All articles - Pathology

Number of articles: 179
  • Diseases of the digestive system in the structure of general morbidity of children occupy one of the first places, posing a serious health and social problem. There is a large amount of information on the mechanisms of formation and chronic gastroduodenal pathology. Л number of somatic disorders in adolescence is fraught with influence on the physical and sexual development at this age. In 76 adolescent girls (11 to 15 years) with chronic gastroduodenal pathology (CGDP), conducted a study of the timing of development of secondary sexual characteristics. For comparison, a control group from the region were selected, for 35 adolescent girls with the absence of chronic somatic diseases. In teenage girls with CGDP lagging behind in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in relation to healthy peers. These variations in the formation of the reproductive health of adolescents directly depend on the type CGDP as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer lag relative to healthy peel's averages of 13.1% and in chronic gastritis 5.1%.
    Sh Turdieva
    28   2
  • Prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases in children in recent years, have moved beyond pediatrics, and is a complex and large medical and social problem. There were examined 130 girls students with chronic gastroduodenal pathology' and 55 healthy girls of school age, without systemic diseases. We used the method of individualizing anthropometric studies. For the evaluation of the physical development of the use of child anthropometric indicators: somatometry, fiziometry, somatoskopy and measured body mass index. Studies have shown that with age in girls-studcnts with HGDP, lagging behind in physical development in relation to healthy peers, more clearly marked in adolescence. In particular, at 20.96% of adolescent girls observed a decrease in BMI from 19.4% advance in relation to the control group.
    Sh Turdieva
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  • In the Samarkand branch of Pediatric Surgery of PSRSPMCP in the period from 2000 to 2010 were hospitalized 62 patients aged from 10 months to 17 years with congenital anomalies of uretero- pelvic junc-tion (CAUPJ) and urolithiasis (VC). Patients with malfunctions of urodynamic were conducted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and multispiral computer tomography (MSCT). All patients underwent open or nephrotoxicity pelviolithotomy. In this aberrant vessel ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction was detected in 40, embryonic commissure of UPJ in 11, stenosis of UPJ in 4, the valve of UPJ - in 4 patients. In 3 pa-tients with irreversible destructive changes of renal tissue, accompanied by a complete lack of function was conducted nefrureterektomy. Using MRI and MSCT reveals CAUPJ in the preoperative period that determines the amount of surgery. Timely surgical correction of UPJ anomalies can prevent the development of recurrent kidney stones.
    A Shamsiev, D Atakulov, J Shamsiev, Sh Komilov, E Daniyarov
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  • Here are produced the results of examination of sick children, divided into two groups: 35 children EPDCC and 25 NEPDCC . The analysis of complex survey data monitoring EEG and video - EEG. In these patients to change the order of treatment, based on the specification of the diagnosis following results were obtained: at 93.75% with NEPHB and 88.96% EPHB. In these patients to change the order of treatment, after which 78.13% of the patients in group I and 15.34% of the patients in group II positive results, so that they had marked improvement of cognitive functions and normalization of EEG parameters.
    S Makhatov, U Salimova, J Dusanov, N Dusiyarov, A Jurabekova
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  • In our study met all three risk factors of early biliary complications, which describe R.Martin & R.Rossi. So dangerous anatomy was observed in 46.3% of cases, dangerous pathology in 42.6% of cases and in 11.1% of cases dangerous surgery. Biliary complications early after cholecystectomy identified in 1.2% of cases. Postoperative bile leakage was observed in the 0.8 - 1.0% of cases and does not depend on the type of cholecystectomy. Jaundice syndrome were significantly more frequent after minimally invasive interven-tions.
    F Nazyrov, M Akbarov, Z Kurbaniyazov, M Nishanov, K Rakhmanov
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  • Эколого-физиологические механизмы адаптации и дезадаптации человека, особенно детей к экологическим условиям региона Приаралья антропогенного происхождения изучены недостаточно. Надежным индикатором состояния окружающей среды является состояние здоровья детей в силу морфофункциональной незрелости их организма.
