Jamilya Abduganieva Rustamovna
PhD, Head of English Theory of Translation Department
Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Currently, there is number of studies of the role of emotions and empathy in
the process of intercultural communication, including the training the interpreters (N.
Ignatenko [1], I. Pluzhnik [3], E. Sapiga [5], G. Solovieva [7] and others). It is
emphasized that it is necessary to purposefully develop empathy in the process of
teaching a foreign language at a university, since “empathy seems to be the basis of
intercultural understanding” [1, p. 14]. Empathy stands out as a component of
assessing the macro- and micro-level of professional intercultural communication,
indicates a low degree of national identity of students, while noting that they strive to
improve professional competence, but do not have the qualities of interpersonal
communication for this, which is manifested in a high degree of conflict [3].
It is believed that without the practical mastery of empathy, it is impossible to
achieve full understanding of the parties in communicative interpersonal and
intercultural interaction [7, p. 201]. It is pointed out that empathy is important in the
professional activity of a modern interpreter, namely in communication with a
foreign language person, as it is a personality quality and the result of the mental and
emotional processes of foreign language communication.
The manifestation of empathy in foreign language communication includes
such processes as empathic listening, empathic response, empathic understanding,
empathic response. These processes make it possible to single out the main empathic
skills developed in the process of teaching foreign language communication - the
ability to listen and hear a partner, interact with him, use etiquette forms of
communication, and adequately respond to the statements of the interlocutor [5].
However, there are very few works describing the comprehensive training of
interpreters on emotive-empathic behavior in the process of interacting with other
people, although these skills and abilities are necessary for a professionally
competent interpreter.
The emotive-empathic component accompanies any activity. Emotions and
relationships serve several important functions in the exchange of information. They
have the ability to act as a special language for the exchange of information in the
process of communication. They supplement, concretize, emotionally enhance the
verbal meaning of the verbal text, thereby contributing to its more effective
perception and understanding. In addition, emotions help regulate activities and
influence the course and outcome of communication. Since emotional states are
associated with instincts, needs and motives, they reflect the significance of the
phenomena and situations acting on the individual for the implementation of one’s
life in the form of direct experience (satisfaction, joy, fear, etc.) [4, p. 467]. So, if the
partner expresses censure and indignation, then you can see that the subject uses such
non-verbal means as wrinkles on the forehead; arm raised and bent at the elbow; an
indignant expression in the eyes and raised eyebrows that threaten to move the index
finger; turning the torso and head towards the object that caused these emotions. In
this case, phonation means can also be used: a gloomy timbre shade; increasing the
volume of the voice; slowing down or speeding up the rate of speech. In this case, the
corresponding verbal means are also possible:
This will not work! This is awful! I
protest! Oh, stop it! Enough! Impudence! How is that possible? What is this?
Thus, emotions cause a certain behavioral activity that determines the
generation of the corresponding emotions. Therefore, emotions are of great
importance in any purposeful human activity, including communicative, as they take
an active part in the regulation of activity. What kind of emotional mood the
communication process will have, positive or negative, is determined by the
emotional manifestations with which information is exchanged. In this regard, it is
important to emphasize that positive emotions will contribute to the success of
establishing informational connections, because the positive emotional states of
partners make face-to-face communication desirable and necessary [6, p. 359].
The performance of the above functions is carried out by various means of
expressing emotions and relationships: verbal, non-verbal and phonetic, which are
closely related in verbal communication. In human communication, its verbal and
non-verbal codes are in fact a single process. These manifestations can be voluntary
or involuntary, intentional or arbitrary. Dialogue speech, due to its spontaneity and
the presence of several subjects, is especially rich in verbal, non-verbal and
phonational means of emotionality. Emotiveness is presented at all levels of the
language and speech system: at the phonetic, morphological, lexical, phraseological,
syntactic levels, which are used in speech, as a rule, in interconnection.
The dialogue generated in the process of interpretation is always determined by
the specific situation of verbal communication and the nature of the relationship
between partners. Therefore, the interpreter plays an important role as a mediator,
able to maintain and maintain an emotional atmosphere and positive relationships in
dialogue with communication partners in various communicative situations in
everyday life and in professional activities. In this regard, it is very important for the
interpreter to develop the skills of emotive-empathic interaction [2, p. 80].
At the same time, the interpreter, taking into account the fact that the
participants of communication are carriers of different languages and cultures, takes
into account their non-verbal behavior, environment, various additional information,
etc. Therefore, the interpreter needs to be proficient in verbal, non-verbal and
phonational means of expressing positive and neutral emotive-empathic
manifestations, as well as to know the similarities and differences in the use of these
means in native and foreign cultures.
Ignatenko N.A. Faktory formirovaniia inoiazychnoi sotsiokul'turnoi
kompetentsii budushchego uchitelia [Factors of developing future teachers’ socio-
cultural competence in a foreign language]. Ph. D. thesis. Voronezh, 2000, 162 p.
Karpova Iu.A., Serova T.S. Glossarii sredstv vyrazheniia emotsii i
otnoshenii v mezhkul'turnoi bilingval'noi kommunikatsii (russkii i nemetskii iazyki)
[Glossary of means of expressing emotions and relations in intercultural bilingual
communication (Russian and German)]. Perm, Perm National Research Polytechnic
University, 2011, 101 p.
kompetentsii studentov gumanitarnogo profilia v protsesse professional'noi
podgotovki [Intercultural communicative competence development in students of
humanities during professional training]. Doctor’s degree dissertation. Tyumen,
2003, 335 p.
Rubinshtein S.L. Osnovy obshchei psikhologii [Fundamentals of general
psychology]. Saint-Petersburg, Piter, 2008, 713 p
Sapiga E.V. Razvitie empatiinykh umenii u studentov-perevodchikov v
protsesse professional'noi podgotovki v vuze [Trainee translators’ empathic skills
development during professional training at the university]. Ph. D. thesis. Maykop,
2006, 202 p.
Serova T.S. Emotivno-empatiinyi komponent inoiazychnogo delovogo
obshcheniia v sfere biznesa [Emotive-empathic component of foreign-language
business communication in the field of business]. Informatsiia, informirovannost' i
innovatsii v mezhkul'turnom professional'nom obshchenii v sfere nauki i tekhniki.
Perm, Perm State National Research Polytechnic University, 2016, pp. 337–340.
Solovieva G.V. Empatiia v interpersonal'noi i mezhkul'turnoi
kommunikatsii [Empathy in interpersonal and intercultural communication]. Voprosy
sovremennoi filologii v kontekste vzaimodeistviia iazykov i kul'tur. All-Russian
Acad. Conf. (Yelabuga, Oct. 16, 2009). Yelabuga, 2009, pp. 198–201.