Sociological analysis of human capital development processes

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Содиржонов, М. (2023). Sociological analysis of human capital development processes. in Library, 1(1), 246–254. извлечено от
Мухриддин Содиржонов, Наманганский государственный университет

Ijtimoiy fanlar kafedrasi dotsenti, sotsiologiya fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori(PhD)



В данной статье проводится социологический анализ процессов развития человеческого капитала и анализируются ответы респондентов. В процессе развития человеческого капитала особое внимание уделяется образованию и здоровью, приоритетам общественно-политической деятельности государства и общества. Представлены выводы и рекомендации по развитию компонентов человеческого капитала.

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Sodirjonov Mukhriddin Makhammadaminovych

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology

Namangan State University


This article provides a sociological analysis of human capital

development processes and analyzes the responses of respondents. In the process of
human capital development, special attention is paid to education and health, the
priorities of socio-political activities of the state and society. Conclusions and
recommendations for the development of the components of human capital were


Human capital, ethnoculture, enosociology, innovation,

investment, socialization, optimization, education, culture, health, potential,

In the socio-economic development of our country, the process of forming

human capital as a factor of social production has entered a new stage. Human capital
has become an important component of the modern economy. The priorities of the state
investment policy and the role of the state in the economic sphere will change. In this
way, the education system is developing as the main source of human capital
formation. In such conditions, the demand for the institutionalization of the creation of
human capital, which makes up all the components of economic relations and is formed
by these relations, is increasing.

The path of innovative development, the country's people thinking from people

while paving the way for the development of capital to change the style, social and
moral views requires and ultimately modernization of the whole society and new leads
to quality state-transformation.

All investment in the growth of human capital is effective and pays for itself in

the future. This requires principles of human capital management.

If the country has a high level of human capital, the development of the society

will move to a faster pace.

The development of human capital in our country depends on the following


- development of individual capabilities of each person;
- directing investment directly to the development of human capital;
The social and economic development of the country depends on the level of

formation of human capital, and this is the process of expanding the intellectual
potential and opportunities of the citizens of the country.

It is known that human capital, which is a set of social relations, corresponds

to society as it is. The development of human capital is also directly related to a person's
consciousness, morals, spirituality, worldview, socio-economic, political relations, the
essence and nature of the social system. Because a person has intelligence, he

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understands the events of the real world, and manages the world with his knowledge,
thinking, work, and potential. The growth of human capital is strongly influenced by
all the events taking place in the surrounding social environment.[2.4]

In order to create innovative human capital, every family of the country and the

children born in it should be directed to learning from the youngest age, instilling a
passion for science, love for work, the latest educational technologies, world standards
in educational institutions.

Level textbooks and manuals should be taught and taught will be Uzbekistan's

status as a developed country is directly determined by the growing role of human
capital, which is the main factor in economic development.

The system of continuous education adopted in our country is the basis for the

formation and renewal of innovative human capital, which guarantees the development
of society, as well as ensuring the development of a person into a well-rounded

During the study of the processes of development of human capital at the

individual and family level, social analyzes are of particular importance.

In the sociological survey, it was aimed to determine the tendency of the

respondents to invest in health and education, which are structural elements of human
capital and determine its quality.

It is known that demographic factors play an important role in the formation of

human capital. The number of children in families determines the level of regeneration
of the family's human capital and, in turn, the country's human capital. According to
the obtained results, it was revealed that the majority of the respondents are families
with two children. The relationship between the educational level, age and economic
status of the respondents and the number of children in the family was not visible. Only
the effect of the factor of nationality was revealed. That is, the distribution of the
number of children in the family among non-local peoples - one-child - 42.5%, two -
50%, three and more children - 7.5%. Among the local population, these numbers were
24.1%, 39.1%, 27.6% and 9.2%, respectively.

The results of the latest research show that only 8-10% of human health

depends on the health system, 20% on environmental conditions, 20% on genetic
factors, and the remaining 50% is the organization of a person's lifestyle (ie, daily
rational regime, eating habits, harmful habits , engaging in various physical activities,
prevention of excess weight and stress, traditional and non-traditional training
methods, etc.) For this purpose, since playing sports is considered as an important form
of investment in health capital, which is the main component of human capital,
respondents were asked the question "Do you play sports to improve your health?" was
addressed with the question, and as a result, it was determined that with the increase in
the level of education, the attitude towards sports and its role in human life changes in
a positive direction.

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Table 1. "Do you play sports to improve your health?" distribution of

answers to the question,%.



Medium Medium


I am constantly working at home





I participate in sports





I do not work separately, the housework is





I don't need to do sports










44.5% of respondents with higher education are involved in sports in one form

or another, among those with secondary education, this figure is 35.3%, among those
with secondary education, 40%. 7.6% of respondents with higher education do not feel
the need to do sports, while among those with secondary and secondary special
education, this indicator was 26.1% and 14.2%, respectively. These indicators indicate
that sports are not sufficiently widespread in our society.

