All articles - Zoology

Number of articles: 27
  • The experiment model of polytrauma of animals 3, 6, 24-month old was conducted according to the method of A.A. Hudyma. The research was conducted after 1, 3, 24 hours and for 14 days after modulation of polytrauma. The activity of processes of lipid peroxidation was judged by the content of TBK-active products. Activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and the content of ceruloplasmin was determined by biochemical methods. Statistic processing of material was carried out by parametric methods. The analysis of the relation-ship between the two features in the presence of a normal distribution was estimated by the results of the corre-lation analysis by Pearson. We have established the relationship between lipid peroxidation and AOS in three-month young rats in the early stages after the polytraumatic modeling. At 1, 3 and 24 hours after the polytrau-matic modeling, lipid peroxidation indexes increased and enzymes of AOS were activated. In late terms after the modeling of polytrauma (14 days) in animals of 3 months old AOS protection was absent by the established direct strong correlation between the activity of SOD of the liver and blood CP (r= 0,73, р0,05). In 6 and 24-month old rats, after 1, 3, and 24 hours after polytraumaticsmodeling, there were found inverse statistically significant correlation connections between MDA level and AOS indicators. In the late stages of the modeling of polytrauma of animals of 6 and 24 months old there was a depletion of enzymatic link of AOS on the back-ground of high content of MDA. The increase of intensification of lipid peroxidation processes leads to a de-crease in the adaptation resources of AOS in animals of different age groups with polytrauma and vice versa, increase in exhaustion of the AOS potential leads to activation of lipid peroxidation which induces peroxidation processes in polytrauma. It predicts the progressing of misbalance in antioxidant system in injured animals in different terms of polytrauma.
    S Pidruchnaya, G Stepanova, N Lisnichuk, U Zakharchuk
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  • Itlardagi mavjud patologiyalar orasida ichki yuqumsiz kasalliklaridan keyin yetakchi o'rinlardan birini jarrohlik kasalliklar egallaydi. Teri yalligTanishlarini optimal davolash yoTlarini topish. patogenetik asoslangan davolashni belgilash. toksik - allergik holatlami rivojlanishiga olib keladigan medikametozli terapiya xajmini qisqartirish veterinariyaning aktual muammosi bo Tib qolmoqda. Sintetik preparatlar ko'proq toksik bo Tib. qiyin boshqariladigan autoimmun patologiyalar rivojlanishiga olib kelishi munikm. Allergik holatlami rivojlanishiga olib keladigan medikametozli terapiya xajmini qisqartirish veterinariyaning asosiy muammosi bo‘lib qolmoqda. Bunday vazifalami tibbiyot va veterinariyada qadimdan qo'llanib kelgan dorivor o'simliklar bajarib kelgan.
    R Tashtemirov, G Bakriddinov
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  • Изучение водных моллюсков Узбекистана как промежуточных хозяев гель-минтов человека и животных. Материал и методы исследования. Изу-чены брюхоногие водные моллюски из семейств Lymnaeidae, Planorbidae, Horatidae, Mela-noididae, собранные из различных типов водоёмов Узбекистана. Зараженность моллюсков партенитами трематод определяли путем специальных систематических, малокологи-ческих и гельминтологических исследований, проведенных за 1986 – 2009 годы. Всего собрано и обработано 3 тысяч моллюсков из различных территорий Узбекистана.
    Z Izzatullaev
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  • Cholesterol and its derivatives are used in the production of liquid crystals, in pharmacology as a component of dosage forms and diagnostic tools, as a precursor to steroid drugs. Cholesterol in the composition of the cell plasma membrane plays the role of a bilayer modifier, giving it a certain stiffness due to an increase in the density of the "packing" of phospholipid molecules. In this work, an improvement is made in the technology for producing cholesterol from biological material
    Julia Oshchepkova, Bayat Abdullaev, Tokhir Khudoyberdiev, Zhamshid Zhabbarov
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  • It is known that in Uzbekistan there are widespread violations of the copper metabolism of Karakul sheep associated with both a deficiency and an excess of this element in their body. Both of these types of impaired copper metabolism are accompanied by serious pathological deviations, leading to a decrease in the productivity of Karakul sheep and often to their death. In Southwestern Kyzilkum, Karakul sheep constantly has a disease with signs of jaundice and blood urine
    M Safin, F Rakhmonov
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  • The article deals with ethnic groups living in Ferghana Valley, their life, occupation, types of cattle breeding and the convenience of territories for different types of agriculture for the population.It also provides information about the history of animal husbandry in the Kokand Khanate, the ethnic composition in the Khanate of the studied period, i.e., the end of the XIX century – the beginning of the XX century, the types of cattle breeding and the role of hilly areas in the economic life of the population. Comments are given on professions related to cattle breeding, i.e. about tanners, about artisans of shoemaking, the methods of manufacturing leather products are highlighted.
