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Ким, Л., & Сулейманов, С. (2022). ДЕРМАТОГЛИФИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ПАЛЬЦЕВ РУК В СПОРТИВНОЙ МЕДИЦИНЕ. Журнал вестник врача, 1(4), 124–128. https://doi.org/10.38095/2181-466X-20211014-123-127


Обобщены данные о дерма гоглифичееком анализе пальцев рук человека. Определены наиболее информативные дерматоглифические показатели пальцев рук. Показатели можно использовать в качестве генетических маркеров при прогнозе спортивной одаренности. Сформированы рекомендации о технологии дермато-глифичсского анализа пальцев рук в спортивной генетике. Существуют определенные национальные и расовые отличия в фенотипической выраженности дерматоглифических пальцевых узоров.

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (101)—2021


DOI: 10.38095/2181-466X-20211014-123-127 UDC 796.01.092:572.524.12:616-071.3.316:796.07


L. A. Kim


, S. F. Suleymanov



Tashkent state dental institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Bukhara state medical institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Key words:

dermatoglyphics, analysis, genetic prognosis, genetic markers, fingers.

Таянч сўзлар:

дерматоглифика, таҳлил, генетик олиндан айтиш, ирсий маркерлар, кўл бармоқлари.

Ключевые слова:

дерматоглифика, анализ, генетический прогноз, генетические маркеры, пальцы рук.

The data on the dermatoglyphic analysis of human fingers are summarized. The most informative dermato-

glyphic indicators of the fingers were determined. Indicators can be used as genetic markers for predicting athletic
giftedness. Recommendations on the technology of dermatoglyphic analysis of fingers in sports genetics are formed.
There are certain national and racial differences in the phenotypic expression of dermatoglyphic finger patterns.


Л. А. Ким


, С. Ф. Сулейманов



Тошкент давлат стоматология институти, Тошкент, Ўзбекистон


Бухоро давлат тиббиѐт институти, Бухоро, Ўзбекистон

Одам қўл бармоқларининг дерматоглифик таҳлили бўйича маълумотлар умумлаштирилган. Қўл бар-

моқлари дерматоглифик кўрсаткичларининг энг муҳим маълумотлари аниқланди. Ушбу кўрсагичларни ирсий
маркерлар сифатида спортга бўлган истеъдодини олдидан аниқлашда қўллаш мумкин. Қўл бармоқлари дерма-
тоглифик таҳлили технологиясининг спорт ирсиятида қўллаш бўйича тавсиялар тайѐрланди. Дерматоглифик
бармоқ нақшларининг фенотопик ифодаси бўйича миллатига ва ирқига кўра маълум бир фарқлар тафовуд


Л. А. Ким


, С. Ф. Сулейманов


Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт, Ташкент, Узбекистан

Бухарский государственный медицинский институт, Бухара, Узбекистан

Обобщены данные о дерматоглифическом анализе пальцев рук человека. Определены наиболее инфор-

мативные дерматоглифические показатели пальцев рук. Показатели можно использовать в качестве генетиче-
ских маркеров при прогнозе спортивной одаренности. Сформированы рекомендации о технологии дермато-
глифического анализа пальцев рук в спортивной генетике. Существуют определенные национальные и расо-
вые отличия в фенотипической выраженности дерматоглифических пальцевых узоров.

Diagnostics of individual human development is possible using genetic markers (GM) [1]. In

sports genetics (SG), the following GMs are used to predict the development of morphological,
motor and physiological characteristics of athletes: blood groups, dermatoglyphics (DG), structural
features and color of the iris and etc. [2].

Preferred and popular using of DG markers (DGM) in predicting the motor endowment of

athletes in speed-strength sports, sportsmen-gamers etc. [3-7].

DG (greek derma, dermat [os] - skin, glypho - to engrave) is a science that studies patterns

on human skin. For the first time, N. Grew payed attention to skin patterns (SP) in 1684. J.
Purkinje made the first detailed description and classification of SP on the palms and fingers in
1823. F. Galton scientifically proved the invariability of SP during a person’s life in 1892. This
became the foundation for using of DG in forensic science and in research on the study of human
heredity. However, in the SG there is still no clear understanding of the DG analysis (DGA) of fin-
gers [8]. The purpose of the work - is to generalize the results and form recommendations on the
technology of DGA and fingers of a person in SG.

The purpose

of the work - is to generalize the results and form recommendations on the

technology of DGA and fingers of a person in SG.

Materials and methods.

Researchers most often refer to the DGA technique according to

T.D. Gladkova [2]. Number of works [8-12] that substantially supplement the basic technique. We
used the DGA technique: relatively independent components considered not in isolation, but in
interconnection and in combination with others.

L. A. Kim, S. F. Suleymanov

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (101)—2021


Three types of papillary finger patterns are defined in SG (Fig. 1): arcs (A - English arch),

loops (L - English loop) and curls (W - English whorl). However, these patterns have a number of

Research results and discussion.

Three types of papillary finger patterns are defined in SG

(Fig. 1): arcs (A - English


), loops (L - English


) and curls (W - English


). Howev-

er, these patterns have a number of variations.

