All articles - Medicine

Number of articles: 93
  • Во многих недавних статьях и отчетах о коро-навнрусной инфекции (COVID-19) сообщается, что эта инфекция в основном поражает верхние и нижние дыхательные пути, сердечно-со суди стую систему, иногда может вызывать наруше ния в нервной системе и желудочно-брюшной области. Но мало говорится об изменениях, про исходящих в ротовой полости. Если мы посмо трим на патогенез (COVID-19) более широко, то ротовая полость, как и органы дыхания, может быль воротами для инфекции. Первые данные 0 возможности того, что слизистая оболочка полости рта может быть воротами для инфек ций, были получены во время пандемии гриппа («испанки») [1]. Эта гипотеза позже была под тверждена при других инфекционных заболева
    N Madaminova, A Akbarov, N Ziyadullayeva
    93   29
  • The article presents studies of patients with COVID-19 with a description of skin manifestations. The clinical characteristics of the skin symptom complex and its relationship with the respirator,7 and gastrointestinal syndromes of coronavirus infection have been carried out. Fibrinogen, D dimer, ferritin darajasida o'sish bilan namoyon bo'lgan hiperkoagulyatsiyaning aloqasi - o'tkir fazaliyallig'lanish belgisi va covid-19 teri namoyon bo'lgan sitokin bo'roni.
    B Azizov, G Ismailova, T Hegai, H Rustamova, S Agzamkhodzhayeva, H Magzumov, Sh Ayupova, I Salimova, O Lapasov
    59   18
  • The aim o f the study was to study the severity of the disease in a patient diagnosed with coronavirus infection, the incidence and factors influencing the severity o f the disease.
    B Begmatov, B Oganezov
    66   27
  • Вирус — это неклеточная форма жизни., состоящая из молекул ДНК и РНК, т.е. генетического материала, и защитной оболочки (капсид), чаще всего белковой. Вирусы - это неживые образования и, несмотря на наличие генетического материала, без чужой живой клетки вирусы размножаться не могут. «Virus» в пе реводе с латинского-«яд». Происхождение вирусов -это одна из самых больших тайн биологии. Подробно изучено до пяти тысяч вирусов, но ученые считают, что в природе их более миллиона [3].
    D Abdullaev
    96   34
  • In the surgical departments o f the city clinical hospital No. 1 in Tashkent, a retrospective analysis of the results o f examination and surgical treatment o f 124 patients with obstructive jaundice for the period from 2015 to 2019 was carried out. The age o f the patients ranged from 19 to 80 years.The serum bilirubin level in 59 (47,4%) patients was up to 100 mmol / L, in 48 (39,5%) — from 101 to 200 mmol / L, in 13 (10%) — from 201 to 300 mmol / l and in 4 (3.1%) — more than 300 mmol / l.The degree o f cholangiectasia in the examined patients was o f different severity. In 50 (40.1%)patients, the diameter o f the common bile duct was up to 1 cm in diameter, in 60 (48,9%) — from 1.1 to 1.5 cm, 9 (7.1%) — from 1.6 to 2 cm and in 5 (3.9%) -more than 2 cm.Among the causes of obstructive jaundice in the fi rst place — choledocholithiasis in 96 (77,4%) patients, of which 28 (22,6%) have a history of cholecystctomy; in second place — stenosis of the greater duodenal papilla(BDS) in 16 (12,9%); on the third — cancer of the pancreas or extrahepatic bile ducts, they are observed in 13 (10,4%) patients. When treating patients with obstructive jaundice, a two-stage tactic was followed.
    O Teshaev, R Madaminov, B Gafurov, N Khudayberganova, M Ismailov
    38   17
  • The analysis of prehospital factors influencing the severity of the course of odontogenic purulent-inflammatory diseases and its outcome was carried out. The total number of patients during the studyperiod was 1305 patients (2018-675, 2019-630 patients). The most common cause of the development of pyoinflammatory diseases is the lower molars. A detailed study showed that in 5 5 % of cases the tooth was removed during surgery, which indicates a low level of therapeutic and surgical debridement among the population. In patients with acute toothache, from the first day of illness, pathological changes are observed in the tissues surrounding the tooth, underestimation of this fact can lead to the development of severe purulent-mflammatory complications.
