All articles - Geriatrics and Gerontology

Number of articles: 19
  • Sociological study conducted using survey. The sample consists of the territorial departments of health heads, their deputies, heads of regional health centers and primary health care. For the data collection, a ques-tionnaire has been developed and used, which consists of 21 questions designed to assess the need and oppor-tunity for providing geriatric services (availability of facilities, human resources, diagnosis and treatment standards). Questionnaire filled out by respondents anonymously. The results of the survey showed that the ca-pacity of health institutions to provide effective gerontological care is limited, currently provided health and social care quality for the elderly is low and does not meet their needs and requirements.
    D Aniyozova
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  • The study of the results of world demographic indicators indicates a change in the age composition of mankind in the direction of its aging. The age group over 65 increased from 4% to 15% during the past 20th century [3, 7, 12, 21, 29, 37]. Significant growth patients with acute cholecystitis (AC) is also associated with the general trend of aging in developed countries [12, 14, 20, 23, 29, 30, 38]. The peak incidence of OC falls on 50-70 years, when the operation is associated with a significant risk [3, 14, 15, 20, 29, 30].
    S Davlatov, Z Kurbaniyazov, O Kholbutaev
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  • In recent years, along with the growth of general injuries, the number of maxillofacial injuries has also steadily increased. According to Russian scientists, in 2005, 75.5% had fractures of the lower jaw, and 75.5% of the upper jaw had fractures. 5.2% affected. A significant part in the general structure of injuries of the maxillofacial region in recent years are also elderly patients.
    A Iskhakova, A Khasanov, Sh Yusupov
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  • IHD, arterial hypertension, cerebrovascular atherosclerosis, abdominal arteries At the time of autopsy in patients with atherosclerosis, vasculitis of the digestive tract was detected in 75.5% of cases. In 50-57% of cases, abdominal ischemia developed as a result of impaired mesenteric circulation.
    T Zhumaboev, G Khozhimatov, Sh Rashidova, A Tursunov
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  • In developed countries, it is one of the leading diseases causing loss of central vision in patients over 50 years of age. As the risk of morbidity and disability due to KSD increases, the disease is seen as an important social problem. If viscosity is lost on one drop due to CMD, then the risk of failure on a second drop increases by 12% over 5 years. The number of patients with CMD is constantly increasing.
    K Nabiev, K Odamov, N Ruzimova
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  • The aim of the performed investigation was the study of physical status, data of morbidity and elaborates approaches to improve health status of elderly people in the rural places of Uzbekistan. 172 people at the age more than 65 years old have been examined with the use of screening method: 92,3% of elderly people live with thieir families, 7% of them live with relatives and only 7% live alone; among elderly people 67 were women (38,9%) and 105 were men (61,1%). There have been 14 people (8,1%) at the age more than 80 years old. During the assessing of functional status with the use of Bartel’s scale in 89% of cases it has been examined 80 and more points, i.e. they could service themselves. In general in 47,8% of cases different types of diseases, such as arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, osteokhondrosis and osteoarthrosis have been observed.
    S Lapasov, F Abdurasulov, B Yuldashev, L Khakimova, M Valieva
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  • Chronic venous failure - is the disease which is more frequently among old population. Among them elder and old age people consist more patients which suffer from chronic venous failure, 25-30% from them have trophic ulcers and their treatment considered heavy problem. Because of the heavy concomitant pathology and surface which more then 60-65% on gerontological patients operative treatment accounted as impossible. Aim of the work: increasing results of treatment gerontological patients with trophic ulcers thanks to innovational methods of treatment. We were made evaluation results of treatment in 57 patients. Researches were made in purulent surgical department in Cities hospital from 2000 to 2012. Done 22 phlebological researches, 35 doppler-graphy and 23 cytological examines. For therapy trophic ulcers used complex treatment which of main way were chipping areas of trophic ulcers. From 57 patient 52(91,2%) were successfully treated from ulcers. Noticed, that treatments such that leads to cleaning ulcer areas, desensitization, proteolytic and antibacterial affects.
    P Mukhamadieva, U Khudoynazarov, Z Iskhakova
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  • In the study quality of life in elderly patients with osteoarthritis using international EuroQol questionnaire were obtained substantiated data about positive impact of spa treatment on quality of life by given group of patients compared with outpatient treatment. Multidisciplinary nature of medical rehabilitation in spa conditions, using a wide range of rehabilitation methods promotes more complex influence on an organism and allows to save remission for murch longer term.
    Т Бaкaлюк
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  • Диагностика эпилепсии базируется во многом на данных электроэнцефалографии (ЭЭГ) (4). Роль ЭЭГ в диагностике эпилепсии определяется тем, что нейрофизиологические критерии входят составной частью в определение эпилепсии как заболевания (1, 3). Определение припадка как эпилептического возможно только при доказанной обусловленности его избыточным разрядом нейронов, что возможно только при регистрации эпилептиформной активности ЭЭГ-методом (2).
    N Abdullayeva
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  • Одной из главных проблем эпилепсии у пожилых является дифференциация эпилептических и неэпилептических приступов. По статистике, около 20% больных получают хроническую противоэпилептическую медикаментозную терапию ошибочно, в связи с неправильно диагностированными приступами. При этом очень важно уже на начальном этапе важно правильно диагностировать эпилептический припадок (3).
    N Abdullayeva
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  • Основной целью роботы явилось изучение особенностей диагностики и лечения РА, начавшегося у лиц пожилого возраста.
    Sh Kodirova, Sh Tillaeva, M Saidova, D Rakhmatova
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  • Настоящего исследования являлось определение особенностей клинического течения и исхода кровоизлияний в головной мозг у пациентов разных возрастных групп
    S Pulatov, S Rakhmatova, Sh Akhrorova
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  • Ранее описание эпилепсии основалось на наблюдениях у молодых пациентов, так как считалось, что приступы чаще возникают в первые 10 лет жизни, и по мере увеличение возраста эпилептическая готовность взрослого организма прогрессивно снижается. Но в 70-80 годах ХХ века отдельные авторы отмечали, что пожилой возраст обнаруживает предрасположенность к эпилепсии, наряду с детским (4).
    N Abdullayev
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  • 510 patients aged 60-92 with deep bums had been under the observation of the authors 100 burnt patients were admitted
    in a shock state. They demonstrated stable hypotony. elevated CIT (Central Intraocular tension) the change in ECG and less
    marked hemoconcertration.
    I.T.T. in the first 24 hours resulted in hemodynamic stabilization on the background of cardiac glucosides
    administration. The authors succeeded in taking 69% of burnt patients out of shock state. I.T.T. in the period of acute bum toxaemia (in 169) and septicotoxaemia (in 184) was directed to the struggle against intoxication, anaemia, hypo and dysproteinaemia. To tear away necrotic tissues proteolytic ferments were used, 10% solution of urea, laserotherapy, propolis ointment and metallocomplexes. 409 patients were operated. Out of 72 persons died (17,6%)

