All articles - Social Issues

Number of articles: 96
  • The article is devoted to the current issue of the level of
    philosophical culture and erudition of the youth of our republic at the milestone –
    the beginning of the III Renaissance in the development of our state. The author
    argues that the integration of our state into the world community, the qualitative
    transformation of all social relations, dictate the need to raise the spirit and national
    pride of our youth and people, who gave the world a whole galaxy of brilliant
    thinkers and encyclopedic scientists, and also show the breadth of connections
    against this background our ancestors with neighboring peoples and cultures, taking into account the fact that the years of independence are the time of objective
    knowledge of our past, our culture. This is the time to reflect on the role assigned to
    us in the world community, in history itself. 

    Kurban Shadmanov
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  • This essay examines the value of employing Braille resources in the language instruction of blind and visually impaired students in Uzbekistan. It looks at the difficulties this particular group of learners has and emphasizes the advantages of using Braille as a teaching tool. The conclusion of the essay discusses the value of Braille resources in empowering blind and visually impaired students in their language learning journey after presenting a literature review, hypothesis, research questions, results, and discussion. 

    Yoqut Sharipova
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  • The moral-spiritual values play a central role in the life of the Central Asian Peoples. The formation of moral values is influenced by factors such as the natural and geographical environment in which the ethnos lived, the uniqueness of the lifestyle, social relations, especially the types of work. These factors cannot fail to affect the world, environment and socio-cultural life of a person, people. Therefore, there are many similarities and similarities in the moral culture of peoples who live in different regions and have the same natural and geographical environment. From the earliest times, the moral values are disseminated through culture, arts, national traditions and folklore. For instance, in the fight between goodness and evil, nobility and inferiority, nobility and inferiority, elegance and rudeness, high moral and spiritual qualities expressing the ideal of the people always prevail. It is almost rare to celebrate such immoral events and traits as evil, baseness, meanness, and rudeness in folk creativity and art. It should be noted that in some episodes they are superior to high moral and spiritual qualities, positive, they make the protagonists sad, they are exposed to danger, ignorance, arrogance, but the hero of the people overcomes them through noble and beautiful goals and actions. We can see the moral values in folklore by noticing the elevation and appraisal of patriotism, nobleness and courage in folklore. No matter which folk tale or folk epic, the main characters in them are depicted as a person with high moral qualities, noble qualities, bravery. In the artistic-aesthetic image, these noble
    qualities become a social ideal that generations envy and follow. The article seeks to explore the role of ethical and moral values in individual and social life, the issues of ethical-spiritual norms and the problem of ethical ideal.

    Ozoda Nishanova
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  • Многие нынешние исследователи соотношение науки и религии рассматривают как формы общественного сознания, не имеющие общие позиции, находящиеся в контрарном состоянии, полагая, что они радикально несовместимы. А взаимосвязь их считают невозможной, ибо современное развитие науки, технологий, глобализационные процессы нс дают оснований для их совместимости. Они рассматриваются как контрарные, несовместимые формы общественного сознания, а в целом и феномены культуры.

    Vakhit Akaev
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  • Одним из основных направлений государственной политики по защите прав ребенка согласно статье-43, Закона Республики Узбекистан «О гарантиях прав ребёнка», является содействие физическому, интеллектуальному, духовному и нравственному развитию детей. [ 1] В воспитании гармонично развитого ребёнка семья играет решающую роль. Это говорит о том, что в значительной степени именно от института семьи зависит и наше будущее, так как оно в руках подрастающего поколения.

