and recommendations, denoted in Latin letters from A to D. Each gradation corresponds to a certain level of data evidence. This means that the recommendations were based on research data, which have varying degrees of certainty. The higher the rating of a recommendation, the higher the credibility of the studies on which it is based. Below is a scale that describes the different levels of gradation for the recommendations included in this handbook.

    Elmira Satvaldieva, Altinoy Kamilova
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  • Питание является одной из важнейших составляющих здорового образа жизни человека, обеспечивает организм необходимой энергией. Рациональное питание студентов следует рассматривать как одну из главных составных частей профилактической медицины, как один из факторов здорового образа жизни молодежи. Возраст первокурсников относится к критическому периоду в жизни, что обусловлено наибольшей интенсивностью роста и развития, гормональной перестройкой организма, когда максимальны потребности в энергетических затратах. Организм человека подчиняется законам термодинамики. В соответствии, с чем различают один из принципов рационального питания: его энергетическая ценность должна соответствовать энергетическим затратам организма. К сожалению, на практике этот принцип часто нарушается. В связи с избыточным потреблением энергоемких продуктов (хлеб, картофель, животные жиры, сахар и др.) энергетическая ценность суточных рационов часто превышает энергетические затраты.

    L. Sobirova, S.K. Nazarova
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  • Infants do not have the physiological maturity to move from exclusively liquid food directly to food from the family table. Therefore, to bridge this gap between needs and opportunities, transitional food is needed, and the need persists until about 1 year. Official recommendations published in the Netherlands say that children with sufficient growth indicators, from an alimentary point of view, do not need to be given any complementary food until 6 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an age of "6 months", and the same has been adopted by various member States of the WHO European Region.

    B Asadova , O Tursunova
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