The arch (A)

- is a system of transverse, predominantly distally curved scallop lines of the

pattern, in shape it can be (Fig. 2): simple (parallel) does not have a triradius (delta), scallop lines
are arranged in parallel rows (Fig. 2a);

T-shaped (high) - has a triradius, around the distal radiant of the delta, some scallop lines,

breaking off on both sides, overlap each other (Fig. 2c). In fig. 2 shows an arc, the height of which
is greater than the width - it is also called high; middle - the height of such an arc is approximately
equal to the width and has a central triangle (Fig. 2d); low - dermatoglyphic width is greater than
height (Fig. 2e). Loop (L) - a pattern in the form of distally curved scallop lines, the beginnings
and ends of which are located at the same edge of the pad.

The loop has one delta (the place where the lines of the finger pattern converge, forming a Y

-shaped figure when they meet). it, ulnar, side - this is the ulnar - U loop (Fig. 3).

If the delta is located on the ulnar side, then the loop is open to the radial side and is called

radial - R (Fig. 3). If the delta is located on the radial side, then the loop is open in the oppositeto
it, ulnar, side - this is the ulnar - U loop (Fig. 3).




Fig. 1. The main types of papillary finger patterns: a-arc, the number of deltas-0, the numerical indicator

of the scallops is 0; b-loop, the number of deltas-1, the numerical indicator-13; c-curl, the number of deltas

-2, the numerical indicator-17 (according to the larger left miscalculation).






Fig. 2. Variants of the dermatoglyphic finger arch.

Fig. 3. Radial (R) and ulnar (U) dermatoglyphic loop.



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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (101)—2021


Curl (W)

- closed, closed pattern in which scallop lines are located in concentric circles. The

curl has two deltas. According to the directional shape of papillary lines, curl patterns can be (Fig.
4): simple (circular) - papillary lines, for the most part do not form breaks and layers and are locat-
ed in ―parallel‖ rings or spirals (Fig. 4 a); spiral (vortex) - have two independent looped flows of
papillary lines, curled into one another. This pattern has two centers. It is also called two-loop
(Fig. 4 b);


- in the central part of the pattern, most of the papillary lines rush towards each

other from different sides, superimposing on one more or less pronounced distally directed ridge
(Fig. 4c).

There are several options were proposed for recording finger patterns. So, Wilder recom-

mended recording finger patterns in the form of a fraction:

I, II, III, IV, V / I, II, III, IV, V;

Moreover, in the numerator - the fingers of the right hand, in the denominator - the left.

For example, on the right hand, the arc is marked on the II finger, the radial loop - on the III,

the ulnar loop - on the V, and the curls - on the I and IV; on the left hand, the ulnar loop is on the
II, III and V fingers, and the curls are on the I and IV. Then the formula will look like



Each type of pattern has a characteristic central area (center), as well as a delta (triradius),

i.e. the point at which the lines diverge in three directions (Fig. 5). The arched type of the DG pat-
tern has no delta, the loop type has one delta, the curly type has two deltas, and compositional pat-
tern has at least two deltas.

In SG, as a rule, the total number of deltas calculated separately on the right and left hand, as

well as in total on two hands - F-tr). One of the most informative characteristics of the papillary
relief is the density of distribution of papillary lines - this is the ridge count (RC). In the SG, the
RC is usually understand as the number of lines between the center and the delta. This local char-
acteristic easily calculated manually. Counting the scallops manually is as follows (Fig. 6).

From the delta to the center of the pattern, draw a straight line with a pencil and count the

number of combs, scallop segments and points that touch this line.

Neither triradius nor the final ridge that forms the center of the pattern is included in the cal-

culation. In a curl with a displaced center, the combs are counted from the side where there are
more of them, or in double loops - from both sides (Fig. 7). In the SG, the local value of the GS




Fig. 4. The curl patterns of the finger pattern, which differ in the direction of the PL.




Fig. 5. Image of centers and deltas on the main DG types of human fingers.

L. A. Kim, S. F. Suleymanov

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (101)—2021


can be determined (counting on individual fingers, denoted by RC –
I, RC – II, etc.), in total on the right and left (RC – right, RC – left)
and on two hands (TRC - total GE).

The average distance between papillary lines practically does

not change from the size of an adult's div (length and div weight)
and determined by genetic characteristics.

GS is a stable feature of digital DG that does not change with

age. Differential analysis of energy facilities (motor abilities) in peo-
ple of various dermatoglyphic phenotypes is possible in SG [8-10].

Athletes with a combination of the following digital dermato-

glyphics: AL, ALW, IOL, LW, WL can be attributed to the different
phenotypes in terms of the energy of muscular activity. With regard
to the characteristics of these phenotypes in humans, they are as fol-

1. AL. Men with the AL phenotype characterized by a low lev-

el of energy productivity and a low level of work power with the pri-
ority of developing creatyphosphate mechanisms of energy supply
(CTPMES). Women with the AL phenotype differ from men by a
high level of work power and adequate regulation of CTPMES and
aerobic mechanisms of energy supply.

