All articles - Oncology

Number of articles: 219
  • The RSO and RSMC Samarkand included 68 patients with metacarpenic breast cancer from 2007 to 2017. More than half of the patients were women of reproductive age (26-49 years). The difference between the primary and metacarpal cancer in unilateral cancer was detected at a very early stage of the disease. This is because patients with cancer treatment are in deep dosing. Metaxron is one of the major factors affecting the survival of patients with ovarian cancer: the second stage of cancer, the size of the tumor in the lactation, the volume of treatment, the rate of damage to the regional lymph nodes and the patient's age
    M Karimova , D Rakhmatov, Sh Shakhanova, D Akhmedzhanova
    85   3
  • The article discusses the comparative analysis of characteristic parameters of patients with ovarian can-cer. We made a questionnaire for them to study the lives of these patients. The questionnaire contains 17 ques-tions that determine the anamnesis of patients. And willing patients were allowed to respond anonymously
    Х Mukhtarzhanova, G Ermatova, D Kayumov, S Yakubbekova , D Mamarasulova, M Karimov
    31   3
  • In this paper, the analysis of advanced cases of cervical cancer in recent years. The degree of dissemina-tion of tumor process at the time of diagnosis is the major prognostic factor that determines the course of the disease and fate of cancer patients. This trend is alarming, as the quality of services depends on the timely per-formance of diagnostic procedures and further treatment strategy and prognosis of malignant neoplasms
    Х Ortikova, M Oripova, Sh Khasanov , N Tolibova , N Urozov
    45   5
  • The mammary gland cancer is one of the most serious problems of modern oncology at the expense of prevalence and the psychological aspects connected with it. For women of able-bodied age the mammary gland cancer is one of principal causesinvalisisation and death rates
    Х Soipova
    41   6
  • In recent years, new methods of surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) have become increasingly widespread. Transurethral endourological operations are widely developed and became common. The concept of "endoscopic enucleation of the prostate” comes to the fore in operative treatment of BPH. which is ensured by modern laser enucleation techniques such as holmium laser enucleation and thulium laser enucleation of the prostate. Laser techniques are characterized with high clinical safety and effectivity, minimal postoperative complications rates.
    R Gafarov, S Allazov, Sh Giyasov
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  • One of the problems of modern oncology, in particular oncomammology, is the organization of sympto-matic and palliative care for patients with breast cancer and the fight against acute and chronic pain syn-drome.
    X Abdullaev, F Nabieva
    91   10
  • The aim of the study was a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of immunotherapy and targeted therapy after nephrectomy. With this aim, the study was conducted in 126 cancer patients with metastases of different localization. Of these, 62 (49.2%) patients had metachronous metastases on average 11 months after radical nephrectomy, and 64 (50.8%) had synchronous metastases to prevent possible complications was per-formed palliative nephrectomy Depending on the methods of treatment, patients were divided into 2 groups. 1 group n=82 nephrectomy + immunotherapy. 2 group n = 44 nephrectomy + targeted therapy. Comparative evaluation of the drug toler- ance, severity of side effects and the immediate effectiveness of the compared methods of treatment significant differences between the groups were not found (p< 0.05). The three-year survival rate was 18.4±2.3% and 24.3±2.2% respectively (p > 0.05)/ five-year survival rate was 0%. The results of the study showed that target-ed therapy has a significantly better three-year survival than immunotherapy
    A Zhuraev, M Zhuraev
    26   5
  • It has been studied the results of 22 patients with localized form of Ewing’s sarcoma with confirmed di- agnosis morphologically. Comparative analysis revealed that survival rate without symptoms of the disease in patients received only radial therapy were lover (21%) than in cases where radial influence was supplemented by various types of chemotherapy (49%)/ Using of adjuvant chemotherapy with cyclophosphan increases two- year survival rate without symptoms of the disease till 41% with adriamycin or cormynomycin till 44% but combination of adriamycin- cyclophosphan and vyncristin till 56%. To study follow-up results of patients who received additional chemotherapy was determined some dependence prognosis with factors such as gender and age of patients localization of tumour
    I Minnullin, B Boykobolov, N Achilov, F Abdukhalikov, T Rezaev
    37   5
  • Clinical efficacy of a complex of rehabilitation measures in patients with cervical cancer of reproductive age after operative treatment was evaluated. The study included 83 patients with cervical cancer Ia - IIa at the reproductive age. Restorative treatment included psychotherapy, phytotherapy, physical therapy. After the re- habilitation activities, the patients of the main group had a statistically significant decrease in the level of neu- rovegetative disorders, the level of anxiety, as well as an increase in the level of emotional and social function- ing, which is reflected in the increase in the coefficient of "labor rehabilitation"
    F Nabieva, Х Abdullaev
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  • Bladder cancer occupies leading place in the structure of oncourology in last years. It is increasing incidence of bladder cancer and year by year this pathology is more exists in young patients. In this manuscript authors presents their own experience: bladder cancer in young patients runs more favorably and in young patients the number of superficial tumors and histological high differentiated (G3) cancer meets more than in elderly age patients. Despite of age and differentiation degree it is necessary to approach with mind at the choice of operations.
