All articles - Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging

Number of articles: 48
  • In this article, we reviewed our own experience in the diagnosis and treatment of popliteal fossa cysts. The study included materials and data from 96 patients with Baker's cyst. The article discusses the advantages, disadvantages, as well as some features of various methods of clinical and instrumental examination of patients with this pathology.
    М Irismetov, K Khudayberdiev, N Botirov, K Tursunov, A Mamadaliev
    130   24
  • Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a benign tumor that occur most often in males with ger-mination her in the nose and paranasal sinuses (PPN). For getting reliable information in the diagnosis of tu-mor is of great importance of CT and MRI. This method allows to obtain information about the status of such inaccessible during operation areas, such as pterygopalatine and infratemporal fossa, sphenoid sinus, posteri-or orbit, tissue parapharyngeal space
    G Lutfullaev, P Takhirjanova, D Fayzullaeva
    56   9
  • X-ray examination of 100 newborns was carried out, 50 of them were newborns and 50 were premature infants with grade I and II prematurity. Newborn children born with syndrome of respiratory disorders (SRD) require special attention from the first days of illness and professionally competent medical tactics. At X-ray examination of premature newborns with pneumonia, the predominance of SDR characteristic features was observed. Refinement of the degree of severity of the SDR of the newborn with pneumonia allows the most ac-curate and objective assessment of the severity of the sick child. The results of X-ray studies of pneumonia in newborns allow us to conclude that they need to be carried out in the neonatal period. The X-ray method for assessing the degree of severity of SDS in pneumonia of newborn infants, especially premature infants, and with intrauterine growth retardation syndrome is convenient for its non-invasiveness, minimal radiation expo-sure to the subject, a wide range of indicators and information rich in morphology, which contributes to the timely correction of complex treatment, especially at the risk of SDR, reducing the development of posthypoxic complications of the adaptation period.
    Sh Narzikulov, G Mardieva, M Abdullayeva, A Khurramov
    60   6
  • The article provides information about the effect of various external factors on the reproductive system. The literature review on the effect of different types of radiation on the weight of the testicle and epididymis, the diameter of the seminiferous tubule, the epithelial thickness of these tubules and the number of spermatozoa is given. Also noted are the terms of restoration of these organs, which contradict each other in different litera-tures.
    R Baimuradov, Sh Teshaev
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  • Damage to the knee joint is a serious problem in clinical medicine, as it is a fairly common cause of disability and disability [4, 8, 21]. The knee joint is involved in the pathological process in a variety of diseases - deforming osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, seronegative spondyloarthritis, microcrystalline arthropathies, chondromatosis, injuries. Injuries of the knee joint occupy one of the first places among all cases of pathology of the musculoskeletal system, and from 43% to 80% of cases are injuries of its ligamentous apparatus [4, 5, 8]. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the knee joint, its soft tissue structures are damaged more often than the bone components. Ligamentous apparatus injuries occupy the first place and account for up to 50% of injuries of the knee joint, up to 24% of injuries of the lower limb. Chronic injuries of cartilage, menisci, and cruciate ligaments, which are recorded with a frequency of up to 79%, are the cause of the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the knee joint [2]. Degenerative-inflammatory diseases of the joints are a common cause of persistent disability in the population of various age groups. Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease, occurring in 10-20% of the adult population.
    G Mardievа, O Hamidov, D Yakubov, M Ollaberganov
    99   7
  • Echocardiography results were analyzed 52 children and adolescents ages 3 to 15 years who were iden-tified by different localization and combinations of small anomalies of the heart, which are dominated by small abnormalities of the left ventricle and mitral valve. It found that clinically and functionally significant abnor-malities in children shew multiple abnormally located cords in the left ventricle in combination with cardiac arrhythmia, prolapses of the heart valves with modified wings and hemodynamically significant valve regurgi-tation.
