All articles - Legal Medicine

Number of articles: 29
  • To study the mortality rate, a retrospective analysis of 973 conclusions of the forensic medical examination of corpses was carried out in 2019 in the Samarkand regional branch of the Republican Scientific Practical Center for Forensic Medical Examination and its regional units. According to the forensic medical service, the structure of mortality is dominated by mechanical trauma, as well as mechanical asphyxia and cardiovascular disease. Among the mechanical damages, the main part was a transport injury, especially an automobile one. A certain part is death from a traumatic brain injury, mainly as a result of a car injury and exposure to blunt objects. In gender terms, it prevails in men. in the age aspect in people of working age.
    S Imomov, Sh Islamov, R Ismailov, B Sherbekov
    186   11
  • The article presents the results of the analysis of statistical data of some violent and non-violent deaths in the Bukhara region during 2019 by the main parameters. Analysis of the level, dynamics and causes of mortality equips the health authorities with the necessary information for a targeted struggle to improve the health of the population.
    B Sanoev, F Tursunov, Y Abdullaev, B Bahronov
  • Investigated the IV-ventricle of the brain from 12 corpses of persons who died in the hospital with a clin-ically established diagnosis of hemorrhagic shock caused by knife wounds of internal organs and vessels. The states of the vascular and nerve structures of the IV-ventricle of the brain were investigated by the point meth-od. It has been established that the tanathogenesis of hemorrhagic shock varies depending on the type of dam-aged vessels, as well as the multiplicity of injuries
    Z Zhumanov, S Indiaminov, S Blinova
    35   1
  • The results of the forensic medical examination (92) of the victims are presented in order to study the na- ture and criteria for assessing the severity of mechanical damage to the hearing organs arising from the effects of blunt instruments. It has been revealed that injuries to the organs of hearing are more often found in the form of injuries of the outer and middle ear in males. Among the causes of traumatic injuries, household and street injuries prevailed. The criteria for assessing the severity of damage to the outer ear are the duration of the health disorder, and the middle ear - the amount of persistent total disability, taking into account the pres- ence of concomitant injuries. The substantiation of the severity of damage is possible during complex studies: clinical, audiological, radiological, CT and MSCT studies
    S Indiaminov, М Rasulova
    61   7
  • On the base of studying and analyzing of modern literature and materials of forensic medicine expertise, connected with damage larynx complex, authors emphasized significant and unlearned aspects of these injured organs for task of forensic medicine expertise. It is marked, that practical forensic medicine expertise tasks re-quired further purposeful study of variety damage complex larynx, their systematization, and also elaborations of recommendation on determining degrees of severity, further damage, evaluations of trauma mechanism and thanatogenese of different types of enforced death in the complex of these damages
    М Rasulova, S Indiaminov
    149   35
  • The article shows the characteristic features of injuries of the lower limbs in pedestrians during the im-pact of modern cars. It is revealed that when a moving car collides with a person by localization and the nature of revealed external injuries, it is possible to determine the victim's relative position and the direction of the impact of the moving car
    F Rashidov, Sh Islamov
    53   3
  • The analysis of the state of perivascular and pericellular edema in the brain of people upon death from massive blood loss was carried out. It is established that the thanatogenesis of blood loss varies depending on the type of damaged vessels, as well as the frequency of injuries. With massive blood loss caused by single and especially multiple damage to the heart and great vessels, as well as multiple damage to peripheral vessels in the thanatogenesis. neuronal damage predominates. With a single lesion of peripheral vessels in thanatogenesis with massive blood loss, the role of the vascular component of the brain increases.
    S Indiaminov, Z Zhumanov, S Blinova
    125   11
  • Characteristic signs of the chipped and cut injuries of not biological fabrics received during the pilot studies on dense denim caused by the Uzbek knives - "pichak" are given in article. Not only the character and the mechanism of formation of damage, also specific signs which in the subsequent will allow to conduct a comparative research at identification examination of the tool of crime is established by medico-criminalistic researches of fabric.