    J Rizaev, A Azimov, N Khramova
    52   17
  • Osteoporosis is a bone disorder in which bones become weak and prone to fracture. Osteoporotic bone has less density or mass, and the structure of bone tissue is far from normal. As bones become less dense, they become weaker and more likely to fracture. Women are four times more likely to have osteoporosis than men. Numerous studies show that weakness and atrophy can also affect the bone protrusions that hold dentures, resulting in improper fit. Regular dental visits, a healthy lifestyle, and a balanced diet high in vitamin D and calcium with regular physical activity are essential to strengthen and maintain good bone health.
    K Musaeva
    96   17
  • This article is devoted to the problem of development of burnout syndrome in nursing staff. The authors analyzed the literature data on the topic chosen by the authors, studied the history of this phenomenon, risk factors, identified the causes, and studied preventive measures of mental stress in nurses to prevent clinical manifestations and development of the syndrome.
    D Ramanova, G Usmanbekova, N Kamilova
    43   22
  • Congenital malformations have been in the focus of physicians since ancient times, but despite their centuries-old history, many aspects of the etiology and pathogenesis of congenital malformations in humans have not been adequately studied even today. Congenital deficiencies of development are defined as stable morphological changes that go beyond the limits of structural variations of members or parts of organs and disrupt their fonction.Apply Ле term "sporadic the defectof birth' ’:meaningunknown cause, accidental appearance and low riskreappearance have future children. For 20-25% of anomalies more likely "multi-factor” reason - complexinteraction many small geneticdefects andrisk factorsenvironmental environment. The rest 10-13% of anomalies associated with the influence environment. Only 12-25% of anomalies have purely genetic causes.
    K Mirzarakhimova
    64   17
  • Мониторинг остеоннтеграции имеет принципи альное значение не только в период приживления имплантата и определения кри тернев для передачи пациента на ортопедический этап лечения, но необходим и в динамике наблю дения при дальнейшей эксплуатации ортопеда ческой конструкции. Суммируя многочисленные обоснования и практики, С.С. Серегин (2016) [1] указывает, что наиболее рациональным является трехкратное наблюдение за пациентами с орто педическнми конструкциями с опорой на внутри костные имплантаты в течение первого года после их установки (например, через 3, 6 и 12 мес.), а в дальнейшем - ежегодная диспансеризация.
    B Pulatov, N Alieva, M Dadabaeva
    74   29
  • Purpose of research. How pool water affects the pH of oral saliva. Materials and methods. A study of oral pH before swimming and immediately after swimming was conducted in 70 kids aged from 6 to 15 years (by of these ,34 are girls, 36 are boys) use litmus paper (pH test) from 1.0 to 14.0.The study was conducted in second stages - on the first day, the pH there waswater in the pool 1.4, the pH level was assessed in 59 kids (by of these 15 are girls, 44 are boys); on the second day the pH was 6.6, 70 kids (by of these 34 are girls, 36 are boys) took part. Lessons in the pool lasted one and half hours. Results. During lesson on the first day, the pH in the pool water was 7.4 (slightly alkaline medium). In 4 kids (6%), the pH remained at the same level, and in 55 kids (94%), the pH level deviated to the alkaline side. The maximum change in the pH of saliva to 0.9. When assessing the pH of the oral cavity in kids on day 2, the pH in the pool water was 6.6-slightfy acidic environment. In 11 kids (13%), the pH remained at the same level, in 3 kids (4%), the pH deviated to the alkaline side, and in 56 (83%), the pH deviated to the acidic side. The pH of oral saliva didn't change at pH 7.4 in 6 % of kids , and at pH 6.6-in 13 %. Conclusion. Kids which stays in the pool water for a long time needs protection in form of preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of caries, erosion and tartar.
    N Razakova, G Abdirimova, M Kodirova
    60   14
  • Atrophy and resorption o f bone tissue is an urgent problem o f modern surgical dentistry, because the lack o f bone tissue is the most common problem in the practice o f dentists. The aim o f the study was to study the available osteoplastic materials. The study proved the need for further research and development o f new osteoplastic materials.
    N Khabilov, N Ziyadullaeva, D Khabilov, B Buronov
    66   19
  • The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of various types of surgical treatment of patients with bilateral paralytic stenosis of the larynx.The study involved 22 patients aged 2 to 60 years,suffering from paralytic stenosis of the larynx, who was treated in the period from 2015 to 2020. The results of treatment with the use of laser resection of the vocal fold, Closing the surgical wound with matching the edges of the mucous membrane and suturing provides fast healing by primary intention, which allows you to start early therapeutic and phonopedic rehabilitation.All this allows us to recommend laser submucosal chordaritenoidotomy for use in clinical practice.