    Munira Makhmudova
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  • Узбекистонда жамиятнинг барча соҳаларида аёл ва эркаклар тенгҳуқуқлигини таъминлашни мақсад қилувчи 2020-2030 йилларда Гендер тенгликка эришиш стратегияси қабул қилинади. Стратегиядан кўзланган асосий мақсад - барча аёллар ва қизлар, эркаклар ва болалар учун уларнинг ирқи, ижтимоий келиб чиқиши, эътиқоди, ижтимоий мавқеидан қатъи назар ижтимоий, иқтисодий, сиёсий ҳаётдаги фундаментал инсон ҳуқуқларининг таъминланишига эришиш ҳисобланади. «Мамлакатда барча соҳаларда аёл ва эркакларнинг тенг ҳуқуқ ва имкониятларидан фойдаланишига ҳаракат қилинмоқда. Яқинда бўлиб ўтган сайловлар мисолида ҳам буни кўриш мумкин. Ҳозирда Узбекистон соғлиқни сақлаш ва таълим соҳасида гендер тенглигига эришди. Бошқа йўналишларда ҳам шу натижага эришиш учун мазкур стратегия ёрдам беради»

    Zulfiya Kushnerenko
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  • Узбек халқи ўзининг неча минг йиллик тарихига эга. Ҳар қандай миллат ўз тарихи давомида ўзининг аждодлари қандай инсон бўлганини, уларнинг яшаш тарзини билмоги, баркамол инсон бўлиб шаклланишига таъсир этган омиллар ва шу билан бирга тарихий меросини ҳам авайлаб асрамоги керак. Бу борада энг  асосий омил оила муҳити бўлиб, у тарбия тизимидаги шундай бўғинки, бутуй жамиятнинг, миллатнинг бугунги ва келажак ҳаёти уни қандай ташкил этилишига, ундаги мавжуд ижтимоий-маънавий муҳитга боғлиқ. Ёшларни миллий ғурур руҳида тарбиялашда оила ва маҳалланинг ўрни алоҳида аҳамиятга эга. Умуман, хар қандай инсоннинг асосий ҳусусиятлари, аввало, оила муҳитида шаклланади. Оила қуриш дегани фақат икки инсон ўртасидаги шахсий муносабат эмас, балки жамиятнинг асосини, айтиш мумкинки, энг муҳим бўғинини белгилайдиган долзарб вазифалардан бири ҳисобланади.

    Makhbuba Kholyorova, Dildorakhan Malikova
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  • After independence focused on Uzbekistan, attention began to be paid to Uzbek football at the state level. In each region of our republic, consistent measures were taken to develop football infrastructure, raise the level of teams, and support young talents. In the years of our country's independence, a number of decrees and decisions were adopted in order to further develop the football type of sport and strengthen the legal foundations of the field. According to the implementation of these decrees and decisions, promising changes were made in the football of our country. Special attention was paid to the training of football players, improvement of training systems and ensuring their effectiveness. As a result of this, together with our clubs, our national teams have been taking part in continental and international competitions. In this article, in the years of independence, the creation of regulatory and legal bases for the promotion of football, which has a large number of fans among popular sports in our country, as well as the achievements and results of Uzbek football in this period are analyzed in detail.

    Bakhtiyor Nazirov
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  • The article scientifically analyzes the methods and  the method of ideological prevention in increasing and improving the responsibility of young people. At the same time, today's difficult time is an even more urgent issue of preserving and strengthening our peaceful life, ensuring the guaranteed security of our people. It is important to improve the moral, aesthetic and intellectual culture of the youth of New Uzbekistan, especially to raise their culture of information consumption to a high level in order to prevent alienation from their national identity. The modern rapidly changing world opens up new and great opportunities for mankind. At the same time, they are exposed to various evil dangers that have not been seen before. Therefore, in our country it is necessary to create a healthy environment so that young people do not succumb to various foreign ideas under the influence of globalization and information, to effectively use national customs and traditions to educate them as comprehensively developed people, as well as purposefully and systematically in this respect, spiritually relevant what matters is the further expansion of moral and educational work.

    Tamara Khojanova
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  • Бугун ҳаётимизда бир-биридан муҳим шундай ижгимоий-сиёсий жараёнлар юз бермокдаки, уларга шу кун нуқтаи назардан келиб чиқиб баҳо бериш, ҳар қачонгидан-да, масъулиятли ёндашувни талаб этмоқда.