    G Mambetkarimov, A Kusbatyrova, S Utegenova, Z Kudainazarova
  • In recent decades, significant progress has been made in studying the problems of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, clinic and treatment of cervical cancer. Today, a certain connection is also found between functional disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and the development of certain organic diseases in target organs - the uterus, mammary gland, cervix. This violation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, leading to relative or absolute hyperestrogenism, is one of the causes of underlying diseases of the cervix. This is evidenced by a high percentage of detected ovarian dysfunction, hyperproliferative processes of the endometrium, myometrium and endocervix in patients with cervical diseases. The study involved 75 women with cervical pathology. It was found that in women with hormonal disorders such as hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction and PCOS, the incidence of epithelial ectopia and leukoplakia of the cervix is ​​higher compared to patients in whom the pathology of the cervix is ​​associated with traumatic factors, sexually transmitted infections, and HPV. In such cases, cervical diaplasia is observed.
    V Khudobyak
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  • Results of the prospective analysis of out-patient cards of women at which came to light pathology thyroid glands, a condition of menstrual function at these women and results clinic – laboratory inspections are shown in this article. I showed results of this research that at pathology of a thyroid gland at women the irregularity of menstrual function and оpsomenory is often observed.
    G Eltazarova, M Fozilova, G Indiaminova
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  • Echinococcosis is a severe parasitic disease that most often affects the liver and lungs, less often damage to other organs is observed [3,9,15,29]. According to the WHO (1982) and a number of other sources, there is a wide distribution and a significant increase in the incidence among the population [6,9,18,31].
    A Shamsiev, Z Kurbaniyazov, K Rakhmanov, S Davlatov
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  • Undoubtedly correction of depressive disorders is essential in the outcomes of stroke in patients with depression. We should notice that patient with stroke is usually the elderly person burdened with various somatic diseases, with a reduced rate of metabolism of drugs and receives at least three types of medication a day. The lesions of different localization in the depressions with various psychopathological pictures are distributed alm ost evenly. Implementation of Stimuloton combined with non-drug measures is effective in the vast number of stroke patients for controlling the depressive disorders, for improving psychosocial adaptation, and thus for enhance the quality of life.
    D Ahmedova, D Buriev, J Mardonov, S Khakimova, A Jurabekova
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  • Охрана материнства и детства являются приоритетным направлением здравоохранения нашей Республики, положение закреплено в основополагающих правительственных документах, программах реформирования системы здравоохранения, Года семьи, Года женщины, Года «матери и ребёнка», программе формирования здорового, гармонично развитого поколения, Года здорового ребенка.
    M Abdullayeva, Sh Khudaikulova, G Mirzayeva, Sh Akhmatova, F Yakhshilikova
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  • Доброкачественные заболевания молочных желез (ДЗМЖ) являются одной из самых распространенных групп заболеваний у женщин, в женской популяции заболеваемость составляет 30-40%, а среди женщин, страдающих гинекологическими заболеваниями -58% [1]. В настоящее время среди множества доброкачественных заболеваний (фиброаденом, кист, очаговых и диффузных форм фиброадсномато- за) к собственно предраковым стали относят лишь тс, которые сопровождаются пролиферацией и дисплазией эпителия.
