Общая характеристика медицинских свойств материала колетэкс-адл

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Икрамов, Г., & Кодирова, Н. (2018). Общая характеристика медицинских свойств материала колетэкс-адл. Стоматология, 1(4(73), 19–21. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/stomatologiya/article/view/1931


Перевязочные материалы являются важной частью процесса лечения. В последнее время химические текстильщики вместе с биологами и врачами придают особое значение приданию туалетным материалам дополнительного медицинского эффекта с добавлением к ним лекарств.

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УДК: 616.314:616.83-611.011.1

Ikramov G.A., Kodirova N.R.

Tashkent State Dental Institute


Bandages are also an important part of the treat


ment process. Recently, chemical textile workers, to


gether with biologists and physicians, have attached

particular importance to giving dressing materials an

additional medical effect with the addition of drugs

to them.


Перевязочные материалы являются важной ча


стью процесса лечения. В последнее время хими


ческие текстильщики вместе с биологами и врача


ми придают особое значение приданию туалетным

материалам дополнительного медицинского эф


фекта с добавлением к ним лекарств.

Ключевые слова:

воспалительные заболевания

и травмы челюстно-лицевой области, перевязоч


ные материалы, инновационные технологии.

As we know, textiles in medicine are traditionally

used for the manufacture of dressings. Napkins, ban


dages and other various materials have always been

and remain to be used, since already without them no

operation can be performed. Their effectiveness lies

in such qualities as: high sorbed ability, breathability,

elasticity, ease of use, and others.

Dressings are also an important part of the treat


ment process. They serve to drain wound surfaces

and protect them from secondary infection. Varieties

of dressing facilities are currently quite wide, which

meet modern methods of treatment of wounds. The

creation of these tools is the result of the constant

search for new dressing tools that contribute to the

rapid healing of wound surfaces.

Recently, chemical textile workers, together with

biologists and physicians, have attached particular

importance to giving dressing materials an additional

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medical effect with the addition of drugs to them. By

studying such a problem, the materials will not only

close the wound from infection and absorb blood, but

will also have a healing effect due to the injected drug.

In this case, the drug added to the material should

have a prolonged-action effect. At the same time, the

dose and effect of the drug must comply with medical

standards. In the event that if the dressing with the

added drug has a prolonged effect, then there will be

no need for frequent dressings, and the wound healing

process will not be disturbed. There are very differ


ent ways of introducing drugs and biologically active

substances into the textile material, and it also has

its own, special requirements for all drugs in terms

of suitability and on the side of their acceptability in

practice. First, the textile material must be non-tox


ic, atraumatic, secondly, it should not crumble into

the wound and not stick to the wound, injuring the

damaged surface, and also it must have a certain vis


cosity and have an additional therapeutic effect de


pending on the added drug. Taking into account the

above requirements, sodium and calcium alginate and

the sodium salt were chosen as the polymer base. The

preference of alginates is due to the fact that they

have a pronounced hemostatic effect, anti-inflamma


tory and reparative properties. Sodium salt of alginic

acid is used in connection with the ability to excrete

heavy metals (mercury, lead) and radionuclides from

the div. Alginates are important for medical prac


tice, because they have the ability to prevent the de


velopment of many diseases – cancer, cardiovascular,

renal, gastrointestinal, and can strengthen the immune


The immunostimulating effect of alginates is as


sociated with the activation of phagocytosis (which

increases antiviral and antimicrobial reactions), with

the adsorption of an excess of immune complexes

in the blood (thereby preventing the development of

inflammatory and allergic reactions). Alginates in


crease the barrier function of the skin and mucous

membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointes


tinal tract in relation to the pathogenic action of mi


croorganisms by stimulating the synthesis of antibod


ies (immunoglobulins A) of local specific protection.

Stimulating phagocytosis, they have an antitumor ef


fect. Alginic acid salts are cholesterol and fatty acid

sorbents, thereby eliminating the main possible caus


es of atherosclerosis. For the treatment of wounds of

various origins, burns, trophic ulcers, alginate-coated

dressings are produced. Such dressings have drain


age properties, accelerate wound cleansing, protect

the wound from infection and injury, and promote a

favorable course of the wound process and healing.

With such above effects, modern medical textile ma


terial Coletex-ADL has the most effective effect and

performs the mechanical function of the postoperative

wound drainage today.

It is known that Coletex-ADL contains active in


gredients like: sodium alginate, dioxidine and lido


caine. Sodium alginate was chosen as a biopolymer

for polyfunctional PS Coletex-ADL. According to the

results of research by many authors, sodium alginate,

which contains a large number of trace elements, is a

prodrug. Necrosis of tissues does not occur under the

alginic layer, and under alginate dressings, the period

of necrolysis of non-viable tissues is shortened, which

favorably affects the course of the wound process.

Alginates, as mentioned above, stimulate phagocy


tosis, where phagocytes are the main “orderlies” in

the div. Alginates attract to themselves (sorb) and

thus make inactive circulating immune complexes

in the blood. The immune complex is a conglomer


ate consisting of an antigen (the protein portion of

the microbial wall, a foreign substance) and a spe


cific protein produced by the immune system – the

immunoglobulin (also called an antidiv). If there are

an excessive amount of such immune complexes in

the blood, the div does not have time to clear them.

Excessive amounts of circulating immune complexes

damage the vascular wall of the smallest blood ves


sels in almost all organs and cause an inflammatory

reaction. The damaging role of excess circulating im


mune complexes has been proven in many diseases

(bronchial asthma, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis,

glomerulonephritis, chronic hepatitis, myasthenia, au


toimmune anemia, thrombocytopenia). They are able

to sorb (bind) and an excessive amount of a special

class of immunoglobulins (E), guilty of the develop


ment of acute allergic reactions and diseases. Sodium

alginates stimulate the synthesis of antibodies of local

specific protection (class A immunoglobulins).

