All articles - Arts and Humanities Other Topics

Number of articles: 188
  • The article contains a classification of proverbs and sayings according to their meaning, usage and lexical composition, touches on the reasons causing difficulties in translation. It shows the factors that affect the translation of proverbs and sayings, the problems encountered in this process and their solutions. The article emphasizes the importance and the role of the paremic layer of the language, as well as definitions of proverbs and sayings. It is worth noting that the recommendations that are given in the article are both theoretical and practical. The article discusses proverbs and sayings in accordance with the topic
    Charos Khaydarova
    175   37
  • This article provides information about the appearance of the reporting genre in Internet journalism and the peculiarities of the reporting genre.
    Madinakhan Khajieva
    41   12
  • Said Ahmad is a prose writer and playwright, known in Uzbek literature as a master of short prose and storytelling. His novels and humorous stories, written with great artistic skill, have made a significant contribution to the development of our national literature. For his unparalleled services, Said Ahmad was awarded the Order of Merit and the Order of Friendship, as well as the honorary titles of "Hero of Uzbekistan", "People's Writer of Uzbekistan", "Honored Artist of Uzbekistan"
    Gulzoda Gayratova, Mansur Khurramov
    81   13
  • This article analyzes the primary creative exercises in the story genre of Luqmon Burixon, a prolific writer in the modern Uzbek prose. In particular, the author's story “Pauper” (“Yalangoyoq”) is compared with the story named “Thief”(“O’g’ri”) by the master of the Uzbek story genre A. Qahhor. The creative influence of Luqmon Burixon on Qahhor is studied in the example of a story
    Barchin Shukurova
    32   15
  • This article deals with the typological category ofcausativization in the material of languages of different systems and different genealogical families. In the Uzbek language grammars and in some scientific works the verbs with the forms of causativization such as “o`qitmoq” – «make/let someone read», “yozdirmoq” – «make/let someone write» are considered to be one of the forms of the category of voice (causative voice). In the English language this linguistic phenomenon is expressed by the combination of the auxiliary verb make/let/get/cause to/+object+infinitive: I make my student read, etc. These auxiliary verbs have lost their lexical meaning and acquired the grammatical meaning of causativization in the mentioned above patterns. In the Uzbek language the affixal morphemes - dir, - tir, - giz, etc are added to the root or the stem of the verb, at the result of which the verb acquires the meaning of causativization
    Mastura Tadjiyeva
    69   8
  • All practical and theoretical knowledge in this field is necessary for training teachers of fine and applied arts. These are mainly drawing, painting, composition, applied decorative arts, sculpture, art history, and most importantly, mastering the methodological bases of teaching these knowledge.

    Timur Askarov
    3   1
  • University graduates and working sports psychologists have a high level of psychological knowledge, professional skills in the field of diagnostics, psychological counseling, psycho-correction and psycho-prophylaxis, and must also have analytical and control-evaluation skills.

    Фарход Хайдаров, Бекзод Қўрдошов
    11   3
  • The article analyzes and summarizes the theoretical views on the term text history, which is the basis of textual studies except that, the alternative method of study is discussed.The author justifies the need to develop an integrated system of text history research. Based on the views of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi, was defined the scientific criteria on which this system is based. It has been scientifically proven that the study of the history of the text has been used in the study of the history of hadith texts and that the highly effective method of interaction has been applied to the process of bibliography and scientific research of literary monuments. It was concluded that one of the main conditions for achieving scientific accuracy, textual perfection in the study of the history of the text of works of art is the use of the method of contrast.

    Nurboy Jabborov
    4   1
  • The article analyzes the study of the work of the Azerbaijan poet and playwright Huseyn Jovid in Uzbekistan. Analytical views were expressed regarding the attention of the author’s works at the beginning of the twentieth century of the great Uzbek poet and playwright Abdulhamid Chulpan, the translation of his works into Uzbek by Usmon Kuchkor and Tahir Kahhor at the beginning of the 21st century, the dissertation about the work of Huseyn Jovid in the Uzbek literary criticism, as well as the creation of a number of research today. On a scientific basis, is illuminated the role of the literary heritage of Hussein Jovid in the development of Uzbek-Azerbaijan literary relations is highlighted.

    Nurboy Jabborov
    18   4
  • The article deals with the expression of the idea of national independence through poetic symbols in the poetry of Abdulkhamid's son Suleiman Cholpan. The poet's lyrics express analytical thoughts about the poetic function of such symbols as dreams, chains, clouds, stars, dawn. As a result of the analysis, scientific generalizations were made that these poetic symbols represent a symbol of a country under the yoke of tyranny, the poet's dream and aspiration for the freedom of the nation, the independence of the Motherland.

    Nurboy Jabborov
    7   13
  • In the article, the author makes an attempt to semantic classification of adverbial phraseological units of the Russian language by applying the method of component analysis.