    F Achilov, A Zhalilov
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  • Complication of the pathogenesis of cranioccrvicalgia and clinical polymorphism of the complex of symptoms reveals the need for a systematic approach to restoring healing procedures. The effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment in patients aged 18-35 years with craniocervicalgia was evaluated. Pathogenetic orientation and high efficiency of complex physiotherapeutic treatment were determined.
    Z Mavlyanova, М Abdusalomova, Sh Sabirova
    71   12
  • The effectiveness of using computer tomography in the complex examination of 60 patients with chronic recurrent hematogenic osteomyelitis aged from 7 to 22 years old have been analyzed in the investigation. Com- puter tomography as opposed to plan radiography allowed us more precisely determine the real sizes of de- structive process in the injured bone. In all cases computer tomography has exceeded plan radiography to de- termination of small sequesters, supporting chronic inflammation and promoting hard recurrent course of the disease. Used examination method provides the highest accuracy of detection of purulent-necrotic changes in the affected bones and increases the role of radial methods of diagnostics in developing a set of treatment measures, including the scope and tactics of surgical intervention in chronic recurrent hematogenous osteomy- elitis
    A Shamsiev, S Zainiev
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  • The syndrome of enlarged mediastinum is a symptom complex characterized by certain signs of diseases and conditions accompanied by an increase of the mediastinum organs. The most significant nosological units in children are carditis, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defects, thymomegalia. Rapid determination of the nature of the disease, radiologically characterized by enlarged mediastinum, is important in urgent conditions. Timely determination of such indices as cardiothoracic, cardiothymicotorakal and vaso-cardial according to a survey X-ray diffraction can be considered an accessible method of differential diagno-sis in infants with acute conditions
    E Mamutova, X Shadieva
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  • In this article we present up-to-date views on rectal cancer imaging. Accurate initial and follow-up staging of rectal cancer is vitally important and provides information essential for treatment decision making, preoperative therapy and surgery planning. Almost worldwide magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently considered as the most advanced staging modality for rectal cancer; however conventional MRI sequences have some diagnostic limits and not always allow to differentiate fibrotic tissue (present either desmoplastic reaction or fibrotic changes due to preoperative radiotherapy) from tumor. On the basis of our own experience and published data we tried to demonstrate imaging possibilities of conventional and diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI in local staging of rectal cancer
    B Karabaev, A Umirov, L Gaziev
    56   6
  • Wc analyze the results of X-ray light polypositional 74 patients with bronchial asthma. Of these, 20 patients with disease duration of 5 years and in 54 patients over 5 years. It was found that in the early period of asthma lung X-ray pattern is not marked from the usual background or identify signs of hyperventilation. X-ray changes in the lungs are observed with long-term course of asthma in the parenchyma (100%), interstitial (86%), bronchitis (36%) as the concomitant changes in the lungs, or complications of asthma.
    A Ashurov, A Rakhmatov, A Boboyorov
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  • Из опухольассоциированных антигенов наиболее изучен СА-125. Данный опухолевый маркер представляет собой гликопротеиновый антиген, вырабатываемый клетками серозных злокачественных опухолей яичников и определяемый с помощью моноклональных антител. СА-125 не является строго специфичным только для рака яичника, его уровень может быть повышен при циррозе печени, остром панкреатите, эндомет-риозе, миоме матки, беременности. Верхней границей нормы СА 125 для 94% здоровых лиц является уровень менее 35 ЕД/мл. У женщин в менопаузе дискриминационный уровень составляет менее 20 ЕД/мл. Уровень СА 125 у пациентов с раком яичников после лечения должен быть менее 10 ЕД/мл. При серозном раке яичников СА-125 является основным опухолеассоциированным маркером. Отмечена взаимосвязь между исходным уровнем СА-125 до начала лечения и продолжительностью жизни этих больных. При полной ремиссии в отсутствие опухоли уровень С А 125 должен быть близким к нулю. Увеличение концентрации маркёра на фоне ремиссии должно стать основанием для комплексного углублённого обследования больной с целью выявления рецидива заболевания.