Dioxidine in the napkin has an antiseptic effect. It

is effective in infections caused by the Pseudomonas

sutum, vulgar Proteus, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus,

Streptococcus, pathogenic anaerobes. Dioxidine acts

on bacterial strains resistant to other chemotherapeu


tic agents, including antibiotics. Lidocaine is a local

anesthetic that blocks the transmission of pain im


pulse for 60-90 minutes, since the drug is subsequent


ly hydrolyzed in a weakly alkaline medium.

The peculiarity of Coletex-ADL napkins as a local

anesthetic is that with a sufficiently low concentra


tion of lidocaine in them (2% of the masses) com


pared with other dosage forms, for example, sprays,

ointments, etc., the analgesic effect is more effective

and long. For example, in a comparative study of the

therapeutic properties of Coleteks-ADL wipes and a

10% spray, the advantage of wipes was proven. When

applying Coletex-ADL wipes on the wound area after

receiving injuries or operations, the patients noted an

anesthetic effect for 60-90 minutes, which are usually

characterized by the most pronounced pain impulses

from the affected area (damage).

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According to clinical trials with the use of Co


leteks-ADL wipes, the infected wound surface was

sanitized in 5-9 days, which is 3-7 days earlier than in

the comparison groups (Oltarzhevskaya N.D., Moise


eva A.A., Egorova E.A., 2004)


The introduction of dioxidine antiseptic into the

composition reduces the risk of secondary infection

of the wound surfaces (in everyday life, in the process

of dressings, surgical treatments, etc.), abandon the

systemic use of antibiotics from a prophylactic point

of view and reduce the course of preventive therapy.

Thus, Coletex-ADL in modern medicine has taken

a special place with satisfactory indicators in the tex


tile dressing. Given the above composition and prop


erties of the drug, it will be appropriate to use for

suppressed inflammations of the maxillofacial region.


1. Абдирасилова Д.Д. Эффективность салфеток

Арглабина, Иммозимамы и Колетекса с комби


нированным радиационно-термическим повре


ждением (экспериментальное исследование):

Автореф. дис. … канд. мед.. наук. – Астана,

2005. – 23 c.

2. Артюшкевич А.К., Герасимчук А.А., Коваль


чук И.Н. и др. Воспалительные заболевания и

травмы челюстно-лицевой области: диффе


ренциальная диагностика, лечение: Справоч


ник. – Минск, 2001. –254 c.

3. Бродский С.Е. Предотвращение воспалитель


ных осложнений в стоматологии с использо


ванием фторхинолонов: Автореф. дис. … канд.

мед. наук. – M., 2008. – 23 c.

4. Егорова Е.А. Инновационные технологии для

создания и оценки эффективности перевязоч


ных устройств для лечения ран // Инновацион


ные технологии медицины XXI века: Материа


лы Всерос. науч. форума. – М., 2006. – С. 59-60.

5. Кожухова А.А. Разработка комплексной тех


нологии функциональных продуктов из бурых

водорослей: Дис. … канд. тех. наук. – Красно


дар, 2006. – 233 c.








УДК: 616.314-089.28-039.77

Ризаева С.М., Муслимова Д.М.,

Ибрагимова Х.Х.

Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт


В данной статье практически обосновывается ре


комендация по применению Wax-Up и Moc-Up при

протезировании винирами. Восковое моделирование

будущей конструкции протеза является актуальным в

эстетической стоматологии, так как дает возможность

пациенту оценить эстетику последующего ортопедиче


ского лечения. И тем самым ,облегчает работу зубного

техника и врача, застраховывая их от переделывания



In this article, the recommendation for the use of Wax-

Up and Moc-Up with veneers is practically justified. Wax

modeling of the future design of the prosthesis is relevant

in aesthetic dentistry, as it allows the patient to assess the

aesthetics of subsequent orthopedic treatment. And thus, fa


cilitates the work of the dental technician and the doctor,

insuring them from the alteration of the work.


обоснование необходимости применения ме


тодик Wax-up и Mok-Up при ортопедическом восста


новлении фронтальных зубов винирами.

Материал и


протезирование винирами было проведено 9

пациенткам женского пола (средний возраст 27 лет).

У 3 из них использовался традиционный протокол ор


топедического лечения винирами, у 6 протезирование

винирами служило этапом предварительной подготов


ки с помощью методик Wax-up и Mok-Up. Оценку ис


пользованных методик проводили с помощью опроса

пациенток и фотопротокола.


все три па


Библиографические ссылки

Абдирасилова Д.Д. Эффективность салфеток Арглабина, Иммозимамы и Колетекса с комбинированным радиационно-термическим повреждением (экспериментальное исследование): Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед., наук. - Астана, 2005. - 23 с.

Артюшкевич А.К., Герасимчук А.А., Ковальчук ИН. и др Воспалительные заболевания и травмы челюстно-лицевой области: дифференциальная диагностика, лечение: Справочник. -Минск, 2001. -254 с.

Бродский С.Е. Предотвращение воспалительных осложнений в стоматологии с использованием фторхинолонов: Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. - М., 200S. - 23 с.

Егорова Е.А. Инновационные технологии для создания и оценки эффективности перевязочных устройств для лечения ран // Инновационные технологии медицины XXI века: Материалы Всерос. науч, форума. - М., 2006. - С. 59-60.

Кожухова А.А. Разработка комплексной технологии функциональных продуктов из бурых водорослей: Дис. ... канд. тех. наук. - Краснодар, 2006. - 233 с.

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