All articles - Medicine

Number of articles: 93
  • Проведено комплексное обсслелование стоматологческого здоровья студентческой молодежи г.Самарканда -574 студента ВУЗов Самарканда (Самаркандского Медицинского Института (СамМИ)Самаркандского Государственного Университета (СамГУ)) среди которых студентов I курса — 193 человека, II курса -175 человек, студентов III кур-са,соответственно, — 206.Выявлено распространенность кариеса зубов среди студентов ВУЗов г.Самарканда составляет 91,87±1,30%, а интенсивность кариозного процесса составила 5,31±0,14 зуба при 8,34±0,26 поверхности, выявлены признаки заболеваний тканей пародонта с интенсивностью 3,88 ± 0,06 сегмента, У 53,05±2,37% студентов зафиксировали зубочелюстные аномалии и деформации.
    L Khasanova, F Ismatov
    54   16
  • To investigate the possibilities o f 2-year use of remineralizing therapy for the prevention of rapid erasability and preservation of hard tooth tissues in preschool children with type I I imperfect dentinogenesis.
    N Razakova, G Abdirimova, Z Khalmatova, M Kadyrova
    42   8
  • Precancerous lesions of oral mucosa can be considered as diseases, which tend to maligning in various percent.Clinic picture is the same for such diseases. Pathology changes of oral mucosa are absent on early stages, but in malign process there are histological of oral carcinoma examined. Such diseases cause problems affecting social and daily life of the patient. The aim of the study was to improve the diagnosis of precancerous processes, as well as cancer of the oral mucosa, using minimally invasive examination methods. On the basis of the Department of Hospital Therapeutic Dentistry of the Tashkent State Dental Institute, in 2017- 2020, 50 patients with precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa were examined at the age of 25- 80 years. Early detection of potential precancerous processes allows avoiding interventional diagnostic methods, as well as reducing the risk of developing cancer of the oral mucosa.
    H Kamilov, A Kadyrbaeva, D Aripova
    148   25
  • The purpose was to evaluate the immunohistochemical picture of various forms of polyps for antibodies to CD45 +,CD138 +, CD68 +, CD34 +. For immunohistochemical studies, paraffin blocks prepared from nasal polyps removed in 45 patients with chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis were used.The study showed the formation of difficult reversible changes in the nasal mucosa, leading to the loss of its functional activity and the creation of prerequisites for frequent relapses of chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis.
    U Vohidov, N Khaidarov, U Khasanov, H Nuriddinov
    60   13
  • Cooperative investigations into widely spreaded parodontitis and other inner deceases in these days , interferes changes in cells of paradontitis corresponding to pathogenesis of various body deceases , as well as full remission.Mouth virus is severe autoimmune illness appur appurtenant the group bubble wrap dermatosis, which its main photomorphologic cue is akontolisis.With the purpose of diagnostic, reaching and recieving the effectiveness prophylaxis of paradontisis in ill mouth viruses.There are a number of ongoing scientific investigations .The major thing of investigation is substantiating o f clinic feautures o f rnflammationing deceases parodon-tisis depending on placement o f elements o f mouth virus and the lastness o f the decease.
    N Daminova, Sh Shorasulov, H Ganieva, A Boboev
    54   8
  • Disclosed the relationship between body condition nonpregnant and pregnant women and microbiocenosis mouth. Found that the development and progression of oral dysbiosis is in direct proportion to the severity of periodontal: pregnant women with healthy periodontium dysbiosis occurs in 10,0 — 77,37%; with gingivitis — in 11,54-51,61%; GPLS — 8,0-13,79%; with GPST and GPTS — 100% of cases.
    N Yuldasheva, K Tadzhieva, M Safoev, Z Khabibova, M Rakhimova
    39   13
  • The purpose o f the study was to substantiate the optimal options for the average daily intake o f food for weightlifting athletes in a hot climate based on the biological value o f food rations.
    B Tukhtarov, B Begmatov, D Karimov, M Valieva
    113   43
  • The aim of this work is to study the association between patients with chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI) with pathological deformities in the internal carotid arteries and polymorphism of the ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) ID variant, as well as to study and associate with morphological changes in the vascular wall. We have comprehensively examined 155 persons, of which the main group consisted of 105 patients with CCI. The control group of healthy individuals consisted of 50 people. An association was revealed between the D/D polymorphism of the ACE gene and the clinicalmanifestations of CCI, which was associated with degenerate morphological changes in the vascular wall.
