Евразийский журнал академических исследований

Евразийский журнал академических исследований

Издатель: Innovative Academy RSC
Годы охвата с 2021
Online ISSN: 2181-2020
Тип источника: Журнал
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О журнале

The scientific journal «Eurasian Journal of Academic Research» is an open-access journal and publishes 12 times a year. The journal has been published since 2021. The main task of the journal is to highlight the achievements, problems, and prospects of science and education, in particular, the history and stages of development of science and education in Uzbekistan, development paths, scientists who have made a great contribution to science and education in Central Asia, as well as in world science and education. The main objective is to offer an intellectual platform to the international scholars and it aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in applied sciences. All manuscripts must be prepared in Uzbek, English or Russian languages and subject to a rigorous peer-review process. Also the goal of the scientific journal «Eurasian Journal of Academic Research» is to inform the scientific community about the problems of improving research and innovation in this area, to further increase the interest of the younger generation in science and education, and to express the scientific views of experts and scientists.

Topics are addressed in full-length research papers, review papers, and short review papers. The scientific journal «Eurasian Journal of Academic Research» presents a platform for researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field.

Digital archiving

«Eurasian Journal of Academic Research» uses PKP Preservation Network to digitally archive its content.  PKP has developed the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve OJS journals. The PKP PN ensures that journals can be preserved for long-term access. The PKP PN is a dark archive. End users will not have access to the preserved content until after a “trigger event.” After a trigger event, PKP staff will approve the importing of the preserved content into one or more OJS instances hosted by PKP member institutions. Once loaded into these host OJS instances, the content will be openly accessible.

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Содержание журнала
Прошлые выпуски
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