    B Karabaev, A Fayazov
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  • В пожилом возрасте тревожные расстройства довольно часто сопровождаютсоматические и неврологические заболевания, однако будучи в качестве ведущего симптома тревога обычно предстает вместе с другой психопатологической симптоматикой, структура которой остается недостаточно определенной.

    Sohib Ismatov, Zh Rustamova
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  • Ўзбекистон Республикасида вирусли гепатит А касаллиги айниқса болалар ўртасида бугунги кунда ҳам тез-тез учраб турибди. Касалликнинг клиник кечиши ва лаборатор натижаларнинг қай даражада ўзгариши касалликни одам организмидага йўлдош касалликлари мавжудлиги ёки болаларда преморбид касалликларни намоён бўлиши билан боғлиқ бўлади. Айрим холларда1 ёшдан 14 ёшгача бўлган болаларда камқонлик, рахит ёки гипотрофия ҳолатларининг мавжудлиги вирусли гепатит А касаллигининг кечиш типиклигига таъсир кўрсатади. Натижада вирусли гепатит А касаллигининг клиник белгилари яққолроқ намоён бўлади, лаборатор биокимёвий кўрсаткичлар ҳам ўзига мос равишда юқори кўрсаткичларни ташкил қилади ва касалликнинг соғайиш муддатлари ҳам узоқроқ давом этади

    N Shukurova, T Umarov
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  • Jigar serrozi - bu a’zoning surunkali kasalligi bo’lib, jigar parenximasining tiklanmas ravishda fibroz biriktiruvchi to’qima bilan almashinishi orqali kechadigan kasallik. Bu kasallik 35-60 yosh oralig’ida bo’lgan bemorlar o’limining 6 ta asosiy sabablaridan biri bo’lib, 20% hollarda bemor vafotidan so’ng shu kasallik bilan og’riganligi aniqlandi. Butun dunyoda esa bu kasallik bo’yicha har yili 40 million kishi hayotdan ko’z yumadi.

    N Egamova, T Valieva
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  • В связи с особенностями реактивности организма у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста диагностика перитонита нередко затруднена, а диагностические ошибки, особенно при остром аппендиците, встречаются довольно часто (40,9%, по данным Ф.М. Данович и соавт.).

    G Kurbanbaeva, F Ismailov
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  • Нарушения функции щитовидной железы, проявляющейся как гипотиреоз или гипертиреоз, являются широко распространёнными патологическими состояниями. По результатам эпидемиологических исследований распространённость гипотиреоза в отдельных группах населения достигает 10-12 % [10], а гипертиреоз среди женщин встречается приблизительно 2 %, среди мужчин - 0,2 % [15]. Так как тиреоидные гормоны оказывают влияние, прямое или косвенное, на практически все обменные процессы в организме через энергетический обмен, представлял интерес их эффект на одну из главных метаболизирующих систем печени - монооксигеназную ферментную систему, локализованную в эндоплазматическом ретикулуме гепатоцитов.

    M Nishontaev, M Rasulova, N Yuldashev
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