    М Tillyashaykhov, N Rahimov, Sh Khasanov
    65   9
  • This article presents the results of research on women with uterine myoma. Studies show the positive efficiency of the drug T-lifc used as an immunocorrcctivc treatment for uterine myomas.
    N Narzulloeva, N Ashurova, М Jumaev
    35   9
  • In the Bukhara branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Center of Oncology and Radiology, rehabilitation measures are widely used. Rehabilitation measures are mainly applied to primary patients when they first turn to specialists in a polyclinic. A comprehensive, optimal treatment plan is drawn up [2, 5, 7, 24]. During inpatient treatment of patients, in order to prevent postoperative complications, it is necessary to choose a scheme of radiation and chemotherapy treatment, gentle handling of tissues during surgery, rational use of the vacuum system in the axillary noah area.
    X Abdullaev, Z Sohibova, J Nurov, D Xudoyberdiev
    23   2
  • It seems relevant to study the components of the immune system involved at all stages of life in protective reactions that ensure the structural and functional integrity of the body. One of the large peripheral parts of the immune system is intestinal-associated lymphoid tissue. Immune structures associated with the mucosa - immunologically active tissue. About 80% of all immunocompetent cells of the body are associated with the intestinal mucosa [10].
    Sh Teshaeva, D Xasanova
    76   18
  • The study analyzed the results of treatment in a comparative aspect after a front pelvis exenteration with a single-stage pelvic floor plastic surgery in 88 patients with locally advanced cervical cancer (MR cervical cancer) with stage T2b-4N0-1M0 disease. An assessment of the possibilities and advantages of plastic recon-struction of the pelvic floor has been made, which reduces the incidence of postoperative complications
    N Zakhirova, М Tillyashaikhov, O Ahmedov, Е Boyko
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  • The publication provides an overview of the literature devoted to modem diagnostic methods of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Difficulties in diagnosing MPM happen due to the following factors: the early symptoms of this tumor are not specific, and patients often seek help in the advanced stages; the difficulty of differentiation between benign diseases of the pleura and metastasis of other tumors in the pleura; not full availability of multislice computed tomography and a vidcoassistcd thoracoscopy biopsy; insufficient awareness of primary care physicians about the features of MPM course.
    J Berdikulov, А Yusupbekov
    49   12
  • The quality of life and sleep was determined in 80 sick on the outpatient setting: 47 men with chronic non-bacterial prostatitis (CNP) versus 33 men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Quality of life was evaluated using the EuroQol-5D questionnaire. Quality of sleep was analyzed by Somnology Center question-naire. Pain evaluation in both groups was performed by Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Prostate-specific symp-toms were assessed using I-PSS and NIH-CPSI questionnaires. Patients with chronic pelvic pain and lower urinary tract symptoms showed significant disturbances in the quality of life and sleep. In CNP group those were connected with chronic pain syndrome, whereas in BPH group – predominantly with frequent urination and subsequent need of waking at night
    A Fedoruk, M Stepanchenko, V Romanenko
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  • The article presents cases of the renal vein and inferior vena cava involvement by a tumor conglomerate, diagnosed by computed tomography. In all cases, patients were examined for complaints not related to the re-vealed underlying pathology and not presumed prior to the examination. Clinical diagnosis was determined with the help of detectable signs of massive expansion of the diameter of the main vessels. Thrombus was demonstrated in the vascular lumen with additional enhancement of CT after intravenous injection of uro-graphic contrast material.
    M Tillyashaikhov, L Koren, Е Boyko, N Rakhimov, B Aloev, Sh Khasanov
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  • Among the methods of physics used in modern medicine, methods based on nuclear technologies are becoming increasingly important. More than half (significant part) of oncological patients are currently cured with the use of remote or contact radiotherapy [4, 10].
