All articles - Substance Abuse

Number of articles: 30
  • The article studies the clinical and pathodynamic laws of clinical polymorphism and variants of the course of alcoholic delirium in patients with somatic diseases. Clinical psychopathological method examined 50 sick men with delirium tremens at the age of 31-60 years, in which somatic diseases were detected. As a result of the clinical and psychopathological analysis of alcohol delirium complicated by somatic diseases, three clinical options were identified: classic, mixed and severe. It should be noted that as alcohol delirium gets heavier, the clinical picture is transformed from simple to complex in the following regularity: illusions - hallucinations - confusion of varying degrees of consciousness - elements of mental automatism - movement disorders - amnesia of varying severity. The author concludes that somatic pathology, along with the main etiopathogenetic mechanism (alcohol), is involved in the clinical pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of alcoholic delirium.
    Sh Imamov
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  • Today, the most important problem is the study of social and clinical and psychopathological characteristics of patients with alcoholism and depressive disorders, the psychoprophylaxis of depressive disorders in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome.
    B Turaev, U Ochilov, R Alkarov, А Turgunbaev
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  • The article provides a catamnetic study of long-term outcomes in sick men and women with alcoholism and reveals gender differences. The aim of the study is to identify a complex of clinical, socio-demographic factors affecting the formation of long-term outcomes of alcoholism, as well as to establish gender patterns. An in-depth clinical follow-up study revealed noticeable differences in the dynamics of long-term outcomes in persons suffering from alcoholism: course variants, quality and duration of remissions, changes in social status and treatment effectiveness. According to the authors, premorbid socio-demographic and psychological factors can affect the timing of formation, types of course, the quality of remissions in patients with alcoholism and can serve as criteria for its prognosis. In conclusion, the authors rightly note that in men and women, the clinical and pathogenetic mechanisms of alcoholism differ and this leaves an imprint on the outcomes of the disease.
    B Kalandarov, Sh Imamov
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  • Even with the presence of numerous studies of affective disorders in the use of psychoactive substances, there are still open questions concerning the social and clinical-psychopathological aspects of the formation and prevention of depressive disorders in patients with alcoholism. The interrelations of affective disorders and pathological craving for alcohol are not clearly formulated, especially in the remission stage, as the most prognostically favorable, encouraging time period when the patient has the maximum chance to embark on a sober path. Prevention of depression in alcohol dependence in remission is not yet developed. Criteria for the subjective improvement of patients' health status are not reliable when evaluating the effectiveness of psychoprophylaxis and medical treatment carried out, which should be aimed at creating long-lasting real-life internal changes in the personality, and not just at relieving depression symptoms. In this regard, it became necessary to create a clear algorithm for an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the prevention of depression in alcohol dependence.
    B Turaev, R Khayatov
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  • Alcoholic intoxication leads to more severe injuries: those who suffer from alcohol intoxication. Mor-tality in patients with severe craniocerebral injury reaches 30%. The time of recurrence of cerebral and focal symptoms with a combination of trauma with alcohol intoxication is longer than in sober patients, on average by 28-30%.
    O Hwan, T Zikrillaev
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  • In the course of the study, it was found that when acute poisoning with ethyl alcohol and its surrogates, characteristic clinical signs of poisoning are observed, which depend primarily on the concentration (dose) of the poison taken and their physicochemical composition. Pathomorphological signs of poisoning with alcohol substitutes are pronounced dystrophic changes in all internal organs, with predominant liver and kidney dam-age.
    A Iskandarov, S Nadzhmitdinov
    146   13
  • The Article studies the dynamics of immunological changes and correlated psychopharmacothcrapy of patients with alcoholism. Clinical immunological method examined 50 male patients with alcoholism at the age of 40-60 years, which determined the activity of autoantibodies to brain and liver cells. During the period of acute intoxication, serum autoantibody concentration was within of 6,5±1,6 ng/ml. And after the combined treatment, autoantibodies fell to 2,1 ±0,7 ng/ml, that is more than 3 times lower. The effect of psychotropic medications on clinical and immunological processes was studied and revealed immunomodulating effect of tranquilizers and atypical neuroleptics.
    Sh Imamov
    99   8
  • Alcoholic intoxication leads to more severe injuries: those who suffer from alcohol intoxication. Mortality in patients with severe craniocerebral injury reaches 30%. The time of recurrence of cerebral and focal symptoms with a combination of trauma with alcohol intoxication is longer than in sober patients, on average by 28-30%.
    О Hwang, Т Zikrillaev
    58   8
  • The comparative quantitative assessment risk factors of rapid development of alcoholism are scrutinized in the article. 140 alcoholic patients aged 25-65 years have been studied by Clinical-statistic method. Univari-ate depression analysis with the usage of Kraskola-Uolis criteria was used for comparison with medieval clinic significance, age-specific and dynamical parameters. While carrying out the research the author has revealed that early formation of alcoholic dependence is not associated with the age onset of alcohol consumption but mainly risk factors in premorbid. The results of the research showed that the dynamics alcoholism development is important to evaluate the clinical severity, the flow rate and development of optimal tactics of treatment. The presence of premorbid cofactors risk increases the development of alcoholism as quickly as 2,5 times compared to uncomplicated premorbid. In conclusion, the author draws a conclusion that quantitive dynamic develop-ment characteristics of the disease will be fairly objective criteria to predict the clinical versions and types of alcohol flow.