    Mahmudbek Goziev
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  • В патогенезе сосудистых изменений не всегда учитываются нарушения венозного кровообращения. При нарушении кровообращения по магистральным венам, развивается, с одной стороны, затрудненный венозный отток, с другой - усиленный приток, что со временем приводит к формированию венозной гипертензии
    A Gadjieva, S Blinova
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  • Цель исследования. Изучение морфологических и морфометрических показателей клеток диффузной эндокринной системы тонкой кишки и степени минерализации бедренной кости у кроликов и морских свинок старческого возраста. Материал и методы исследования. Изучена тонкая кишка у 5 крольчих 6-7-летнего возраста и у 6 морских свинок-самок 5-6-летнего возраста. Криостатные срезы из нефиксированного материала обработаны раствором глиоксиловой кислоты, парафиновые срезы окрашены гематоксилином и эозином, по методу Ван- Гизона и импрегнированы азотнокислым серебром по Гримелиусу. Степень минерализации бедренной кости определяли сравнением веса золы после сжигания ее к первоначальному весу костей в процентах. Плотность распределения эндокринных клеток определяли точечным методом на стандартной площади. Результаты. Установлено достоверное уменьшение числа (плотность распределения) эндокринных клеток слизистой оболочки и снижение степени минерализации бедренной кости у старых крольчих и морских свинок - самок. Обнаружены дегенеративные изменения некоторых эндокринных клеток в виде вакуолизации их цитоплазмы и снижения степени флюоресценции эндокринных клеток открытого типа старых лабораторных животных. Заключение. В стенке тонкой кишки старых крольчих и морских свинок - самок происходит уменьшение плотности распределения, снижение степени флюоресценции эндокриноцитов и степени минерализации бедренной кости. Отмечается параллелизм между изменением числа эндокринных клеток стенки тонкой кишки и минерализацией бедренной кости.
    T Dehkanov, A Mahmurov
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  • Для покрытия энергетических затрат, роста и обновления тканей животные должны получать из внешней среды пищевые вещества, являющиеся носителями энергии, содержащие незаменимые факторы питания и пригодные в качестве пластического материала
    V Askaryani, O Yusupova, F Babajanova, U Hamraev, N Arifjanova, E Mustaeva
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  • Одним из продуцентов биогенных аминов, которые играет важную роль при регуляции функций внутренних органов, является эндокриноциты (апудоциты, клетки дисперсной эндокринной системы). Располагаясь одиночно в составе эпителия этих органов, они вырабатывают биогенные амины и пептидные гормоны, которые участвуют в паракринной и эндокринной регуляции функций (7,8), а также в межорганных взаимодействиях различных отделов пищеварительного тракта, как в норме, так и при экспериментальных воздействиях (1,2,3,6)

    F Oripov
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  • Ўзбекистон Республикасининг 2023 йилги солиқ қонунчилик ҳужжатларига киритилган асосий ўзгариш ва солиқ имтиёзлари бериш тартибини такомиллаштириш уларга янгича ёндашувларни жорий этиш орқали бозор хизматлари ҳажмини ошириш, аҳолига янги иш ўринларини яратиш имкониятлари кенгайтириш муҳум вазифалардан бири ҳисобланади. Сўнгги йилларда мамлакатни жадал ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожлантириш мақсадида иқтисодиётни эркинлаштириш, тадбиркорликни қўллаб-қувватлаш ҳамда уларга тенг рақобат шароитларига эга бўлган ягона иқтисодий маконни шакллантириш бўйича кенг кўламли чора-тадбирлар амалга оширилмоқда.
    Умид Нормурзаев
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  • Ўзбекистон Республикасини янада ривожлантириш бўйича Ҳаракатлар стратегиясида ―банкларнинг капиталлашув даражаси ва депозит базасини ошириш, уларнинг молиявий барқарорлиги ва ишончлилигини мустаҳкамлаш масаласи устувор вазифалардан бири сифатида белгилаб қўйилган[1]. Мазкур вазифаларни ўз вақтида ва самарали бажариш мақсадида Ўзбекистон Президентининг 2020 йил 12 майдаги «2020 — 2025 йилларга мўлжалланган Ўзбекистон Республикасининг банк тизимини ислоҳ қилиш стратегияси тўғрисида»ги ПФ-5992-сонли №армони билан 2025 йилга қадар банклар устав капиталининг энг кам миқдорини 500 млрд сўмгача босқичма-босқич ошириш белгиланган.