    Sh Khasanov, Sh Shakhanova
    44   8
  • Травмы коленного сустава представляют собой актуальную проблему современной травматологии и ортопедии [1,10]. Они занимают ведущее место среди патологий опорно-двигательного аппарата (9,8%) и собственно суставов (50%). Нераспознанные или поздно диагностированные травмы с трудом поддаются лечению и приводят к длительной потере трудоспособности больных
    O Elizova, G Menglikulova, Kh Talipov, M Eshbekov, S Ibrahimov
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  • With the aim of scanning electron microscopy different parts of ureter in reflux and obturate ureterohydronephrosis in the children has been studied. The differentials consist in preserve of chitectonics of distal parts of urelres in reflux ureterohydronephrosis wer e revealed. It was shown that a common structure of ureter is remained in this pathology. The differences in structures of distal and proximal parts of ureter consist in the changes of inflammatory character and violation of safety epithelial layer, edema, inflammatory infiltration of lower layers, especially tunica muscularis. In the proximal part of ureter the wall became thin, because all layers became more thin, especially tunica mucosa and tunica muscularis
    E Hakkulov, Kh Akilov, I Baibekov
    17   4
  • In the article the results of roentgenologic research of colon are presented for children with a chronic lock. The features of combination of anomalies of development of colon, clinical flow are described, violations of motor-evacuation function of bowels for children with kolostas. Undertaken a study showed that for children with a chronic lock combination of different innate anomalies of colon, aleak with a dysmotility and development large-small intestine reflucs, is characteristic. Presence for the patients of large-small intestine reflucs, that stipulates the permanent pelting of content of colon in thin, provides an origin and progress of pain abdominal syndrome.
    A Bodnar
    108   10
  • Расстройства дыхания у недоношенных детей - одна из наиболее серьезных проблем в раннем неонатальном периоде, так как они являются ведущей причиной смерти в раннем детском возрасте и, особенно в перинатальном периоде. Тревожной тенденцией в современной неонатологии является практически повсеместное учащение рождения детей с респираторными нарушениями, наиболее частыми причинами, которых являются синдром дыхательных расстройств (СДР) и пневмонии новорожденных
    M Abdullayeva, G Mardieva, A Hayatov, I Bobokalonov, A Ashurov, Ya Ahmedov
    205   6
  • Bolalarda maktab malakalarini egallay olmas- lik, serharakatlilik, diqqat buzilishlari, impulsivlik (shavqi tez), his-hayajonning noturg’unligi, teng- doshlari va kattalar bi Ian muloqotning qiyinligi, nutq rivojlanishining orqada qolishi, qo’rquv, bog’cha yoki maktabga borishdan bosh tortish kabi simptomlar bilan uyg’unlashib keladi. Yuqo- ridagi barcha simptomlar negizida miya minimal disfunksiyasi (MMD) yotadi
    A Djurabekova, N Saidova, L Sharafova
    125   9
  • Внедрение нейровизуализационных методов исследования, в частности компьютерной томографии (КТ), в неврологическую практику позволило добиться важных достижений в области сосудистых заболеваний головного мозга, что дало возможность новым подходам в изучении эпидемиологии, патогенеза, диагностики мозгового кровообращения. Они определили главную роль в нейро- и ангиовизуализации, дистанционных методов изучения структуры, кровотока и метаболизма мозга [1,4,5]
    O Kim, A Jurabekova, N Yusupova, F Musinov
    30   4
  • На основе анализа и научных доказательств проведенных исследований до настоящего времени ВОЗ разработано новое руководство (2007 г.), одинаковое для педиатров стационаров и первичного звена: краткий осмотр без госпитализации, советы и рекомендации родителям и инструкции по применению буккального мидазолама в домашних условиях при появлении первого эпизода ФС, назначение жаропонижающих средств такое же, как и для всех остальных детей, нет необходимости в проведении ЭЭГ и длительной профилактике рецидивов
    Z Muradova, A Jurabekova, I Sharafova, A Hamdamova
    16   0
  • В ходе исследования было изучено особенности ультразвуковой диагностики при синуситах у детей раннего возраста. Исследования проводилось на базе клиники ТашПМИ. Для проведения исследования было обследовано 56больных с риносинуситами. По итогам исследования было получено ожидаемые результаты и пришли к выводу, чтоультразвуковое исследование при синуситах является безопасным и информативным методом при диагностике.

