All articles - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

Number of articles: 46
  • A complex audiological examination ol 100 patients sutienng Irom hypertensive vascular disease was earned out. the author employed threshold tonal audiometry, the phenomenon of loadness increase by the differential threshold of sound intensity, speech audiometry according to aerial and bone conduction, determined the thresholds of undifferentiated speech, 50% and 100% of speech audibility, different degrees of increase of tonal hearing thresholds in 89% of patients and a disturbance of speech audibility in 78% of patients were revealed, the character of tonal and speech curves were characteristic for affection of sound perception, the degree of deterioration of hearing to tones and speech depended upon the stage of hypertensive vascular disease, speech audibility according to bone conduction in the majority of patients with the or second and third stages of hypertensive vascular disease was more inferior than according to aerial conduction.
    A Khayitov, M Nasretdinova, M Abdiyev
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  • Damage to the inner car can be a consequence of both acute and chronic diseases: infectious diseases, poisoning, stress, injuries, diseases of the cardiovascular system and many other conditions. The purpose of this work was to study the effectiveness of a new complex method of treating SNT on the audiotone device. Electrostimulation has a positive effect on the peripheral structures of the auditory analyzer, on metabolic processes and the state of cerebral hemodynamics associated with the release of biologically active substances, endogenous opioid peptides into the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid. This method of treatment was used in 40 patients with chronic sensorineural hearing loss, who were under our supervision for 6 months. After the course of treatment, noise stopped in 24 patients, the intensity of noise decreased in 12 patients, the nature of noise changed, and 5 patients showed an improvement in hearing acuity by 10 Db and speech intelligibility. The obtained data indicate the effectiveness and expediency of using a complex method of treatment on the "audioton" device for CHF and recommend it as an independent method of treating ear noise.
    M Nasretdinova, E Abdiyev, О Nabiyev
    87   7
  • As a result of the research, it was shown that complex treatment with the preparation of cytoflavin leads to an improvement in cerebral circulation and coronary blood flow, activates metabolic processes in the central nervous system, contributes to a more pronounced regression of neurological symptoms in the main group 2 to 3 times compared to the control group.
    N Khushvakova, G Davronova
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  • The course of Meniere’s disease is observed in every second patient and even more often. Despite the high frequency of monosymptomatic development of the disease, many authors regarded this as an atypical course of Meniere’s disease and even distinguished its cochlear and vestibular forms. In our opinion, no convincing arguments in favor of this point of view are given. 52 people were examined who underwent otorhinolaryngological examination, detailed audiometric and vestibulometric examination. In each of the examined groups of patients, a decrease in excitability on the side of the lesion was the most typical reaction of the vestibular system to the hydrops of the labyrinth.
    H Karabaev, М Nasretdinova, O Nabiev
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  • The paper presents data on the definition of methods for the study of ear noise in various pathologies. Their occurrence is explained by the dysfunction of peripheral and Central parts of the sound analyzer under the influence of unfavorable factors. The sequence of the appearance of noise and hearing loss depended on the nature of the disease. Most patients were concerned about noise II and III degrees of tolerance, which violated the quality of their lives and reduced their ability to work. An increase in the percentage of registration with the UAE is reliably proved tinnitus
    N Khushvakova, M Nasretdinova
    21   1
  • The results of the forensic medical examination (92) of the victims are presented in order to study the na- ture and criteria for assessing the severity of mechanical damage to the hearing organs arising from the effects of blunt instruments. It has been revealed that injuries to the organs of hearing are more often found in the form of injuries of the outer and middle ear in males. Among the causes of traumatic injuries, household and street injuries prevailed. The criteria for assessing the severity of damage to the outer ear are the duration of the health disorder, and the middle ear - the amount of persistent total disability, taking into account the pres- ence of concomitant injuries. The substantiation of the severity of damage is possible during complex studies: clinical, audiological, radiological, CT and MSCT studies
    S Indiaminov, М Rasulova
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  • Cleft lip and palate (CLP) take 86.9% of all congenital face malformations. Often the conductive hearing loss develops due to the otitis media with effusion in children with this pathology. There are not enough data about the state of the middle ear and hearing function in children with CLP in different periods of childhood. The aim of the study was to evaluate these indicators in children operated on for CLP in the first year of life in different periods of childhood. As a result of a comprehensive survey of 28 children it was found that the prob-lem with the middle ear was preserved in that group of patients, despite the early stages of surgical treatment of the congenital malformation and the courses of the conservative therapy aimed at restoring the function of the auditory tube. It was made a conclusion about the necessity for the dynamic observation by a physician oto- laryngologist of such patients in different periods of childhood, even in the absence of complaints from the middle ear and good results in the study of the state of the tympanic cavity and hearing at the time of another scheduled inspection
    A Khayits, N Khushvakova, Д Khamidov
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  • The aim of the study was to study the cytokine profile in children with acute respirator}' diseases complicated by acute inflammation of the middle ear. Under supervision there were 25 children up to 3 years with acute respiratory diseases complicated by acute otitis media. Thus, the improvement of the clinical status of children, along with the suppression of the level of the proinflammatory cytokine IFNy, was accompanied by the disappearance of signs of inflammation of the middle ear, the improvement of the general condition of the child. However, it should be noted that the change in the level of IL-4 and the violation of the ratio of pro- and anti-inflammatory diseases revealed by us about the presence of a previous immunodeficiency state, which apparently, was manifested by the presence of complications against the background of acute respiratory diseases.
