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Шукуров, И., Хайруллаев, Ч., Гуломова, М., & Умуров, Ф. (2022). ТАЖРИБАДА ВИТАМИН Е НИНГ БИОКИМЁВИЙ ҚЎРСАТКИЧЛАРИГА ТАЪСИРИ. Doktor Axborotnomasi Jurnali, 1(1), 104–106. https://doi.org/10.38095/2181-466X-2020931-103-105


Тажрибада уткир панкреатит (УП) да витамин Е нинг каламушлар жигари цитохром Р-450 ига таъсири урганилди. Хайвонлар 4 гурухга булинди. Олинган маълумотлар 1-гурух (интакт) курсаткичлари билан таккосланди. Тажриба давомида УП нинг ривожлаииши микросомал фракцияда цитохром Р-450 микдорининг пасайишини курсатди. 4-гурух хайвонларига витамин Е юборилиши цитохром Р-450 микдорининг ортишига, жигар химоясининг ошитига, жигариинг монооксигеназа тизимини ингибирланишини бекор килинишига олиб келди.

Похожие статьи

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 1—2020


DOI: 10.38095/2181-466X-2020931-103-105 UDK: 616.36-616.432+616.45



I. B. Shukurov, Ch. K. Khayrullayev, М. Т. Gulomova, F. F. Umurov

Bukhara state medical institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Key words:

acute pancreatitis, rats, experiment, cytochrome P–450, monooxygenase system, Vitamin E.

Таянч сўзлар:

ўткир панкреатит, каламуш, тажриба, цитохром Р–450, монооксигеназа тизими, витамин Е.

Ключевые слова:

острый панкреатит, крысы, эксперимент, цитохром Р–450, монооксигеназная система,

витамин Е.

The effect of vitamin E on rat liver cytochrome P-450 in experimental acute pancreatitis (AP) was studied. The

animals were divided into 4 groups. The obtained data were compared with the indicators of the 1–st group (intact).
During the experiment, the development of AP showed a decrease in the content of cytochrome P450 in the microso-
mal fraction. The administration of vitamin E to animals of the 4th group led to an increase in the content of cyto-
chrome P-450, strengthening the protection of the liver, the abolition of inhibition of the monooxygenase system of
the liver.


И. Б. Шукуров, Ч. К. Хайруллаев, М. Т. Гуломова, Ф. Ф. Умуров

Бухоро давлат тиббиѐт институти, Бухоро, Ўзбекистон

Тажрибада ўткир панкреатит (ЎП) да витамин Е нинг каламушлар жигари цитохром Р–450 ига таъсири

ўрганилди. Ҳайвонлар 4 гуруҳга бўлинди. Олинган маълумотлар 1-гуруҳ (интакт) кўрсаткичлари билан
таққосланди. Тажриба давомида ЎП нинг ривожланиши микросомал фракцияда цитохром Р–450 миқдорининг
пасайишини кўрсатди. 4-гуруҳ ҳайвонларига витамин Е юборилиши цитохром Р–450 миқдорининг ортишига,
жигар ҳимоясининг ошишига, жигарнинг монооксигеназа тизимини ингибирланишини бекор қилинишига
олиб келди.


И. Б. Шукуров, Ч. К. Хайруллаев, М. Т. Гуломова, Ф. Ф. Умуров

Бухарский государственный медицинский институт, Бухара, Узбекистан

Изучили действие витамина Е на цитохром Р–450 печени крыс при экспериментальном остром

панкреатите (ОП). Животных разбили на 4 группы. Полученные данные сравнивали с показателями 1-ой
группы (интактные). В процессе эксперимента при развитии ОП показано снижение содержания цитохрома Р-
450 в микросомальной фракции. Введение витамина Е животным 4-ой группы приводило к увеличению
содержания цитохрома Р–450, усилению протекции печени, отмене ингибирования монооксигеназной
системы печени.

Acute pancreatitis (AP) is accompanied by severe intoxication. The endotoxic products

formed during AP interact with the cytochrome system, in particular, P-450 [1, 2].

Detoxification metabolic processes are among the first to include the biotransformation of

lipophilic xenobiotics with the direct participation of cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygen-
ases. At the same time, cytochrome P-450 is assigned an important role in the oxidative transfor-
mation of xenobiotics [3,6,7].