    M Rakhmetova, M Yakubova, D Kushaeva, U Nugmanova, I Bychkov
    43   12
  • Идентификация любых бактерий с нспользованн ем метода посева на питательные<реды невозможна без выделения чистой культуры. Проблеме! получения чистой кулытры и объективной идентификации ми кроорганизмов всегда актуальна для микробиологии, микологии и вирусологии. Предпочтение отдается методам идентификации, которые выполняются за относительно короткий срок (часы) и отличают ся высокой степенью объективности и точности. Как начало пищеварительного тракта полость рта представляет собой широкий спектр микроорганиз мов число которых достигает более 700 видов [13]. Данная работа представляет результаты микроб ного пейзажа полости рта у женщин фертильного возраста с использованием хромогенных сред “Хай Хром” компании HIMEDIA для экспресс диагности ки и идентификации микроорганизлюв на первичном посеве.
    G Khaldarbekova, I Mukhamedov
    95   18
  • The article presents the results of a study of the skin irritating and skin-resorptive action of the multifunctional film "Novacel ziyo” for the treatment of eye injuries. The experiments were carried out on 24 sexually mature male rats weighing 150-170 g. To study the effect of film solutions on the skin of 18 white rats 3 complementary methods were used: two-drop and application tests and lowering 2/3 of the tail into a test tube with a film solution. The control group consisted of 6 individuals. It has been established that the domestic film "Novacel ziyo” for the-treatment of eye injuries does not possess a toxic effect . on the skin.
    L Khegay, Z Niyazova, A Sydikov
    67   19
  • Болезнь Бехчета (ББ) (снн., болезнь Адаманти-адиса-Бехчета, болезнь Шелкового пути) - хрони ческое рецидивирующее полисистемное заболе вание неизвестной этнологии, в основе которого лежит системный васкулит, поражающий артерии и вены разного калибра [1,2,3,4]. Это единственный системный васкулит, при котором может развиться вторичный амилоидоз.
    B Azizov, U Nurmatov, S Agzamkhodzhaeva, Sh Ayupova
    54   15
  • The article describes the case of a patient suffering from pigmented urticaria who was repeatedly and unsuccessfully treated, but the correct diagnosis was made only at the age of 24 years. The emphasis is on simple clinical methods available for making the correct diagnosis of this disease.
    G Pagay, N Ibragimova, B Mukhamedov, N Malikova, M Allaeva
    54   19
  • At present there is a lot to reform the health care system. There is a wide network of public health institutions. They provide polyclinic, outpatient, inpatient, emergency, high-tech specialized medical care. The article presents data obtained during the timekeeping of nursing staff working in the departments of medical institutions.The purpose of the study was to eliminate losses and unproductive labor time costs by applying.
    N Khaydarov, A Normurodova, D Ramanova
    68   17
  • Nowadays, anesthesiologist nurses are expected not only to possess high professionalism, but also to show high moral responsibility. High psychological stress leads to emotional bumout. Emotional burnout is a psychological defense mechanism in the form of complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response t0 psychotraumatic effects. The main signs of emotional bumout include fatigue, bouts of aggression, deterioration of general well-being, decreased social activity, sleep disorders, and lack of emotions. Naturally, anesthesiologist nurses are more susceptible to bumout syndrome than the nursing staff of other departments. The development of bumoutaffects the structure of professional and organizational commitment, which contributes to a decrease in job satisfaction and the effectiveness of the work of anesthesiologist nurses. With the development of "reduction of personal achievements'7, affective professional commitment decreases; with the development of "depersonalization”, the normative commitment as an indicator of the group professional and organizational affiliation of a specialist decreases. High affective commitment to the organization accelerates the development of "emotional exhaustion”, with emotional attachment to one object (organization), the attitude to another (profession) passes into the category of duty.
    Sh. Saydalikhujaeva, Kh. Rustamova
    238   28
  • Over the past period of the COVID-19 pandemic, as in the rest of the world, medical workers of Uzbekistan have shown courage and self-sacrifi ce in the fi ght against the dangerous virus. It is thanks to their professionalism, as well as the attention from the government and the state in the development of medicine, that Uzbekistan overcomes diffi culties and losses. At the same time, during the pandemic, weaknesses in the fi eld of social protection of the population were revealed. As First Deputy Minister of Employment and Labor Relations Erkin Mukhitdinov noted, the pandemic revealed: «not only the weaknesses of the labor market, but also revealed gaps in the system of social protection of the population,especially among migrants and informal workers.»Working conditions during a pandemic require a new look at labor relations — a relationship based on an agreement between an employee and an employer on the employee’s personal performance of a labor function (work by position, profession or specialty or a specifi c type of work entrusted to him) for wages, on relations based on an agreement between the employee and the employer on the employee’s personal performance of the labor function (work by position, profession or specialty, or a specifi c type of work entrusted to him) for wages.In recent years, Uzbekistan has been implementing a number of practical measures to develop the health care system. Measures are being taken to create the necessary conditions for more than 70,000 doctors and numerous nurses working in this area and to ensure decent pay for their work. This article offers a fresh look at concepts such as «labor», «personnel or employee», «labor relations», «job or functional responsibilities» and also reveals their meaning in the management system of health care institutions.