    R Kuzichev
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  • Бугунги кунда фалсафанинг баҳс-мунозарага сабаб бўлаётган масалаларини чуқур тадқиқ этаётган соҳа сифатида биз биоэтикани келтиришимиз мумкин. Мазкур фан соҳаси ўзининг узоқ ўтмишига эта бўлмаса да, унинг муаммолари доираси қадимдан мавжуд бўлган. Врач ва бемор муносабатларининг ахлоқий жиҳатлари, эвтаназия ва ўлим, инсон аъзоларини трансплантация қилиш, ҳомила тушириш (аборт), клонлаш, ирсий инженерия муаммоларини фалсафий талқин қилиш нафақат жахон фалсафаси балки миллий фалсафий тафаккурга хос бўлган хусусиятдир. Чунки мазкур муаммога қизиқиш шуни кўрсатдики, XX асрнинг иккинчи ярмига келиб фалсафа ва фан оралигида биоэтика муаммосини ўрганиш бўйича муайян маънодаги объектив билимлар тизими шаклланди. Шу нуқтаи-назардан ҳозирги кунда мазкур масала ахлоқ фалсафасининг илмий тадқиқотлар соҳасига киритилган бўлиб, у жуда кўп мутахассислар томонидан тадқиқ қилинмоқда. Шунингдек, XX асрнинг охирларида тиббий адабиётларда биоэтика муаммоларига бағишланган кўпгина илмий рисолалар чоп этилди.

    Anastasia Kushnerenko
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  • Фукаролик жамиятининг умумий тан олинган тамойилларидан бири ижтимоий шсрикчилик ҳисобланади. Дарҳақиқат, тадқиқотимиз объекта сифатида олинган ижтимоий шерикчилик муаммосининг концентуал тахдили шуни курсатадики, хорижий мамлакат олимлари томонидан ижтимоий шсрикчиликнинг шаклланишини назарий-мстодологик тушунишнинг гснсзиси ва детерминацияси жуда чукур ишланган. Бирок ҳанузгача ижтимоий шерикчиликнинг мазмун-моҳиятини ягона тушунчаси мавжуд эмас.

    Anastasia Kushnerenko
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  • Два процесса современности: глобализация и пандемия - оказывают наиболее серьезное и противоречивое влияние на человечество. Глобализация - это основной геополитический фактор, оказывающий решающее влияние на ход мировых процессов в целом и на изменение политических, экономических и культурных сценариев развития отдельных стран. Это процесс, властно влияющий на характер современных моделей жизни обществ и государств мира.

    A Abasov
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  • В советское время ценностные идеалы, лишенные национально-конфессиональных и личностных коллизий, выражали коллективистский, наднациональный характер, а потому легко воспринимались обыденным сознанием.

    Svetlana Adygezalova
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  • Демократии ислоҳотларни янада чукурлаштириш, давлат ва жамият ўртасида таъсирчан ҳамда самарали мулокотни йўлга қўйиш, давлат органлари фаолияти устидан жамоатчилик назоратини амалга оширишнинг мустаҳкам механизмларини ривожлантириш, улар фаолиятининг очиқлиги ва шаффофлигини, фукаролик жамияти институтлари билан самарали ҳамкорликни таъминлаш мақсадида “Ижтимоий шериклик” ва “Жамоатчилик назорати туғрисида”ги Узбекистон Республикаси қонунлари ҳамда уларни такомиллаштиришга оид кўшимча чора -тадбирлар туғрисида қатор Фармон, қарорлар кабул қилинди.

    Anastasia Kushnerenko, Malohat Zoirova
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  • This article provides a sociological analysis of human capital development processes and analyzes the responses of respondents. In the process of human capital development, special attention is paid to education and health, the priorities of socio-political activities of the state and society. Conclusions and recommendations for the development of the components of human capital were presented

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • This article provides some comments on the stages of development of social capital and ethno-social characteristics in modern Uzbek society. Also today, the components and factors of the development of social capital are being studied.

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • The article examines economic and political changes in Uzbek society and radical changes in the daily life of people. The article also describes ethnosocial factors of social transformation in modern Uzbekistan, the subjectivity of ethnic groups in ethnosocial processes. Taking into account such aspects as the unique cultural traditions and values of different nations and peoples makes it possible to ensure the sustainable and consistent development of interethnic relations in the system of national interests. Ethnic social processes in the region are discussed in terms of ethnic unity and harmony, ethnic conflicts, ethnic migration and the importance of the ethnic economy.

