On the coverage of ethnic processes in the information space

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Содиржонов, М. (2023). On the coverage of ethnic processes in the information space . in Library, 20(2), 97–101. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/22294
Мухриддин Содиржонов, Наманганский государственный университет

Ijtimoiy fanlar kafedrasi dotsenti, sotsiologiya fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori(PhD)



В статье рассматривается значение современных информационных технологий в общественной жизни, этнические процессы в социальных реалиях Интернета и СМИ, а также этничность. Поскольку менталитет является глубочайшей частью сознания этноса, связанной с устойчивыми архетипическими структурами, он способствует удовлетворению биологических врожденных потребностей человека, психологической устойчивости и духовной уверенности в кучайтиради. В современном обществе, где внедряются глобальные компьютерные сети и телекоммуникационные технологии, информация становится важным источником и фактором социально-экономического развития. Подобные факты подтверждают оптимистическую оценку влияния компьютерных технологий на взаимоотношения этнических культур.

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ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 9, Issue 6, June, 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 6.882

Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)




P u b l i s h e d b y :


A s i a n R e s e a r c h J o u r n a l s


A s i a n J o u r n a l o f

M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l

R e s e a r c h

( A D o u b l e B l i n d R e f e r e e d & R e v i e we d I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l )







Namangan State University, UZBEKISTAN

Email id: sodirjonov@mail.ru


The article discusses the importance of modern information technologies in social life, ethnic
processes in the social realities of the internet and the media, as well as ethnicity. Since
mentalitet is the deepest part of Ethnos consciousness associated with stable archetypal
structures, it helps to meet the biological innate needs of man, psychological stability and
spiritual confidence kuchaytiradi. In the modern society where global computer networks and
telecommunication technologies are introduced, information is becoming an important source
and factor of socio-economic development. Similar facts confirm an optimistic assessment of the
impact of computer technology on the relationship between ethnic cultures.


Globalism, Internet, Ethnic, Mental, Ethnosocial Process, Media, Social Space,

Digital Economy, Modernization.


In any society, information has always been a reflection of the progress of the country, it has
served as a fundamental tool in the formation of people's consciousness, worldview and politica l
level. This situation is spreading wider than ever before in the era of today's globalisation, which
is changing at a particularly rapid pace. Consequently, one cannot imagine any sphere of
everyday life without the media.

It is fully understood that information in developing countries is a national resource, and its
storage, development and rational use are tasks of State importance. Thus, at the present stage,
the development of the information sector in the society is focused and not only on
telecommunications, but also on information (focused on workmanship, awareness of the
audience and scientific and educational innovations, etc.). The formation of a state policy that
covers the processes related to the creation, storage, operation and distribution of species, as well
as the entire totality of relations.

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ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 9, Issue 6, June, 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 6.882

Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)




Information has always played an important role both in the life of society and in the life of a
particular person. Information - is a detailed message or information about any event and refers
to the official message of the government about the transaction or agreement concluded as a
result of negotiations between the states. In international law, the notification of agreements,
agreements or other decisions taken as a result of diplomatic negotiations between two or more
states shall be formally announced by two or more states. Information about the negotiations
between the two countries is usually called joint information. According to another
interpretation, the name of some periodicals (for example, the information of the Academy of
Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the information of the state testing center of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, etc.).[1].

Information is a set of information about the indicators, properties and states of objects and
phenomena of the environment, regardless of its sources and form of presentation, reflecting the
facts about the person, subject, fact, event, phenomenon and processes[2].

Taking into account the current global all-round trends, the accelerated use of ICT for
Uzbekistan in all spheres of society, as well as the overall development of digital technologies,
have become the driving force of innovation and rapid entry into the world economy and
integration. For this purpose, measures are being implemented in the Republic at a rapid pace,
but without the first scientific basis and scientific research, high efficiency can not be achieved in
these processes.

In the appeal to the Senate and legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.

Mirziyoyev declared 2020 the year ―The year of development of


cience and education and the digital economy‖, adding that this year the country should make a

radical turn in the development of the digital economy. ―It is essential and imperat

ive that we

possess digital knowledge and modern information technology to achieve progress. This gives us

the opportunity to go through the shortest path of Ascension‖[3].