Investments aimed at strengthening human health in the social policy of our

country have been recognized by the world community as having a high impact on the
socio-economic indicators of the country in the future.

Health as a component of human capital has attracted great interest in the

literature, both theoretically and from a practical perspective. If traditionally human
capital depends on the education and skills of a citizen, recently it will have a broader
concept that includes health factors. The improvement of human capital by investing
in the health of the population was put forward by the American scientist T.W. Schult
(1963)[4] and S.J.Mushkin (1962)[5] in the 60s, and became more clearly relevant after
the early work of M.Grossman (1972). . Indeed, Grossman (1972)[6] was the first to
clearly address this issue. According to this author, he emphasized that the higher the
level of health of the worker, the more important it is in the production of products.
According to the concept of human capital in the interpretation of S. Voronina, the
level of health of the population is a particularly important issue, which forms the basis
of socio-economic development in any country. It is the level of health of the
population that forms human capital [7.141], he says. I.V. Ilinsky believes that human
capital consists of educational capital, health capital and cultural capital [8.127]. To
date, the concept of human capital is not only in the economy or production, but also
in the individual characteristics of every citizen in the country: health, education,
abilities and talents, acquired skills and experiences, social, psychological, worldview
and socio-cultural characteristics of people, as well as in its structural structure. it is
important to understand not only the material, but also the spiritual content.

Healthy people have less absenteeism due to illness, resulting in higher

productivity and higher production ratings. From this point of view, the level of health
is considered an important part of human capital, which is directly related to education.
Like physical capital, health capital loses value over time, but people can invest in
improving their health.

Human capital is related to a person's participation in society. Also, we all know

that it is easier to prevent a disease than to fight it. However, we do not always follow

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this. When we asked the respondents in which cases they go to see a doctor (Fig. 2),
60.7% of them answered when they got sick, and 18.8% answered that after home
remedies did not work. Only 15.1% of the respondents go to the doctor for preventive
measures to prevent the disease. 2.3% of the respondents indicated that they trust
healers more than doctors in general, and 3.1% indicated that they believe otherwise.
The educational level of the participating respondents also had an effect on this result.
Among those with higher education, the share of those who go to see a doctor is the
majority, 16.7%, and it was found that respondents with secondary and secondary
specialized education turn to doctors twice as often as those with higher education.

Figure 2. Distribution of reasons for visiting a doctor, %.

The importance of human capital can be assessed in several different ways.

Traditionally, economists measure this by the income of people with more education.
Studies have shown that each additional year of education increases a person's income
by an average of 10 percent. Investments in education can also reduce social inequality
in society. In most countries, children born to relatively well-off families begin to enjoy
opportunities from an early age, and this leads to a number of advantages throughout
their lives, whereas children from disadvantaged families do not.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev: ... along with

mastering the latest achievements in the field of information and communication,
special attention should be paid to increasing the interest of young people in reading
books, making them friends with books, and further increasing the reading level of the
population. For this, first of all, it is important that we place the best examples of our
national literature and world literature on social networks and pay special attention to
their wide promotion" [1.86-87].

Investing in education is not only an important way of developing the country,

but also a social policy aimed at improving human capital and socio-economic
development prospects. As a result, material well-being and a healthy lifestyle are
achieved by improving human capital. It should be noted that human capital is a form
of individual capital of each person. Human abilities, knowledge, skills and experience
are the personal property of every young person.

The analysis of the level of investment of the respondents in the field of

education, which is the basis of human capital, led to the following conclusions and

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results. Today, the focus is on education at the individual and family level. Most
respondents (70.9%) emphasized the importance of higher education. It is worth noting
that one of the important conditions for obtaining higher education is sufficient family

n order to determine the level of development of tutoring, a widespread form

of extracurricular education in our country, respondents were asked whether their
children attend additional classes. Our research showed that 64% of the respondents
who have children of school age attend extra classes. According to the level of
education of their parents, this figure was 41.2% among those with secondary
education, 80% among those with secondary specialized education, and 62% among
parents with higher education. The desire of the majority of parents with a secondary
special education level to provide their children with quality education can be evaluated
as a desire for their children to achieve higher results in life. But the relatively low rate
of this indicator among parents with higher education is not due to the lack of attention
to their children. In our opinion, this indicator is relatively lower due to the fact that
the children of such families are relatively more capable or can receive help from their
parents in the field of science.