    D Kamilova, Sh Saidalikhuzhaeva, Z. Abdashimov, D Rakhmatullaeva, Kh Tadzhieva
    133   23
  • Oncological processes of the head and neck are a large number of tumors with a different course and requiring different treatment. In advanced stages,this treatment can lead to loss of vital functions and disrupt the appearance of a person with the appearance of bone and soft tissue defects [3]. But if this process is detected at the very beginning with an asymptomatic course or at the fi rst stage of the disease, then in 95-97% of cases the neoplasm can be removed without disability [5]. At this stage in the development of modern medicine with the help of radiation therapy and endoscopic surgery, it is possible to effectively treat oncological processes of the head and neck at stages I and II [2, 6]. With regard to the use of endoscopic surgery, the risk of developing psychological trauma in patients is reduced due to the absence of large incisions [8]. In this article, 217 patients, aged 30 to 89 years old, residents of the city of Chelyabinsk and the region with a confi rmed diagnosis of malignant neoplasm of the oropharyngeal zone were analyzed, examined and questioned, of which 127 were men and 90 were women. Of the total number of patients, 30% fi rst consulted a dentist. The largest number of cases of malignant neoplasms is determined at the age of 50 to 69 years in both sexes. Patients living in Chelyabinsk were statistically signifi cantly (p<0.05) less likely to meet, in aggregate, in terms of accessibility than patients living in the Chelyabinsk region. Primary T1 tumors were statistically signifi cant (p≤0.05) more often. The absence of regional metastases (N0) was statistically signifi cant (p≤0.05) more often. Also, neoplasms with a high degree of cell differentiation (G1) were also more often statistically signifi cant. Most often (p≤0.05),malignant neoplasms were localized on the tongue and lips. The keratinizing form of squamous cell carcinoma occurred statistically signifi cantly (p<0.001) more often.
    A Heygetyan, N Nureyev, L Ostrovskaya
    207   49
  • Тройничный нерв, пятая пара черепно-мозго вых нервов является самым крупным из 12 пар че репных нервов. Он относится к нервам смешанно го типа, включает чувствительные и двигательные волокна. Тройничный нерв берет свое начало в по лости черепа, в Гассеровом нервном узле. От этого узла отходит чувствительный корешок нерва, ко торый почти сразу делится на 3 ветви. Они выхо дят на поверхность через естественные отверстия в костях черепа и обеспечивают чувствительность лица к прикосновению, боли, теплу и холоду. I ветвь иннервирует лоб, бровь и глаз, II ветвь от вечает за чувствительность щеки, носа, верхней губы, верхней челюсти и неба, III - охватывает подбородок, нижнюю губу нижнюю челюсть.
    N Khaidarov, M Abdullaeva, F Chorieva
    122   26
  • Infl ammatory periodontal disease is characterized by widespread prevalence among 90% of the global adult population, an increase in the incidence of the disease and severe forms of periodontal damage.According to the WHO “… high rates of periodontitis are observed in 65-95% at the age of 20-44 years,severe forms of the disease are found in 5-25% of the adult population, moderate in 30-45%, and only 2-8% of people at the age of 35-45 have a healthy periodontium ”(WHO, 2015). High prevalence,tendency to progression and relapses, laboriousness and insuffi cient effectiveness of treatment and prevention of infl ammatory periodontal diseases determine the signifi cance of the problem in modern dentistry. This review article presents modern ideas about the etiology, pathogenesis and methods of treatment of chronic periodontitis.
    H Kamilov, K Takhirova, Sh. Khodzhiakbarova, Sh Boimirzaeva
    88   19
  • The article focuses on published research that complements the knowledge base and expands our understanding of the clinical and biological links between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease,with links to historical studies and case studies.Since the importance of peptide citrullination as an etiopathological event in rheumatoid arthritis has been elucidated, research has focused on the expression and function of peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) enzymes,which can lead to post-translational modifi cation,neoepitope formation, followed by the development of anticitrullinated peptide (ACPA). In addition,additional studies of the periodontal microbiome and the immunological mechanisms of periodontal disease have provided additional information. A number of animal studies have been conducted to assess the interaction between periodontal disease and arthritis.Periodontal disease is common, often severe, and is present in all stages of rheumatoid arthritis, including the early stages of the disease. The infl ammatory microenvironment of the periodontium may play a role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis or increase systemic infl ammation and immunity as the disease spreads.
