All articles - Health Care Sciences and Services

Number of articles: 180
  • Therefore statistics 2017 in Uzbekistan youth takes about a third of the population. In the definition of the WHO called teenagers 10-15 years, and the whole population of young people is considered to be 15-24. Under the concept of reproductive health is understood not only the normal functioning of reproductive organs, but also the physical, intellectual and social usefulness of personality. In teenagers lack of awareness also affects their reproductive health, rash acts, they lack the ability to making wise decisions. They need the ability to layer is to protect yourself from a variety of behavioral risk factors.
    Z Duschanova
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  • Antifosfolipid syndrome (AFS) is now one of the most acute multidisciplinary problems of zamoy medicine, and is characterized by autoimmune chrombotic vasculopathy as a unique model of muhokama kilinmok. English scientist g in 1987 year.The first generalized summary of the nature of HiOS antifosfolipid syndrome was published in khaki. In his opinion, a wide range of phospholipid determinants on the basis of AFS can be mixed with autoantibodies in chromatids, endothelium and nerve endings. In 2002, the antifosfolipid syndrome was recognized as a systemic AFS syndrome in the World Congress (in Italy, Taorinna), and on its basis was recognized as a result of the breakdown of the antitanaches dressing against phospholipid determinants of the hairs of the inner members of the human Absolut kupgina (A.D.Scissors and others, 2013).
    U Dadajonov, B Negmadjanov, A Safarov, U Dadajonov
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  • The problem of interaction between man and his environment is especially acute in regions with a dry hot climate, which include Uzbekistan. Solar radiation is the totality of solar matter and energy entering the Earth. Energy propagates in the form of electromagnetic waves at a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second, passes through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth in 8 minutes. earthly the surface is under the influence of both direct and scattered by the earth's atmosphere, the sun's rays. It is the scattering of blue-blue rays in the atmosphere that explains the blueness of the sky on a clear day. Yellow-orange color The finite disk is due to the fact that the waves corresponding to it pass almost without dispersion. The electromagnetic spectrum of solar radiation consists of infrared (50%), visible (41%) and ultraviolet (9%) parts. Because they quanta have different energies, they have a variety of effects on a person. The hygienic significance of solar radiation is also extremely high. Its regulation is carried out in accordance with SNiP, which for solar radiation are compiled taking into account light climatic features of various geographical zones and are taken into account in the design and construction of various facilities
    N Sodikov, M Sodikov, S Gafforova, Z Muminova, F Temirov
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  • Specificity parameters such as changes in thickness of the interventricular septum and left ventricular side area in the complex Doppler can significantly enhance the possibility of early diagnosis of heart failure in patients with high normal blood pressure and mild hypertension and post- infectious states.
    M Baratova, M Atayeva, M Mansurova, G Kobilova, M Makhmudova
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  • Results of the examination of 300 children with dysmetabolic nephropathy in age from 1 month to 3 years are shown in this article. The study showed that dysmetabolic nephropathies are genetically determine pathology with early-onset disorders that require medical examination on a family principle.
    D Ishkabulov, K Dilmuradova, N Karimova
    32   7
  • Formation of industrial zones, as a part of which is acted the most harmful oil refineries and chemical production, leading to massive air pollution with toxic emissions are often complex and multi-component composition. In this paper we presented the hygiene requirements which must be require in the design, construction and reconstruction of refineries and chemical industry as part of an industrial complex
    D Khashirbayeva, R Usmanov
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  • It was takes complex research among 1064 practically healthy girls. At the result of examination it was revealed the disorders of reproductive system. It was determined meeting of pathologic processes, it was 16,4%. At the result of taken researches the stages of sexual maturity were developed and risk groups of sexual growth disorders were determined. On the base of takes researches with the account of literary data it was developed the complex of medical prophylactic measures and methods of morbidity prophylaxis.
    F Aripova, M Tajieva, K Nazarova, D Zakirkhojaeva
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  • The article presents modem data on the effects of environmental factors on reproductive health. As a result of studies on the impact of the Aral crisis on the health of the population of the Aral sea region, it is shown that negative environmental factors, especially POPS, radionuclides and nitrates, amplifying the adverse effect of POPS, arc one of the leading in the formation of pathologies of reproductive function, morbidity of children and adolescents in the region. These compounds cause congenital anomalies, even lethal, hormonal changes, kidney damage, central and peripheral nervous system, cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis, contribute to the development of diabetes, cancer of the soft tissues, reduces lactation in nursing mothers and the mental development of children.
    O Ataniyazova
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  • Age features of puberty were studied in 405 adolescent children (health groups I) living in the Aral Sea region (Nukus) aged 10-16 years by assessing the development of secondary sexual characteristics. During adaptation of adolescent children to the environmental conditions of the region, pace of puberty slows down, which delays development of secondary sexual characteristics and probable puberty for 1-2 years. Assessment of age features of adolescent children's’ puberty showed that this is one of the most sensitive, simple and reliable criteria which characterizes the state of development of their organism in ecologically unfavorable region.