    N Sodikov, Sh Khudaikulova, M Sodikov, F Temirov
    34   5
  • In this article, we studied 25 women who have passed with EMA. Studies show' that EMA is the most optimal treatment for fibroids in patients of reproductive age, which allows to maintain reproductive and menstrual functions.
    М Negmatullaeva, N Narzulloeva
    31   3
  • Osteosarcoma refers to highly malignant tumors of the skeleton and is an aggressive course with rapid hematogenous metastasis. The therapeutic pathomorphosis is one of the most important factors of prognosis of tumors is used for comparison of the effectiveness of the treatment methods that helps for the planning of adjuvant therapy based on the severity of therapeutic pathomorphosis. The paper explored the degree of differentiation of malignant tumor cells and pathomorphosis after neoadjuvant of chemotherapy in osteosarcoma.
    А Akramov, I Shamuradov
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  • Degree of toxicity of side effects of chemotherapy and chronochemotherapy (night chemotherapy) at 70 patients who consist on "D" the account in the Andizhan regional oncological clinic with the diagnosis of a colorectal cancer is analysed. At 80-90% of patients side effects of various look after chemotherapy are observed. These toxic complications arc explained by action of cytotoxic drugs on typical cells.
    М Karimov, М Abdulkhamidov, Zh Ganizhonov, H Haydarov, D Nazirzhonov
    39   9
  • The analysis of observations of 68 patients with relapses of soft tissue sarcoma of extremities and trunk is assumed as a basis of this work. The relapses of soft tissue sarcoma of the head and neck arc not included into the work. There were 38 women and 30 men among the observed. The localization of the relapses was various: 22 patients had them on the upper extremity, 13- on the trunk, 33- on the lower extremity. There were 6 patients at the age of before 19, 14 - from 20 tO 29, 19- from 30 to 39, 12- from 40 to 49, 11- from 50 to 59, and 6 patients at the age of 60 and older. There were the most patients with relapses at the age of 30 to 39, as sarcomata occur more often at this age group. Two patients had relapsing tumours with the structure of rhabdomyosarcoma; 4 patients- with angiosarcoma, 20- with fibrosarcoma, 13- with synovial sarcoma, 3- with malignant schivanoma, 4- with liposarcoma, 2- with leiomyosarcoma. Twenty patients had unclassified tumours.
    I Minnullin, N Achilov, F Abdukhalikov, T Rizayev
    57   9
  • Work is based on the analysis of a condition of inhibitor of metalproteinase-1 at 185 patients with various formations of skin. From them bazalnokletochny cancer of skin has been revealed at 39 patients, planocellular cancer of skin – at 39 people, good-quality education is skin (fibroma) – at 48 patients (group of comparison 1). In addition, researches at the 34th rather healthy the donor volunteer have been conducted (group of comparison 2). Most of patients were male and 50 years are more senior. The greatest number of educations – 25% has been noted on the lower extremities. Concerning educations on a face have asked for medical care of 15% of patients. It should be noted that at the vast majority of patients of this group malignancies have been revealed. As a result of the conducted research it has been established that in pathogenesis of development of any tumoral process of skin increase in TIMP-1 lies. Expeditious treatment at fibroma of skin leads to decrease in TIMP-1, since third postoperative day. Performance of surgical treatment at basal and cellular cancer of skin leads to partial decrease in TIMP-1 since fifth postoperative days. At planocellular cancer of skin occurs, increase in TIMP-1 since first postoperative days, decrease by tenth postoperative days. At the same time performance of expeditious treatment doesn't lead to decrease in TIMP-1 in the remote postoperative period.
    V Maslyakov, L Kim
    26   3
  • The article discusses the analysis of the anamnesis of patients with ovarian cancer who is in the "D" registered in the Andijan regional oncologic dispensary for over 5 years—2013-2017. We made up for them-profile questionnaire to study the lives of these patients. Questionnaire-based questionnaire contains 17 questions which determines the history of patients. At will, the patient were allowed to answer anonymously.
    Kh Mukhtarzhanova, G Ermatova, D Kayumova, S Yakubbekova, D Mamarasulova, М Karimov
    64   8
  • The presented article is devoted to the actual problem, that is surgical treatment of esophageal cancer as well as discussion of the modern classification of this pathology, the evaluation of role and perspectives of the newest technologies in esophageal cancer treatment. The analysis of indications, volume of surgical proce-dures and minimally invasive manipulations according to the location and extent of the process in the treatment of esophageal cancer were conducted.
    F Nazyrov, Z Nizamkhojaev, O Gulamov
    21   5
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