    N Narzullayev, R Rajabov, Kh Nuriddinov
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  • Острый средний отит (ОСО) у ВИЧ-инфицированных детей относится к неотложной ЛОР- патологии и является проблемой не только для оториноларингологов, но и педиатров, детских инфекционистов. На основании ретроспективного анализа автором отмечается рост заболеваемости ОСО, учащение негнойных форм отита. Клинико-лабораторные данные обследования 35 ВИЧ-инфицированных больных детей с использованием ПЦР- тестирования и бактериологического исследования позволили автору судить об активности стрептококков, микоплазм, вирусов, хламидий и др. возбудителей в этиологии ОСО. Предложено комплексное лечение больных ОСО в оториноларингологическом, инфекционном отделении под наблюдением оториноларинголога с учетом этиопатогенеза заболевания.

    N NarzuIlaev, R Radjabov, H Nuriddinov
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  • The study of mucosal immunity included assessment of SIgA, IL-6, IFN-y and IL-10 levels in nasal wash-es. Decrease of SIgA content and increase of the number of IFN-γ -positive samples was revealed in children from the 2nd clinical group, which allows to regard these characteristics of the mucosal immunity as the risk factors for the development of otitis media with effusion
    M Nasretdinova, N Khushvakova, A Khayitov, A Ibragimov
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  • In order to develop evaluation criteria transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE), including in the age aspect, we conducted a study of the impact of ipsilateral suppression of TEOAE to change its setting. In all cases, after a series of studies there wasa decrease of the total value of the amplitude of TEOAE. The best crite-rion for assessing TEOAE is the construction a tuning curve of the ipsilateral suppression
    M Nasretdinova, A Khayits, A Holboev
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  • Applying antihistamine in complex therapy exudative otitis media with an allergic rhinitis antilecotreins and topic intranasalglucocorticosteroids has show them to b reliable clinic effect which degenerated in the de-velopment of hearing decreasing symptoms and improving life style. Under our supervision there were 67 chil-dren with exudative otitis media by age from 3 to 18 year , 39 from them wereboys, and 28 were girl. Using in complex therapy with exudative otitis media with an allergic rhinitis intranasal glucocorticosteroid showing highly clinic effect, which shows reliable mucociliar transport function mucous membrane
    M Nasretdinova, O Kodirov, N Khushvakova
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  • In the article is illustrated results of the survey 51 children (64 ears) aged 1 to 15 years with acute puru-lent middle otitis. Detected etiologic spectrum of causative agent of acute middle otitis. Among etiological de-crypted acute purulent middle otitis, 24% are caused by streptococcus pneumonia. When determining the sensi-tivity of the causative agent of acute otitis media to antibiotics revealed that S. pneimoniae retains high sensi-tivity to amoxicillin, pefloxacin, cefazolin, cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin. Slightly reduced sensitivity to azithromycin
    G Mahkamova, E Shamansurova
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  • Objective: comparative analysis of objective hearing function examination methods in children and identification of the factors affecting examination results. We studied hearing in 473 children of 3 months - 5 years of age with sensorineural hearing loss and surdity. The control group was comprised of 30 children with normal hearing. Along with the standard clinical examination of ENT-organs, we performed tympa-nometry and reflexometry, examination of delayed evoked otoacoustic emission and reflection-source fre-quency otoacoustic emission, registered short-latency auditory evoked responses and auditory steady state responses (ASSR) inallchildren
    M Nasretdinova, O Kodirov, A Kholbaev
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  • Summary of the first years of child in many aspect sare critical for language development, cognitive and social emotional skills, which leads to the paramount importance of early diagnosed hearing loss with problem which hearing. Factors such as, the age at which the of fense occured in the auditory the function, period de-tection of the degree hearing loss and time lines on meropryty to re-story auditory function.