    U Vohidov, O Shernazarov, D Sultonov
    61   21
  • Subject A review of the literature on the topical problem of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry is presented - increasing the efficiency of rehabilitation о f patients with mandibular fractures using kinesio taping. The goal is to study the materials of publications devoted to kinesio taping in inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region. Methodology. The mechanisms of action of kinesiological tape applied in the form of applications to the skin, which lead to the creation of favorable conditions for sanogeneticprocesses, which are realized in the normalization о f microcirculation, decrease in edema and the severity of pain, are described in detail. An increase in the number of publications on the use of this method in the prevention and treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system in athletes has been noted. Moreover, at present, kinesio taping is also used in clinical medicine, for example, in the practice о f neurology and orthopedics. According to modem scientific research, the use of kinesio tapes in patients with chronic back pain, subacromial impingement syndrome, acute whiplash of the cervical spine can significantly reduce the severity ofpain syndrome.Results. Despue me ramer wiaespreaa use oj me kinesio taping method in sports and clinical medicine, the available literature contains a small number of works devoted to its use in maxillofacial surgery, in particular, for fractures of the mandible. The use of the kinesio taping method after the osteosynthesis of the fragments of the lower jaw made it possible to significantly reduce the level о f inflammatory edema and the intensity of the pain syndrome.Conclusions. The presented results of the literature review indicate that kinesio taping is a promising, simple, поп-traumatic method of rehabilitation after surgical treatment of mandibular fractures, -which does not have side effects and complications and significantly improves the quality of life of patients. However, scientific research devoted to the analysis of the use of kinesio taping for traumatic injuries о f the maxillofacial region is insufficient for this period.
    B Dzhuraev, M Khalmatova, S Ksembaev
    72   13
  • Modem orthognathic surgery is distinguished by a high degree of predictability of the postoperative result, while ensuring good, stable fixation, which is achieved not only by fixing jaw fragments with mini plates, but also by improving the aesthetics of the face. By not using this component in the surgical treatment of patients with secondary' maxillofacial deformities, doctors obtain results that do not meet the aesthetic and functional requirements for postoperative results, as well as a high probability of relapse. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the condition of the soft tissues of the face when planning treatment. Harmony of the face and smile when performing complex orthodontic surgical treatment of patients with skeletal deformities of the maxillofacial regionshould be achieved at the orthodontic, surgical, and orthopedic stages
    I Mukimov, Sh Shokirov
    69   19
  • Случаи инфекции среднего уха среди детей в последние несколько лет имеют повышенную чувствительность, в частности, формирование экссудативного отита занимает БНР с первых попыток среди детей [2, 3, 6, 10]. По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), в 2017 году около 5 процентов населения земного шара - 360 миллионов человек, из которых 32 миллиона детей инфицированы этим заболеванием из-за снижения слуха, а затем -чалнговых ядер
    N Vohidov, N Khaidarov, U Vohidov, J Shodiev
    42   17
  • The relationship between doctor and patient is considered to be one of the most important components in patient care. Doctor’s ability to communicate plays a crucial role , whether the patient will follow proposed recommendations, as doctors can positively tune in to a positive outcome. Varied details o f modern psychological aspects o f ethics and deontology are discussed here. Doctor and the patient, doctor and society, relationships between doctors, medical personnel, medical secrecy, medical errors and evaluation o f the experiment are examined to be the main aspects o f medical deontology. The main purpose o f this work was to analyze published domestic and foreign scientifi c works devoted to deontology.
    Z Sirozhiddinova, S Shanieva
    97   29
  • Хронический рецидивирующий афтозный сто матит (ХРАС) является хроническим воспалнтель ным заболеванием слизистой оболочки полости рта и характеризуется появлением афт с длитель ным течением и периодическими ремиссиями и обострениями. Основное внимание отводится со путствующим заболеваниям., которые усугубляют течение ХРАС.
    H Kamilov, M Ibragimova, N Ubaydullaeva
    161   31
  • One o f the key stages o f complex treatment o f periodontal diseases is the immobilization o f mobile teeth. The most common designs fo r temporary immobilization are composite splint systems, which have different strength characteristics depending on the type o f fi ber weaving and chemical composition.