It was previously shown that the pharmacopreparation vitamin E, possessing bioprotective

and therapeutic characteristics, has a beneficial effect on the course of AP. However, the effect of
vitamin E on the monooxygase system (MOS) of the liver in experimental AP has not yet been
investigated [4, 8].

The aim of the work

was to study the effect of vitamin E on the biochemical parameters

(cytochrome P-450 MOS of the liver) of rats in the dynamics of the development of AP.

Materials and methods.

The experiments were conducted on 64 sexually mature out bred

male rats weighing 140-180 gr., Contained in a normal laboratory diet. The animals were divided
into four representative groups (16 in each): 1. Intact; 2. Control; 3. Experienced with AP; 4. AP +
Vitamin E.

Experimental AP was induced in animals according to the method of P.S. Simovaryan and

joint authors (1973). The control animals underwent laparotomy without freezing of the pancreas.

I. B. Shukurov, Ch. K. Khayrullayev,...

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 1—2020


Оригинальная статья

Table 1.

The content of cytochrome P-450 (nm/mg protein) in the microsomal fraction

of the liver of animals during the development of experimental AP (M±m).

Animals of the 4–th group were daily injected with vitamin E at a dose of 0.5 mg per 100 gr. div
weight by oral route for 2 weeks. On the 15–th day the animals were operated on and reproduced
in them.

Assessment of the MOC by its main biochemical parameter – the content of cytochrome P-

450 in the microsomal fraction of the liver – was carried out in the dynamics of the study: on the 7
–th, 10–th, and 30–th days after surgery according to the method of T. Omura, R. Sato (1964).

Results and discussion.

The results of the studies showed that in experimental AP (3rd

group), the concentration of cytochrome P–450 decreased on the 7th day of the study by 52% and
56%, respectively, compared with the Intact (1–st group) and Control (2–st groups) of rats (table).
The most significant decrease in the level of cytochrome P-450 was found on the 10–th day of the
experiment - 0.326 ± 0.08 nm/mg protein. Subsequently (after 30 days) there was a twofold in-
crease in the quantitative content of P–450 - 0.63 ± 0.005 nm/mg protein, however, it should be
noted that this indicator did not reach the background level of those of the 1–tht group (Intact)
(table 1).

The data presented convincingly indicate that in AP, the content of hemoproteins responsible

for the first stage of xenobiotic biotransformation is significantly reduced, which can lead to inhi-
bition of biotransformation processes and the accumulation of toxic substances in the div of ex-
perimental animals.

A study of the effect of vitamin E on the development of AP showed that this pharmaceuti-

cal product protected hem proteins from inhibition. So, for example, on the 7–th and 10–th day of
observation, the content of cytochrome P-450 in the 4–th group (AP + vitamin E) decreased -
0.398 ± 0.59 nm/mg protein and 0.326 ± 0.08 nm/mg protein, respectively, compared with group 1
(intact), but the detected changes were not statistically significant (p> 0.05). At the same time, it
was found that the concentration of P-450 cytochrome in the studied periods in the 4th group was
significantly higher than the similar values of the 3rd group (AP) by 66% and 94%, respectively.

However, at a later date of the experiment (30–th day), a tendency was observed in a de-

crease in the quantitative content of cytochrome P–450 in animals of the 4–th group (table), which
is undoubtedly lower in comparison with the previous periods of the experiment. The level of cy-
tochrome P-450 in the 4th group (AP + vitamin E) on 30–th day was 16% lower compared to the
3rd group (AP).


1. During experimental AP, inhibition of the liver of the rat was detected, which leads to the

accumulation of toxic products in the div of experimental animals.

2. The prophylactic administration of the pharmacological preparation of vitamin E to exper-

imental animals with AP led to positive dynamics of changes in biochemical parameters
(cytochrome P–450).

3. Vitamin E has a hepatoprotective effect and canceled the inhibition of MOS–enzymes.

Group of animals

Research time, days




1. Intact




2. Control




3. AP




4. AP+vitamin Е




Reliability p<0.05: - in relation to intact; - in relation to the control group; *- in relation to AP;
in other cases, p>0.05.


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Доктор ахборотномаси № 1—2020



1. Kurzanov A.N., Zabolotskikh N.V., Myasnikova V.V., Shestopalov A.V. Pathophysiological aspects of experi-

mental cryomodeling of pathological States of the pancreas // Kuban Med. Scientif. Bull. – 2016. – 6 (161). –
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2. Melnychuk L.N. Some aspects of pathogenesis of experimental acute pancreatitis in the conditions of sele-

nodetic // Diss. on compet. of a scient. degr. PhD, Chita, 2006. – 124 p. (in Rissian).