    F Boymanov, S Indiaminov, T Mardonov
    80   22
  • According to the CT scan, the victims with CCI can reliably detect the localization and location of foci of brain contusions, intracranial hemorrhages, depressed fractures of the skull bones, as well as linear fractures with sufficient divergence of their edges, and bruising, combined with massive hemorrhages in the soft tissues of the head. The data obtained are confirmed by the results of the section in patients with fatal CCI
    B Dalzhanov
    68   4
  • According to the conducted studies in children, clinical symptoms were characterized by increased reac-tivity of the organism to trauma, generalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition, violent vegetative reactions, inclinations to hyperergic reactions. When performing a forensic medical examination, comparing the timing of a health disorder with the severity of damage in children, the duration of treatment is used as one of the criteria for the qualification of injuries
    O Hwan, P Dean
    88   6
  • Modern sport of high achievements requires the maximum mobilization of functional reserves and compensatory and adaptive reactions of a person, and significant physical activity can lead to pathological changes in the ECG. Discovered at the athlete Seattle criteria in the form of sinus bradycardia of more than 30 doses per minute, incomplete blockade of the right leg of the Gissa bundle, some signs of GLV, early vaginal repolarization syndrome, ectopic atrial rhythm, blockade of II st. are considered to be manifestations of adaptation to regular physical activity. Pathological changes: T wave inversion, complete blockage of the left leg of the Hyza bundle, intraventricular conduction disturbances with QRS> 140 ms duration, left atrial pathology, right ventricular hypertrophy, Wolf-Parkinson-Whitc syndrome, corrected QT >470 ms in men and > 480 ms in women, high degree of blockade, AF or atrial flutter, high grade ventricular extrasystoles require additional examination.
    О Polyanskaya
    38   9
  • The modern dynamics ot infant mortality in Uzbekistan is rather steady and positive towards a decline. Registration and analysis of deaths of children under the age of 1 year is a mandatory part of the organizational and methodological work of the health authorities of Uzbekistan. Conducting work on monitoring infant death is necessary for effective management of its causes.
    Sh Iskandarova, I Isaev
    62   23
  • Forensic monitoring of 229 persons with injuries of the cervical spine revealed that in mild injury damages of the skin and paravertebral structures were most common, while in moderate and severe those of paravertebral muscles and vertebral structures. Changes in spine function occur even at mild injuries, aggra-vating cases of moderate and severe injuries that should be considered in determining the severity injury us-ing the criteria the disorder duration
    A Peshenko
    84   4
  • When assessing and comparing the incidence of tuberculosis in different countries, it is necessary to take into account significant differences in the organization of identifying patients and establishing a diagnosis of tuberculosis. The true value of the indicator for incidence in any country of the world always differs from its recorded value. This difference, sometimes very significant, depends primarily on the efficiency of identifying TB patients, which varies not only in different countries, but even in individual regions within each of them.
    A Aliyev
    53   7
  • Детский травматизм является одной из актуальных и труднейших задач. Удельный вес детского травматизма в общем травматизме населения по Республике Узбекистан составляет примерно 1/3 % случаев. Автотранспортная травма у детей встречается наиболее часто, так как каждый четвертый ребенок и каждый четвертый погибший при дорожно-транспортных происшествиях - это дети до 14 летнего возраста. Поэтому профилактика травматизма приобретает важное государственное значение.
    B Dalzhanov, M Sultanov, S Narbayeva
    69   3
  • Переломы таза имеют довольно высокую летальность, основной причиной которой является травматический шок. Шок встречается в 18,3 - 43,1% всех случаев повреждений таза.
    B Dalzhanov, N Abdullayeva, M Sultanov
    44   9
  • Тугалланган суисид зўраки ўлим кўрин- иши сифатида суд-тиббий экспертиза ўтказилиши шарт бўлган ҳолатлардан биридир. Бинобарин, ўз-ўзини ўидириш ҳолатларида ўтказиладиган мурдеалар суд-тиббий экспертизасини умумий мурдалар экспертизаси ва жами зўраки ўлим ҳолатларига нисбатан улушининг салмоқли экан- лигини таъкидлаш лозим.