    Руфат Қурбонов
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  • This article is devoted to propose a scheme of a mandatory element of the model of the inventory system of phonemes, representing one genus-types level of phonemic relations: we can arrange the genus-types level in different ways. As an example, let’s analyze the subsystem of labial phonemes of the Karakalpak language.
    Kamila Awezova
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  • The purpose of writing this article is to review the small project of computerization of all industries, including the pharmacy system, in the current age of digital technology.
    Asliddin Ergashov, Shoyatbek Khakimov
  • Reforms in the field of education, like in all areas, are coming in pictures and news. Today, it is an important task of the teacher to abandon the traditional methods of teaching English and organize a lesson based on new interactive methods. It is an urgent issue to organize lessons based on creative ideas in increasing the level of knowledge of English language in elementary grades.
    Shahzodaxon Akbarova
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  • It is known that up to 70% of feed costs in the poultry industry are accounted for by cereal crops, including wheat, barley and corn. These cereals are essential in the sphere of feeding the population and occupy the main position among food crops. The search for new types of grain fodder to partially replace traditional and use them to maintain and increase the productivity of poultry is urgent.

    A Normatov , N Yusupov , U Azamatov
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  • In this article, the importance and possibilities of using multimedia tools in the development of creative abilities of students in preschool educational organizations, as well as effective methods of introducing these multimedia tools are mentioned.
    Muqaddas Egamberdiyeva , Umida Abdusattorova
    3   0
  • Optic communication lines in the modern period of development in the field of telecommunications, as well as to familiarize with the work carried out in this area in Uzbekistan.
    Feruza Mamarizoyeva
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  • Scales damage many plants such as apples, pears, plums, quinces, peaches, almonds, hawthorn, pine, poplar and other orchards and ornamental trees. According to the taxonomic composition of the fauna of scales found in fruit and ornamental plants of Tashkent province in Uzbekistan, the number of generations in the family Diaspididae in the fauna is 18 (Diaspidiotus, Diaspis, Dynaspidiotus, Unaspis, Shansiaspis, Salicicola, Parlatoria, Lepidosapis, Lepidosaphes, Lepidosaphes, Lepidosaphes Carulaspis, Rhizaspidiotus, and Pseudaulacaspis), and the number of species was 30. Diaspidiotus (8 species, 26.6%) and Lepidosaphes (4 species, 13.3%) predominate in the distribution of species, while Diaspis, Dynaspidiotus, Unaspis, Shansiaspis, Salicicola, Parlatoria, Leucaspis, Aulacaspis, Aonidia, and Chon. The number of species of the genus Chlidaspis, Prodiaspis, Mercetaspis, Carulaspis and Rhizaspidiotus is monotypic, the representatives of the genus Parlatoria and Chionaspis have 2 species and account for 13.3% of the total fauna. Aonidia, Chlidaspis, Prodiaspis, Mercetaspis, Carulaspis and Rhizaspidiotus genus have 1 species, accounting for 46.7% of the total fauna.
    Jurabek Yakhyoev
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  • The results of research on the epizootiology of rabbit eimeriosis the effectiveness of eimeriostatic drugs in the treatment of the disease are presented.
    Alisher Khushnazarov, Ravshan Davlatov
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  • This article presents the results of caprological detection of eimeria in rabbits and hematological examination of blood samples of infected rabbits before treatment and after administration of Intracox oral and Coxitox preparations.
    Alisher Khushnazarov, Ravshan Davlatov
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  • In this article, the history of the study of rabbit eimeria and the scientific research works of scientists who have been active in the promotion of this disease have been analyzed, focusing on some of the oocysts that cause the disease, giving detailed information about them.
    Alisher Khushnazarov
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  • In this article, information is provided about the invasion (protazoic) disease eimeriosis, which causes great economic damage to rabbit farms, the effectiveness of local Toltrox, one of the most effective anti-eimeria drugs, has been tested, and recommendations for use are given.
    Alisher Khushnazarov, M Khushnazarova, Z Isokulova
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  • this article provides information on the spread of eimeria, one of the most common diseases in rabbit farms, and the use of some anti-eimeria drugs that are widely used in the treatment of the disease.
    Alisher Khushnazarov, Sh Ergashov , R Davlatov
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  • This article describes the diagnosis of Eimeria, a parasitic disease that often disturbs rabbit farms and private households and causes economic damage, as well as methods of early detection and accurate diagnosis.
    Alisher Khushnazarov, R Davlatov
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