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • In this thesis, the role of education, especially higher education, in the development of human capital was sociologically analyzed. although the topic requires a large amount of scientific theoretical study, it was studied as a dialectic of modern educational trends, social cooperation, and interrelationship. Conclusions on increasing social and economic empowerment through education, activating social norms and social mobility in young people, forming skills and habits, and ensuring the growth and stability of incomes are given.

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • This article provides a sociological analysis of the processes of social capital development, with some comments by the researcher on the development of the components of social capital based on previous research.

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • The article discusses the economic and political changes in Uzbek society and the radical changes in people's daily lives. In addition, the article modern social transformation of ethno factors , etnosotsional processes described in the subjectivity of ethnic groups fail. Ethnic social processes in the region are discussed in terms of ethnic unity and harmony, ethnic conflicts, ethnic migration, and the importance of ethnic economics . 

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • In this article, the organization of a certain ethnic group, mutual formation of a common language and customs in the process of communication. The existence of the representatives of the ethnic community, the surrounding spiritual, cultural, natural relations to the processes are studied ethnosociologically. There are also thoughts about ethnic consciousness and ethnic self-awareness, the formation processes of ethnic identity. Various literatures related to the research topic have been thoroughly analyzed.

    Muhriddin Sodirjonov
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  • Chast naseleniya, zanyatye rabotoy, a takje te lyudi, kotorye khotyat rabotat, ischut botu, no po raznym prichina poka ee ne imeyut, predstavlyayut soboy trudovye resursy. Ix izuchenie imeet bolshoe znachenie pri otsenke rynka truda iprovedenii gosudarstvom sootvetstvuyushche demographiceskoy politiki s tselyu vozdeistviya na processy vosproizvodstva naseleniya i ego zanyatosti. Gosudarstvennaya politika zanyatosti naseleniya – eto chast social-economic policy of the gosudarstva, napravlennaya na rreshenie problem zanyatosti naseleniya vy ekonomiki na osno povysheniya effektivnosti program obespecheniya zanyatosti, razvitiya sistemy sotsialnogo partnership, stimulating the mobility of the economic active population i sileniya gibikosti rynka truda. [1, p.188] Nastoyashchee issledovanie napravleno na reshenie sleduyushchikh zadach: obzor sovremennoy literatury po tematice trudovye resursy i obespechenie regionalnoy zanyatosti; statisticheskiy analyz zanyatosti i rovnya bezrabotitsy v Respublike Uzbekistan; Izuchenie i otsenka vliyaniya faktorov, vliyayushchikh na zanyatost trudovykh resursov Republic of Uzbekistan, s tselyu vyavleniya naibolee znachimyx iz nix. Ob'ektom issledovaniya yavlyayutsya trudovye resursy Respubliki Uzbekistan, objektom — faktori, povyshayushchie ee zanyatost. Issledovanie osnovano na ispolzovanii kak kachestvennyx, tak i kolichestvennyx metodov analiza. Qualitative analysis is based on modern research factors that define labor resources in the whole world. The quantitative analysis is based on the data of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Statistics, the Ministry of Industry and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Scientific Center for Industry and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and some other organizations. The theoretical significance of the study is presented in detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis and detailed comparison of factors of regional labor resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    Nozim Muminov
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  • The article analyzes the issue of improving the activities of internal affairs bodies in solving the problems of socially needy citizens and their families.

    Anastasia Sarabekov
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  • Данный тезис рассматривает проблемы диффамации в контексте социальных сетей. В нем подробно рассмотрены сложности и проблемы применения традиционного законодательства о диффамации в условиях цифровой демократизации и всеобщей информационной свободы. В рамках работы освещаются вопросы юрисдикции, определения ущерба, установления умысла и анонимности, связанные с диффамацией в социальных сетях.

    Sadokat Safoeva
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