    M Dadabaeva, R Mirkhusanova, G Shomurodova
    63   22
  • Lichen planus (LP) is one of the most common and clinically manifest mucocutaneous dermatoses.According to different authors, the population frequency of LP (0.4-1.9%) varies in different regions of the world and the proportion to other dermatoses.The main problem in the study of the epidemiology of LP is the difference in the analysis of the assessment of the frequency of simultaneous lesions of the oral mucosa and skin, naturally, separately when patients refer to both dentists and dermatologists. The development of LP at the age of 30-60 is observed in 33% of cases, in 19% of cases in people from 51 to 60 years old, in 3-4% of cases in people over 70 years old.This disease is characterized by insufficient knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis, the presence of severe forms of the disease, the possibility of malignancy, and resistance to treatment. In this regard, corticosteroids are still preferred, which can cause various complications and side effects. The use of non-drug methods of therapy, in particular, drug ozone used in the complex therapy of lichen planus is effective and safe, no complications or side effects are observed. The applied ozone therapy leads to a significant decrease in the hygiene index (OHI-S),compared with the indicators before treatment and corresponded to 87.27% (0.40 ± 0.27), which shows a decrease in the GI (OHI-S), respectively, in 7.8 times compared with the indicators before treatment (p <0.05). The PMA index in the main group by the end of the treatment period was a decrease by 82.7%, respectively (7.15 ± 2.64), which shows a decrease in the infl ammatory process by 5.77 times, respectively,compared with the indicators before treatment (p <0.05). Regression of the infl ammatory process leads to a reduction in the time of epithelialization of erosiveulcerative foci and a 2.27-fold lengthening of LP remission (p <0.05) — and reached a value o f up to 5.75 ± 0.06 months in 96.86% o f cases (31 people).
    H Kamilov, M Ibragimova, Sh Samadova
    58   25
  • This scientific article describes the changes in immune parameters in the blood caused by acute polymorphic psychotic disorders and measures to optimize the treatment algorithm by treating them with immunomodulators.
    G Gapurova, Sh Usmanov, Sh Kurbaniyazov
    63   20
  • As a result of numerous clinical and experimental studies, a relationship has been established between changes in the oral cavity and pathology of internal organs. In modem dentistry, interest in research on concomitant pathologies is explained by the accumulation of new arguments, the emergence of new information in the system of the whole organism [3,5]. This analysis focuses on the prevalence of hepatitis infection and its various oral manifestations,consequences and clinical course. In this regard, the monitoring of outpatient records of patients with concomitant pathology, such as hepatitis А, В, C with inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area after tooth extraction for emergency indications in the clinic of surgical dentistry of the clinic of the Tashkent State Dental Institute over the past 5 years was carried out.

    O Rakhmatullaeva, K Shomurodov
    60   16
  • Цель: В стоматологической практике большой ин терес для изучения представляет ротовая жидкость (РЖ). РЖ является биологической средой, которая омывает всю полость рта, взаимодействуя со слизи стымн, зубами и ортопедическими конструкциями. Ротовая жидкость оказывает влияние на все компо ненты зубочелюстной системы, с которыми контак тирует, являясь для них агрессивной средой, спо собной изменять их физико-химические показатели.
    S Safarova
    80   18
  • The frequency o f detection o f folic acid defi ciency (DFA) in women o f fertile age (LPA) was studied. It was found that in the main group, the frequency o f detection o f folic acid defi ciency (DFC) was 30.2%, serum folic acid values were 12.09 ± 0.19 ng/ml, in the control group, 17.3% and 13.89 ± 0.11 ng/ml, the difference is signifi cant.
    M Narmetova, M Nadzhimitdinova, S. Agzamkhodzhaeva
    53   17
  • This article presents data from a clinical examination of patients with diagnosed distal bite, that have been carried out at the clinic of orthodontics and dental prosthetics of the Tashkent State Dental Institute. The diagnostic studies allowed us to substantiate the development of an integrated approach to diagnosis from the scientific point of view, taking into account the vertical growth component in patients with distal occlusion. In addition, the correlation relationships of the vertical and horizontal ratios of the jawbones which have a significant diagnostic value were studied and determined, that will allow the orthodontist to predict the probability of aggravation or self-regulation of the problem.
    Sh Rasulova, G Aripova, Z Nasimov, J Babadjanov
    250   34
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