In order to determine the level of development of tutoring, a widespread form

of extracurricular education in our country, respondents were asked whether their
children attend additional classes. Our research showed that 64% of the respondents
who have children of school age attend extra classes. According to the level of
education of their parents, this figure was 41.2% among those with secondary
education, 80% among those with secondary specialized education, and 62% among
parents with higher education. The desire of the majority of parents with a secondary
special education level to provide their children with quality education can be evaluated
as a desire for their children to achieve higher results in life. But the relatively low rate
of this indicator among parents with higher education is not due to the lack of attention
to their children. In our opinion, this indicator is relatively lower due to the fact that
the children of such families are relatively more capable or can receive help from their
parents in the field of science....

In the development of many developed countries, especially Japan, Malaysia,

Singapore, and South Korea, the education system has played a decisive role. Today's
development puts before us, like these countries, the issue of training personnel in the
fields that are in high demand in the labor market. At the present time, such professions
and trades have appeared in the world market that most of them are prepared not in
universities and colleges, but in ordinary educational centers, not in three or one year,
but in a very short time. We can give many examples of this. For example, in
Singapore, education is seen as the primary task of economic development. Issues
related to the development of the field of education were solved by interacting with the
American model of education. Although this system is paid (school education is free
in Uzbekistan), Singaporeans began to pay special attention not only to 10 years of
schooling, but also to various training courses aimed at improving skills. In addition to
technical knowledge, Singapore's polytechnic schools and colleges also teach the

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basics of graphics and design, as well as architecture. Education was carried out
inseparable from production, the main focus was on practice.

Education is still highly valued by the Japanese. Once upon a time, there was a

tradition in Japan of saving money for the education of children by saving money for
daily necessities. The Japanese tried to leave their children knowledge rather than
money and material wealth, more precisely, they spent the money that should be left to
the children for their modern education, and on this basis, they left the opportunity for
their children to earn money independently. This guaranteed them to work in public
positions that provide high social status. Today, the educational system introduced in
Japan has developed to the extent that it is an example for the whole world. Just like in
our country, compulsory education covering primary and secondary education has been
established, which covers almost 100% of Japanese children. 96% of them study in 2-
level school education. 60% of children who have completed the second stage continue
their education in colleges, institutes and vocational schools.

In modern Japanese pedagogy, the principle of moral education integrated with

the education system has been formed. As early as the Middle Ages, practical ethics
began to be emphasized in schools. These schools were taught how to be a practical
manager. Under the influence of Confucian beliefs and Buddhist traditions, the
education system began to be considered not only as a means of acquiring knowledge
and improving craft skills, but also as a means of forming moral and spiritual perfection
and, on this basis, bringing out the virtue of strict discipline.

Respondents were asked which method they prefer to improve their knowledge

and skills. In the training courses, mainly education accounted for 27.3% and health
workers for 35%. Among those employed in the field of entrepreneurship, this figure
was 5.8%. Also, the fact that more than ¼ of the respondents with secondary education
do not feel the need to improve their qualifications can be considered a negative trend,
if it is considered to be a situation caused by professional affiliation. As a result of the
analysis of this question, the demands of highly educated people towards themselves
and others were expressed. Of course, reading additional literature is one of the factors
that develop human capital.

Figure 3. "How do you improve your knowledge and skills?" distribution of answers to

questions, %.

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The analysis shows that 11.9% of the respondents do not read additional

literature at all, and 46.4% of those who regularly read it, we can see a clear
predominance of secondary information. The level of personal income is an important
condition that determines the possibility and level of investment in human capital. For
this purpose, the respondents' incomes were studied, and by dividing the incomes into
certain limits, it was determined whether the respondents belonged to one or another
group. The result showed that with increasing level of education there was a trend of
increasing income. As shown in the fourth figure, the share of respondents with higher
education increases with increasing income. That is, my return from higher education
is showing its strength.

Also, about 80% of professionals with advanced degrees have an average

income at the level of higher education. That is, it indicates that the return rate of post-
higher education is lower than that of higher education.

Cultural entertainment is also important in people's lives. Rest is one of the

important factors in restoring the lost mental, physical and spiritual capital and
potential. We asked the respondents in which places they spend their physical and
physiological condition and cultural needs. In figure 5 we can see the results.

As a result of the research, the following conclusions were reached:
- Reproductive inclination among the respondents was formed at the level of

organizing medium-sized families. 26.2% of them reported having one, 40.2% two,
25.4% three and 0.2% four or more children. This can be seen as a support to the
government's efforts to improve maternal and child health.

- It became known that respondents do not pay attention to their health. It was

found that 2/5 of them do sports at one level or another, and only 15% go to see a doctor
to prevent the disease. It was found that as the respondent's level of education increases,
his attention to his health also increases;

- it was found that the tendency of our respondents to invest in their children's

education is very high.

- of course, with an increase in the level of education, the tendency of incomes

to increase was determined.