    Sh Imamov
    53   8
  • The results of our own surveys patients witch divided into three groups of 20 patients - with alcoholic encephalopathy (AE) without seizure states , 20 patients - with AE with new-onset seizure states and 20 pa-tients - with AE complicated by recurrent seizures .There are analysis of EEG research and psychoneurotic testing. After studies were obtained followed results: 60% of patients with the normal type of EEG, dominant alpha rhythm in 38.2% of patients witch characterized by desynchronization or hypersynchronization rhythms type EEG and 1.8% with pathological type of EEG. Conducted psychoneurotic study of patients with AE allows to establish a board representation of anxiety and depressive symptoms. However, the severi-ty of anxiety and depressive symptoms are varied.
    A Kodirov, Sh Alokhiddinova, G Ahadova, A Jurabekova
    38   3
  • Алкоголизм-это хроническое прогрессирующее заболевание, протекающее с ремиссиями и рецидивами, с патологическим влечением к спиртным напиткам. Алкоголизм в социальном смысле - это неумеренное употребление спиртных напитков, приводящее к нарушению нравственных и юридических норм поведения в быту, обществе, сфере трудовой деятельности, а в масштабе страны к значительному ущербу для здоровья и благосостояния населения и огромным экономическим потерям. Проблема эмоционального компонента хронического алкоголизма - депрессия, проявляющаяся в виде подавленности, тоскливости, бездеятельности и безразличия к окружающему. В некоторых случаях эмоциональный компонент выражается преимущественно тревогой или дисфорическими проявлениями с угрюмостью, недовольством, внутренним дискомфортом, взрывчатостью и агрессивностью, что приводит к социальной дезадаптации.
    M Usenkova, B Shakhnazarov
    37   6
  • Analysis of contemporary condition of the problem concerning tanatogcncsis study in intoxication and alcohol poisoning with selection of structural changes in the brain has been carried out. It is underlined that changes in cerebrovascular system and nervous elements due to concentration of ethanol in the blood and tissues, its continuous usage, accompanying conditions (diseases, traumas, etc.) arc observed in the brain structures in alcohol intoxication and poisoning. According to the degree of evidence of pericellular and perivascular edema in various sections of the brain, the role of vascular and nervous structures in the tanatogcncsis in blood loss on the background of alcoholcmia is indicated.
    S Indiaminov, M Yakubov, F Baymanov
    85   14
  • The new quantitative diagnostics criteria and severe degree evaluation of chemical trauma at acute poisonings were worked out. Organism's reactions (108 cases) on toxity of chlorophosus, carbophosus, phenobarbital, sodium ethaminal depending on sex, age and alcohol drink, were estimated.
    X Yakubov, A Iskandarov, M Abdurakhmanova
    36   4
  • В настоящее время отмечается неуклонный рост частоты алкогольных отравлений у лиц разного возраста. Этому способствует свободная продажа спиртных напитков разной крепости, реклама алкоголя телевидением, микросоциальные условия и полученное нравственное воспитание. На сегодняшний день часто можно услышать разговоры не только о вреде, но и о пользе алкоголя
    R Muradova, Sh Muminov, A Tursunqulov, D Ibadova, B Malikov
    35   0
  • Часто встречающимся расстройством психической деятельности при различных формах патологии является нарушение избирательного фокусированного внимания, одной из базисных функций головного мозга человека, с помощью которой происходит отбор значимой информации и игнорирование раздражителей, несущественных в данный момент
    Yu Arzumanov, A Abakumova, N Usmonova
    8   2
  • В настоящее время по всему миру возрастают показатели интоксикации и отравления наркотическими веществами, среди которых подавляющее большинство составляют героин, препараты опия или сочетание наркотических веществ с этиловым спиртом
    S Indiaminov, Kh Abdumuminov
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  • С целью популяционного анализа взаимообусловленности факторов риска и основных бронхолегочных заболеваний (ОБЛЗ) у наркоманов анализировались данные из 590 единиц репрезентативной выборки. При этом использовались методы статистической обработки, рекомендуемые для применения в зависимости от характера анализируемого признака [1,2] и обоснованные в больших популяционных материалах Андижанской научной школы
    N Mamasoliev, D Kalandarov, R Yuldashev, N Kosimova, Ya Ziyaev, D Baltabaeva, S Ibragimova, Kh Nigmatshaeva
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  • В литературе представлены обширные сведения о распространенности железодефицитных состояний (ЖДС) среди населения, а о наркоманах такие сведения практически отсутствуют
    S Nizomova, S Ibragimova, D Kalandarov, R Yuldashev, Ya Diyaev, S Kityan, O Yuldasheva, N Kosimova
    29   7
  • В литературе имеются достаточные сведения о том, что наркомания является патологией, наиболее часто встречающейся у взрослых и наркотизация оказывает отрицательное влияние на формирование и клиническое проявление неинфекционных патологий [1,4,6]. Более того, по данным современных исследований, ожидается значительное увеличение числа больных с различными соматическими расстройствами и расширение спектра потребляемых наркотиков
    R Yuldashev, S Ibragimova, D Kalandarov, Ya Ziyaev, D Sobinova, S Shokirova, O Yuldasheva
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  • Наркомания является патологией, которая часто встречается у взрослых и наркотизация отрицательно сказывается на формирование, клиническое проявление и течение неинфекционной патологии [1,4,6]. Более того, на ближайшие несколько лет прогнозируется значительное увеличение числа больных с различными соматическими расстройствами и расширение спектра потребляемых наркотиков
    R Yuldashev, D Kalandarov, N Kosimova, Ya Ziyaev, D Baltabaeva, S Ibragimova
    71   3
  • Alkogolni salbiy ta'siri va kontiniumni kuchaytirishi
    fanda yetarlicha isbotlangan yoki o'rganilgan. Lekin
    giyohvandlar populyasiyasida bunday vazifani qo'yib
    bajariigan tadqiqotlar juda kam, O'zbekistonning Farg'ona
    vodiysida esa - yo'q darajada. Shu bois, giyohvandlikka
    berilgan aholi guruhlarida alkogolni xatarli omil sifatida
    epidemiologik tavsifi o'rganilib chiqildi va amaliyot
    uchun ahamiyatli natijalar olindi