    Sabina Yuldasheva
    3   1
  • Maqolada perspektivaga oid qonuniyatlardan foydalanish vositasida o‘quvchilarda grafik savodxonlik bo‘yicha o‘quv kompetensiyalarni rivojlantirish jarayonining uzviyligini va uzluksizligini ta’minlashga oid metodik materiallar berilgan bo‘lib, tasviriy san’at darslarida ulardan foydalanishga oid metodik tavsiyalar aniq grafik misollar orqali bayon etilgan.

    S. Saydaliyev
    5   0
  • Mazkur maqolada boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilarini tarbiyalashda estetik tarbiyaning mazmun va mohiyati yoritildi, o‘quvchilarni tabiat bilan tanishtirishda sinfdan tashqari mashg‘ulotlarning tutgan o‘rni, shuningdek, estetik tarbiyani takomillashtirishning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari aniqlandi, dars jarayonida o‘quvchilarning estetik tarbiyasini rivojlantirishda zamonaviy ta’lim texnologiyalaridan foydalanildi, o‘quvchilarning estetik tarbiyasini shakllantirishda tabiiy fanlarning o‘rni va samaradorligi aniqlandi, o‘quvchilarning tafakkuri, ularning dunyoqarashi, xatti-harakati, o‘quvchilarning estetik tafakkurini rivojlantirishda o‘qitishning barcha shakllari: dars, darsdan tashqari ishlar, ekskursiya va sinfdan tashqari mashg‘ulotlarda o‘quvchilarga estetik tarbiya berish orqali tafakkurni shakllantirish imkoniyatlari aniqlandi.

    Matluba Temirova
    8   16
  • Maqolada kreativlikni o‘rganish va tushunishga bo‘lgan tizimli yondashuvlar, kreativlikning rivojlanishiga ta’sir qiluvchi omillar va tadqiqotchilarning asarlarida kreativlik tushunchalarining mohiyati ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan.

    О.I. Tolipova
    22   20
  • The article examines the socio-educational and artistic-aesthetic factors of the creative perfection of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi, firstly, the fact that he thoroughly studied the Koran and the Sunnah, followed these two powerful sources without deviations, and secondly, that he read the works great Islamic thinkers, experts in Sufism and continuously developing their ideas, gave highly artistic interpretations in his works, thirdly, that he perfectly knew the history of the Turkish people to whom he belonged, and that he was able to mobilize all his creative and scientific potential to protect and elevation of the honor and glory of the nation.
    It discusses how Alisher Navoi followed the principles of faith and Sharia, tafsirs and hadiths read by the great thinker, the works of Sufism scholars. His artistic interpretation of religious-enlightenment and philosophical-mystical ideas at a high level is confirmed by the analysis of his work. The essence of the parts of "Hamsa" is being investigated, such as "hamd" (praise of Allah), "munajat" (request to Allah) and "nat" (praise of the prophet). Analytical views are put forward on the complementarity of Islamism and nationalism, the support of the concept of the great poet's work on Islamic enlightenment, which did not prevent his works from expressing the national spirit. As a result of the analysis, theoretical generalizations are made.

    Nurboy Jabborov
    13   4
  • Walking the path of knowledge has not always been easy. According to the great poet Muhammadrizo Ogahi, this road has "one pleasure, one thousand pleasures, one thousand worries." But it is also true that if the traveler is steady, he will eventually reach his destination. Academician Naim Karimov, a famous literary critic of our time, is one of the scientists who enjoy the work of science and find honor.

    Nurboy Jabborov
    5   4
  • In the article it is written regarding the works of one of the productive poets, Mukhammad Khasan Mutrib who led a life in the late 19th and in the beginning of 20th centuries literal period in Khorazm. Moreover, it is illustrated some scientifically proven datum about the clause, article as well as about the copies of manuscript. The article “Devom Mutrib Khonaxarob” takes vitally important role with the feature that it indicates Mutr Khonaxarob’s whole legacy of creative works involving tautology and source ology.

    Sokhiba Madirimova
    4   1
  • In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Khorezm's Muhammad Rahimkhan Feruz created a unique literary atmosphere around his palace. Poets and writers who are Tabibi, Mutrib, Bayani, Avaz Otar, and Chokar worked during this period. The works of the poets are in Persian-Tajik and Turkish languages and have their own traditions. The interest in science significantly grew in Khiva. According to the khan's decree, qualified secretaries set up devons, mukhammases, bayozs, tazkirs, and complexes. At present, such works are kept in the manuscript fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in the Ichankala Museum in Khiva. The collection "Majmuai mukhammasoti ash-shuaroi Feruzshahiy" is a large source of lyrical works of Khorezm literary environment. The complex was built in the second half of the XIX century and was built by Tabibi by royal decree. It contains samples of poems by contemporary artists. This source, which provides valuable information about the literary environment of its time, is now stored in the main fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan under inventory number 1134. The complex differs from other collections in that it consists of poems of the mukhammas genre. Muhammad Hasan Devon Haji Tabib o‗g‗li Mutrib Khonaharab is one of the poets whose works are included in the creative heritage of the poets. The article analyzes the mukhammases of Mutrib Khonaharab, which are connected with the ghazals of the master poets Ogahi and Feruz. The artistic features of Mutrib‘s mukhammases, which are not found in manuscripts, have been studied. It is based on primary sources that the poet‘s ghazal retains aspects such as weight and content, and introduces innovations, focusing on the gradual development of the content. The mukhammas and musaddas included in the collection were studied from the point of view of textual and source studies, comparing them with the poems copied to the manuscript. 