According to the international electronic Association of the United Nations, today more than 3.5
million inhabitants of the Earth's sphere are actively using the world Internet network[4]. In the
report of the Ministry for development of Information Technologies and Communications of the
Republic of Uzbekistan it was reported that the number of users of the internet system in the
Republic of Uzbekistan exceeds 14 million, while the number of mobile operators exceeds 22
million[5]. It should also be noted that, as in the whole world, the main beneficiaries of the
Internet and social networks are primarily young people.

In the modern society where global computer networks and telecommunication technologies are
introduced, information is becoming an important source and factor of socio-economic
development. In our eyes, the world is turning from real event to information; unfortunately,
virtual reality is recognized as one of the basic forms of existence. In this regard, the problems
associated with the storage and translation of information resources, the complexity and
deepening of communication networks, the consequences of the virtualization of reality, the
reduction to spiritual criteria as a result of the influence of information technology remain
relevant for scientific and philosophical discussions.

The ―information revolution‖, which t

ook place in the second half of the twentieth century, has

increased its influence on many aspects of human life, including the issues of changing the
nature of ethnic processes. Information did not have national boundaries, so the global
information space had to affirm the spirit of globalism in the minds of people. In Uzbekistan,

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ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 9, Issue 6, June, 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 6.882

Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)




where there are more than 130 nationalities with specific national languages and cultures, it has
also entered with its own characteristics.

Ethnic phenomena in the new era of information technology should not be considered separately
from socio-cultural, political and economic processes. People and ethnic groups participate in
many information and social contacts. The role of the national Internet sector is facilitated by the
formation of the traditional ethnic mentality of the population by filling gaps in the activities of
ethnic media, eliminating the shortcomings in direct ethnic communication. The internet, in
addition to the mass media, helps in providing information to the ethno-mentality, which is
determined by the characteristics of the form of media texts that are distributed to the general
public and the integrity of the information space of the country in terms of information

A well-known economist scientist A.N.

Ijaev [6] in his scientific study, he argues: ―The most

important functional core of ethnic selfishness is the spiritual value, which covers almost all the
existential conscious sphere of ethnos and constantly requires information and communication
nutrition (with the help of mass media), first of all, ethnic and cultural property is the main

means of protection that guarantees the vital supply of the individual‖.

Geography of internet users is not limited to one state. Citizens of one state communicate and
communicate via the internet in their native languages with a citizen who is temporarily resident
in another state or who has moved completely. Similar facts confirm an optimistic assessment of
the impact of computer technology on the relationship between ethnic cultures.

Thanks to the internet, the technical and creative possibilities of ethnic-oriented media have
expanded to promote national values, ideas and ideals in the society.

The A.V. Malakhova noted that the period of postmodernism, united by the formation of an

information society, is ―a period of indifference to someone's suffering, without ideals, without

moral principles and norms, without future, without social progress and without social

responsibility‖[7]. From the given point of view,

one can draw the following conclusion: by

entering into virtual reality, it leads to real reality and distance between people. As a result, this
process was reflected in each ethnic group and community, and the processes of socialization of
people moved to the vertual space. In turn, the variety is manifested by its positive and negative

The use of the word ―modern man‖ in our everyday life has become an object of reproach. This

term is describes in his study A.Y.Xos the following: "In addition to the main advantages of the
information society, it enriches the daily life of people, with new cultures, renounces the

traditional style of standing, assimilates different eltist cultures and creates its own standard‖


Of course, this opinion can be further supplemented and analyzed by its negative pros. In modern
Uzbek society, the majority of young people are highly valued for the use of modern information
technologies and their mastering. At the same time, in the synthesis and adoption of information,
one can observe the abandonment of moral and culture, the emergence of social loneliness or, on
the contrary, the confluence with other ethnic groups (falling under the influence of different

informal communities, religious currents, various ―modern cultural‖ currents, etc.).

Let's not agree that the ethnic processes in the global information space contradict each other. On
the one hand, contacts of passionate nationalities are direct (student exchange, tourism, labor
migration, movement of migrants and refugees) and modern media (satellite, TV, internet,

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ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 9, Issue 6, June, 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 6.882

Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)




mobile communication, etc.) for ethnic cultures at the same time raises different problems. On
the other hand, it is becoming a single area for the standardization of life and the development of
technology, industry, transport, trade and communication tools.