3. Sabirova R.A., Suleymanov S.F., Shukurov I.B. Study of the effect of tocopherol on the state of lipid peroxida-

tion and antioxidant protection of rats with acute pancreatitis // Prob. Biol. and Med. – 2001. – № 4.1. – P. 50–
52 (in Rissian).

4. Suleymanov S.F., Shukurov I.B. influence of


tocopherol on monooxygenase system of rat liver with acute

pancreatitis / / Uzb. Biol. J. – 2002. – № 1. – P. 3–5 (in Rissian). .

5. Dalia A.-A.H., Kawi A., Samraa H., Hashem Kh.S. Histological and biochemical studies on the effect

of vitamin E on sodium fluoride induced lung toxicity in adult albino rats // Egipt. J. Histol. – 2013. – Vol. 36.
– Issue 4. – P. 899–906. DOI: 10.1097/01.EHX.0000437646.32802.c4

6. George M.I., Adeloke O.A. Effect of Vitamine E on Biochemical Parameters in Albino Rats Treated with

Galasoline // J. Sci. Res. – 2011. – Vol. 3. – № 3. – P. 641–649. DOI:10.3329/ jsr.v4i2. 7671

7. Kumar Das T., Mani V., Kaur H. et al. Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation on Hematological and Plasma

Biochemical Parameters during Long Term Exposure of Arsenic in Goats // AJAS – 2012. – Vol. 25. – № 9. –
1262–1268. DOI:https://doi.org10.5713/ajas. 2012.12043

8. Yazar E., Col R., Konyalioghlu S., Birdane Ya.O. Effect of vitamin E and prednisolone on biochemical and

haematological parameters in endotoxaemic New Zealand white rabbits // Bull Vet Inst Pulawy. – 2004. – Vol.
48. – № 2. – P. 105–108.

I. B. Shukurov, Ch. K. Khayrullayev,...

Bibliografik manbalar

Kurzanov A.N.. Zabolotskikh N.V.. Myasnikova V.V., Shestopalov A.V. Pathophysiological aspects ol experimental cryomodcling of pathological States of the pancreas // Kuban Med. Scientif. Bull. - 2016. - 6 (161). -P. 97-100 (in Rissian).

Melnychuk L.N. Some aspects of pathogenesis of experimental acute pancreatitis in the conditions of selenodetic // Diss, on compet. of a scient. degr. PhD, Chita, 2006. - 124 p. (in Rissian).

Sabirova R.A., Suleymanov S.F., Shukurov I.B. Study of the effect of tocopherol on the state of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection of rats with acute pancreatitis // Prob. Biol, and Med. - 2001. - № 4.1. - P. SO-52 (in Rissian).

Suleymanov S.F., Shukurov I.B. influence of a-tocopherol on monooxygenase system of rat liver with acute pancreatitis / / Uzb. Biol. J. - 2002. - № 1. - P. 3-5 (in Rissian). .

Dalia A.-A.H., Kawi A., Samraa H., Hashem Kh.S. Histological and biochemical studies on the effect of vitamin E on sodium fluoride induced lung toxicity in adult albino rats // Egipt. J. Histol. - 2013. - Vol. 36. - Issue 4. - P. 899-906. DOI: l0.1097/01.EHX.0000437646.32802.c4

George M.I., Adeloke O.A. Effect of Vitamine E on Biochemical Parameters in Albino Rats Treated with Galasoline//J. Sci. Res. - 2011. - Vol. 3. -№ 3. - P. 641-649. DOI: 10.3329/jsr.v4i2. 7671

Kumar Das T., Mani V., Kaur H. et al. Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation on Hematological and Plasma Biochemical Parameters during Long Term Exposure of Arsenic in Goats // AJAS 2012. Vol. 25. №9. 1262-1268. DOI:https://doi.orgl0.5713/ajas. 2012.12043

Yazar E., Col R.. Konyalioghlu S., Birdanc Ya.O. Effect of vitamin E and prednisolone on biochemical and haematological parameters in endotoxaemic New Zealand white rabbits // Bull Vet Inst Pulawy. 2004. Vol. 48.-№2. - P. 105-108.

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