    Sokhiba Madirimova
    4   1
  • This article highlights the origins of the Third Renaissance in New Uzbekistan based on knowledge, the views of the great scientists of the first and second Renaissance, the attention paid to the field of education today, and the most important ongoing reforms, outlines the importance of directed investment in science, spirituality and education – as an investment in the great future.

    Asomiddin Khudayberdiyev, Sur’at Gulyamov
    6   0
  • In this book under the heading "Nazm Boston" Zakirjon Khalmuhammad, the great poet and writer, literary critic and philologist of his time, a skilled calligrapher, a judge who is recognized as "Zubdat ul-Khukamo" ("Sarah of the Judge") li Furkata (1859–1909) contains samples his works in various lyrical genres. In the poet's poems included in this collection, the philosophy of love and life, the artist's attitude to social and political reality, the themes of science and education are comprehended in a combination of deep content and beautiful artistic form. We believe that this poetic bouquet will appeal to lovers of poetry.

    Nurboy Jabborov
    1   0
  • This book contains samples of the work of Mukimiy (1850-1903), the son of Muhammad Aminkhodzhi Mirzakhodzhi, a major representative of the Kokan literary environment of the second half of the 19th century - early 20th century, in various lyrical genres. The poet's lyrical poems included in this collection are distinguished by the fact that the deep philosophical content is interpreted in a combination of beautiful artistry and folk melody. The collection also includes humorous works of the poet and the famous Journey. We believe that this poetic bouquet will appeal to lovers of poetry.

    Nurboy Jabborov
    13   0
  • In this article, Khayriddin Sultanov, one of the major figures of modern Uzbek literature, discusses how life events are artistically
    reflected in his stories and short stories. In the writer’s works, the reality of life, the historical truth, the complex inner experiences of a person
    are impressively reflected artistically, and the reality is viewed from the perspective of high humanity. In the writer’s stories such as “Dunyoning siri”, “Ghulomgar- dish”, “Qog‘oz gullar” and the short stories “Saodat sohili”, “Yozning yolg‘iz yodgori”, “Ko‘ngil Ozodadur... ”, people’s daily life, worries, attention is paid
    to the truthful coverage of their aspirations and relationships. The author’s short stories focus on convincingly revealing the spiritual experiences of
    a person. The events recorded in the writer’s short stories are similar to events in life. The characters in them look like real people. The thoughts and worries of these heroes will not leave anyone indifferent. The article mentions such features of the writer’s work.

    Abdulla Ulug‘ov
    62   127
  • In this article, it was analyzed that the value of the word, the im-portance of poetry and the spiritual and educational function of literature are of great importance in the basis of the philosophy of Abdulla Aripov’s literary and aesthetic views. The trinity of poet, poem and words forms the basis of Abdulla Aripov’s literary- aesthetic views, in this article “Ehtiyoj farzandi” he distinguishes three strages of the poet’s creative formation, his thoughts on the trinity of poet, poem and wordsshow that Abdulla Ar-ipov’s literary aesthetic concept is based on high requirements. It was highlighted that it does not lose its importance in any age in terms of calling people of creativity to self-examination and constant search for creative perfection.

    Oybarchin Abdulhakimova
    23   32
  • In the article, the artistic, plot and compositional features of Khayriddin Sultan’s short story “Ajoyib kunlarning birida”, the importance of language and style, the writer’s ability to create an image and use of words are thoroughly analyzed.
    The origin of the “short story” genre, its genre development, the opinions and debates of world and Uzbek literary experts on this topic are studied in comparison.

    Fanuza Adilova
    34   10
  • In the history of Uzbek classical literature, Khwaja Ahmad Yassavi, Boborahim Mashrab, Sufi Olloyor, Huvaido, Hazini and many other Sufi poets related to Sufism (Sufism) have a great position in the cultural life of the peoples of the ancient and modern Turkestan land. has been Majzub Namangani, the son of Abdulaziz Hasankhoja, who lived until the end of the 18th and the middle of the 19 th century and had a significant impact on the literary environment of Turkestan, is also one of the artists known to the people as the piri murshid of the Naqshbandiya order.This article describes the genre characteristics of the artist’s works. The works of the poet, collected in the manuscript library, are divided according to the characteristics of the genre. Genres such as ghazal, qita, sokinama, musallas, murabba, mukhammas, musaddas, musaklam can be found in his work.

    Oybek Boyatov
    4   1
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