    M Nasretdinova, N Khushvakova, F Nurmukhamedov, A Kholbaev
    30   6
  • Topical application of drugs on the basis of Otofa and deksometazona form an adequate concentration in the inflammation. In our study to achieve the objective, we used non-invasive method of delivering drugs in inflammatory foci in the middle ear. Using this method gave the highest effect in which the patients showed improvement of clinical symptoms, restore hearing and positive bacteriology
    G Lutfullaev, N Safarova, F Khamraev, E Zhabborov, H Nuraddinov
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  • Представлены результаты обследования и лечения 55 больных с приобретенной сенсоневральной тугоухостью (СНТ). Проведены биохимическое исследования общей окислительной (ООА) и общей антиокислитель- ной активности (ОАА) плазмы крови, уровня малоновогодиальдегида (МДА) и фермента каталазы (К). Из них 28 больным применили инфузионнуюозонотерапию с кавинтоном, а остальные 27 больных получили традиционное лечение (ТЛ). Лечение приобретённой сенсоневральной тугоухости с использованием инфузионной озо- нотерапии с кавинтоном оказалось эффективным в 93 % случаях, с применением традиционных методов - в 80%. Через 1 нед после инфузионной озонотерапии с кавинтоном в плазме крови больных отмечено угнетение окислительной и активация антиокислительной активности плазмы крови, что коррелирует с положительным функциональным эффектом лечения.
    N Tajieva, N Khushvaktova
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  • Наружный отит (НО) – группа воспа-лительных заболеваний наружного уха (ушной раковины и наружного слухового прохода). По данным различных авторов частота НО составляет от 17% до 25% среди воспалительных заболеваний уха. Воспалительные заболевания наружного уха подразделяются на две группы: иммунологические и инфекционные.
    U Lutfullaev, Sh Kobilova, E Zhabborov
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  • Проблемы воспалительных заболеваний околоносовых пазух является актуальной в ЛОР-практике и на данный момент удельный вес госпитализированных по поводу заболевания носа и придаточных пазух ежегодно увеличивается на 1,5-2%.
    G Lutfullaev, L Bakaeva, N Kim, O Ruzibaev, J Urakov, Z Mirzaev
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  • Проведён анализ эффективности внутривенной озонотерапии с препаратом кавинтона при лечении нейросенсорной тугоухости сосудистого генеза, обусловленной хронической недостаточностью мозгового кровообращения в вертебробазилярном бассейне у 15 пациентов. Отмечен положительный терапевтический эффектположительная динамика по данным дополнительных методов обследования: снижение порогов слуха в диапозоне высоких частот (тональная аудиограмма), улучшение церебральной гемодинамики (компьютерная реоэнцефалография), улучшение слуховой афферентации приимущественно на стволовом уровне слухового анализатора (коротко латентные слуховые вызванные потенциалы головного мозга)
    N Khushvaktova, N Tajieva, F Khamrakulova, D Nasyrova
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  • За последние 20 лет частота поражений слуха возросла в два раза и составляет 6%; в структуре тугоухости нейросенсорное поражение слуха достигает 75-95%
    M Nasretdinova, Sh Mirzakulov, N Istamova
    43   6
  • Proper pronunciation, rich vocabulary, listening, gathering appropriate words and intonation - all of this is unique to a high spiritual culture, smart and intelligent, knowledgeable and intelligent people. Isn’t that what every mother dreams of seeing her child? At the same time, to ensure that the child is satisfied with their success, special attention should be paid to the development of preschool children, in particular, to the development of speech
    Muhayyo Sodikova
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  • В настоящее время в качестве скринингового метода для выявления нарушений слуха у детей первых лет жизни широко применяется регистрация задержанной вызванной отоаку- стической эмиссии (ЭВОАЭ), выполняемая легко и быстро. Однако зависимость записи ЗВОАЭ от состояния среднего уха и наружного слухового прохода нередко приводит к ложноположительным результатам, составляющим более 5%, что неоправданно увеличивает время регистрации и затраты на проведение дорогостоящих методик при полном аудиологическом обследовании, назначаемом на следующем этапе
    M Nasretdinova, G Matniyazov, F Abdusamatov, N Mirzakulov
    13   1
  • Hozirgi vaqtda bolalar o’rtasida surunkali yiringli o’rta otit kasalligining ko’payib borishi pediatriya va otorinolaringologiya sohasining dol- zarb muammolaridan biri bo’lib kelmoqda
    G Matniyazov, M Nasretdinova, E Aslanov
    41   6
  • Bolalarda ko'p uchraydigan o'rta quloqning o'tkir yiringli yallig'lanish kasalliklaridan biri qaytalanuvchi yiringli o'rta otitdir. Bolalarda qaytalanuvchi yiringli o'rta otit dunyoning issiq, ham sovuq iqlimli mamlakatlarida juda keng tarqalgan va uzoq davrlardan buyon tadqiqotchilaming doimiy e'tiborida bo'lganligi bois adabiyotlarda juda ko'p ma'lumotlar keltirilgan

    J Xatamov, O Kodirov, M Bekmuradov
    20   4
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