    Shakhnoza Mamatova, Hurram Karabaev, Akhror Namakhanov
    7   0
  • In order to determine the correspondence of the diuretic ultrasonography parameters to the theoretical laws of hydrodynamics, a retrospective analysis of the research results was carried out in 31 patients with grade III-IV hydronephrosis, who were operated on for obstruction of the pyeloureteral segment. The analysis of the state of urodynamics in congenital hydronephrosis in children shows that, according to the remote control data, the examined patients have different degrees of resistance to the urine flow in the pyeloureteral segment area. This is due to the different pathogenesis of urodynamic disturbances, depending on the type of structural pathology in the area of the parochal ureter

    Saidanvar Agzamkhodjaev, Abdusattor Nosirov, Tulkin Khoshimov, Bilim Terebaev, Farhod Pulatov, Axrorjon Abduxakimov
    7   11
  • The article studies a capillary electrophoretic (CE) method for the analysis of urinary extracts of the local anesthetic, bupivacaine, and its three main metabolites, desbutylbupi vacaine, 3’ hydroxybupivacaine, and 4’-hydroxybupivacaine, in rat urine. After collection of blank urine, the rats were given a 20 mg/kg intramuscular injection of bupivacaine, and urine was collected for 12 h after dosing. CE analyses were performed using the CAPEL®-205 capillary electrophoresis systems. The data was collected using the Elforan® specialized software. The use of methanol to reduce peak tailing was investigated at different concentrations, but 20% and 30% v/v were proved to be the most optimal at the preparatory stage of the experiment. The resolution of 3’ hydroxybupivacaine and 4’-hydroxybupivacaine was 1.09, 0.98, 0.89 and 0.89 at 15, 40, 70 and 110 s, respectively. The initial resolution (Rs) of desbutylbupi vacaine was achieved with all studied injection periods as Rs = 1.09, 0.97, 0.96 and 0.96 at 15, 40, 70 and 110 s, respectively. Separation efficiencies for 3’- and 4’ hydroxybupivacaine were312×10 3 , 257×10 3 , 196×10 3 и 169×10 3 μlat injection times of15, 40, 70 and 110 s, respectively. The results showed that the mass of bupivacaine, desbutylbupi vacaine, and 3’- and 4’ hydroxybupivacaine significantly recovered in the rat urine after the dose was administered. The recoveries as a percent of the dose were 0.04, 0.80, 0.15 and 0.05% for desbutylbupi vacaine, bupivacaine, 3’-hydroxybupivacaine, and 4’-hydroxybupivacaine, respectively. Separation of bupivacaine and its metabolites was achieved in 15 min. A particular advantage of this approach over published HPLC methods is that separation of the two hydroxy positional isomers of bupivacaine is possible. A number of unknown peaks were also observed in the electropherograms from the rats dosed with bupivacaine. These did not correspond to any peaks appearing in the blank urine samples. Characterization of these unknown peaks may prove useful for the further understanding of bupivacaine metabolism.

    Roza Askarova, Kirill Polyakov, Iuliia Akulinina
    275   55
  • Среди осложнений острой пневмонии плевральные осложнения встречаются до 40% случаев, а летальность в специализированных детских хирургических отделениях составляет 1-3%. Стоит отметить, что около половины всех случаев приходится на детей раннего возраста, а по данным зарубежных авторов, эмпиемой плевры болеют до 70% грудного или младшего возраста, из них почти половина - от 7 месяцев до 2 лет. Нерешенными остаются вопросы ранней диагностики осложнений пневмоний у детей.

    M Alimova, E Akhmedov
    2   0
  • Острый аппендицит (ОА) представляет собой одно из наиболее распространённых заболеваний в ургентной абдоминальной хирургии. Поэтому в практической работе любой болевой синдром в нижней части живота справа предположительно расценивается в первую очередь как острый аппендицит. Однако, несмотря на достигнутые успехи в современной хирургии, на практике сохраняется большое количество патологических состояний, при которых своевременная диагностика острого аппендицита продолжает оставаться актуальной проблемой.

    V Bekmurov, T Bobokhonova
    2   1
  • Рак молочной железы (РМЖ) - самое частое онкологическое заболевание и основная причина смерти женщин в возрасте 40-59 лет в Узбекистане. Причины роста числа женщин, имеющих патологию МЖ, многочисленны и связаны с наличием факторов риска. Одним из основных потенциальных факторов риска является гипотиреоз. Гипотиреоз - это клинический синдром, обусловленный стойким снижением уровня тиреоидных гормонов. Тироксин и трийодтиронин играют важную роль в морфогенезе и функциональной дифференцировке эпителиальных клеток МЖ

    N. Holova, L.R. Sultanova
    1   0
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