    Z Geesov, Q Maxsumxonov, A Umarov
    40   9
  • Shaxsni identifikatsiyalash, ya’ni aynan o’xshatish tergov organ,’ari tibbiy ekspertizasi oldida turgan o’ta muhim vazifalardan hisoblanadi [4;6], Shu sababli tadqiqot olib borishda soda va samarali usullami qo’llashga ho’lgan qiziqish ortib borishi tabiiydir. Bugunga kelib, insonning “tashqi ko’rinishini majmuini” tadqiq qilishning qulav usullaridan biri dermatoglifika bo’ lib qoldi [4;8]
    О Qo 'ziev, A Hamdamov, A Inagamov
    58   14
  • Иридология как новое направление в медицине, несмотря на свою давнюю историю, в последнее время получает признание научной и широкой врачебной общественности [4, 5,9]. Начавшись с частного аспекта - иридодиагностики, она вобрала в себя и дала развитие целому ряду новых методов: скрининг- иридодиагностике, иридогенешке, иридофототерапии и др. В настоящее время имеются все предпосылки для нового направления в иридслогии - судебной или криминалистической иридодиагностики
    M Iskandarova, O Kuziev
    221   9
  • The article deals with the issues connected with the development of forensic activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan and its legal regulation. The author highlights the advanced international experience, as well as the prospects and development trends of forensic inquiry
    Lyudmila Yugay
    50   6
  • Изучение колото-резаных повреждений - один из наиболее частых видов экспертиз и исследований, проводимых в судебной медицине и криминалистике. Установление параметров орудия, механизма его действия, в связи с частотой встречаемости в настоящее время, является актуальным
    A Kushbakov, S Indiaminlar
    45   7
  • Insonlarning ommaviy halok bo’lishi va qiyofasini tanib bo’lmaydigan holatga kelishi, harbiy nizolarda kaft va tavonlar terisini tojsimon qirralari inson tanasini turli shikastlovchi omillar ta’siriga barqarorligi bilan ko’proq ma’lumot be- radigan ob’ektlardan biri hisoblanadi
    O Kpziev, A Xamdatnov, B Abdazov
    13   8
  • Дерматоглифика как особый раздел знаний сложился в конце XIX - начале XX в. Но интерес к папиллярным линиям и узорам уходит далеко в глубь веков, задолго до их научного изучения. Одна из самых ранних весточек о кожном рельефе находится в
    области индейцев Микмак, южнее Лабрадора. Было найдено изображение на камне, представляющее человеческую руку

    O Kuziev, A Hamdamov
    14   10
  • Ҳаракатланаётган автомобиллар билан тўқнашувлар натижасида вафот этган 140 нафар пиёда-болаларга доир СТЭ хулосалари ва иш материаллари маълумотлари ўрганилиб таҳлил қилинди. Жабрланган пиёд- болалар орасида:ўғил болалар - 91, қизлар - 49. Ёши бўйича: 6-7 ёш - 53; 8-10 ёш - 41; 11-14 ёш - 37; ва 15 17 ёшда - 9 та ҳолатни ташкил этди.
    АТнинг ушбу турида жабрланган 140 нафар пиёда - болаларда қўшма бош-мия жароҳатлари- ҚБМЖ (78%), кўкрак қафасининг қўшма жароҳати (ҚЖ) (40,6%), қорин бўшлиғининг ҚЖ (50,2%), умуртқа – орқа мия жароҳати - УОМЖ (25,7%) ва оёқ суякларининг синиши (55%) каби шикастланишлар кузатилди ва мазкур турдаги АТ лари учун хос ҳисобланди (R=0,73), шунга кўра тананинг айнан шу қисмлари жароҳатлари хусусияти асосида жароҳатлар механизмига ойдинлик киритилиши мумкинлиги аниқланди.
    Пиёда-болаларнинг оёқ суяклари синишлари жойлашуви ва уларнинг хусусиятлари ўрганилганда, бўйи узунлиги140,0 смгача бўлган 6-12 ёшли болаларда синишлар энг кўп ҳолларда сон суяклари диафизар қисми юқори ва ўрта учлигида қайд этилган бўлса, бўйи узунлиги 140,0 см дан баланд 12-14 ёшдан ошган болаларда синишлар кўпинча болдир суяклари диафизар қисми ўрта ва пастки учлигида юзага келиши қайд қилинди.

    Sayit Indiaminov, Shukrillo Shoyimov
    1   8
  • По последним наблюдениям растет число обращений граждан в правоохранительные органы по поводу некачественной медицинской помощи. Развитию неблагоприятных исходов в медицинской практике способствуют как объективные, так и субъективные факторы.

    Nematulla Bobokambarov, Sh Islamov
    1   0
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