Modernization and cultivation of life managed through the internet and the media is not only a
traditional way of life, but also a change in the models of communication and behavior, family
relations, ways of educating and teaching the younger generation, which leads to the degradation
of many languages and ethnic mentalities.

Ethnos is a real form of man, and at the same time expresses both cultural and biological
diversity; therefore it contradicts reality - it is a possible (inanimate, antitussive, postbiological,
computer) form of human life in the information society.

Researchers warn against the risk that countries and peoples behind the ―race‖of information

technology will lose their cultural and national identity. In the era of globalization and
computerization, English has become the most popular language in the world, and this situation
prevails over these (English)-speaking sources and American technologies in the Internet picture
of the world. There is no doubt that there is an opinion of researchers that computer culture
should become an integral part of modern national culture.

Ethnic phenomena in the new era of information technology should not be considered separately
from socio-cultural, political and economic processes. People and ethnic groups participate in
many information and social contacts. The role of the national Internet network consists in the
formation of the traditional national mentality of the population by filling the gaps in the
activities of ethnic media, eliminating the defects in direct ethnic relations.

In addition to the internet mass media, communication provides for the provision of
communication in order to reflect ethnicity, its effectiveness is determined by the integrity of the
country's information space and the content of the mass media distributed to the general public,
as well as the features of its form. But, nevertheless, a large part of the population does not use
the Internet in their spare time, but rather passive types of culture, for example, prefer to watch
various entertainment TV shows.

There is no doubt that the main factor in the development of ethnic culture and maintaining the
harmony of the nation will remain the media. They inform people of the most important events,
create a platform for discussing the future of their homeland and humanity as a whole, and also
help to establish good relations with other peoples.

The ―explosion of the ethnic group‖, unpredictable in the internet era, is traditional


allows a modern person to filter uncontrolled information flows, to choose information that is
safe for self-identification according to ethnic existence. Since mentalitet is the deepest part of
Ethnos consciousness associated with stable archetypal structures, it helps to meet the biological
innate needs of man, psychological stability and spiritual confidence kuchaytiradi. Traditional
norms and ideas aimed at ensuring that fair decisions are made by a person in ordinary situations,
a socially acceptable intellectual program, which stabilizes the social value of information
received by the user of the internet and the mass media by narrowing the scope of accepted and
desired relations in the life situations, phenomena, human beings.

The modern theory of modernization, interpreting traditional culture as a possible obstacle to
modernization, did not take into account the internal cultural connotations of the development of
society. At present, the concept of delayed modernization takes into account the stability of the

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ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 9, Issue 6, June, 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 6.882

Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)




core of the value of ethnic cultures and recognizes the accept ability of a mixed culture model,
which has traditionally been modernized for modern countries.

In place of the conclusion, it can be noted that the urgency of ethnic problems in the information
society is explained by the fact that a person seeks spiritual guidance and stability in the world of
infinite telecommunication simulations. Ethnic property includes protest against the fact that life
becomes an electronic life from home, a living reality in which a person can be transformed into
an inanimate div.

Ethnic culture continues to perform integrative, communicative, cultural, creative and
educational functions. Under the influence of the information revolution, elements of traditional
culture are being modernized, gradually entering the internet around the world and
demonstrating the potential for significant adaptability to technological innovations.



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Библиографические ссылки

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Энциклопедияси. – Тошкент: ЎзМЭ, 2000. Ж.1.

Ўзбекистон Республикасининг ―Ахборот эркинлиги принциплари ва кафолатлари тўғрисида‖ги Қонуни. 2002 йил 12 декабрь.

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиѐевнинг Олий Мажлисга мурожаатномаси, Халқ сўзи 2020 йил 25 январь.

Committed to connecting the world // http://www.itu.int/en/about/Pages/default.aspx.

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Ахборот технологиялари ва коммуникацияларини ривожлантириш вазирлигининг маълумоти // http://mitc.uz/uz.

Ижаев А.Н. Информационно-политическая и этническая идентичность в пространстве массовой коммуникации: автореф. дис. … канд. полит. наук. М., 2007 // Библиотека диссертаций dslib.net.

Хоц А.Ю. Информационная революция и этнические аспекты культуры современного общества: автореф. дис. … канд. филос. наук. Ставрополь, 2001.

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