    J Rizaev, K Yunuskhanova
    44   20
  • Endometriosis is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. When the endometrial buds penetrate more than 5 mm into the peritoneum, the condition is called deep pelvic endometriosis. Although laparoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosing abdominal endometriosis, transvaginal ultrasound is an alternative that can aid in disease detection because it is an affordable, inexpensive, non-invasive examination that allows preoperative planning in cases requiring surgical treatment. However, in clinical practice, transvaginal ultrasound is still not widely used as a first-line examination for suspected endometriosis. This article describes the results of transvaginal ultrasound examination of deep endometriosis.
    N. Jurabaeva, N Akramova
    35   18
  • Leukoplakia is a fairly common pathology’ of the oral mucosa, with a tendency to malignant development in 20-30% of cases. This problem makes dentists think about cancer vigilance. At certain stages of development leukoplakia is reversible, timely diagnostics and treatment can prevent the development of malignancy. This paper includes the review of current data of published literature for the evaluation of clinical and pathological characteristics of leukoplakia as precancerous lesion.
    H Kamilov, A Kadyrbaeva, D Aripova, A Fazilbekova
    266   43
  • Goal. To study the course of diabetic foot syndrome and, based on the results of the study, to propose an addition to the combined classification. Material and methods of research. 352 patients with purulent-necrotic lesions of the lower extremities on the background of diabetes mellitus were examined. Conducted radiographic, echoosteometric studies, chemical analysis of remote bones of the foot. The following clinical forms of diabetic foot were established: neuropathic 52.6%, osteoarthropathic 17.6%, ischemic 6.8% and mixed in 23%.Results. X-ray studies in the early periods of the disease often revealed non-specific changes in the form of osteoporosis. In the later stages, destructive changes are mostly established. Echoosteometric studies made it possible to establish a decrease in sound conductivity along the bones of the foot even in the early stages of development, when there were no visible destructive processes in the foot. According to the authors, the decrease in sound conductivity is due to a change in the chemical composition of the foot bones, which is associated with a decrease in bone mass due to the loss of trace elements. A chemical study revealed asignificant decrease in the content of calcium in the metatarsal bone to 2.078±0.005%, phosphorus to 1.43±0.037%, magnesium 0.67±0.016% and sodium 0.71±0.026%. The results of chemical analysis showed that destructive changes are observed in those areas of the bone where there is a loss of more than 25-30% of bone mass, i.e. with a decrease in the calcium content of less than 2%. When the calcium content in the foot bones was more than 2%, no destructive changes were observed. Based on the results of chemical analysis of bones and echoosteometric studies, the authors established the course of the osteoarthropathic form of diabetic foot syndrome in two ways - with and without destruction. This circumstance allowed the authors to propose an addition to the combined classification of diabetic foot syndrome. Conclusion. The proposed supplemented to the combined classification of diabetic foot syndrome, taking into account changes in the bones of the foot, allows us to reflect the etiopathogenesis of the lesion, determine the tactics of treatment, has prognostic significance and is easy to use.
    J Narchaev, F Narchaev
    35   12
  • The article is devoted to the modem problem of neurooncological patients. The literature data on the problem of diagnosis and treatment of the quality of life in patients with glial tumors of supratentorial localization are presented. The interrelated results of fundamental research in the field of neurooncology and the practical experience of neurosurgeons is the basis for the optimization and individualization of complex therapeutic approaches in improving the treatment of tumors of the nervous system.
    N Kadyrbekov, M Akhmediev, R Kadyrbekov, A Kim, G Kulabdullaev
    64   15
  • Recent advances in biotechnology have made it possible to study the pathomorphological and molecular genetic characteristics of glial brain tumors. The histological features of brain tumors do not reflect the molecular subtype differences. In this review, we consider the main genetic changes of clinical significance, including such markers as proliferation of Ki-67, the TP53 suppressor gene, and anti-apoptotic proteins bcl-2. These markers can be included in a more accurate classification for the clinical assessment of the disease and the selection of therapy. Adequate molecular genetic diagnosis makes it possible to recommend treatment in accordance with the established nosological unit.
    J Ashrapov, U Asadullaev, N Tulaev
    49   20
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