    J Babaniyazova, B Halmuratova, G Kalandarova, D Hakimov
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  • Thus, exercise does not only help to be in good shape and reduce morbidity in children and adolescents, but also enables to percept the world more cheerfully and resist to stress. It is important to bear in mind that physical activity should be properly organized and regulated according to the children’s age, sex and individual performance.
    G Jiemuratova, L Rakhmanova, G Utepbergenova, S Utekeeva
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  • Parallel negative consequences of the ecological conditions affected to the raising of common diseases in the Southern Aral Sea area. There noted the factors of risk which caused changes of functional condition of the human body and its stability, depletes the body’s defenses, strengthens prepathological condition. In regions with high influence of environmental and climatic factors indicated high rates of extra ocular disease in children with myopia.
    M Kurbanazarov, S Annarazova, F Tajimuratova
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  • The developed algorithm of the organization of the stomatologic help to patients with the combined in-jury of bones of a facial skeleton consists of three blocks of the actions rendered in a reception, the medical and diagnostic actions and events held in the first 3 hours by experts. Also it is offered to establish algorith-mic dependences of a condition of patients with last diseases of particular persons, in similar situations, for this purpose programs have to be archived and be stored on the server. If necessary the computer on a net-work in the automatic mode can send to this server inquiry on each patient. Then search regarding is carried out, whether this person at inspection participated in the same quality earlier, and all information will go on a network to the stomatologist's computer. The condition of the examined patients recorded in the above-named archives will be considered in an automatic order.
    Sh Boymuradov
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  • Research objective: to study influence of an inactive way of life on health of teenagers. Materials and methods of research: on the basis of the carried-out questioning of 1350 children living in Tashkent and Syrdarya area. Examination was conducted among teenagers at the age of 14-18 years, from them at 663 girls and 687 boys. Results. Among 39,8% of teenagers the inactive way of life which had direct impact on their health was noted. The insufficient volume of physical activities in educational institutions is the factor reducing physical health of the studying teenagers. Among teenagers with an inactive way of life 3 times more often anemia was observed, and at 17,9% increase of arterial pressure, whereas at 25,3% on the contrary decrease was reg-istered. 49,5% of teenagers have these or those forms of diseases which were characterized in most cases by diseases of endocrine system and a gastrointestinal tract
    S Ubaydullaeva
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  • Diseases of the digestive system in the structure of general morbidity of children occupy one of the first places, posing a serious health and social problem. There is a large amount of information on the mechanisms of formation and chronic gastroduodenal pathology. Л number of somatic disorders in adolescence is fraught with influence on the physical and sexual development at this age. In 76 adolescent girls (11 to 15 years) with chronic gastroduodenal pathology (CGDP), conducted a study of the timing of development of secondary sexual characteristics. For comparison, a control group from the region were selected, for 35 adolescent girls with the absence of chronic somatic diseases. In teenage girls with CGDP lagging behind in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in relation to healthy peers. These variations in the formation of the reproductive health of adolescents directly depend on the type CGDP as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer lag relative to healthy peel's averages of 13.1% and in chronic gastritis 5.1%.
    Sh Turdieva
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  • Prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases in children in recent years, have moved beyond pediatrics, and is a complex and large medical and social problem. There were examined 130 girls students with chronic gastroduodenal pathology' and 55 healthy girls of school age, without systemic diseases. We used the method of individualizing anthropometric studies. For the evaluation of the physical development of the use of child anthropometric indicators: somatometry, fiziometry, somatoskopy and measured body mass index. Studies have shown that with age in girls-studcnts with HGDP, lagging behind in physical development in relation to healthy peers, more clearly marked in adolescence. In particular, at 20.96% of adolescent girls observed a decrease in BMI from 19.4% advance in relation to the control group.
    Sh Turdieva
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  • This article presents thesurvey data875adolescents, students of schools, colleges and lyceums Syrdarya region. According to the-dcsigncd qucstionnaircwasto determine the prcvalcnccof smoking, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, overweight and have agcnctic predispositionto obesityin adolescents.Based on the datasetof adolescent healthproblems of formation, especiallybecausel want to highlightfamily history ofobesity, occurring in21.4% ofthe adolescents surveyed.Among the leadingbehavioral risk factorsareexpo-sure to secondhand smoke(31.2%), physical inactivity(34.7%), low body weight (46.7%)andpoor nutrition(48.4%).
    S Ubaydullaeva
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  • Актуальность. Физическое развитие, безусловно, является одним из основных критериев здоровья ребенка. Установлена связь низких показателей физического развития с наличием длительно текущих и острых заболеваний. Известно, что чем хуже физическое развитие детей, тем выше уровень их заболеваемости. Динамическое наблюдение за развитием растущего ребенка является необходимым не только для выявления индивидуальных особенностей роста и созревания, темпа и гармоничности развития, но и весьма универсальным диагностическим «ключом» для определения степени физического развития.