The results of the study revealed that respondents with higher education have

more opportunity and inclination to invest in human capital. Higher education has been
found to have a high return on human capital. In addition to the economic return, the
impact on the welfare and social and political life of the country is immeasurable.

One of the only correct ways to develop the country's economic potential is to

implement an innovative development strategy based on the realization of human

During the research, the results of a wider study of the sources and factors of

human capital development at its internal and external level show that it is appropriate
to increase the attention to investments in human capital at the family level. Because
all the components of human capital are formed and multiplied by the investments
made by the family in its child. Development of intellectual and psychophysiological
abilities of a person in the family is the foundation of his future maturity and regular
improvement of human capital. In the meantime, gradual reforms are being

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implemented in our country based on the constitutional principle of "Family under the
protection of society and the state".

The main investor of human capital at the individual level is the owner of this

capital. Investing in human capital also increases trust. Educated people trust others
more, a society with a high level of trust usually achieves relatively high economic
growth. As a result of optimizing the field of human capital development in our
country, a new social environment, human capital based on new spiritual and moral
values was formed.

Improvement of human capital, rapid growth of people's self-assessment

indicators, people's standard of living, increasing confidence in the economic and
political development of the population, stable growth of the level of state and civil
cooperation, and especially in terms of human capital development, we are rising to a
worthy place among the countries of the world.

Фойдаланилган адабиётлар рўйхати

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20. Содирджонов М. М. Мониторинг вопросов исследования человеческого
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политика и социальное партнерство. – 2021. – №. 6. – С. 447-458.

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21. Содирджонов М. М. Изучение проблем человеческого капитала в
этносоциологических процессах //В поисках социальной истины. – 2021. – С. 59-
22. Makhamadaminovich S. M. Ethnic Factors And Attitudes Towards Human Capital
Development //The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research. –
2021. – Т. 3. – №. 01. – С. 118-130.
13. Содиржонов М. М. Инсон капитали pивожланиш жаpаёнлаpининг этносоциологик
хусусиятлаpи (Фаpғона водийси мисолида). Социология фанлари бўйича фалсафа
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Библиографические ссылки

Мирзиёев Ш. Миллий тараққиёт йўлимизни қатьият билан давом эттириб, янги босқичга кўтарамиз.1-жилд. – Тошкент: Ўзбекистон, 2017. – 592 б

М.Бекмуродов. Инсон капитали-тараққиёт омили. Тошкент. “Маънавият”, 2015. 4-бет.

Усмонов Б.Ш., Қодиров М.Қ., Элтазаров Ж.Д. Инсон капиталининг шаклланишида таълим ва илм-фаннинг роли (илмий-оммабоп рисола). –Самарқанд: СамДУ, 2015. – Б. 36

Schultz T.W. The Economic Value of Education. New York: Colambia University Press. 1963.

Mushkin S.J. Health as an Investment // J. of Political Economy. 1962. Vol. 70. N

Pt. 2. Investment in Human Beings.

Grossman M. On the concept of health capital and the demand for health / M. Grossman // Journal of Political Economy. - 1972. - Vol. 80, Feb.

Воронина С.Ю. Экономические основы функционирования автономных учреждений в сфере услуг здравоохранения: дисс. ... к.э.н. – Санкт-Петербург: СП ГЭУ. 2014. – 141 с.

Ильинский И.В. Инвестиции в будущее: образование в инвестиционном воспроизводстве. –СПб.: СПбУЭФ, 1996. - С.127.

Coleman J.Social capital in the creation of human capital // American Journal of Sociology. 1988. Vol. 94. P. 95-121.

Сикевич З.В. Социальная психология этнических отношений. СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2008.

Социологический словарь / Сост. Н. Аберкомби, С. Хилл, С.А. Ерофеева. Ка-зань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та, 1997.

Содирджонов М. Значение национальных и этносоциальных процессов в социологическом исследовании человеческого капитала //Общество и инновации. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 5/S.

Содирджонов М. М. Мониторинг вопросов исследования человеческого капитала в этносоциальных процессах и социальные тенденции //Социальная политика и социальное партнерство. – 2021. – №. 6. – С. 447-458. 21. Содирджонов М. М. Изучение проблем человеческого капитала в этносоциологических процессах //В поисках социальной истины. – 2021. – С. 59-69.

Makhamadaminovich S. M. Ethnic Factors And Attitudes Towards Human Capital Development //The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research. – 2021. – Т. 3. – №. 01. – С. 118-130.

Содиржонов М. М. Инсон капитали pивожланиш жаpаёнлаpининг этносоциологик хусусиятлаpи (Фаpғона водийси мисолида). Социология фанлари бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) диссертацияси. – Тошкент, 2022. – Б. 43.

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