    F Ahadova, N Zakirova, B Dzhumanov, N Nazarova, M Komolova
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  • It has been represented the results of clinical and neuro-functional investigation of 43 sick children at the age from 8 to 14 years old with diagnosis of polyneuropathy before and after treatment with the use of acupuncture and pharmacopuncture with cerebrolisine. The analyses of the results of the performed treatment showed that injection of cerebrolisine in the biologically active points have influence to the pathogenetic parts of the polyneuropathy, this method of treatment is more effective method of treatment of such pathology of the peripheral nerve system
    Z Mavlyanova, Sh Niyozov, A Djurabekova, U Utaganova, A Bazarova
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  • The purpose. Studying of features of formation of reproductive health at teenagers-schoolboys with chronic гастродуоденальной a pathology. Materials and methods. Investigated 178 schoolboys of teenagers with chronic gastroduodenal diseases (CGDD), and 75 teenagers with absence of chronic somatic diseases. An estimation of development of secondary sexual signs spent on the ball to an estimation of sexual development. The laboratory and tool researches (FGDES) are conducted. Results. With the years at teenagers with CGDD growth of cases of deviations in reproductive development in relation to healthy contemporaries is observed. At teenagers with CGDD since 11 years, backlog of development of secondary sexual signs was marked at 12,28 %, in 14 years-29,03 % of cases. At girls of teenagers with CGDD marked hypomenustral a syndrome (16,55 %), hyperpoliminorya (21,85 %), дисменорею (15,23 %,). Conclusion. Deviations in formation of reproductive health at teenagers in a straight line depends on kind CGDD so at stomach ulcer of a stomach and a duodenal gut backlog in relation to healthy contemporaries averages 13,1 %, and at a chronic gastritis of 5,1 %.
    Sh Turdyeva, G Koshimbetova, A Tillabaeva
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  • Антимюллар гормони (АМГ) ёки Мюллернинг ингибирловчи моддасининг аёллар репродуктив фаолияти учун аҳамияти катталиги сабабли уни аниқлаш қўшимча ташҳисий ахамият касб этади [1, 4, 9]. Адабиётлар шарҳидан маъмумки, одам эмбриони ривожланишининг еттинчи ҳафтасида Сертоли ҳужайралари (мояклардаги уруғ йўллари қопланган, сперматогенезда қатнашувчи ҳужайралар) томонидан АМГ ишлаб чиқарилади ва у эркакларда ҳомиланинг саккизинчи-ўнинчи ҳафтасида Мюллер найининг регрессиясига жавоб беради [28], аёлларда бўлса бу найдан бачадон, бачадон найлари ва қиннинг юқори қисми ривожланади. Бу эмбрионал най немис анатоми Йохан Мюллер шарафига қўйилган.
    G Tuychieva, G Matrizaeva, Z Matyakubova
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  • Maintenance inspections should be carried out with the participation of pediatric gynecologists, after a preliminary education of girls сonduct a thorough assessment of physical, sexual development in the identification of somatic pathology conduct effective rehabilitation therapy. Evaluation of pathology of the reproductive system should carried by commissioning with a gynecologist, endocrinologist and pediatrician
    N Karimov, N Turaeva, S Jurabekova
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  • Objective: to determine the level and dynamics of the main markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with congenital mitral valve prolapse with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, followed by the application and evaluation of efficacy of magnesium. We examined 136 patients, including 61 (41.9%) men and 75 (58.1%) of women aged 15 to 25 (19,5 ± 1,42) years from the primary etiological features PMC. Survey group included 66 (47.7%) patients with MVP with regurgitation of 1 degree and 70 (52.3%) patients with 2 degrees of regurgitation. Patients in each group was administered the drug magnesium (Magnerot firm "Wörwag Pharma") at a daily dose of 3 g. per day for 6 months. Patients with congenital PMC were marked signs of endothelial dysfunction (reduction of nitric oxide, increased endothelin - 1) and damage it (increasing the concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF). Therapy with magnerot led to an improvement in endothelial function and prevent progression of endothelial damage
    G Shodikulova, U Pulatov
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  • Анемия хронических заболеваний (АХЗ) -является второй по распространенности после ЖДА и наблюдается у пациентов с острой или хронической активацией иммунной системы вследствие различных как инфекционных, так и неинфекционных заболеваний. При АХЗ период жизни эритроцитов укорочен, но более важным фактором, способствующим развитию анемии является, относительная недостаточность эритропоэза для компенсации укороченного периода жизни эритроцитов.