    N Mamasoliev, K Mirzaev, G Xoldarova, N Saidxanova , S Nizamova, N Abduvaxobova, F Nishonov
    3   2
  • Mikroelementozlar (MTOZ) ni xatarli omil si- fatida
    qabul qilish lozimligi oxirgi yillardagi ilmiy tadqiqotlarda
    ayniqsa keng tilga olina boshlandi. Chunki aholi orasida
    mikro-makroelementlar yetislunovchiligini ko'p uchrashi
    va aksariyat ka- salliklar aynan shu sabab bo'lib «ko'rtak
    tutishi» yoki ohir oqibatiar berishi jamiyat taraqqiyotining
    hozirgi bosqichida ham sodir bo’layotganligi tadqiqotchilar tomonidan tasdiqlana boshlandi (A.Raimjanov, 2001; Z.M. Niyazov, 2003)

    N Mamasoliyev, G Xoldarova, B Juraboyev, U Urinboyev, R Yuldashev
    15   6
  • Giperurikemiya yurak-qon tomir kasallik- larining
    xatarli omili ekanligi birinchilardan bo4
    lib Andijon
    profilaktik ilmiy maktabida tasdiqlab berilgan. U shahar
    va qishloq, ayol va erkak, uyushgan va uyushmagan aholi
    guruhlarida keng o’rganilgan, epidemiologik tavsiflari
    kashf qilib berilgan. Lekin yangi paydo bo‘la boshlagan
    alohida populyasiya giyohvandlikka berilgan aholi
    guruhlarida bu xatarli omil o'rganilmagan. Shuning
    uchun, epidemiologik tekshiruvimizda mazkur
    populyasiyada siydik kislotasi miqdorini qonda
    o‘zgarishlarini hamda giperurikemiyani tarqalishini
    alohida o'rganib chiqdik

    A Mantasoliev, R Yuldashev, S Nizamova, G Holdarova
    2   0
  • Depressive disorders are of interest to most researchers because of their prevalence and the fact that they are considered high-level psychosocial disorders. In modern psychiatry, the clinic of the adynamic component of depressive disorders is still not fully studied. Adynamic depression often has a long, chronic course. Psychopathological analysis of adynamic depression, identification of various variants of its course, helps to choose therapeutic tactics. Among patients with phase depressive disorder, mild and moderate depressive episodes in the form of mood unipolar, recurrent or bipolar disorder predominate, which are phenomenologically normal or panic subdepressions, seasonal depressions observed with loss of activity, agrippnik disorders, and included in apathy. The duration of these cases can be from several weeks to several months. The motivation for the use of drugs is consistent with the desire to improve the mental state of patients.

    Charos Kuchimova, Marguba Ismatova, Farangiz Yuldasheva, Tolib Turaev
    2   3
  • В данной статье описывается отягощающее влияния аффективных расстройств, в частности депрессивных нарушений на течение алкогольной зависимости, их влияние на частоту рецидивов во время проводимой терапии алкоголизма, формирование суицидального поведения у больных с сочетанным течением алкогольной зависимости и аффективных нарушений в сравнительном аспекте с больными алкогольной зависимостью не отягощенной аффективными расстройствами. В статье описывается тот факт, что лечение проводимое без психофармакотерапии не только зачастую не излечивает больного, но также приводит к стойкому отказу больных от лечения. Не совсем определены методики психотерапии депрессивных нарушений у больных алкогольной зависимостью. Также необходим определенный алгоритм контроля качества проводимой психотерапии пациентов с алкогольной зависимостью. Психотерапевтическое воздействие должно быть направлено, в первую очередь, на обеспечение стабильно функционирующих изменений, а не только симптоматические улучшения.

    Rustam Hayatov, Robiya Abdurazakova
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