2. ALW. Representatives of the ALW phenotype (both men and women) distinguished by

low energy facilities, but high work power under conditions of aerobic and anaerobic energy sup-
ply. The regulation of energy supply in men is limited in conditions of aerobic and anaerobic work
and in women only during anaerobic work.

3. IOL. People of the IOL phenotype have a high level of development of CTPMES with a

sharp limitation of the power of work and the regulatory capabilities of bioenergetics under condi-
tions of aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms.

4. LW (predominantly the presence of papillary type L fingers). Representatives of the LW

phenotype are characterized by high (men) and medium (women) energy capabilities with an aver-
age power of work in all energy supply zones.

5. WL (predominantly the presence of papillary type of fingers W). In the presence of the

WL phenotype, a high level of energy production and an average level of work power, and women
characterize men - an average level of energy production with a low work power. The optimal re-
alization of the motor potential in men and women occurs in the conditions of the functioning of


1. Summarized data on DGA PR in humans.
2. Most informative DG indicators of human fingers have been determined, which can use as

GM in predicting sports talent.

3. We recommend using the recommendations on the technology of DGA fingers of a person

in SG.


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Fig. 7. GS between deltas and

centers of the double loop


Fig. 6. Scheme for counting

scallops from the delta to the

center of the pattern.

Обзор литературы

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (101)—2021


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April 8-10, 2014-Part 3. - P. 207-209.

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and physical qualities of a person // Morphology. - 2000. - No. 5. - P. 56-59.

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indoor soccer players / P.M.S. Dantes, J.F. Filho // Wychowanie Fizyczne i Sport. - 2002. - T. XLVI. - N 1. - P.

8. Sharets Yu.D. Dermatoglyphics in medicine / / Medits. consult. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 12-19.
9. Sergienko L.P. Sports genetics: textbook for students of higher educational institutions of physical education and

sports. Ternopil: Uchebnaya kniga-Bohdan, 2009. –944 p. (in Russian)

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Vseross. Research Institute of Physics cult. and sports, 2003. - 291 p.

11. Guseva I.S. Morphogenesis and genetics of human scallop skin: Monograph. - Mn.: Belarus, 1986 – 158 p.
12. Pustozerov A.I., Melikhova T.M. Diagnostics of sports abilities by the method of dermatoglyphics-Chelyabinsk:

Ural GAFK, 1996. - 32 p.

L. A. Kim, S. F. Suleymanov

Библиографические ссылки

Genetic markers in anthropogenetics and medicine: Theses 7. IV All-Union Symposium (Khmelnitsky, June 28-30, 1988) / Ed. by B. A. Nikityuk, В. I. Kogan, F. Z. Sovransky. - Khmelnitsky, 1988. - 297 p.

Gladkova T.D. Skin patterns of the hand and foot of monkeys and humans. - Moscow: Nauka, 1966. - 149 p.

Abramova T.F., Nikitina T.M., Ozolin N.N. Possibilities of using finger dermatoglyphics in sports selection, and practical phys. cult. - 1995. - No. 3. - P. 10-15.

Chernozub A A.. Suleymanov S.F., Kazokov S.R. et al. Study of the regime of physical loads on the body of persons engaged in athleticism ll Collection of articles of the 4th International Scientific and Practical conference "Problems of the quality of physical culture and health-improving and health-saving activities of educational institutions". April 23, 2014, Yekaterinburg. - Part I.- P. 278-281.

Chernozub A. A., Suleymanov S.F.. Kazokov S.R. et al. Influence of physical loads on the body of persons engaged in athleticism // Mater, international scientific practice, conf. "Young Sports Science of Belarus" Minsk, April 8-10, 2014-Part 3. - P. 207-209.

Abramova T.F.. Nikitina T.M., Izaak S.I. ct al. Asymmetry of signs of finger dermatoglyphics. physical potential and physical qualities of a person // Morphology. - 2000. - No. 5. - P. 56-59.

Dantas P.M.S. Dermatoglyphics and somatotipic profile and the physical aptitude of Brazilian high performance indoor soccer players / P.M.S. Dantes. J.F. Filho II Wychowanie Fizyczne i Sport. - 2002. - T. XLVI. - N 1. - P. 543-544.

Sharets Yu.D. Dermatoglyphics in medicine / / Medits. consult. -1999. - No. 3. - P. 12-19.

Scrgicnko L.P. Sports genetics: textbook for students of higher educational institutions of physical education and sports. Temopil: Uchebnaya kniga-Bohdan, 2009. -944 p. (in Russian)

Abramova T.F. Finger dermatoglyphics and physical abilities I Dis. ... doct. biol. nauk: / T. F. Abramova - M.: Vscross. Research Institute of Physics cult, and sports. 2003. - 291 p.

Guseva I.S. Morphogenesis and genetics of human scallop skin: Monograph. - Mn.: Belarus, 1986 I58p.

Pustozerov А.1., Melikhova T.M. Diagnostics of sports abilities by the method of dermatoglyphics-Chelyabinsk: Ural GAFK, 1996.-32 p.

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