    Z Kudainazarova, M Kutlymuratov, N Oryngalieva
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  • Охрана здоровья детей в системе здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан обеспечивается на всех уровнях оказания медицинской помощи, а) в сельских врачебных пунктах/ссмсйных поликлиниках врачом общей практики, акушеркой и патронажной медсестрой (антенатальный, послеродовой и педиатрический уход, услуги по иммунизациии т.д.); б) в районных/городских медицинских объединениях, имеющих в составе районную/городскую центральную многопрофильную консультативную поликлинику, центральную районную/городскую больницу с родильным и детским отделениями, где оказывают услуги акушер-гинекологи, акушерки, педиатры, неонатологи (перинатальная и педиатрическая помощь, иммунизации); в)в Республиканском детском многопрофильном медицинском центре с консультативной поликлиникой, в Нукусском филиале РНЦЭМП, в узкоспециализированных учреждениях (эндокринологический, кожно-венерологический, психиатрический диспансеры, офтальмологической больнице).
    A Matkarimova, K Turdymuratova, R Kurbanbayeva, A Valiakhmetova, O Asimov
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  • Коракалпогистон Республикаси согликни саклаш вазирлиги тизимида Республика ихтисослаштирилган Акушерлик ва гинекология илмий Амалий медицина маркази Нукус филиали, Республика болалар куп тармок тиббиёг маркази, Республика шошилинч тез тиббий ёрдам илмий маркази Нукус филиали, шахар ва барча туман тиббиёт бирлашмаларида 16 та тугрук булимлари ва болалар булимларида, 26 оилавий ва куп тармокли поликлиникалари ва 188 та кишлок врачлик пунктларида, 279 акушер- гинеколог, 18 болалар гинекологи, 302 педиатр, 64 неонатологлар ва 1417 нафар акушеркалар ахолига оналикни ва болаликни мухофаза килиш ишлари юзасидан хизмат курсатиб келмокдалар.
    D Bikbaeva
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  • За последние десятилетия практика родовспоможения претерпела значительные изменения. Динамичные изменения одновременно медицинского и социального характера привели к пониманию необходимости сбалансированного учета технологического и человеческого фактора в родовспоможении. При этом особенно остро встал вопрос о необходимости гуманизации всей системы родовспоможения. Для достижения этой цели стали, в частности, применяться принятые в акушерстве западных стран подходы (например, присутствие - участие партнера в родах).
    T Valieva, Sh Mukhamedkhanova
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  • Актуальность. Акушерские кровотечения всегда были основной причиной материнской смертности, они продолжают оставаться важной проблемой родовспоможения. Из общего числа осложнений родов преждевременная отслойка нормально расположенной плаценты (ПОНРП) составляет 0,3-0,5% и в 30% является причиной материнской смертности.
    S Jurabekova, Sh Fattayeva
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  • Актуальность темы: Акушерские кровотечения выступают в структуре материнской смертности как конкурирующая причина - в 42%, а как фоновая - до 78%. Показатель акушерских кровотечений колеблется от 3 до 8% по отношению к общему числу родов.
    K Kabulov, G Mambetova
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  • Известно, что при нормально протекающей беременности повышена интенсивность внутрисосудистого микросвертывания крови. Это состояние подтверждается повышением уровня D-димера, а также маркеров гиперкоагуляции, как фрагмент протромбина F1+2, громбин-антитромбиновых комплексов.
    M Komilova
    11   1
  • Актуальность: В настоящее время отмечается рост частоты вульвитов как специфической, так и неспецифической этиологии среди девочек. Обращает на себя внимание непрерывное течение воспалительного процесса с непродолжительными периодами ремиссии. При обследовании дегей на наличие инфекций мочеполового, тракта наряду с возбудителями указанных заболеваний часто выявляются генитальные микоплазмы - Mycoplasma hominis, Chlamidiatrachomatis.
    M Shamsieva, B Negmadzhanov
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  • Актуальность. Успехи в области профилактики наследственных заболеваний в последние годы значительно возросли, что стало возможным благодаря интенсивному изучению этиологии и патогенеза наследственных болезней. Это связано с широким внедрением в практику здравоохранения медико-генетического консультирования и перинатальной диагностики. Ежегодно в литературе появляются несколько сотен новых генетически обусловленных аномалий. По данным ученых известно более 2500 наследственных заболеваний. В Республике Каракалпакстан наследственные заболевания встречаются довольно часто, а именно врожденный гипотиреоз, фенилкетонурия и др.Структура наследственной патологии у детей такова: генные болезни - 1%, хромосомные болезни - 0,5%, отягощенные наследственностью - 3-3,5%, несовместимость матери и плода - 0,4%. Однако многие синдромы встречаются довольно редко и поэтому врачи не имеют достаточного навыка диагностики наследственной патологии. В связи с этим во всем мире, а также в Узбекистане, организована широкая сеть скрининг-центров, вкоторых ведется не только статистика наследственных заболеваний, но в первую очередь проводят генетическое прогнозирование.
    V Adzhimuratova, O Shelepova
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