    G Dovlatova, D Mnchptkulova
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  • Prevention and anemia treatment at women in labor and women in childbirth from cardiovascular pathology. Yusupbayev R.B.,Dauletova MJ. Republican specialized scientific-practice medical center of obstetrics and gynecology. I this article there were described of the medicamentous treatment of the iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women with having cardiac pathology with the antianemic preparationFersinol-Z.
    R Yusupbayev, M Dauletova
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  • Репродуктивное здоровье является одной из важнейших проблем медицины [13,1,3]. Непосредственную связь с состоянием репродуктивной системы имеет распространенная в детском возрасте аномалия расположения и строения гонад - крипторхизм. Данная аномалия встречается у 30% недоношенных и у 4% доношенных новорожденных [5,2]. Среди детей дошкольного и школьного возраста частота крипторхизма по данным разных авторов составляет от 0,1 до 11% [2]. Опускание яичка не всегда завершается к моменту рождения ребенка, особенно при небольшой массе тела - менее 1500 г. В последующем, в течение первого месяца жизни оно самостоятельно опускается в мошонку у 10-20%, а на протяжении последующих 6 месяцев -еще у 30% новорожденных. Эти данные необходимо учитывать при выборе лечебной тактики [6]. К сожалению, даже своевременное оперативное лечение, направленное на низведение яичка в мошонку, не гарантирует бальному в будущем фертильность. Так, бесплодием страдают от 80 до 100 % мужчин, оперированных по поводу двухстороннего крипторхизма и 60% - с односторонней формой [5,2].
    M Atakhanov, I Mustafokulov
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  • Защитные механизмы легких обеспечивают как очищение воздуха, так и формирование иммунитета. Стерильность бронхиального дерева и, следовательно, респираторного отдела обусловливает мукоцилиарный клиренс. Он реализуется благодаря наличию реснитчатого мерцательного эпителия и секреторной системы трахеобронхиального дерева.
    S Blinova, M Kamalova
    43   9
  • Одамнинг касалликларга берилу-вчанлигини белгиловчи генетик маркерламинг аниқланиши касалликнинг олдини олишдагина эмас, балки уни олдиндан билиш имкониятларини ҳам беради. Шу муносабат билан болаларда кенг тарқалган хасталикламинг ривожланиши ва кечишидаги ирсий омил- лар улушини аниқлаш ҳозирги куннинг долзарб масаласи бўлиб ҳисобланади.
    G Djumaniyazova, Z Salaeva
    26   2
  • В настоящее время сочетанные оперативные вмешательства в абдоминальной хирургии выполняют только у 5-5% больных. Невысокой процент сочетанных многоэтапного оперативного лечения соче-танной патологии, недостаточная ревизия органов брюшной полости во время операции и др.
    K Saidmuradov, Z Kurbaniyazov, S Bobonazarov
    22   1
  • Дать клиническую оценку применения пробиотика высокого качества «Лацидофила» на состояние микробиоценоза толстой кишки при дисбиозе, развившемся на фоне заболеваний печени и желчевыводящих путей.
    T Stepanenko, T Vakhtina, I Vatanskaya, L Netrunenko, O Ivanova
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  • В настоящее время все большее число людей подвержены риску развития нарушений эндогенного микробиоценоза, т.к. спектр факторов риска, приводящих к ухудшению эндоэкологии, постоянно расширяется. Нарушение качест-венного и количественного состава микробиоты кишечника - дисбиоз кишечника - сопряжено с повышением риска развития различной патологии внутренних органов. Также наличие хронических заболеваний, в особенности патологии желудочно-кишечного тракта, приводит к возникновению и прогрессированию кишечного дисбиоза в результате действия эндотоксинов, нарушения адаптационных и иммунологических механизмов защиты.
    A Bektimirova, M Mirzaeva, Ya Khudaiberdiev
    13   0
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